Merge pull request #2957 from witekest/add_flavor

Add flavor information to access metrics
This commit is contained in:
Dominique Leuenberger 2023-05-23 09:22:31 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit bb5a644ba3
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 81 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ function aggregate_all($period)
// Write out any remaining data by simulating a date beyond all intervals.
error_log('write remaining data');
/*error_log('write remaining data');
$date = clone $date;
$date->add(date_interval_create_from_date_string('1 year'));
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ function aggregate_all($period)
aggregate($intervals, $merged_protocol[$protocol], $date, $date_previous, null,
['protocol' => $protocol], 'protocol');
aggregate($intervals, $merged, $date, $date_previous, null);
aggregate($intervals, $merged, $date, $date_previous, null);*/
function aggregate($intervals, &$merged, $date, $date_previous, $data, $tags = [], $prefix = 'access')
@ -234,9 +234,19 @@ function aggregate($intervals, &$merged, $date, $date_previous, $data, $tags = [
if ($prefix == 'protocol') {
$summary = ['-' => $summary['-']];
$flavors = [];
foreach ($summary as $product => $details) {
if (isset($details['flavors'])) {
$flavors[$product] = $details['flavors'];
if (isset($value_previous) and $value != $value_previous) {
$count = write_summary($interval, $date_previous, $summary, $tags, $prefix);
if (isset($flavors)) {
$count += write_flavors($interval, $date_previous, $flavors);
if ($prefix == 'access') {
$summary = summarize_product_plus_key($merged[$interval]['data']['total_image_product']);
@ -284,6 +294,15 @@ function normalize(&$data)
if (!isset($data['total_image_product'])) {
$data['total_image_product'] = [];
$first_product = reset($data['unique_product']);
$first_key = reset($first_product);
if (is_int($first_key)) {
foreach ($data['unique_product'] as $product => $pairs) {
foreach ($pairs as $key => $count) {
$data['unique_product'][$product][$key] = ['count' => $count];
function merge(&$data1, $data2)
@ -297,7 +316,7 @@ function merge(&$data1, $data2)
$data1['total_product'][$product] += $data2['total_product'][$product];
merge_product_plus_key($data1['unique_product'], $data2['unique_product']);
merge_unique_products($data1['unique_product'], $data2['unique_product']);
merge_product_plus_key($data1['total_image_product'], $data2['total_image_product']);
$data1['total_invalid'] += $data2['total_invalid'];
@ -319,6 +338,23 @@ function merge_product_plus_key(&$data1, $data2)
function merge_unique_products(&$data1, $data2)
foreach ($data2 as $product => $arrays) {
if (empty($data1[$product]))
$data1[$product] = [];
foreach ($arrays as $key => $array) {
if (empty($data1[$product][$key]))
$data1[$product][$key] = ['count' => 0];
$data1[$product][$key]['count'] += $array['count'];
if (isset($array['flavor'])) $data1[$product][$key]['flavor'] = $array['flavor'];
if (isset($array['ip'])) $data1[$product][$key]['ip'] = $array['ip'];
function summarize($data)
static $products = [];
@ -339,20 +375,21 @@ function summarize($data)
if (isset($data['unique_product'][$product])) {
$unique_product = $data['unique_product'][$product];
$summary_product += [
'unique' => count($unique_product),
'unqiue_average' => (float) (array_sum($unique_product) / count($unique_product)),
'unqiue_max' => max($unique_product),
$summary_product += [ 'unique' => count($unique_product) ];
// A UUID should be unique to a product, as such this should provide an
// accurate count of total unique across all products.
