openqa-comments: rework openQA report as status check report.

This commit is contained in:
Jimmy Berry 2018-11-09 15:13:58 -06:00
parent aa7a46f45e
commit 89174c9e0f

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@ -29,19 +29,6 @@ class OpenQAReport(object):
text = '[%s](%s)' % (package['arch'], link)
return text
def _openQA_url(self, job):
test_name = job['name'].split('-')[-1]
link = '%s/tests/%s' % (self.api.copenqa, job['id'])
text = '[%s](%s)' % (test_name, link)
return text
def _openQA_module_url(self, job, module):
link = '%s/tests/%s/modules/%s/steps/1' % (
self.api.copenqa, job['id'], module['name']
text = '[%s](%s)' % (module['name'], link)
return text
def old_enough(self, _date):
time_delta = datetime.utcnow() - _date
safe_margin = timedelta(hours=MARGIN_HOURS)
@ -96,33 +83,30 @@ class OpenQAReport(object):
report += '* and more (%s) ...' % (len(failing_lines) - MAX_LINES)
return report
def _report_openQA(self, info):
def report_checks(self, info):
failing_lines, green_lines = [], []
openQA_status = info['openqa_jobs']
for job in openQA_status:
test_name = job['name'].split('-')[-1]
fails = [
' * %s (%s)' % (test_name, self._openQA_module_url(job, module))
for module in job['modules'] if module['result'] == 'failed'
links_state = {}
for check in info['checks']:
links_state.setdefault(check['state'], [])
links_state[check['state']].append('[{}]({})'.format(check['name'], check['url']))
if fails:
lines = []
failure = False
for state, links in links_state.items():
if len(links) > MAX_LINES:
extra = len(links) - MAX_LINES
links = links[:MAX_LINES]
links.append('and {} more...'.format(extra))
lines.append('- {}'.format(state))
if state != 'success':
lines.extend([' - {}'.format(link) for link in links])
failure = True
lines[-1] += ': {}'.format(', '.join(links))
failing_report, green_report = '', ''
if failing_lines:
failing_report = '* Failing tests:\n' + '\n'.join(failing_lines[:MAX_LINES])
if len(failing_lines) > MAX_LINES:
failing_report += '\n * and more (%s) ...' % (len(failing_lines) - MAX_LINES)
if green_lines:
green_report = '* Succeeding tests:' + ', '.join(green_lines[:MAX_LINES])
if len(green_lines) > MAX_LINES:
green_report += ', and more (%s) ...' % (len(green_lines) - MAX_LINES)
return '\n'.join((failing_report, green_report)).strip(), bool(failing_lines)
return '\n'.join(lines).strip(), failure
def report(self, project, aggregate=True):
info = self.api.project_status(project, aggregate)
@ -141,14 +125,14 @@ class OpenQAReport(object):
report_broken_packages = self._report_broken_packages(info)
report_openQA, some_openqa_fail = self._report_openQA(info)
report_checks, check_failure = self.report_checks(info)
if report_broken_packages or some_openqa_fail:
if report_broken_packages or check_failure:
if report_broken_packages:
report_broken_packages = 'Broken:\n\n' + report_broken_packages
if report_openQA:
report_openQA = 'openQA:\n\n' + report_openQA
report = '\n\n'.join((report_broken_packages, report_openQA))
if report_checks:
report_checks = 'Checks:\n\n' + report_checks
report = '\n\n'.join((report_broken_packages, report_checks))
report = report.strip()
if report:
if osc.conf.config['debug']: