Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
@ -7,90 +7,348 @@
# (C) 2014,
# Distribute under GPLv2 or GPLv3
import os
import os.path
import sys
import argparse
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import urllib2
from datetime import date
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
import osc
from osc import cmdln, oscerr
# Expand sys.path to search modules inside the pluging directory
PLUGINDIR = os.path.expanduser(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
from osclib.stagingapi import StagingAPI
from osclib.comments import CommentAPI
def tt_get_current_snapshot(self):
"""Return the current snapshot in Factory:ToTest"""
# for now we hardcode all kind of things
url = self.api.makeurl(['build', 'openSUSE:Factory:ToTest', 'images', 'local', '_product:openSUSE-cd-mini-i586'])
f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
for binary in root.findall('binary'):
result = re.match(r'openSUSE-Factory-NET-i586-Snapshot(.*)-Media.iso', binary.get('filename'))
if result:
return None
def tt_find_openqa_results(self, snapshot):
""" Return the openqa jobs of a given snapshot
and filter out the cloned jobs
# QA Results
url = "{}&distri=opensuse".format(snapshot)
f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
jobs = []
for job in json.load(f)['jobs']:
if job['clone_id']: continue
job['name'] = job['name'].replace(snapshot, '')
return jobs
class QAResult: # no python 3.4
InProgress = 1
Failed = 2
Passed = 3
class ToTestBase(object):
"""Base class to store the basic interface"""
def tt_result2str(result):
if result == QAResult.InProgress:
return 'inprogress'
elif result == QAResult.Failed:
return 'failed'
return 'passed'
def __init__(self, project):
self.project = project
self.api = StagingAPI(osc.conf.config['apiurl'])
def tt_find_failed_module(self, result):
#print json.dumps(result, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
for module in result['testmodules']:
if module['result'] != 'fail':
flags = module['flags']
if 'fatal' in flags or 'important' in flags:
return module['name']
print module['name'], module['result'], module['flags']
return None
def openqa_version(self):
return self.project
def tt_overall_result(self, snapshot):
""" Analyze the openQA jobs of a given snapshot
Returns a QAResult
def binaries_of_product(self, project, product):
url = self.api.makeurl(['build', project, 'images', 'local', product])
f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
except urllib2.HTTPError:
return []
jobs = self.tt_find_openqa_results(snapshot)
ret = []
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
for binary in root.findall('binary'):
return ret
def get_current_snapshot(self):
"""Return the current snapshot in :ToTest"""
# for now we hardcode all kind of things
for binary in self.binaries_of_product('openSUSE:%s:ToTest' % self.project, '_product:openSUSE-cd-mini-i586'):
result = re.match(r'openSUSE-%s-NET-i586-Snapshot(.*)-Media.iso' % self.project,
if result:
return None
def find_openqa_results(self, snapshot):
"""Return the openqa jobs of a given snapshot and filter out the
cloned jobs
url = '' \
'jobs?version={}&build={}&distri=opensuse'.format(self.openqa_version(), snapshot)
f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
jobs = []
for job in json.load(f)['jobs']:
if job['clone_id']:
job['name'] = job['name'].replace(snapshot, '')
return jobs
def _result2str(self, result):
if result == QA_INPROGRESS:
return 'inprogress'
elif result == QA_FAILED:
return 'failed'
return 'passed'
def find_failed_module(self, result):
# print json.dumps(result, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
for module in result['testmodules']:
if module['result'] != 'fail':
flags = module['flags']
if 'fatal' in flags or 'important' in flags:
return module['name']
print module['name'], module['result'], module['flags']
def overall_result(self, snapshot):
"""Analyze the openQA jobs of a given snapshot Returns a QAResult"""
if snapshot == None:
return QA_FAILED
jobs = self.find_openqa_results(snapshot)
if len(jobs) < 90: # not yet scheduled
print 'we have only %s jobs' % len(jobs)