$summary['-']['unique'] += $summary_product['unique'];
$first_key = reset($data['unique_product'][$product]);
if (isset($first_key['flavor'])) {
$unique_flavors = array_column($data['unique_product'][$product], 'flavor');
$flavors = array_unique($unique_flavors);
$summary_product['flavors'] = [];
foreach ($flavors as $flavor) {
$summary_product['flavors'][$flavor] = count(array_keys($unique_flavors, $flavor));
} else {
$summary_product += [
'unique' => 0,
'unqiue_average' => (float) 0,
'unqiue_max' => 0,
$summary_product += [ 'unique' => 0 ];
$summary[$product] = $summary_product;
@ -366,8 +403,6 @@ function summarize($data)
$summary[$product] = [
'total' => 0,
'unique' => 0,
'unqiue_average' => (float) 0,
'unqiue_max' => 0,
@ -423,6 +458,20 @@ function write_summary($interval, DateTime $value, $summary, $tags = [], $prefix
return count($points);
function write_flavors($interval, DateTime $value, $flavors)
$measurement = 'access_' . $interval;
$points = [];
foreach ($flavors as $product => $unique_flavors) {
foreach($unique_flavors as $flavor => $unique_count) {
$tags = ['product' => $product, 'flavor' => $flavor];
$points[] = new Point($measurement, $unique_count, $tags, [], $value->getTimestamp());
return count($points);
function write_summary_product_plus_key($interval, DateTime $date, $summary, $prefix)
$measurement = $prefix . '_' . $interval;
@ -443,8 +492,8 @@ function write($points)
if (!$database) {
$database = InfluxDB\Client::fromDSN('influxdb://');
// $database->drop();
// $database->create();
if (!$database->writePoints($points, Database::PRECISION_SECONDS)) die('failed to write points');

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
const REGEX_LINE = '/\S+ \S+ \S+ \[([^:]+:\d+:\d+:\d+ [^\]]+)\] "(\S+)(?: (\S+) \S+)?" (\S+) (\S+) "[^"]*" "[^"]*" .* (?:size:|want:- give:- \d+ )(\S+) \S+(?: +"?(\S+-\S+-\S+-\S+-[^\s"]+|-)"? "?(dvd|ftp|mini|usb-[^"]*|livecd-[^"]*|appliance-?[^"]*|-)"?)?/';
const REGEX_LINE = '/(\S+) \S+ \S+ \[([^:]+:\d+:\d+:\d+ [^\]]+)\] "(\S+)(?: (\S+) \S+)?" (\S+) (\S+) "[^"]*" "[^"]*" .* (?:size:|want:- give:- \d+ )(\S+) \S+(?: +"?(\S+-\S+-\S+-\S+-[^\s"]+|-)"? "?(dvd|ftp|mini|usb-[^"]*|livecd-[^"]*|appliance-?[^"]*|-)"?)?/';
const REGEX_PRODUCT = '#/(?:(tumbleweed)|distribution/(?:leap/)?(\d+\.\d+)|openSUSE(?:_|:/)(?:leap(?:_|:/))?(factory|tumbleweed|\d+\.\d+))#i';
const REGEX_IMAGE = '#(?:/(?:iso|live)/[^/]+-(DVD|NET|GNOME-Live|KDE-Live|Rescue-CD|Kubic-DVD)-[^/]+\.iso(?:\.torrent)?|/jeos/[^/]+-(JeOS)\.[^/]+\.(?:qcow2|vhdx|vmdk|vmx)$)#';
@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
// Only interested in GET or HEAD requests, others are invalid.
if ($match[2] != 'GET' && $match[2] != 'HEAD') continue;
if ($match[3] != 'GET' && $match[3] != 'HEAD') continue;
// Not interested on errors.
if ($match[4] >= '400') continue;
if ($match[5] >= '400') continue;
// Attempt to determine for which product was the request.
if (!preg_match(REGEX_PRODUCT, $match[3], $match_product)) {
if (!preg_match(REGEX_PRODUCT, $match[4], $match_product)) {
@ -38,14 +38,20 @@ while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
if (!isset($total_product[$product])) $total_product[$product] = 0;
$total_product[$product] += 1;
if (count($match) == 9 && $match[7] != '-') {
$uuid = $match[7];
if (count($match) == 10 && $match[8] != '-') {
$uuid = $match[8];
if (!isset($unique_product[$product])) $unique_product[$product] = [];
if (!isset($unique_product[$product][$uuid])) $unique_product[$product][$uuid] = 0;
$unique_product[$product][$uuid] += 1;
if (!isset($unique_product[$product][$uuid])) {
$unique_product[$product][$uuid] = [
'count' => 0,
'flavor' => $match[9],
'ip' => $match[1],
$unique_product[$product][$uuid]['count'] += 1;
if (preg_match(REGEX_IMAGE, $match[3], $match_image)) {
if (preg_match(REGEX_IMAGE, $match[4], $match_image)) {
// Remove empty match groups and select non-all match.
$values = array_filter($match_image);
$image = next($values);