Merge pull request #169 from aplanas/master

First draft for action #2432
This commit is contained in:
Stephan Kulow 2014-06-23 14:02:25 +02:00
commit 10db576d5b
3 changed files with 332 additions and 198 deletions

View File

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
# Copy this script to ~/.osc-plugins/ or /var/lib/osc-plugins .
# Then try to run 'osc check_repo --help' to see the usage.
from collections import defaultdict
from collections import namedtuple
import os
import re
import shutil
@ -56,126 +58,7 @@ def _check_repo_find_submit_request(self, opts, project, package):
return None
def _check_repo_avoid_wrong_friends(self, prj, repo, arch, pkg, opts):
xml =, repo, arch, pkg)
if xml:
root = ET.fromstring(xml)
for binary in root.findall('binary'):
# if there are binaries, we're out
return False
return True
def _check_repo_buildsuccess(self, request, opts):
root_xml = self.checkrepo.last_build_success(request.src_project, request.tgt_project, request.src_package, request.srcmd5)
root = ET.fromstring(root_xml)
if not root:
return False
if 'code' in root.attrib:
print ET.tostring(root)
return False
result = False
request.goodrepos = []
missings = {}
alldisabled = True
foundbuilding = None
foundfailed = None
tocheckrepos = []
for repo in root.findall('repository'):
archs = [a.attrib['arch'] for a in repo.findall('arch')]
foundarchs = len([a for a in archs if a in ('i586', 'x86_64')])
if foundarchs == 2:
if not tocheckrepos:
msg = 'Missing i586 and x86_64 in the repo list'
print msg
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(request.request_id, 'new', message=msg)
# Next line not needed, but for documentation
request.updated = True
return False
for repo in tocheckrepos:
isgood = True
founddisabled = False
r_foundbuilding = None
r_foundfailed = None
r_missings = {}
for arch in repo.findall('arch'):
if arch.attrib['arch'] not in ('i586', 'x86_64'):
if 'missing' in arch.attrib:
for pkg in arch.attrib['missing'].split(','):
if not self._check_repo_avoid_wrong_friends(request.src_project, repo.attrib['name'], arch.attrib['arch'], pkg, opts):
missings[pkg] = 1
if arch.attrib['result'] not in ('succeeded', 'excluded'):
isgood = False
if arch.attrib['result'] == 'excluded' and arch.attrib['arch'] == 'x86_64':
request.build_excluded = True
if arch.attrib['result'] == 'disabled':
founddisabled = True
if arch.attrib['result'] == 'failed' or arch.attrib['result'] == 'unknown':
# Sometimes an unknown status is equivalent to
# disabled, but we map it as failed to have a human
# check (no autoreject)
r_foundfailed = repo.attrib['name']
if arch.attrib['result'] == 'building':
r_foundbuilding = repo.attrib['name']
if arch.attrib['result'] == 'outdated':
msg = "%s's sources were changed after submissions and the old sources never built. Please resubmit" % request.src_package
print 'DECLINED', msg
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(request.request_id, 'declined', message=msg)
# Next line is not needed, but for documentation
request.updated = True
return False
r_missings = r_missings.keys()
for pkg in r_missings:
missings[pkg] = 1
if not founddisabled:
alldisabled = False
if isgood:
result = True
if r_foundbuilding:
foundbuilding = r_foundbuilding
if r_foundfailed:
foundfailed = r_foundfailed
request.missings = sorted(missings)
if result:
return True
if alldisabled:
msg = '%s is disabled or does not build against factory. Please fix and resubmit' % request.src_package
print 'DECLINED', msg
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(request.request_id, 'declined', message=msg)
# Next line not needed, but for documentation
request.updated = True
return False
if foundbuilding:
msg = '%s is still building for repository %s' % (request.src_package, foundbuilding)
print msg
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(request.request_id, 'new', message=msg)
# Next line not needed, but for documentation
request.updated = True
return False
if foundfailed:
msg = '%s failed to build in repository %s - not accepting' % (request.src_package, foundfailed)
# failures might be temporary, so don't autoreject but wait for a human to check
print msg
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(request.request_id, 'new', message=msg)
# Next line not needed, but for documentation
request.updated = True
return False
return True
def _check_repo_repo_list(self, prj, repo, arch, pkg, opts, ignore=False):
def _check_repo_repo_list(self, prj, repo, arch, pkg, opts):
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['build', prj, repo, arch, pkg])
files = []
@ -198,8 +81,6 @@ def _check_repo_repo_list(self, prj, repo, arch, pkg, opts, ignore=False):
files.append((fn, pname,, mt))
except urllib2.HTTPError:
# if not ignore:
# print 'ERROR in URL %s [%s]' % (url, e)
return files