number_of_fails = 0
in_progress = False
for job in jobs:
# print json.dumps(job, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
if job['result'] in ('failed', 'incomplete'):
jobname = job['name'] + '@' + job['settings']['MACHINE']
if jobname in self.known_failures:
number_of_fails += 1
# print json.dumps(job, sort_keys=True, indent=4), jobname
url = '' % job['id']
result = json.load(self.api.retried_GET(url + '/file/results.json'))
failedmodule = self.find_failed_module(result)
print jobname, url, failedmodule, job['retry_avbl']
# if number_of_fails < 3: continue
elif job['result'] == 'passed':
elif job['result'] == 'none':
if job['state'] != 'cancelled':
in_progress = True
raise Exception(job['result'])
if number_of_fails > 0:
return QA_FAILED
if in_progress:
if self.known_failures:
print 'Some are now passing', self.known_failures
return QA_PASSED
def all_repos_done(self, project, codes=None):
"""Check the build result of the project and only return True if all
repos of that project are either published or unpublished
codes = ['published', 'unpublished'] if not codes else codes
url = self.api.makeurl(['build', project, '_result'], {'code': 'failed'})
f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
for repo in root.findall('result'):
if repo.get('dirty', '') == 'true':
print repo.get('project'), repo.get('repository'), repo.get('arch'), 'dirty'
return False
if repo.get('code') not in codes:
print repo.get('project'), repo.get('repository'), repo.get('arch'), repo.get('code')
return False
return True
def maxsize_for_package(self, package):
if re.match(r'.*-mini-.*', package):
return 737280000 # a CD needs to match
if re.match(r'.*-dvd5-.*', package):
return 4700372992 # a DVD needs to match
if re.match(r'.*-image-livecd-x11.*', package):
return 681574400 # not a full CD
if re.match(r'.*-image-livecd.*', package):
return 999999999 # a GB stick
if package == '_product:openSUSE-ftp-ftp-i586_x86_64':
return None
if package == '_product:openSUSE-Addon-NonOss-ftp-ftp-i586_x86_64':
return None
raise Exception('No maxsize for {}'.format(package))
def package_ok(self, project, package, repository, arch):
"""Checks one package in a project and returns True if it's succeeded
query = {'package': package, 'repository': repository, 'arch': arch}
url = self.api.makeurl(['build', project, '_result'], query)
f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
for repo in root.findall('result'):
status = repo.find('status')
if status.get('code') != 'succeeded':
print project, package, repository, arch, status.get('code')
return False
maxsize = self.maxsize_for_package(package)
if not maxsize:
return True
url = self.api.makeurl(['build', project, repository, arch, package])
f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
for binary in root.findall('binary'):
if not binary.get('filename', '').endswith('.iso'):
isosize = int(binary.get('size', 0))
if isosize > maxsize:
print project, package, repository, arch, 'too large by %s bytes' % isosize-maxsize
return False
return True
def factory_snapshottable(self):
"""Check various conditions required for factory to be snapshotable
if not self.all_repos_done('openSUSE:%s' % self.project):
return False
for product in ['_product:openSUSE-ftp-ftp-i586_x86_64',
if not self.package_ok('openSUSE:%s' % self.project, product, 'images', 'local'):
return False
if not self.all_repos_done('openSUSE:%s:Live' % self.project):
return False
for product in ['kiwi-image-livecd-kde.i586',
if not self.package_ok('openSUSE:%s:Live' % self.project, product, 'standard', 'i586'):
return False
for product in ['kiwi-image-livecd-kde.x86_64',
if not self.package_ok('openSUSE:%s:Live' % self.project, product, 'standard', 'x86_64'):
return False
return True
def release_package(self, project, package, set_release=None):
query = {'cmd': 'release'}
if set_release:
query['setrelease'] = set_release
baseurl = ['source', project, package]
url = self.api.makeurl(baseurl, query=query)
def update_totest(self, snapshot):
print 'Updating snapshot %s' % snapshot
