cleanup_rings: extract check_image_bdeps() and check_buildconfig().

- change archs loop to use the archs appropriate for the ring instead of
  always using DVD archs
- drop check_image_bdeps() out of archs loop since DVD should only look
  at DVD archs even if ring 1
This commit is contained in:
Jimmy Berry 2017-04-25 19:24:19 -05:00
parent 50166347e1
commit 51c2f6e0e9

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@ -103,16 +103,8 @@ class CleanupRings(object):
return False
return True
def check_depinfo_ring(self, prj, nextprj):
if not self.repo_state_acceptable(prj):
return False
for arch in self.api.cstaging_dvd_archs:
self.fill_pkgdeps(prj, 'standard', arch)
if prj == '{}:1-MinimalX'.format(self.api.crings):
url = makeurl(self.api.apiurl, ['build', prj, 'images', arch, 'Test-DVD-' + arch, '_buildinfo'])
def check_image_bdeps(self, project, arch):
url = makeurl(self.api.apiurl, ['build', project, 'images', arch, 'Test-DVD-' + arch, '_buildinfo'])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
for bdep in root.findall('bdep'):
if 'name' not in bdep.attrib:
@ -121,22 +113,10 @@ class CleanupRings(object):
if b not in self.bin2src:
b = self.bin2src[b]
self.pkgdeps[b] = 'MYdvd'
self.pkgdeps[b] = 'MYdvd{}'.format(self.api.rings.index(project))
if prj == '{}:2-TestDVD'.format(self.api.crings):
url = makeurl(self.api.apiurl, ['build', prj, 'images', arch, 'Test-DVD-' + arch, '_buildinfo'])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
for bdep in root.findall('bdep'):
if 'name' not in bdep.attrib:
b = bdep.attrib['name']
if b not in self.bin2src:
b = self.bin2src[b]
self.pkgdeps[b] = 'MYdvd2'
if prj == '{}:0-Bootstrap'.format(self.api.crings):
url = makeurl(self.api.apiurl, ['build', prj, 'standard', '_buildconfig'])
def check_buildconfig(self, project):
url = makeurl(self.api.apiurl, ['build', project, 'standard', '_buildconfig'])
for line in http_GET(url).read().split('\n'):
if line.startswith('Preinstall:') or line.startswith('Support:'):
for prein in line.split(':')[1].split():
@ -145,6 +125,21 @@ class CleanupRings(object):
b = self.bin2src[prein]
self.pkgdeps[b] = 'MYinstall'
def check_depinfo_ring(self, prj, nextprj):
if not self.repo_state_acceptable(prj):
return False
for arch in self.api.ring_archs(prj):
self.fill_pkgdeps(prj, 'standard', arch)
if prj == '{}:0-Bootstrap'.format(self.api.crings):
else: # Ring 1 or 2.
# Always look at DVD archs for image, even in ring 1.
for arch in self.api.cstaging_dvd_archs:
self.check_image_bdeps(prj, arch)
for source in self.sources:
if source not in self.pkgdeps and source not in self.links:
if source.startswith('texlive-specs-'): # XXX: texlive bullshit packaging