action #2858 Remove code from staging relate with the old osc staging check command
This commit is contained in:
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ def do_staging(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
elif cmd == 'select':
tprj = api.prj_from_letter(args[1])
if opts.add:
api.mark_additional_packages(tprj, [ opts.add ] )
api.mark_additional_packages(tprj, [opts.add])
SelectCommand(api).perform(tprj, args[2:], opts.move, opts.from_)
elif cmd == 'cleanup_rings':
@ -90,10 +90,11 @@ class CheckCommand(object):
report.append(' -- For subproject %s' % subproject['name'])
if report and not is_subproject:
report.insert(0, ' -- Project %s still needs attention' % project['name'])
elif not is_subproject:
report.append(' ++ Acceptable staging project %s' % project['name'])
if project['overall_state'] == 'acceptable':
report.insert(0, ' ++ Acceptable staging project %s' % project['name'])
elif project['overall_state'] != 'empty':
report.insert(0, ' -- %s Project %s still needs attention' % (project['overall_state'].upper(),
return report
@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ class CommentAPI(object):
root = root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
comments = {}
for c in root.findall('comment'):
c = self._comment_as_dict(c)
comments[c['id']] = c
c = self._comment_as_dict(c)
comments[c['id']] = c
return comments
def add_comment(self, request_id=None, project_name=None,
@ -105,15 +105,15 @@ class CommentAPI(object):
def delete_children(self, comments):
"""Removes the comments that have no childs
:param comments dict of id->comment dict
:return same hash without the deleted comments
:return same hash without the deleted comments
parents = []
for comment in comments.values():
if comment['parent']:
for id_ in comments.keys():
if id_ not in parents:
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ class CommentAPI(object):
return True
def delete_from_where_user(self, user, request_id=None, project_name=None,
"""Remove comments where @user is mentioned.
This method is used to remove notifications when a request is
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
import json
import logging
import re
import urllib2
import time
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
@ -475,7 +474,7 @@ class StagingAPI(object):
for sub_prj, sub_pkg in self.get_sub_packages(package):
sub_prj = self.map_ring_package_to_subject(project, sub_pkg)
if sub_prj != subprj: # if different to the main package's prj
if sub_prj != subprj: # if different to the main package's prj
delete_package(self.apiurl, sub_prj, sub_pkg, force=True, msg=msg)
self.set_review(request_id, project, state=review, msg=msg)
@ -499,48 +498,6 @@ class StagingAPI(object):
url = self.makeurl(['source', project, package, '_meta'])
http_PUT(url, data=dst_meta)
def check_one_request(self, request, project):
Check if a staging request is ready to be approved. Reviews
for the project are ignored, other open reviews will block the
:param project: staging project
:param request_id: request id to check
url = self.makeurl(['request', str(request)])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
# relevant info for printing
package = str(root.find('action').find('target').attrib['package'])
state = root.find('state').get('name')
if state in ['declined', 'superseded', 'revoked']:
return '{}: {}'.format(package, state)
# instead of just printing the state of the whole request find
# out who is remaining on the review and print it out,
# otherwise print out that it is ready for approval and
# waiting on others from GR to be accepted
review_state = root.findall('review')
failing_groups = []
for i in review_state:
if i.attrib['state'] == 'accepted':
if i.get('by_project', None) == project:
for attrib in ['by_group', 'by_user', 'by_project', 'by_package']:
value = i.get(attrib, None)
if value:
if not failing_groups:
return None
state = 'missing reviews: ' + ', '.join(failing_groups)
return '{}: {}'.format(package, state)
def check_ring_packages(self, project, requests):
Checks if packages from requests are in some ring or not
@ -556,88 +513,21 @@ class StagingAPI(object):
return False
def check_project_status(self, project, verbose=False):
def check_project_status(self, project):
Checks a staging project for acceptance. Checks all open
requests for open reviews and build status
Checks a staging project for acceptance. Use the JSON document
for staging project to base the decision.