self.api.switch_flag_in_prj('openSUSE:%s:ToTest' % self.project, flag='publish', state='disable')
self.release_package('openSUSE:%s' % self.project, '_product:openSUSE-ftp-ftp-i586_x86_64')
self.release_package('openSUSE:%s' % self.project, '_product:openSUSE-Addon-NonOss-ftp-ftp-i586_x86_64')
for cd in ['kiwi-image-livecd-kde.i586',
self.release_package('openSUSE:%s:Live' % self.project, cd, set_release='Snapshot%s' % snapshot)
for cd in ['_product:openSUSE-dvd5-dvd-i586',
self.release_package('openSUSE:%s' % self.project, cd, set_release='Snapshot%s' % snapshot)
def publish_factory_totest(self):
print 'Publish ToTest'
self.api.switch_flag_in_prj('openSUSE:%s:ToTest' % self.project, flag='publish', state='enable')
def totest_is_publishing(self):
"""Find out if the publishing flag is set in totest's _meta"""
url = self.api.makeurl(['source', 'openSUSE:%s:ToTest' % self.project, '_meta'])
f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
if not root.find('publish'): # default true
return True
for flag in root.find('publish'):
if flag.get('repository', None) or flag.get('arch', None):
if flag.tag == 'enable':
return True
return False
def totest(self):
current_snapshot = self.get_current_snapshot()
new_snapshot = self.current_version()
current_result = self.overall_result(current_snapshot)
print 'current_snapshot', current_snapshot, self._result2str(current_result)
if current_result == QA_FAILED:
can_release = (current_result != QA_INPROGRESS and self.factory_snapshottable())
# not overwriting
if new_snapshot == current_snapshot:
can_release = False
elif not self.all_repos_done('openSUSE:%s:ToTest' % self.project):
# the repos have to be done, otherwise we better not touch them with a new release
can_release = False
can_publish = (current_result == QA_PASSED)
# already published
if self.totest_is_publishing():
can_publish = False
if can_publish:
can_release = False # we have to wait
if can_release:
class ToTestFactory(ToTestBase):
known_failures = [
'opensuse-FTT-GNOME-Live-i686-Build-gnome-live@32bit', # broken in 20140813
'opensuse-FTT-KDE-Live-i686-Build-kde-live@32bit', # broken in 20140813
@ -99,265 +357,74 @@ def tt_overall_result(self, snapshot):
'opensuse-FTT-KDE-Live-x86_64-Build-kde-live@USBboot_64', # broken in 20140828
'opensuse-FTT-GNOME-Live-x86_64-Build-gnome-live@USBboot_64', # broken in 20140828
'opensuse-FTT-Rescue-CD-x86_64-Build-memtest@64bit', # broken in 20140904
'opensuse-FTT-GNOME-Live-i686-Build-memtest@32bit', # broken in 20140904
'opensuse-FTT-Rescue-CD-x86_64-Build-mediacheck@64bit', # broken in 20140904
'opensuse-FTT-KDE-Live-x86_64-Build-mediacheck@64bit', # broken in 20140904
'opensuse-FTT-GNOME-Live-x86_64-Build-mediacheck@64bit', # broken in 20140904
'opensuse-FTT-DVD-i586-Build-memtest@32bit', # broken in 20140904
'opensuse-FTT-NET-i586-Build-memtest@32bit', # broken in 20140904
'opensuse-FTT-Rescue-CD-i686-Build-mediacheck@32bit', # broken in 20140904
'opensuse-FTT-Rescue-CD-i686-Build-memtest@32bit', # broken in 20140904
'opensuse-FTT-KDE-Live-i686-Build-memtest@32bit', # broken in 20140904
'opensuse-FTT-GNOME-Live-x86_64-Build-gnome-live@64bit', # broken in 20140904
'opensuse-FTT-KDE-Live-x86_64-Build-kde-live@USBboot_64', # broken in 20140828
'opensuse-FTT-GNOME-Live-x86_64-Build-gnome-live@USBboot_64', # broken in 20140828
'opensuse-FTT-GNOME-Live-i686-Build-memtest@32bit', # broken in 20140904
'opensuse-FTT-Rescue-CD-x86_64-Build-mediacheck@64bit', # broken in 20140904
'opensuse-FTT-KDE-Live-x86_64-Build-mediacheck@64bit', # broken in 20140904
'opensuse-FTT-GNOME-Live-x86_64-Build-mediacheck@64bit', # broken in 20140904
'opensuse-FTT-DVD-i586-Build-memtest@32bit', # broken in 20140904
'opensuse-FTT-NET-i586-Build-memtest@32bit', # broken in 20140904
'opensuse-FTT-Rescue-CD-i686-Build-mediacheck@32bit', # broken in 20140904
'opensuse-FTT-Rescue-CD-i686-Build-memtest@32bit', # broken in 20140904
'opensuse-FTT-KDE-Live-i686-Build-memtest@32bit', # broken in 20140904
'opensuse-FTT-GNOME-Live-x86_64-Build-gnome-live@64bit', # broken in 20140904
'opensuse-FTT-Rescue-CD-x86_64-Build-rescue@64bit', # broken in 20140909
