action #1755 repo checker mischecks groups

This commit is contained in:
Alberto Planas 2014-03-04 14:34:16 +01:00
parent 9bbe7fca71
commit 017d959d79

View File

@ -256,14 +256,14 @@ def memoize(ttl=None):
>>> t2, v = cache[k]
>>> t != t2
# Configuration variables
TMPDIR = '~/.cr-cache' # Where the cache files are stored
SLOTS = 4096 # Number of slots in the cache file
NCLEAN = 1024 # Number of slots to remove when limit reached
TIMEOUT = 60*60*2 # Time to live for every cache slot (seconds)
TMPDIR = '~/.cr-cache' # Where the cache files are stored
SLOTS = 4096 # Number of slots in the cache file
NCLEAN = 1024 # Number of slots to remove when limit reached
TIMEOUT = 60*60*2 # Time to live for every cache slot (seconds)
def _memoize(f):
# Implement a POSIX lock / unlock extension for shelves. Inspired
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ def builddepinfo(apiurl, project, repository, arch):
root = None
print('Generating _builddepinfo for (%s, %s, %s)' % (project, repository, arch))
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['/build/%s/%s/%s/_builddepinfo' % (project, repository, arch),])
url = makeurl(apiurl, ['/build/%s/%s/%s/_builddepinfo' % (project, repository, arch)])
root = http_GET(url).read()
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
print('ERROR in URL %s [%s]' % (url, e))
@ -392,12 +392,12 @@ def _check_repo_change_review_state(self, opts, id_, newstate, message='', super
def _check_repo_find_submit_request(self, opts, project, package):
xpath = "(action/target/@project='%s' and "\
"action/target/@package='%s' and "\
"action/@type='submit' and "\
"(state/@name='new' or state/@name='review' or "\
"state/@name='accepted'))" % (project, package)
"action/target/@package='%s' and "\
"action/@type='submit' and "\
"(state/@name='new' or state/@name='review' or "\
"state/@name='accepted'))" % (project, package)
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['search','request'], 'match=%s' % quote_plus(xpath))
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['search', 'request'], 'match=%s' % quote_plus(xpath))
f = http_GET(url)
collection = ET.parse(f).getroot()
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ def _check_repo_find_submit_request(self, opts, project, package):
return int(r.reqid)
return None
def _check_repo_avoid_wrong_friends(self, prj, repo, arch, pkg, opts):
xml = build(opts.apiurl, prj, repo, arch, pkg)
if xml:
@ -426,21 +426,20 @@ def _check_repo_one_request(self, rq, opts):
def __repr__(self):
return '[%d:%s/%s]' % (int(self.request), self.sproject, self.spackage)
def __init__(self):
self.updated = False
def __init__(self):
self.updated = False
self.error = None
self.build_excluded = False
id_ = int(rq.get('id'))
actions = rq.findall('action')
if len(actions) > 1:
msg = 'only one action per request is supported - create a group instead: '\
print('DECLINED', msg)
self._check_repo_change_review_state(opts, id_, 'declined', message=msg)
return []
msg = 'only one action per request is supported - create a group instead: '\
print('DECLINED', msg)
self._check_repo_change_review_state(opts, id_, 'declined', message=msg)
return []
act = actions[0]
type_ = act.get('type')
if type_ != 'submit':
@ -464,7 +463,7 @@ def _check_repo_one_request(self, rq, opts):
p.sproject = prj
p.tpackage = tpkg
p.tproject = tprj = opts.grouped.get(id_, None) = opts.grouped.get(id_, id_)
p.request = id_
# Get source information about the SR:
@ -491,12 +490,12 @@ def _check_repo_one_request(self, rq, opts):
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['source', prj, spec, '?expand=1'])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
link = root.find('linkinfo')
if link != None:
if link is not None:
lprj = link.attrib.get('project', '')
lpkg = link.attrib.get('package', '')
lmd5 = link.attrib['srcmd5']
except urllib2.HTTPError:
pass # leave lprj