:param project: project to check
:return true (ok)/false (empty prj) or list of strings with
# Report
report = list()
# First ensure we dispatched the open requests so we do not
# pass projects with update/superseded requests
for request in self.get_open_requests():
stage_info = self.supseded_request(request)
if stage_info and stage_info['prj'] == project:
return ['Request {} is superseded'.format(stage_info['rq_id'])]
# all requests with open review
requests = self.list_requests_in_prj(project)
open_requests = set(requests)
# all tracked requests - some of them might be declined, so we
# don't see them above
meta = self.get_prj_pseudometa(project)
for req in meta['requests']:
req = req['id']
if req in open_requests:
if req not in requests:
if open_requests:
return ['Request(s) {} are not tracked but are open for the prj'.format(','.join(map(str, open_requests)))]
# If we find no requests in staging then it is empty so we ignore it
if not requests:
return False
# Check if the requests are acceptable and bail out on
# first failure unless verbose as it is slow
for request in requests:
ret = self.check_one_request(request, project)
if ret:
if not verbose:
# Check the build/openQA only if we have some ring packages
if self.check_ring_packages(project, requests):
# Check the buildstatus
buildstatus = self.gather_build_status(project)
if buildstatus:
# here no append as we are adding list to list
report += self.generate_build_status_details(buildstatus, verbose)
# Check the openqa state
ret = self.find_openqa_state(project)
if ret:
if report:
return report
elif not self.project_exists(project + ":DVD"):
# The only case we are green
return True
# now check the same for the subprj
project = project + ":DVD"
buildstatus = self.gather_build_status(project)
if buildstatus:
report += self.generate_build_status_details(buildstatus, verbose)
# Check the openqa state
ret = self.find_openqa_state(project)
if ret:
if report:
return report
return True
_prefix = 'openSUSE:Factory:Staging:'
if project.startswith(_prefix):
project = project.replace(_prefix, '')
url = self.makeurl(('factory', 'staging_projects', project + '.json'))
result = json.load(self.retried_GET(url))
return result['overall_state'] == 'acceptable'
def days_since_last_freeze(self, project):
@ -652,66 +542,6 @@ class StagingAPI(object):
return (time.time() - float(entry.get('mtime')))/3600/24
return 100000 # quite some!
def find_openqa_jobs(self, project):
url = self.makeurl(['build', project, 'images', 'x86_64', 'Test-DVD-x86_64'])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
filename = None
for binary in root.findall('binary'):
filename = binary.get('filename', '')
if filename.endswith('.iso'):
if not filename:
return None
jobtemplate = '-Staging'
if project.endswith(':DVD'):
jobtemplate = '-Staging2'
project = project[:-4]
jobname = 'openSUSE-Staging:'
jobname += project.split(':')[-1] + jobtemplate
result = re.match('Test-Build([^-]+)-Media.iso', filename)
jobname += '-DVD-x86_64-Build' + + "-Media.iso"
url = "{}".format(jobname)
f = urllib2.urlopen(url)
except urllib2.HTTPError:
return None
jobs = json.load(f)['jobs']
bestjobs = {}
for job in jobs:
if job['result'] != 'incomplete' and not job['clone_id']:
if job['test'] == 'miniuefi':
if job['name'] not in bestjobs or bestjobs[job['name']]['result'] != 'passed':
bestjobs[job['name']] = job
return bestjobs
def find_openqa_state(self, project):
Checks the openqa state of the project
:param project: project to check
:return None or list with issue informations
jobs = self.find_openqa_jobs(project)
if not jobs:
return 'No openQA result yet'
for job in jobs.values():
check = self.check_if_job_is_ok(job)
if check:
return check
return None
def check_if_job_is_ok(self, job):
url = '{}/file/results.json'.format(job['id'])
@ -741,72 +571,6 @@ class StagingAPI(object):
return '{} test failed:{}'.format(module['name'], job['id'])
return None
def gather_build_status(self, project):
Checks whether everything is built in project
:param project: project to check
# Get build results
url = self.makeurl(['build', project, '_result?code=failed&code=broken&code=unresolvable'])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
# Check them
broken = []
working = []
# Iterate through repositories
for results in root.findall('result'):
building = False
if results.get('state') not in ('published', 'unpublished') or results.get('dirty') == 'true':
'path': '{}/{}'.format(results.get('repository'),
'state': results.get('state')
building = True
# Iterate through packages
for node in results:
# Find broken
result = node.get('code')
if result in ('broken', 'failed') or (result == 'unresolvable' and not building):
'pkg': node.get('package'),
'state': result,
'path': '{}/{}'.format(results.get('repository'),
# Print the results
if not working and not broken:
return None
return [project, working, broken]
def generate_build_status_details(self, details, verbose=False):
Generate list of strings for the buildstatus detail report.
