355 lines
11 KiB
355 lines
11 KiB
# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Michael Schroeder, Novell Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program (see the file COPYING); if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
# Run a HTTP query operation. Single thread only.
package BSRPC;
use Socket;
use XML::Structured;
use Symbol;
use MIME::Base64;
use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
our $useragent = 'BSRPC 0.9.1';
my %hostlookupcache;
my %cookiestore; # our session store to keep iChain fast
my $tossl;
my $noproxy;
sub import {
if (grep {$_ eq ':https'} @_) {
require BSSSL;
$tossl = \&BSSSL::tossl;
my $tcpproto = getprotobyname('tcp');
sub urlencode {
my $url = $_[0];
$url =~ s/([\000-\040<>;\"#\?&\+=%[\177-\377])/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/sge;
return $url;
sub createuri {
my ($param, @args) = @_;
my $uri = $param->{'uri'};
if (!$param->{'verbatim_uri'} && $uri =~ /^(https?:\/\/[^\/]*\/)(.*)$/s) {
$uri = $1;
$uri .= BSRPC::urlencode($2);
if (@args) {
for (@args) {
$_ = urlencode($_);
s/%3D/=/; # convert first now escaped '=' back
if ($uri =~ /\?/) {
$uri .= '&'.join('&', @args);
} else {
$uri .= '?'.join('&', @args);
return $uri;
sub useproxy {
my ($host, $noproxy) = @_;
# strip leading and tailing whitespace
$noproxy =~ s/^\s+//;
$noproxy =~ s/\s+$//;
# noproxy is a list separated by commas and optional whitespace
for (split(/\s*,\s*/, $noproxy)) {
return 0 if $host =~ m/(^|\.)$_$/;
return 1;
sub createreq {
my ($param, $uri, $proxy, $cookiestore, @xhdrs) = @_;
my $act = $param->{'request'} || 'GET';
if (exists($param->{'socket'})) {
my $req = "$act $uri HTTP/1.1\r\n".join("\r\n", @xhdrs)."\r\n\r\n";
return ('', undef, undef, $req, undef);
my ($proxyauth, $proxytunnel);
die("bad uri: $uri\n") unless $uri =~ /^(https?):\/\/(?:([^\/\@]*)\@)?([^\/:]+)(:\d+)?(\/.*)$/;
my ($proto, $auth, $host, $port, $path) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
my $hostport = $port ? "$host$port" : $host;
undef $proxy if $proxy && defined($noproxy) && !useproxy($host, $noproxy);
if ($proxy) {
die("bad proxy uri: $proxy\n") unless "$proxy/" =~ /^(https?):\/\/(?:([^\/\@]*)\@)?([^\/:]+)(:\d+)?(\/.*)$/;
($proto, $proxyauth, $host, $port) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
$path = $uri unless $uri =~ /^https:/;
$port = substr($port || ($proto eq 'http' ? ":80" : ":443"), 1);
unshift @xhdrs, "Connection: close" unless $param->{'noclose'};
unshift @xhdrs, "User-Agent: $useragent" unless !defined($useragent) || grep {/^user-agent:/si} @xhdrs;
unshift @xhdrs, "Host: $hostport" unless grep {/^host:/si} @xhdrs;
if (defined $auth) {
$auth =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge;
unshift @xhdrs, "Authorization: Basic ".encode_base64($auth, '');
if (defined $proxyauth) {
$proxyauth =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge;
unshift @xhdrs, "Proxy-Authorization: Basic ".encode_base64($proxyauth, '');
if ($proxy && $uri =~ /^https/) {
if ($hostport =~ /:\d+$/) {
$proxytunnel = "CONNECT $hostport HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $hostport\r\n";
} else {
$proxytunnel = "CONNECT $hostport:443 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $hostport:443\r\n";
