metrics: ingest relevant dashboard files and extract metrics.

This commit is contained in:
Jimmy Berry 2018-04-20 16:32:02 -05:00
parent 4ee96ae3d2
commit a45c3358df

View File

@ -393,6 +393,125 @@ def dashboard_at(api, filename, datetime=None, revision=None):
return content
def dashboard_at_changed(api, filename, revision=None):
if not hasattr(dashboard_at_changed, 'previous'):
dashboard_at_changed.previous = {}
content = dashboard_at(api, filename, revision=revision)
if content is None and filename == 'repo_checker' and api.project == 'openSUSE:Factory':
# Special case to fallback to installcheck pre repo_checker file.
return dashboard_at_changed(api, 'installcheck', revision)
if content and content != dashboard_at_changed.previous.get(filename):
dashboard_at_changed.previous[filename] = content
return content
return None
def ingest_dashboard_config(content):
if not hasattr(ingest_dashboard_config, 'seen'):
ingest_dashboard_config.seen = set()
fields = {}
for key, value in content.items():
if key.startswith('repo_checker-binary-whitelist'):
fields[key] = len(value.split())
# Ensure any previously seen key are filled with zeros if no longer present
# to allow graphs to fill with previous.
missing = ingest_dashboard_config.seen - set(fields.keys())
for key in missing:
fields[key] = 0
return fields
def ingest_dashboard_devel_projects(content):
return {
'count': len(content.strip().split()),
def ingest_dashboard_repo_checker(content):
return {
'install_count': content.count("can't install "),
'conflict_count': content.count('found conflict of '),
'line_count': content.count('\n'),
def ingest_dashboard_version_snapshot(content):
return {
'version': content.strip(),
def ingest_dashboard_revision_get():
result = client.query('SELECT revision FROM dashboard ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1')
if result:
return next(result.get_points())['revision']
return None
def ingest_dashboard_revision_put(revision):
'measurement': 'dashboard',
'fields': {
'revision': revision,
'time': timestamp(,
}], 's')
def ingest_dashboard(api):
index = revision_index(api)
revision_last = ingest_dashboard_revision_get()
past = True if revision_last is None else False
print('dashboard ingest: processing {:,} revisions starting after {}'.format(
len(index), 'the beginning' if past else revision_last))
filenames = ['config', 'repo_checker', 'version_snapshot']
if api.project == 'openSUSE:Factory':
count = 0
points = []
for made, revision in sorted(index.items()):
if not past:
if revision == revision_last:
past = True
time = timestamp(made)
for filename in filenames:
content = dashboard_at_changed(api, filename, revision)
if content:
map_func = globals()['ingest_dashboard_{}'.format(filename)]
fields = map_func(content)
if not len(fields):
'measurement': 'dashboard_{}'.format(filename),
'fields': fields,
'time': time,
if len(points) >= 1000:
client.write_points(points, 's')
count += len(points)
points = []
if len(points):
client.write_points(points, 's')
count += len(points)
# Keep track of last revision process to start after that next time.
print('storing last revision processed: {}'.format(revision))
return count
def main(args):
global client
client = InfluxDBClient(, args.port, args.user, args.password, args.project)
@ -420,6 +539,8 @@ def main(args):
api = StagingAPI(osc.conf.config['apiurl'], args.project)
print('dashboard: wrote {:,} points'.format(ingest_dashboard(api)))
global who_workaround_swap, who_workaround_miss
who_workaround_swap = who_workaround_miss = 0