:param details: buildstatus informations about project
:return list of strings for printing
retval = list()
if not isinstance(details, list):
return retval
project, working, broken = details
if working:
retval.append('At least following repositories is still building:')
for i in working:
retval.append(' {}: {}'.format(i['path'], i['state']))
if not verbose:
if broken:
retval.append('Following packages are broken:')
for i in broken:
retval.append(' {} ({}): {}'.format(i['pkg'], i['path'],
return retval
def rq_to_prj(self, request_id, project):
Links request to project - delete or submit
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
# Distribute under GPLv2 or later
import unittest
import mock
from obs import APIURL
from obs import OBS
@ -29,8 +28,7 @@ class TestAccept(unittest.TestCase):
comments = c_api.get_comments(project_name=staging_c)
# Accept staging C (containing apparmor and mariadb)
with mock.patch('osclib.stagingapi.StagingAPI.find_openqa_state', return_value='Nothing'):
self.assertEqual(True, AcceptCommand(self.api).perform(staging_c))
self.assertEqual(True, AcceptCommand(self.api).perform(staging_c))
# Comments are cleared up
accepted_comments = c_api.get_comments(project_name=staging_c)
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
import sys
import unittest
import httpretty
import mock
from obs import APIURL
from obs import OBS
@ -138,34 +137,6 @@ class TestApiCalls(unittest.TestCase):
# Get package name
self.assertEqual('wine', self.api.get_package_for_request_id(prj, num))
def test_check_one_request(self):
prj = 'openSUSE:Factory:Staging:B'
pkg = 'wine'
full_name = prj + '/' + pkg
# Verify package is there
self.assertTrue(full_name in self.obs.links)
# Get rq number
num = self.api.get_request_id_for_package(prj, pkg)
# Check the results
self.assertEqual(self.api.check_one_request(num, prj), None)
# Pretend to be reviewed by other project
self.assertEqual(self.api.check_one_request(num, 'xyz'),
'wine: missing reviews: openSUSE:Factory:Staging:B')
def test_check_project_status(self):
# Check the results
with mock.patch('osclib.stagingapi.StagingAPI.find_openqa_state', return_value='Nothing'):
broken_results = ['At least following repositories is still building:',
' building/x86_64: building',
'Following packages are broken:',
' wine (failed/x86_64): failed',
' wine (broken/x86_64): broken',
self.assertEqual(self.api.check_project_status('openSUSE:Factory:Staging:B'), broken_results)
self.assertEqual(self.api.check_project_status('openSUSE:Factory:Staging:A'), False)
def test_rm_from_prj(self):
prj = 'openSUSE:Factory:Staging:B'
pkg = 'wine'
@ -230,26 +201,6 @@ class TestApiCalls(unittest.TestCase):
{'requests': [{'id': 123, 'package': 'gcc', 'author': 'Admin'}]})
def test_generate_build_status_details(self):
"""Check whether generate_build_status_details works."""
details_green = self.api.gather_build_status('green')
details_red = self.api.gather_build_status('red')
red = ['red', [{'path': 'standard/x86_64', 'state': 'building'}],
[{'path': 'standard/i586', 'state': 'broken', 'pkg': 'glibc'},
{'path': 'standard/i586', 'state': 'failed', 'pkg': 'openSUSE-images'}]]
red_result = ['At least following repositories is still building:',
' standard/x86_64: building',
'Following packages are broken:',
' glibc (standard/i586): broken',
' openSUSE-images (standard/i586): failed']
self.assertEqual(details_red, red)
self.assertEqual(self.api.generate_build_status_details(details_red), red_result)
self.assertEqual(self.api.generate_build_status_details(details_red, True), red_result)
self.assertEqual(details_green, None)
self.assertEqual(self.api.generate_build_status_details(details_green), [])
def test_create_package_container(self):
"""Test if the uploaded _meta is correct."""
@ -291,22 +242,6 @@ class TestApiCalls(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(self.api.prj_from_letter('openSUSE:Factory'), 'openSUSE:Factory')
self.assertEqual(self.api.prj_from_letter('A'), 'openSUSE:Factory:Staging:A')
def test_check_project_status_green(self):
"""Test checking project status."""