if len(jobs) < 90: # not yet scheduled
print "we have only", len(jobs), "jobs"
return QAResult.InProgress
def __init__(self, project):
ToTestBase.__init__(self, project)
number_of_fails = 0
in_progress = False
for job in jobs:
#print json.dumps(job, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
if job['result'] == 'failed' or job['result'] == 'incomplete' :
jobname = job['name'] + "@" + job['settings']['MACHINE']
if jobname in known_failures:
number_of_fails += 1
#print json.dumps(job, sort_keys=True, indent=4), jobname
url = "{}".format(job['id'])
result = json.load(self.api.retried_GET(url + "/file/results.json" ))
failedmodule = self.tt_find_failed_module(result)
print jobname, url, failedmodule, job['retry_avbl']
#if number_of_fails < 3: continue
elif job['result'] == 'passed':
elif job['result'] == 'none':
in_progress = True
raise Exception(job['result'])
if number_of_fails > 0:
return QAResult.Failed
def openqa_version(self):
return 'FTT'
if in_progress:
return QAResult.InProgress
# for Factory we check the version of the release package
def current_version(self):
url = self.api.makeurl(['build', 'openSUSE:%s' % self.project, 'standard', 'x86_64',
f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
for binary in root.findall('binary'):
binary = binary.get('filename', '')
result = re.match(r'.*-([^-]*)-[^-]*.src.rpm', binary)
if result:
raise Exception("can't find factory version")
if known_failures:
print "Some are now passing", known_failures
return QAResult.Passed
class ToTest132(ToTestBase):
known_failures = [
def tt_all_repos_done(self, project, codes=['published', 'unpublished']):
Check the build result of the project and only return True if all
repos of that project are either published or unpublished
url = self.api.makeurl(['build', project, '_result'], {'code': 'failed' })
f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
for repo in root.findall('result'):
if repo.get('dirty', '') == 'true':
print repo.get('project'), repo.get('repository'), repo.get('arch'), 'dirty'
return False
if repo.get('code') not in codes:
print repo.get('project'), repo.get('repository'), repo.get('arch'), repo.get('code')
return False
return True
# for 13.2 we take the build number of the FTP tree
def current_version(self):
for binary in self.binaries_of_product('openSUSE:%s' % self.project, '_product:openSUSE-ftp-ftp-i586_x86_64'):
result = re.match(r'openSUSE.*Build(.*)', binary)
if result:
def tt_maxsize_for_package(self, package):
if re.match(r'.*-mini-.*', package ):
return 737280000 # a CD needs to match
raise Exception("can't find 13.2 version")
if re.match(r'.*-dvd5-.*', package ):
return 4700372992 # a DVD needs to match
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Commands to work with staging projects')
parser.add_argument('project', metavar='P', type=str, default='Factory',
help='openSUSE version to make the check (Factory, 13.2)')
if re.match(r'.*-image-livecd-x11.*', package ):
return 681574400 # not a full CD
args = parser.parse_args()
if re.match(r'.*-image-livecd.*', package ):
return 999999999 # a GB stick
totest_class = {
'Factory': ToTestFactory,
'13.2': ToTest132,
if package == '_product:openSUSE-ftp-ftp-i586_x86_64':
return None
if args.project not in totest_class:
print 'Project %s not recognized. Possible values [%s]' % (args.project,
', '.join(totest_class))
if package == '_product:openSUSE-Addon-NonOss-ftp-ftp-i586_x86_64':
return None
raise Exception('No maxsize for {}'.format(package))
# osc.conf.config['debug'] = True
def tt_package_ok(self, project, package, repository, arch):
Checks one package in a project and returns True if it's succeeded
query = {'package': package, 'repository': repository, 'arch': arch }
url = self.api.makeurl(['build', project, '_result'], query)
f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
for repo in root.findall('result'):
status = repo.find('status')
if status.get('code') != 'succeeded':
print project, package, repository, arch, status.get('code')
return False
maxsize = self.tt_maxsize_for_package(package)
if not maxsize:
return True