@ -209,6 +90,7 @@ def _check_repo_get_binary(self, apiurl, prj, repo, arch, package, file, target,
cur = os.path.getmtime(target)
if cur > mtime:
get_binary_file(apiurl, prj, repo, arch, file, package=package, target_filename=target)
@ -235,49 +117,81 @@ def _checker_compare_disturl(self, disturl, request):
return False
def _download_and_check_disturl(self, request, todownload, opts):
for _project, _repo, arch, fn, mt in todownload:
repodir = os.path.join(DOWNLOADS, request.src_package, _project, _repo)
if not os.path.exists(repodir):
t = os.path.join(repodir, fn)
# print 'Downloading ...', _project, _repo, arch, request.src_package, fn, t, mt
self._check_repo_get_binary(opts.apiurl, _project, _repo,
arch, request.src_package, fn, t, mt)
if fn.endswith('.rpm'):
pid = subprocess.Popen(['rpm', '--nosignature', '--queryformat', '%{DISTURL}', '-qp', t],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
os.waitpid(, 0)[1]
disturl = pid.stdout.readlines()[0]
if not self._checker_compare_disturl(disturl, request):
request.error = '[%s] %s does not match revision %s' % (request, disturl, request.srcmd5)
def _check_repo_download(self, request, opts):
request.downloads = dict()
request.downloads = defaultdict(list)
if request.build_excluded:
return set()
ToDownload = namedtuple('ToDownload', ('project', 'repo', 'arch', 'package', 'size'))
for repo in request.goodrepos:
# we can assume x86_64 is there
todownload = []
for fn in self._check_repo_repo_list(request.src_project, repo, 'x86_64', request.src_package, opts):
todownload.append(('x86_64', fn[0], fn[3]))
todownload = [ToDownload(request.src_project, repo, 'x86_64', fn[0], fn[3])
for fn in self._check_repo_repo_list(request.src_project,
# now fetch -32bit packs
# for fn in self._check_repo_repo_list(p.sproject, repo, 'i586', p.spackage, opts):
# if fn[2] == 'x86_64':
# todownload.append(('i586', fn[0], fn[3]))
self._download_and_check_disturl(request, todownload, opts)
if request.error:
return set()
request.downloads[repo] = []
for arch, fn, mt in todownload:
repodir = os.path.join(DOWNLOADS, request.src_package, repo)
if not os.path.exists(repodir):
t = os.path.join(repodir, fn)
self._check_repo_get_binary(opts.apiurl, request.src_project, repo,
arch, request.src_package, fn, t, mt)
if fn.endswith('.rpm'):
pid = subprocess.Popen(['rpm', '--nosignature', '--queryformat', '%{DISTURL}', '-qp', t],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
os.waitpid(, 0)[1]
disturl = pid.stdout.readlines()[0]
if 'openSUSE:Factory:Staging:' in str(
todownload = [
ToDownload(, 'standard', 'x86_64', fn[0], fn[3])
for fn in self._check_repo_repo_list(,
if not self._checker_compare_disturl(disturl, request):
request.error = '[%s] %s does not match revision %s' % (request, disturl, request.srcmd5)
return set()
self._download_and_check_disturl(request, todownload, opts)
if request.error:
return set()
todownload = [
ToDownload( + ':DVD', 'standard', 'x86_64', fn[0], fn[3])
for fn in self._check_repo_repo_list( + ':DVD',
self._download_and_check_disturl(request, todownload, opts)
if request.error:
return set()
toignore = set()
for fn in self._check_repo_repo_list(request.tgt_project, 'standard', 'x86_64', request.tgt_package, opts, ignore=True):
for fn in self._check_repo_repo_list(request.tgt_project, 'standard', 'x86_64', request.tgt_package, opts):
if fn[1]:
# now fetch -32bit pack list
for fn in self._check_repo_repo_list(request.tgt_project, 'standard', 'i586', request.tgt_package, opts, ignore=True):
if fn[2] == 'x86_64':
for fn in self._check_repo_repo_list(request.tgt_project, 'standard', 'i586', request.tgt_package, opts):
if fn[1] and fn[2] == 'x86_64':
return toignore
@ -289,12 +203,16 @@ def _get_buildinfo(self, opts, prj, repo, arch, pkg):
return [e.attrib['name'] for e in root.findall('bdep')]
# Used in _check_repo_group only to cache error messages
_errors_printed = set()
def _check_repo_group(self, id_, requests, opts):
print '\nCheck group', requests
if not all(self._check_repo_buildsuccess(r, opts) for r in requests):
if not all(self.checkrepo.is_buildsuccess(r) for r in requests):
# all succeeded
toignore = set()
destdir = os.path.expanduser('~/co/%s' % str(requests[0].group))
fetched = dict((r, False) for r in opts.groups.get(id_, []))
@ -302,7 +220,8 @@ def _check_repo_group(self, id_, requests, opts):
for request in requests:
i = self._check_repo_download(request, opts)
if request.error:
if request.error and request.error not in _errors_printed:
if not request.updated:
print request.error
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(request.request_id, 'new', message=request.error)
@ -314,15 +233,21 @@ def _check_repo_group(self, id_, requests, opts):
fetched[request.request_id] = True
for request_id, f in fetched.items():
if not f:
