Displays as Ring0 package if the subpackage was linked to Ring1
If the package was linked to Ring1 from Ring1, staging list command should display it as Ring0 package ie. it's only be able to puts in ring0 staging project. This is work out https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/8266
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class ListCommand:
# If the system have rings, we ask for the ring of the
# package
if self.api.crings:
ring = self.api.ring_packages.get(target_package)
ring = self.api.ring_packages_for_links.get(target_package)
if ring:
# cut off *:Rings: prefix
ring = ring[len(self.api.crings)+1:]
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ class StagingAPI(object):
self.copenqa = conf.config[project]['openqa']
self.user = conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl)
self._ring_packages = None
self._ring_packages_for_links = None
self._packages_staged = None
self._package_metas = dict()
@ -88,6 +89,17 @@ class StagingAPI(object):
def ring_packages(self, value):
raise Exception("setting ring_packages is not allowed")
def ring_packages_for_links(self):
if self._ring_packages_for_links is None:
self._ring_packages_for_links = self._generate_ring_packages(checklinks=True)
return self._ring_packages_for_links
def ring_packages_for_links(self, value):
raise Exception("setting ring_packages_path is not allowed")
def packages_staged(self):
if self._packages_staged is None:
@ -134,23 +146,49 @@ class StagingAPI(object):
def retried_PUT(self, url, data):
return self._retried_request(url, http_PUT, data)
def _generate_ring_packages(self):
def _generate_ring_packages(self, checklinks=False):
Generate dictionary with names of the rings
:param checklinks: return dictionary with ring names and the proper ring path for list only
:return dictionary with ring names
ret = {}
# puts except packages and it's origin project path
except_pkgs = {}
for prj in self.rings:
url = self.makeurl(['source', prj])
query = {
'view': 'info',
'nofilename': '1'
url = self.makeurl(['source', prj], query)
root = http_GET(url)
for entry in ET.parse(root).getroot().findall('entry'):
pkg = entry.attrib['name']
for si in ET.parse(root).getroot().findall('sourceinfo'):
pkg = si.get('package')
# XXX TODO - Test-DVD-x86_64 is hardcoded here
if pkg in ret and not pkg.startswith('Test-DVD-'):
msg = '{} is defined in two projects ({} and {})'
raise Exception(msg.format(pkg, ret[pkg], prj))
ret[pkg] = prj
if checklinks and pkg in except_pkgs and prj == except_pkgs[pkg]:
msg = ''
if len(msg):
raise Exception(msg.format(pkg, ret[pkg], prj))
if pkg not in ret:
ret[pkg] = prj
# put the ring1 package to ring0 list if it was linked from ring0 subpacakge
if checklinks:
if not prj.endswith('0-Bootstrap'):
for linked in si.findall('linked'):
linked_prj = linked.get('project')
linked_pkg = linked.get('package')
if linked_prj != self.project and pkg != linked_pkg:
if linked_pkg not in ret:
except_pkgs[linked_pkg] = linked_prj
ret[linked_pkg] = prj
return ret
def _get_staged_requests(self):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user