$proxytunnel .= shift(@xhdrs)."\r\n" if defined $proxyauth;
$proxytunnel .= "\r\n";
if ($cookiestore && %$cookiestore) {
if ($uri =~ /((:?https?):\/\/(?:([^\/]*)\@)?(?:[^\/:]+)(?::\d+)?)(?:\/.*)$/) {
push @xhdrs, map {"Cookie: $_"} @{$cookiestore->{$1} || []};
my $req = "$act $path HTTP/1.1\r\n".join("\r\n", @xhdrs)."\r\n\r\n";
return ($proto, $host, $port, $req, $proxytunnel);
# handled paramters:
# timeout
# uri
# data
# headers (array)
# chunked
# request
# verbatim_uri
# socket
# https
# continuation
# verbose
# sender
# async
# replyheaders
# receiver
# ignorestatus
# receiverarg
# maxredirects
# proxy
sub rpc {
my ($uri, $xmlargs, @args) = @_;
my $data = '';
my @xhdrs;
my $chunked;
my $param = {'uri' => $uri};
if (ref($uri) eq 'HASH') {
$param = $uri;
my $timeout = $param->{'timeout'};
if ($timeout) {
my %paramcopy = %$param;
delete $paramcopy{'timeout'};
my $ans;
local $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {alarm(0); die("rpc timeout\n");};
eval {
eval {
$ans = rpc(\%paramcopy, $xmlargs, @args);
die($@) if $@;
die($@) if $@;
return $ans;
$uri = $param->{'uri'};
$data = $param->{'data'};
@xhdrs = @{$param->{'headers'} || []};
$chunked = 1 if $param->{'chunked'};
if (!defined($data) && $param->{'request'} && $param->{'request'} eq 'POST' && @args && grep {/^content-type:\sapplication\/x-www-form-urlencoded$/i} @xhdrs) {
for (@args) {
$_ = urlencode($_);
s/%3D/=/; # convert now escaped = back
$data = join('&', @args);
@args = ();
push @xhdrs, "Content-Length: ".length($data) if defined($data) && !ref($data) && !$chunked && !grep {/^content-length:/i} @xhdrs;
push @xhdrs, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" if $chunked;
$data = '' unless defined $data;
$uri = createuri($param, @args);
my $proxy = $param->{'proxy'};
my ($proto, $host, $port, $req, $proxytunnel) = createreq($param, $uri, $proxy, \%cookiestore, @xhdrs);
if ($proto eq 'https' || $proxytunnel) {
die("https not supported\n") unless $tossl || $param->{'https'};
local *S;
if (exists($param->{'socket'})) {
*S = $param->{'socket'};
} else {
if (!$hostlookupcache{$host}) {
my $hostaddr = inet_aton($host);
die("unknown host '$host'\n") unless $hostaddr;
$hostlookupcache{$host} = $hostaddr;
socket(S, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $tcpproto) || die("socket: $!\n");
setsockopt(S, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, pack("l",1));
connect(S, sockaddr_in($port, $hostlookupcache{$host})) || die("connect to $host:$port: $!\n");
if ($proxytunnel) {
BSHTTP::swrite(\*S, $proxytunnel);
my $ans = '';
do {
die("received truncated answer\n") if !sysread(S, $ans, 1024, length($ans));
} while ($ans !~ /\n\r?\n/s);
die("bad answer\n") unless $ans =~ s/^HTTP\/\d+?\.\d+?\s+?(\d+[^\r\n]*)/Status: $1/s;
my $status = $1;
die("proxy tunnel: CONNECT method failed: $status\n") unless $status =~ /^200[^\d]/;
($param->{'https'} || $tossl)->(\*S, $param->{'ssl_keyfile'}, $param->{'ssl_certfile'}, 1) if $proto eq 'https' || $proxytunnel;
if (!$param->{'continuation'}) {
if ($param->{'verbose'}) {
print "> $_\n" for split("\r\n", $req);
#print "> $data\n" unless ref($data);
$req .= "$data" unless ref($data);
if ($param->{'sender'}) {
$param->{'sender'}->($param, \*S, $req);