pass # leave lprj
if lprj != prj or lpkg != pkg and not p.updated:
msg = '%s/%s should _link to %s/%s' % (prj, spec, prj, pkg)
@ -639,7 +638,7 @@ def _check_repo_repo_list(self, prj, repo, arch, pkg, opts, ignore=False):
fn = bin_.attrib['filename']
mt = int(bin_.attrib['mtime'])
result = re.match(r'(.*)-([^-]*)-([^-]*)\.([^-\.]+)\.rpm', fn)
if not result:
if not result:
if fn == 'rpmlint.log':
files.append((fn, '', '', mt))
@ -664,7 +663,8 @@ def _check_repo_get_binary(self, apiurl, prj, repo, arch, package, file, target,
cur = os.path.getmtime(target)
if cur > mtime:
get_binary_file(apiurl, prj, repo, arch, file, package = package, target_filename = target)
get_binary_file(apiurl, prj, repo, arch, file, package=package, target_filename=target)
def _get_verifymd5(self, p, rev):
@ -710,13 +710,13 @@ def _check_repo_download(self, p, opts):
for arch, fn, mt in todownload:
repodir = os.path.join(opts.downloads, p.spackage, repo)
if not os.path.exists(repodir):
t = os.path.join(repodir, fn)
self._check_repo_get_binary(opts.apiurl, p.sproject, repo,
self._check_repo_get_binary(opts.apiurl, p.sproject, repo,
arch, p.spackage, fn, t, mt)
if fn.endswith('.rpm'):
pid = subprocess.Popen(['rpm', '--nosignature', '--queryformat', '%{DISTURL}', '-qp', t],
pid = subprocess.Popen(['rpm', '--nosignature', '--queryformat', '%{DISTURL}', '-qp', t],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
os.waitpid(, 0)[1]
disturl = pid.stdout.readlines()[0]
@ -735,6 +735,7 @@ def _check_repo_download(self, p, opts):
return toignore
def _get_buildinfo(self, opts, prj, repo, arch, pkg):
"""Get the build info for a package"""
xml = get_buildinfo(opts.apiurl, prj, pkg, repo, arch)
@ -754,7 +755,7 @@ def _get_base_build_bin(self, opts):
"""Get Base:build pagacke list"""
binaries = {}
for arch in ('x86_64', 'i586'):
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['/build/openSUSE:Factory:Build/standard/%s/_repository' % arch,])
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['/build/openSUSE:Factory:Build/standard/%s/_repository' % arch])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
binaries[arch] = set([e.attrib['filename'][:-4] for e in root.findall('binary')])
return binaries
@ -762,7 +763,7 @@ def _get_base_build_bin(self, opts):
def _get_base_build_src(self, opts):
"""Get Base:build pagacke list"""
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['/source/openSUSE:Factory:Build',])
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['/source/openSUSE:Factory:Build'])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
return set([e.attrib['name'] for e in root.findall('entry')])
@ -859,10 +860,11 @@ def _check_repo_group(self, id_, reqs, opts):
for req, f in fetched.items():
if not f:
if not f:
packs.extend(self._check_repo_fetch_request(req, opts))
for p in packs:
if fetched[p.request] == True: continue
if fetched[p.request]:
# we need to call it to fetch the good repos to download
# but the return value is of no interest right now
self._check_repo_buildsuccess(p, opts)
@ -872,27 +874,25 @@ def _check_repo_group(self, id_, reqs, opts):
p.updated = True
# Get all the Base:build packages (source and binary)
#base_build_bin = self._get_base_build_bin(opts)
#base_build_src = self._get_base_build_src(opts)
for p in reqs:
# Be sure that if the package is in Base:build, all the
# dependecies are also in Base:build
if p.spackage in base_build_src:
# TODO - Check all the arch for this package
for arch in ('x86_64', 'i586'):
build_deps = set(self._get_buildinfo(opts, p.sproject, p.goodrepo, arch, p.spackage))
outliers = build_deps - base_build_bin[arch]
if outliers:
if not p.updated:
msg = 'This package is a Base:build and one of the dependencies is outside Base:build (%s)' % (', '.join(outliers))
print 'DECLINED', msg
self._check_repo_change_review_state(opts, p.request, 'declined', message=msg)