url = self.api.makeurl(['build', project, repository, arch, package])
f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
for binary in root.findall('binary'):
if not binary.get('filename', '').endswith('.iso'):
isosize=int(binary.get('size', 0))
if isosize > maxsize:
print project, package, repository, arch, 'too large by {} bytes'.format(isosize-maxsize)
return False
return True
def tt_factory_snapshottable(self):
Check various conditions required for factory to be snapshotable
if not self.tt_all_repos_done('openSUSE:Factory'):
return False
for product in ['_product:openSUSE-ftp-ftp-i586_x86_64',
if not self.tt_package_ok('openSUSE:Factory', product, 'images', 'local'):
return False
if not self.tt_all_repos_done('openSUSE:Factory:Live'):
return False
for product in ['kiwi-image-livecd-kde.i586',
if not self.tt_package_ok('openSUSE:Factory:Live', product, 'standard', 'i586'):
return False
for product in ['kiwi-image-livecd-kde.x86_64',
if not self.tt_package_ok('openSUSE:Factory:Live', product, 'standard', 'x86_64'):
return False
return True
def tt_release_package(self, project, package, set_release=None):
query = { 'cmd': 'release' }
if set_release:
query["setrelease"] = set_release
baseurl = ['source', project, package]
url = self.api.makeurl(baseurl, query=query)
def tt_update_totest(self, snapshot):
print "Updating snapshot {}".format(snapshot)
self.api.switch_flag_in_prj('openSUSE:Factory:ToTest', flag='publish', state='disable')
self.tt_release_package('openSUSE:Factory', '_product:openSUSE-ftp-ftp-i586_x86_64')
self.tt_release_package('openSUSE:Factory', '_product:openSUSE-Addon-NonOss-ftp-ftp-i586_x86_64')
for cd in ['kiwi-image-livecd-kde.i586',
self.tt_release_package('openSUSE:Factory:Live', cd, set_release='Snapshot{}'.format(snapshot))
for cd in ['_product:openSUSE-dvd5-dvd-i586',
self.tt_release_package('openSUSE:Factory', cd, set_release='Snapshot{}'.format(snapshot))
def tt_publish_factory_totest(self):
print "Publish ToTest"
self.api.switch_flag_in_prj('openSUSE:Factory:ToTest', flag='publish', state='enable')
def tt_totest_is_publishing(self):
"""Find out if the publishing flag is set in totest's _meta"""
url = self.api.makeurl(['source', 'openSUSE:Factory:ToTest', '_meta'])
f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
if not root.find('publish'): # default true
return True
for flag in root.find('publish'):
if flag.get('repository', None) or flag.get('arch', None):
if flag.tag == 'enable':
return True
return False
def tt_current_factory_version(self):
url = self.api.makeurl(['build', 'openSUSE:Factory', 'standard', 'x86_64', '_product:openSUSE-release'])
f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
for binary in root.findall('binary'):
binary = binary.get('filename', '')
result = re.match(r'.*-([^-]*)-[^-]*.src.rpm', binary)
if result:
raise Exception("can't find factory version")
def do_totest(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
"""${cmd_name}: Commands to work with staging projects
osc totest
# verify the argument counts match the commands
if len(args) != 0:
raise oscerr.WrongArgs("we don't need arguments")
# init the obs access
opts.apiurl = self.get_api_url()
opts.verbose = False
self.api = StagingAPI(opts.apiurl)
current_snapshot = self.tt_get_current_snapshot()
new_snapshot = self.tt_current_factory_version()
current_result = self.tt_overall_result(current_snapshot)
print "current_snapshot", current_snapshot, tt_result2str(current_result)
if current_result == QAResult.Failed:
can_release = current_result != QAResult.InProgress and self.tt_factory_snapshottable()
# not overwriting
if new_snapshot == current_snapshot:
can_release = False
elif not self.tt_all_repos_done('openSUSE:Factory:ToTest'):
# the repos have to be done, otherwise we better not touch them with a new release
can_release = False
can_publish = current_result == QAResult.Passed
# already published
if self.tt_totest_is_publishing():
can_publish = False
if can_publish:
can_release = False # we have to wait
if can_release:
totest = totest_class[args.project](args.project)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user