# Extend packs array with the packages and .spec files of the
# not-fetched requests. The not fetched ones are the requests of
# the same group that are not listed as a paramater.
for request_id, is_fetched in fetched.items():
if not is_fetched:
# Download the repos from the request of the same group not
# explicited in the command line.
for rq in packs:
if fetched[rq.request_id]:
# we need to call it to fetch the good repos to download
# but the return value is of no interest right now
self._check_repo_buildsuccess(rq, opts)
i = self._check_repo_download(rq, opts)
if rq.error:
print 'ERROR (ALREADY ACEPTED?):', rq.error
@ -373,29 +298,37 @@ def _check_repo_group(self, id_, requests, opts):
params_file.write('\n'.join(f for f in toignore if f.strip()))
reposets = []
# If a package is in a Stagin Project, it will have in
# request.downloads an entry for 'standard' (the repository of a
# Staging Project) Also in this same field there will be another
# valid repository (probably openSUSE_Factory)
# We want to test with the Perl script the binaries of one of the
# repos, and if fail test the other repo. The order of testing
# will be stored in the execution_plan.
if len(packs) == 1:
p = packs[0]
for r in p.downloads.keys():
reposets.append([(p, r, p.downloads[r])])
# TODO: for groups we just pick the first repo - we'd need to create a smart
# matrix
dirstolink = []
for rq in packs:
keys = rq.downloads.keys()
if not keys:
r = keys[0]
dirstolink.append((rq, r, rq.downloads[r]))
execution_plan = defaultdict(list)
if len(reposets) == 0:
# Get all the repos where at least there is a package
all_repos = set()
for rq in packs:
if len(all_repos) == 0:
print 'NO REPOS'
for dirstolink in reposets:
for rq in packs:
for _repo in all_repos:
if _repo in rq.downloads:
execution_plan[_repo].append((rq, _repo, rq.downloads[_repo]))
_other_repo = [r for r in rq.downloads if r != _repo]
_other_repo = _other_repo[0] # XXX TODO - Recurse here to create combinations
execution_plan[_repo].append((rq, _other_repo, rq.downloads[_other_repo]))
repo_checker_error = None
for _repo, dirstolink in execution_plan.items():
if os.path.exists(destdir):
@ -408,18 +341,25 @@ def _check_repo_group(self, id_, requests, opts):
repochecker = os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, '')
civs = "LC_ALL=C perl %s '%s' -r %s -f %s" % (repochecker, destdir, self.repo_dir,
# print civs
# continue
# exit(1)
p = subprocess.Popen(civs, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
# ret = os.waitpid(, 0)[1]
stdoutdata, stderrdata = p.communicate()
ret = p.returncode
# There are several execution plans, each one can have its own
# error message. We are only interested in the error related
# with the staging project (_repo == 'standard'). If we need
# to report one, we will report this one.
if _repo == 'standard':
repo_checker_error = stdoutdata
# print ret, stdoutdata, stderrdata
# raise Exception()
if not ret: # skip the others
for p, repo, downloads in dirstolink:
p.goodrepo = repo
updated = {}
@ -430,11 +370,14 @@ def _check_repo_group(self, id_, requests, opts):
for rq in requests:
if updated.get(rq.request_id, False) or rq.updated:
print stdoutdata
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(rq.request_id, 'new', message=stdoutdata)
if repo_checker_error not in _errors_printed:
print repo_checker_error
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(rq.request_id, 'new', message=repo_checker_error)
p.updated = True
updated[rq.request_id] = 1
for rq in requests:
if updated.get(rq.request_id, False) or rq.updated:
@ -506,11 +449,27 @@ def do_check_repo(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
# Order the packs before grouping
requests = sorted(requests, key=lambda p: p.request_id, reverse=True)
