Merge pull request #25 from coolo/remove_create

remove create - we don't use it at the moment
This commit is contained in:
Alberto Planas 2014-02-13 11:24:18 +01:00
commit 21e3f2b259

View File

@ -173,141 +173,6 @@ def _staging_check(self, project, check_everything, opts):
print "Staging check succeeded!"
return ret
def _staging_create(self, trg, opts):
Creates new staging project based on the submit request.
:param trg: submit request to create staging project for or parent project/package
:param opts: pointer to options
req = None
# We are dealing with sr
if re.match('^\d+$', trg):
# read info from sr
req = get_request(opts.apiurl, trg)
act = req.get_actions("submit")[0]
trg_prj = act.tgt_project
trg_pkg = act.tgt_package
src_prj = act.src_project
src_pkg = act.src_package
# We are dealing with project
data = re.split('/', trg)
o_stg_prj = data[0]
trg_prj = re.sub(':Staging:.*','',data[0])
src_prj = re.sub(':Staging:.*','',data[0])
if len(data)>1:
trg_pkg = data[1]
src_pkg = data[1]
trg_pkg = None
src_pkg = None
# Set staging name and maybe parent
if trg_pkg is not None:
stg_prj = trg_prj + ":Staging:" + trg_pkg
stg_prj = o_stg_prj
if opts.parent:
trg_prj = opts.parent
# test if staging project exists
found = 1
url = make_meta_url('prj', stg_prj, opts.apiurl)
data = http_GET(url).readlines()
except HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 404:
found = 0
raise e
if found == 1:
print('Staging project "%s" already exists, overwrite? (Y/n)'%(stg_prj))
answer = sys.stdin.readline()
if"^\s*[Nn]", answer):
# parse metadata from parent project
trg_meta_url = make_meta_url("prj", trg_prj, opts.apiurl)
data = http_GET(trg_meta_url).readlines()
dis_repo = []
en_repo = []
repos = []
perm =''
in_build = 0
for line in data:
# what repositories are disabled
if in_build == 1:
if"^\s+</build>", line):
in_build = 0
elif"^\s+<disable", line):
dis_repo.append(re.sub(r'.*repository="([^"]+)".*', r'\1', line).strip())
elif"^\s+<enable", line):
en_repo.append(re.sub(r'.*repository="([^"]+)".*', r'\1', line).strip())
elif"^\s+<build>", line):
# what are the rights
elif"^\s+(<person|<group)", line):
perm += line
# what are the repositories
elif"^\s+<repository", line):
repos.append(re.sub(r'.*name="([^"]+)".*', r'\1', line).strip())
# add maintainers of source project
trg_meta_url = make_meta_url("prj", src_prj, opts.apiurl)
data = http_GET(trg_meta_url).readlines()
perm += "".join(filter((lambda x: ("^\s+(<person|<group)", x) is not None)), data))
# add maintainers of source package
if src_pkg is not None:
trg_meta_url = make_meta_url("pkg", (src_prj, src_pkg), opts.apiurl)
data = http_GET(trg_meta_url).readlines()
perm += "".join(filter((lambda x: ("^\s+(<person|<group)", x) is not None)), data))
# create xml for new project
new_xml = '<project name="%s">\n'%(stg_prj)
if req is not None:
new_xml += ' <title>Staging project for package %s (sr#%s)</title>\n'%(trg_pkg, req.reqid)
new_xml += ' <title>Staging project "%s"</title>\n'%(trg)
new_xml += ' <description></description>\n'
new_xml += ' <link project="%s"/>\n'%(trg_prj)
if req is not None:
new_xml += ' <person userid="%s" role="maintainer"/>\n'%(req.get_creator())
new_xml += perm
new_xml += ' <build><enable/></build>\n'
new_xml += ' <debuginfo><enable/></debuginfo>\n'
new_xml += ' <publish><disable/></publish>\n'
for repo in repos:
if repo not in dis_repo:
new_xml += ' <repository name="%s" rebuild="direct" linkedbuild="localdep">\n'%(repo)
new_xml += ' <path project="%s" repository="%s"/>\n'%(trg_prj,repo)
new_xml += ' <arch>i586</arch>\n'
new_xml += ' <arch>x86_64</arch>\n'
new_xml += ' </repository>\n'
new_xml += '</project>\n'
# creation of new staging project
print('Creating staging project "%s"...'%(stg_prj))
url = make_meta_url('prj',stg_prj,opts.apiurl,True,False)
f = metafile(url, new_xml, False)
http_PUT(f.url, file=f.filename)
# link package there
if src_pkg is not None and trg_pkg is not None:
print('Linking package %s/%s -> %s/%s...'%(src_pkg,src_prj,stg_prj,trg_pkg))
link_pac(src_prj, src_pkg, stg_prj, trg_pkg, True)
def _staging_remove(self, project, opts):
Remove staging project.
@ -490,8 +355,6 @@ def do_staging(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
"check" will check if all packages are links without changes
"create" (or "c") will create staging repo from specified submit request
"remove" (or "r") will delete the staging project into submit requests for openSUSE:Factory
"submit-devel" (or "s") will create review requests for changed packages in staging project
@ -508,8 +371,6 @@ def do_staging(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
osc staging check [--everything] REPO
osc staging create [--parent project] SR#
osc staging create [--parent project] PROJECT[/PACKAGE]
osc staging remove REPO
osc staging submit-devel [-m message] REPO
osc staging freeze PROJECT
@ -531,8 +392,6 @@ def do_staging(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
min_args, max_args = 1, 2
elif cmd in ['select']:
min_args, max_args = 2, None
elif cmd in ['create', 'c']:
min_args, max_args = 1, 2
elif cmd in ['list', 'cleanup_rings']:
min_args, max_args = 0, 0
@ -553,9 +412,6 @@ def do_staging(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
if cmd in ['push', 'p']:
project = args[1]
self._staging_push(project, opts)
elif cmd in ['create', 'c']:
sr = args[1]
self._staging_create(sr, opts)
elif cmd in ['check']:
project = args[1]
return self._staging_check(project, opts.everything, opts)