# Check print output
self.assertEqual(self.api.gather_build_status('green'), None)
def test_check_project_status_red(self):
"""Test checking project status."""
# Check print output
['red', [{'path': 'standard/x86_64', 'state': 'building'}],
[{'path': 'standard/i586', 'pkg': 'glibc', 'state': 'broken'},
{'path': 'standard/i586', 'pkg': 'openSUSE-images', 'state': 'failed'}]])
def test_frozen_mtime(self):
"""Test frozen mtime."""
@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ FULL_REPORT = """
++ Acceptable staging project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:C
-- Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:F still needs attention
-- REVIEW Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:F still needs attention
- yast2-iscsi-client: Missing reviews: factory-repo-checker
-- Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:G still needs attention
-- REVIEW Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:G still needs attention
- Mesa: Missing reviews: opensuse-review-team
-- Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:H still needs attention
-- BUILDING Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:H still needs attention
- kiwi: Missing reviews: opensuse-review-team
- At least following repositories are still building:
standard/i586: building
@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ FULL_REPORT = """
- At least following repositories are still building:
standard/x86_64: blocked
-- Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:J still needs attention
-- REVIEW Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:J still needs attention
- jeuclid: Missing reviews: factory-repo-checker
H_REPORT = """
-- Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:H still needs attention
-- BUILDING Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:H still needs attention
- kiwi: Missing reviews: opensuse-review-team
- At least following repositories are still building:
standard/i586: scheduling
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"overall_state": "acceptable",
"selected_requests": [
"id": 235410
@ -81,6 +82,7 @@
"subprojects": [
"overall_state": "empty",
"selected_requests": [],
"broken_packages": [],
"building_repositories": [],
@ -163,6 +165,7 @@
"untracked_requests": []
"overall_state": "empty",
"selected_requests": [],
"broken_packages": [],
"building_repositories": [],
@ -240,6 +243,7 @@
"subprojects": [
"overall_state": "empty",
"selected_requests": [],
"broken_packages": [],
"building_repositories": [],
@ -322,6 +326,7 @@
"untracked_requests": []
"overall_state": "acceptable",
"selected_requests": [
"id": 235517
@ -403,6 +408,7 @@
"subprojects": [
"overall_state": "empty",
"selected_requests": [],
"broken_packages": [],
"building_repositories": [],
@ -485,6 +491,7 @@
"untracked_requests": []
"overall_state": "empty",
"selected_requests": [],
"broken_packages": [],
"building_repositories": [],
@ -562,6 +569,7 @@
"subprojects": [
"overall_state": "empty",
"selected_requests": [],
"broken_packages": [],
"building_repositories": [],
@ -644,6 +652,7 @@
"untracked_requests": []
"overall_state": "empty",
"selected_requests": [],
"broken_packages": [],
"building_repositories": [],
@ -721,6 +730,7 @@
"subprojects": [
"overall_state": "empty",
"selected_requests": [],
"broken_packages": [],
"building_repositories": [],
@ -803,6 +813,7 @@
"untracked_requests": []
"overall_state": "review",
"selected_requests": [
"id": 234678
@ -1006,6 +1017,7 @@
"subprojects": [
"overall_state": "empty",
"selected_requests": [],
"broken_packages": [],
"building_repositories": [],
@ -1088,6 +1100,7 @@
"untracked_requests": []
"overall_state": "review",
"selected_requests": [
"id": 234718
@ -1216,6 +1229,7 @@
"subprojects": [
"overall_state": "empty",
"selected_requests": [],
"broken_packages": [],
"building_repositories": [],
@ -1298,6 +1312,7 @@
"untracked_requests": []
"overall_state": "building",
"selected_requests": [
"id": 234999
@ -1421,6 +1436,7 @@
"subprojects": [
"overall_state": "empty",
"selected_requests": [],
"broken_packages": [],
"building_repositories": [
@ -1593,6 +1609,7 @@
"subprojects": [
"overall_state": "empty",
"selected_requests": [],
"broken_packages": [],
"building_repositories": [],
@ -1633,6 +1650,7 @@
"untracked_requests": []
"overall_state": "review",
"selected_requests": [
"id": 235022
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"overall_state": "acceptable"
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"overall_state": "building",
"broken_packages": [],
"building_repositories": [
@ -104,6 +105,7 @@
"subprojects": [
"overall_state": "empty",
"broken_packages": [],
"building_repositories": [
Reference in New Issue
Block a user