p.updated = True
print 'OUTLIERS (%s)' % arch, outliers
# # Get all the Base:build packages (source and binary)
# base_build_bin = self._get_base_build_bin(opts)
# base_build_src = self._get_base_build_src(opts)
# for p in reqs:
# # Be sure that if the package is in Base:build, all the
# # dependecies are also in Base:build
# if p.spackage in base_build_src:
# # TODO - Check all the arch for this package
# for arch in ('x86_64', 'i586'):
# build_deps = set(self._get_buildinfo(opts, p.sproject, p.goodrepo, arch, p.spackage))
# outliers = build_deps - base_build_bin[arch]
# if outliers:
# if not p.updated:
# msg = 'This package is a Base:build and one of the dependencies is outside Base:build (%s)' % (', '.join(outliers))
# print 'DECLINED', msg
# self._check_repo_change_review_state(opts, p.request, 'declined', message=msg)
# p.updated = True
# else:
# print 'OUTLIERS (%s)' % arch, outliers
# Detect cycles - We create the full graph from _builddepinfo.
for arch in ('x86_64',):
@ -941,14 +941,16 @@ def _check_repo_group(self, id_, reqs, opts):
alreadyin = False
# print package, packs
for t in packs:
if package == t.tpackage: alreadyin=True
if package == t.tpackage:
alreadyin = True
if alreadyin:
#print package, packs, downloads, toignore
request = self._check_repo_find_submit_request(opts, p.tproject, package)
if request:
greqs = opts.groups.get(, [])
if request in greqs: continue
if request in greqs:
package = '%s(rq%s)' % (package, request)
if len(smissing):
@ -978,14 +980,15 @@ def _check_repo_group(self, id_, reqs, opts):
dirstolink = []
for p in packs:
keys = p.downloads.keys()
if len(keys) == 0: continue
if not keys:
r = keys[0]
dirstolink.append((p, r, p.downloads[r]))
if len(reposets) == 0:
print 'NO REPOS'
print 'NO REPOS'
for dirstolink in reposets:
if os.path.exists(destdir):
@ -994,7 +997,8 @@ def _check_repo_group(self, id_, reqs, opts):
for p, repo, downloads in dirstolink:
dir = destdir + '/%s' % p.tpackage
for d in downloads:
if not os.path.exists(dir): os.mkdir(dir)
if not os.path.exists(dir):
os.symlink(d, os.path.join(dir, os.path.basename(d)))
repochecker = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser('~/.osc-plugins/')))
@ -1007,13 +1011,13 @@ def _check_repo_group(self, id_, reqs, opts):
#ret = os.waitpid(, 0)[1]
output, _ = p.communicate()
ret = p.returncode
if ret == 0: # skip the others
for p, repo, downloads in dirstolink:
p.goodrepo = repo
if not ret: # skip the others
for p, repo, downloads in dirstolink:
p.goodrepo = repo
updated = dict()
updated = {}
if ret:
print output, set(map(lambda x: x.request, reqs))
@ -1061,6 +1065,7 @@ def do_check_repo(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
opts.apiurl = self.get_api_url()
api = StagingAPI(opts.apiurl)
# grouped = { id: staging, }
opts.grouped = {}
for prj in api.get_staging_projects():
meta = api.get_prj_pseudometa(prj)
@ -1069,6 +1074,7 @@ def do_check_repo(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
for req in api.list_requests_in_prj(prj):
opts.grouped[req] = prj
# groups = { staging: [ids,], }
opts.groups = {}
for req, prj in opts.grouped.items():
group = opts.groups.get(prj, [])
@ -1079,7 +1085,7 @@ def do_check_repo(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
if opts.skip:
if not len(args):
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Please give, if you want to skip a review specify a SRID' )
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Please give, if you want to skip a review specify a SRID')
for id_ in args:
msg = 'skip review'
print 'ACCEPTED', msg
@ -1092,7 +1098,7 @@ def do_check_repo(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
if not ids:
# xpath query, using the -m, -r, -s options
where = "@by_user='factory-repo-checker'+and+@state='new'"
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['search', 'request'],
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['search', 'request'],
"match=state/@name='review'+and+review[%s]" % where)
f = http_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
@ -1101,13 +1107,10 @@ def do_check_repo(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
# we have a list, use them.
for id_ in ids:
packs.extend(self._check_repo_fetch_request(id_, opts))
packs.extend(self._check_repo_fetch_request(id_, opts))
groups = {}
for p in packs:
if not # a group on its own
groups[p.request] = [p]
a = groups.get(, [])
groups[] = a