# Group the requests into staging projects (or alone if is an
# isolated request)
# For example:
# {
# 'openSUSE:Factory:Staging:J': [235851, 235753],
# 235856: [235856],
# }
# * The list of requests is not the full list of requests in this
# group / staging project, but only the ones listed as a
# paramenter.
# * The full list of requests can be found in
# self.checkrepo.groups['openSUSE:Factory:Staging:J']
groups = {}
for request in requests:
a = groups.get(, [])
groups[] = a
rqs = groups.get(, [])
groups[] = rqs
# Mirror the packages locally in the CACHEDIR
plugin = '~/.osc-plugins/'

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import urllib2
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
@ -19,6 +20,20 @@ from osc.core import http_POST
from osc.core import makeurl
# For a description of this decorator, visit
def _silent_running(fn):
def _fn(*args, **kwargs):
_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
result = fn(*args, **kwargs)
sys.stdout = _stdout
return result
return _fn
checkout_pkg = _silent_running(checkout_package)
def _checker_parse_name(self, apiurl, project, package,
revision=None, brief=False, verbose=False):
query = {'view': 'info', 'parse': 1}
@ -175,15 +190,15 @@ def _checker_one_request(self, rq, opts):
checkout_package(opts.apiurl, tprj, tpkg, pathname=dir,
server_service_files=True, expand_link=True)
checkout_pkg(opts.apiurl, tprj, tpkg, pathname=dir,
server_service_files=True, expand_link=True)
os.rename(tpkg, "_old")
except urllib2.HTTPError:
print("failed to checkout %s/%s" % (tprj, tpkg))
checkout_package(opts.apiurl, prj, pkg, revision=rev,
pathname=dir, server_service_files=True, expand_link=True)
checkout_pkg(opts.apiurl, prj, pkg, revision=rev,
pathname=dir, server_service_files=True, expand_link=True)
os.rename(pkg, tpkg)

View File

@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ class Request(object):
def __init__(self, request_id=None, src_project=None,
src_package=None, tgt_project=None, tgt_package=None,
revision=None, srcmd5=None, group=None, element=None):
revision=None, srcmd5=None, group=None, goodrepos=None,
missings=None, element=None):
self.request_id = request_id
self.src_project = src_project
@ -40,6 +41,8 @@ class Request(object):
self.revision = revision
self.srcmd5 = srcmd5 = group
self.goodrepos = goodrepos if goodrepos else []
self.missings = missings if missings else []
self.updated = False
self.error = None
@ -58,9 +61,14 @@ class Request(object):
self.revision = action.find('source').get('rev')
self.tgt_project = action.find('target').get('project')
self.tgt_package = action.find('target').get('package')
# The groups are in the CheckRepo object. = self.request_id
# Assigned in is_buildsuccess
self.goodrepos = []
self.missings = []
def __repr__(self):
return 'SUBMIT(%s) %s/%s -> %s/%s' % (self.request_id,
@ -144,11 +152,11 @@ class CheckRepo(object):
return requests
def build(self, project, repo, arch, package):
def build(self, repository, project, package, arch):
"""Return the build XML document from OBS."""
xml = ''
url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ('build', project, repo, arch, package))
url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ('build', project, repository, arch, package))
xml = http_GET(url).read()
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
print('ERROR in URL %s [%s]' % (url, e))
@ -315,18 +323,28 @@ class CheckRepo(object):
