Merge pull request #22 from scarabeusiv/master

Make add work with something that is already in
This commit is contained in:
Stephan Kulow 2013-08-30 07:13:02 -07:00
commit 63ce1116d7

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@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ def _group_find_sr(self, pkgs, opts):
def _group_verify_grouping(self, srids, opts, require_grouping = False):
Verify that none of the SR#s is not part of any other grouping request
Verifies if the SRs are part of some GR and if not return list of those remaining.
:param srids: list of submit request IDs
:param opts: obs options
:param require_grouping: if passed return list of GR#s for the SR#s and fail if they are not members of any
@ -162,13 +162,20 @@ def _group_verify_grouping(self, srids, opts, require_grouping = False):
if group:
if require_grouping:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('SR#{0} is already in GR#{1}'.format(sr, group))
# # only remove the ID from grouping, we will error out only if we return empty set
# else:
# #raise oscerr.WrongArgs('SR#{0} is already in GR#{1}'.format(sr, group))
if require_grouping:
# Can't assert as in the automagic group finding we need to pass here
#raise oscerr.WrongArgs('SR#{0} is not member of any group request'.format(sr))
# package is not in group so we append it for return
if not require_grouping and len(grids) < 1:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('All added submit request already are in groups: {0}'.format(', '.join(srids)))
return grids
@ -208,7 +215,7 @@ def _group_create(self, name, pkgs, opts):
srids = self._group_find_sr(pkgs, opts)
self._group_verify_grouping(srids, opts)
srids = self._group_verify_grouping(srids, opts)
# compose the xml
xml='<request><action type="group">'
@ -237,7 +244,7 @@ def _group_add(self, grid, pkgs, opts):
returned_group = self._group_verify_type(grid, opts)
if returned_group:
srids = self._group_find_sr(pkgs, opts)
self._group_verify_grouping(srids, opts)
srids = self._group_verify_grouping(srids, opts)
# here we add the grid to pkgs and search among all to get at least one
# usefull group request id