
400 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from datetime import timedelta
import json
import logging
import os
import os.path
from osc import cmdln
from osc import core
from osc import oscerr
from osc.core import get_request_list
from osclib.cache import Cache
from osclib.cache_manager import CacheManager
from osclib.core import entity_exists
from osclib.core import package_kind
from osclib.core import package_list
from osclib.core import package_list_kind_filtered
from osclib.core import project_attribute_list
from osclib.core import project_locked
from osclib.origin import config_load
from osclib.origin import config_origin_list
from osclib.origin import origin_find
from osclib.origin import origin_history
from osclib.origin import origin_potentials
from osclib.origin import origin_revision_state
from osclib.origin import origin_updatable
from osclib.origin import origin_updatable_initial
2019-08-07 17:26:38 -05:00
from osclib.origin import origin_update
from osclib.util import mail_send
from shutil import copyfile
import sys
import time
import yaml
OSRT_ORIGIN_LOOKUP_TTL = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
@cmdln.option('--debug', action='store_true', help='output debug information')
@cmdln.option('--diff', action='store_true', help='diff against previous report')
@cmdln.option('--dry', action='store_true', help='perform a dry-run where applicable')
@cmdln.option('--force-refresh', action='store_true', help='force refresh of data')
@cmdln.option('--format', default='plain', help='output format')
@cmdln.option('--listen', action='store_true', help='listen to events')
@cmdln.option('--listen-seconds', help='number of seconds to listen to events')
@cmdln.option('--mail', action='store_true', help='mail report to <confg:mail-release-list>')
@cmdln.option('--origins-only', action='store_true', help='list origins instead of expanded config')
@cmdln.option('-p', '--project', help='project on which to operate')
def do_origin(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
"""${cmd_name}: tools for working with origin information
config: print expanded OSRT:OriginConfig
cron: update the lookup for all projects with an OSRT:OriginConfig attribute
history: list requests containing an origin annotation
list: print all packages and their origin
package: print the origin of package
potentials: list potential origins of a package
projects: list all projects with an OSRT:OriginConfig attribute
report: print origin summary report
2019-08-07 17:26:38 -05:00
update: handle package source changes as either delete or submit requests
osc origin config [--origins-only]
osc origin cron
osc origin history [--format json|yaml] PACKAGE
osc origin list [--force-refresh] [--format json|yaml]
osc origin package [--debug] PACKAGE
osc origin potentials [--format json|yaml] PACKAGE
osc origin projects [--format json|yaml]
osc origin report [--diff] [--force-refresh] [--mail]
osc origin update [--listen] [--listen-seconds] [PACKAGE...]
if len(args) == 0:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('A command must be indicated.')
command = args[0]
2019-08-07 17:26:38 -05:00
if command not in ['config', 'cron', 'history', 'list', 'package', 'potentials',
'projects', 'report', 'update']:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Unknown command: {}'.format(command))
if command == 'package' and len(args) < 2:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('A package must be indicated.')
level = logging.DEBUG if opts.debug else None
logging.basicConfig(level=level, format='[%(levelname).1s] %(message)s')
# Allow for determining project from osc store.
if not opts.project and core.is_project_dir('.'):
opts.project = core.store_read_project('.')
apiurl = self.get_api_url()
if command not in ['cron', 'projects', 'update']:
if not opts.project:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('A project must be indicated.')
config = config_load(apiurl, opts.project)
if not config:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('OSRT:OriginConfig attribute missing from {}'.format(opts.project))
function = 'osrt_origin_{}'.format(command)
globals()[function](apiurl, opts, *args[1:])
def osrt_origin_config(apiurl, opts, *args):
config = config_load(apiurl, opts.project)
if opts.origins_only:
yaml.Dumper.ignore_aliases = lambda *args: True
def osrt_origin_cron(apiurl, opts, *args):
projects = project_attribute_list(apiurl, 'OSRT:OriginConfig')
for project in projects:
# Preserve cache for locked projects, but create if missing.
if project_locked(apiurl, project):
lookup_path = osrt_origin_lookup_file(project)
if os.path.exists(lookup_path):