# - with the name of the .spec file.
for spec in specs:
spec_info = self.staging.get_package_information(rq.src_project, spec)
spec_info = self.staging.get_package_information(rq.src_project,
if (spec_info['project'] != rq.src_project
or spec_info['package'] != rq.src_package) and not rq.updated:
msg = '%s/%s should _link to %s/%s' % (rq.src_project, spec, rq.src_project, rq.src_package)
msg = '%s/%s should _link to %s/%s' % (rq.src_project,
print 'DECLINED', msg
self.change_review_state(rq.request_id, 'declined', message=msg)
rq.updated = True
if spec_info['srcmd5'] != rq.srcmd5 and not rq.updated:
if spec_info['srcmd5'] not in self.old_md5(rq.src_project, rq.tgt_project, spec, rq.srcmd5):
msg = '%s/%s is a link but has a different md5sum than %s?' % (rq.src_project, spec, rq.src_package)
if spec_info['srcmd5'] not in self.old_md5(rq.src_project,
msg = '%s/%s is a link but has a different md5sum than %s?' % (
msg = '%s is no longer the submitted version, please resubmit HEAD' % spec
@ -334,10 +352,152 @@ class CheckRepo(object):
rq.updated = True
sp = Request(request_id=rq.request_id,
src_project=rq.src_project, src_package=spec,
tgt_project=rq.tgt_project, tgt_package=spec,
revision=None, srcmd5=spec_info['dir_srcmd5'],
return requests
def repositories_to_check(self, request):
"""Return the list of repositories that contains both Intel arch.
Each repository is an XML ElementTree from last_build_success.
root_xml = self.last_build_success(request.src_project,
root = ET.fromstring(root_xml)
repos_to_check = []
for repo in root.findall('repository'):
intel_archs = [a for a in repo.findall('arch')
if a.attrib['arch'] in ('i586', 'x86_64')]
if len(intel_archs) == 2:
return repos_to_check
def is_binary(self, repository, project, package, arch):
"""Return True if is a binary package."""
root_xml =, project, package, arch)
root = ET.fromstring(root_xml)
for binary in root.findall('binary'):
# If there are binaries, we're out.
return False
return True
def is_buildsuccess(self, request):
"""Return True if the request is correctly build
This method extend the Request object with the goodrepos
:param request: Request object
:returns: True if the request is correctly build.
# If the request do not build properly in both Intel patforms,
# return False.
repos_to_check = self.repositories_to_check(request)
if not repos_to_check:
msg = 'Missing i586 and x86_64 in the repo list'
print msg
self.change_review_state(request.request_id, 'new', message=msg)
# Next line not needed, but for documentation.
request.updated = True
return False
result = False
missings = {}
alldisabled = True
foundbuilding = None
foundfailed = None
for repository in repos_to_check:
isgood = True
founddisabled = False
r_foundbuilding = None
r_foundfailed = None
r_missings = {}
for arch in repository.findall('arch'):
if arch.attrib['arch'] not in ('i586', 'x86_64'):
if 'missing' in arch.attrib:
for package in arch.attrib['missing'].split(','):
if not self.is_binary(
missings[package] = 1
if arch.attrib['result'] not in ('succeeded', 'excluded'):
isgood = False
if arch.attrib['result'] == 'excluded' and arch.attrib['arch'] == 'x86_64':
request.build_excluded = True
if arch.attrib['result'] == 'disabled':
founddisabled = True
if arch.attrib['result'] == 'failed' or arch.attrib['result'] == 'unknown':
# Sometimes an unknown status is equivalent to
# disabled, but we map it as failed to have a human
# check (no autoreject)
r_foundfailed = repository.attrib['name']
if arch.attrib['result'] == 'building':
r_foundbuilding = repository.attrib['name']
if arch.attrib['result'] == 'outdated':
msg = "%s's sources were changed after submissions and the old sources never built. Please resubmit" % request.src_package
print 'DECLINED', msg
self.change_review_state(request.request_id, 'declined', message=msg)
# Next line is not needed, but for documentation
request.updated = True
return False
r_missings = r_missings.keys()
for pkg in r_missings:
missings[pkg] = 1
if not founddisabled:
alldisabled = False
if isgood:
result = True
if r_foundbuilding:
foundbuilding = r_foundbuilding
if r_foundfailed:
foundfailed = r_foundfailed
request.missings = sorted(missings)
if result:
return True
if alldisabled:
msg = '%s is disabled or does not build against factory. Please fix and resubmit' % request.src_package
print 'DECLINED', msg
self.change_review_state(request.request_id, 'declined', message=msg)
# Next line not needed, but for documentation
request.updated = True
return False
if foundbuilding:
msg = '%s is still building for repository %s' % (request.src_package, foundbuilding)
print msg
self.change_review_state(request.request_id, 'new', message=msg)
# Next line not needed, but for documentation
request.updated = True
return False
if foundfailed:
msg = '%s failed to build in repository %s - not accepting' % (request.src_package, foundfailed)
# failures might be temporary, so don't autoreject but wait for a human to check
print msg
self.change_review_state(request.request_id, 'new', message=msg)
# Next line not needed, but for documentation
request.updated = True
return False
return True