} else {
while(1) {
BSHTTP::swrite(\*S, $req);
last unless ref $data;
$req = &$data($param, \*S);
if (!defined($req) || !length($req)) {
$req = $data = '';
$req = "0\r\n\r\n" if $chunked;
$req = sprintf("%X\r\n", length($req)).$req."\r\n" if $chunked;
if ($param->{'async'}) {
my $ret = {};
$ret->{'uri'} = $uri;
my $fd = gensym;
*$fd = \*S;
$ret->{'socket'} = $fd;
$ret->{'async'} = 1;
$ret->{'continuation'} = 1;
$ret->{'request'} = $param->{'request'} || 'GET';
$ret->{'verbose'} = $param->{'verbose'} if $param->{'verbose'};
$ret->{'replyheaders'} = $param->{'replyheaders'} if $param->{'replyheaders'};
$ret->{'receiver'} = $param->{'receiver'} if $param->{'receiver'};
$ret->{$_} = $param->{$_} for grep {/^receiver:/} keys %$param;
$ret->{'receiverarg'} = $xmlargs if $xmlargs;
return $ret;
my $ans = '';
do {
die("received truncated answer\n") if !sysread(S, $ans, 1024, length($ans));
} while ($ans !~ /\n\r?\n/s);
die("bad answer\n") unless $ans =~ s/^HTTP\/\d+?\.\d+?\s+?(\d+[^\r\n]*)/Status: $1/s;
my $status = $1;
$ans =~ /^(.*?)\n\r?\n(.*)$/s;
my $headers = $1;
$ans = $2;
if ($param->{'verbose'}) {
print "< $_\n" for split(/\r?\n/, $headers);
my %headers;
BSHTTP::gethead(\%headers, $headers);
if ($status =~ /^200[^\d]/) {
undef $status;
} elsif ($status =~ /^302[^\d]/) {
# XXX: should we do the redirect if $param->{'ignorestatus'} is defined?
close S;
die("error: no redirects allowed\n") unless defined $param->{'maxredirects'};
die("error: status 302 but no 'location' header found\n") unless exists $headers{'location'};
die("error: max number of redirects reached\n") if $param->{'maxredirects'} < 1;
my %myparam = %$param;
$myparam{'uri'} = $headers{'location'};
$myparam{'maxredirects'} = $param->{'maxredirects'} - 1;
return rpc(\%myparam, $xmlargs, @args);
} else {
#if ($param->{'verbose'}) {
# 1 while sysread(S, $ans, 1024, length($ans));
# print "< $ans\n";
if ($status =~ /^(\d+) +(.*?)$/) {
die("$1 remote error: $2\n") unless $param->{'ignorestatus'};
} else {
die("remote error: $status\n") unless $param->{'ignorestatus'};
if ($headers{'set-cookie'} && $param->{'uri'}) {
my @cookie = split(',', $headers{'set-cookie'});
s/;.*// for @cookie;
if ($param->{'uri'} =~ /((:?https?):\/\/(?:([^\/]*)\@)?(?:[^\/:]+)(?::\d+)?)(?:\/.*)$/) {
my %cookie = map {$_ => 1} @cookie;
push @cookie, grep {!$cookie{$_}} @{$cookiestore{$1} || []};
splice(@cookie, 10) if @cookie > 10;
$cookiestore{$1} = \@cookie;
if (($param->{'request'} || '') eq 'HEAD') {
close S;
${$param->{'replyheaders'}} = \%headers if $param->{'replyheaders'};
return \%headers;
$headers{'__socket'} = \*S;
$headers{'__data'} = $ans;
my $receiver;
$receiver = $param->{'receiver:'.lc($headers{'content-type'} || '')};
$receiver ||= $param->{'receiver'};
$xmlargs ||= $param->{'receiverarg'};
if ($receiver) {
$ans = $receiver->(\%headers, $param, $xmlargs);
$xmlargs = undef;
} else {
$ans = BSHTTP::read_data(\%headers, undef, 1);
close S;
delete $headers{'__socket'};
delete $headers{'__data'};
${$param->{'replyheaders'}} = \%headers if $param->{'replyheaders'};
#if ($param->{'verbose'}) {
# print "< $ans\n";
if ($xmlargs) {
die("answer is not xml\n") if $ans !~ /<.*?>/s;
my $res = XMLin($xmlargs, $ans);
return $res;
return $ans;