# Update the last accessed time to avoid cache manager culling.
os.utime(lookup_path, (time.time(), os.stat(lookup_path).st_mtime))
print('{}<locked> lookup preserved'.format(project))
# Force update lookup information.
lookup = osrt_origin_lookup(apiurl, project, force_refresh=True, quiet=True)
print('{} lookup updated for {} package(s)'.format(project, len(lookup)))
def osrt_origin_dump(format, data):
if format == 'json':
elif format == 'yaml':
if format != 'plain':
print('unknown format: {}'.format(format), file=sys.stderr)
return False
return True
def osrt_origin_history(apiurl, opts, *packages):
config = config_load(apiurl, opts.project)
history = origin_history(apiurl, opts.project, packages[0], config['review-user'])
if osrt_origin_dump(opts.format, history):
line_format = '{:<50} {:<10} {:>7}'
print(line_format.format('origin', 'state', 'request'))
for record in history:
print(line_format.format(record['origin'], record['state'], record['request']))
def osrt_origin_lookup_file(project, previous=False):
parts = [project, 'yaml']
if previous:
parts.insert(1, 'previous')
lookup_name = '.'.join(parts)
cache_dir ='origin-manager')
return os.path.join(cache_dir, lookup_name)
def osrt_origin_lookup(apiurl, project, force_refresh=False, previous=False, quiet=False):
locked = project_locked(apiurl, project)
if locked:
force_refresh = False
lookup_path = osrt_origin_lookup_file(project, previous)
if not force_refresh and os.path.exists(lookup_path):
if not locked and not previous:
# Force refresh of lookup information if expried.
if time.time() - os.stat(lookup_path).st_mtime > OSRT_ORIGIN_LOOKUP_TTL:
return osrt_origin_lookup(apiurl, project, True)
with open(lookup_path, 'r') as lookup_stream:
lookup = yaml.safe_load(lookup_stream)
if not isinstance(next(iter(lookup.values())), dict):
# Convert flat format to dictionary.
for package, origin in lookup.items():
lookup[package] = {'origin': origin}
if previous:
return None
packages = package_list_kind_filtered(apiurl, project)
lookup = {}
for package in packages:
origin_info = origin_find(apiurl, project, package)
lookup[str(package)] = {
'origin': str(origin_info),
'revisions': origin_revision_state(apiurl, project, package, origin_info),
if os.path.exists(lookup_path):
lookup_path_previous = osrt_origin_lookup_file(project, True)
copyfile(lookup_path, lookup_path_previous)
with open(lookup_path, 'w+') as lookup_stream:
yaml.dump(lookup, lookup_stream, default_flow_style=False)
if not previous and not quiet:
dt = timedelta(seconds=time.time() - os.stat(lookup_path).st_mtime)
print('# generated {} ago'.format(dt), file=sys.stderr)
return lookup
def osrt_origin_max_key(dictionary, minimum):
return max(len(max(dictionary.keys(), key=len)), minimum)
def osrt_origin_list(apiurl, opts, *args):
lookup = osrt_origin_lookup(apiurl, opts.project, opts.force_refresh, quiet=opts.format != 'plain')
if opts.format != 'plain':
# Suppliment data with request information.
requests = get_request_list(apiurl, opts.project, None, None, ['new', 'review'], 'submit')
requests.extend(get_request_list(apiurl, opts.project, None, None, ['new', 'review'], 'delete'))
requests_map = {}
for request in requests:
for action in request.actions:
requests_map[action.tgt_package] = request.reqid
# Convert data from lookup to list.
out = []
for package, details in sorted(lookup.items()):
'package': package,
'origin': details['origin'],
'revisions': details.get('revisions', []),
'request': requests_map.get(package),
osrt_origin_dump(opts.format, out)
line_format = '{:<' + str(osrt_origin_max_key(lookup, 7)) + '} {}'
print(line_format.format('package', 'origin'))
for package, details in sorted(lookup.items()):
print(line_format.format(package, details['origin']))
def osrt_origin_package(apiurl, opts, *packages):
origin_info = origin_find(apiurl, opts.project, packages[0])
def osrt_origin_potentials(apiurl, opts, *packages):
potentials = origin_potentials(apiurl, opts.project, packages[0])
if opts.format != 'plain':
out = []
for origin, version in potentials.items():
out.append({'origin': origin, 'version': version})
osrt_origin_dump(opts.format, out)
line_format = '{:<50} {}'
print(line_format.format('origin', 'version'))
for origin, version in potentials.items():
print(line_format.format(origin, version))
def osrt_origin_projects(apiurl, opts, *args):
projects = list(project_attribute_list(apiurl, 'OSRT:OriginConfig'))
if osrt_origin_dump(opts.format, projects):
for project in sorted(projects):
def osrt_origin_report_count(lookup):
origin_count = {}
for package, details in lookup.items():
origin_count.setdefault(details['origin'], 0)
origin_count[details['origin']] += 1
return origin_count
def osrt_origin_report_count_diff(origin_count, origin_count_previous):
origin_count_change = {}
for origin, count in origin_count.items():
delta = count - origin_count_previous.get(origin, 0)
delta = '+' + str(delta) if delta > 0 else str(delta)
origin_count_change[origin] = delta
return origin_count_change
def osrt_origin_report_diff(lookup, lookup_previous):
diff = {}
for package, details in lookup.items():
origin_previous = lookup_previous.get(package, {}).get('origin')
if details['origin'] != origin_previous:
diff[package] = (details['origin'], origin_previous)
return diff
def osrt_origin_report(apiurl, opts, *args):
lookup = osrt_origin_lookup(apiurl, opts.project, opts.force_refresh)
origin_count = osrt_origin_report_count(lookup)
columns = ['origin', 'count', 'percent']
column_formats = [
'{:<' + str(osrt_origin_max_key(origin_count, 6)) + '}',
if opts.diff:
columns.insert(2, 'change')
column_formats.insert(2, '{:>6}')
lookup_previous = osrt_origin_lookup(apiurl, opts.project, previous=True)
if lookup_previous is not None:
origin_count_previous = osrt_origin_report_count(lookup_previous)
origin_count_change = osrt_origin_report_count_diff(origin_count, origin_count_previous)
package_diff = osrt_origin_report_diff(lookup, lookup_previous)
origin_count_change = {}
package_diff = []
line_format = ' '.join(column_formats)
report = [line_format.format(*columns)]
total = len(lookup)
for origin, count in sorted(origin_count.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True):
values = [origin, count, round(float(count) / total * 100, 2)]
if opts.diff:
values.insert(2, origin_count_change.get(origin, 0))
if opts.diff and len(package_diff):
line_format = '{:<' + str(osrt_origin_max_key(package_diff, 7)) + '} ' + \
' '.join([column_formats[0]] * 2)
report.append(line_format.format('package', 'origin', 'origin previous'))
for package, origins in sorted(package_diff.items()):
report.append(line_format.format(package, *origins))
body = '\n'.join(report)
if opts.mail:
mail_send(apiurl, opts.project, 'release-list', '{} origin report'.format(opts.project),
body, None, dry=opts.dry)
2019-08-07 17:26:38 -05:00
2019-08-07 17:26:38 -05:00
def osrt_origin_update(apiurl, opts, *packages):
if not opts.project:
for project in origin_updatable(apiurl):
opts.project = project
osrt_origin_update(apiurl, opts, *packages)
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if len(packages) == 0:
packages = osrt_origin_update_packages(apiurl, opts.project)
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for package in packages:
print('checking for updates to {}/{}...'.format(opts.project, package))
2019-08-07 17:26:38 -05:00
request_future = origin_update(apiurl, opts.project, package)
if request_future:
def osrt_origin_update_packages(apiurl, project):
packages = set(package_list_kind_filtered(apiurl, project))
# Include packages from origins with initial update enabled to allow for
# potential new package submissions.
for origin in origin_updatable_initial(apiurl, project):
for package in package_list(apiurl, origin):
# Only add missing package if it does not exist in target
# project. If it exists in target then it is not a source
# package (since origin list is filtered to source) and should
# not be updated. This also properly avoids submitting a package
# that is a subpackage in target, but is a source package in an
# origin project.
if package in packages or entity_exists(apiurl, project, package):
# No sense submitting a non-source package (most expensive).
if package_kind(apiurl, origin, package) == 'source':
return packages