skippkg-finder: add conditionals support for the product ftp-tree

In some cases we would not like to add package to ftp-tree on an
specific arch, this can be done by multiple 'group' to be defined in, however is auto-generated
by skippkg-finder according the buildresults and the project attributes,
this commit will add conditionals support to skippkg-finder, in other
words, to be able to define arch dependent package in via the project attribute.

To enable it, 'use group' is also needed to be existsed in the product
file, the available condition/platform can be found in meta pacakge.
This commit is contained in:
Max Lin 2023-02-02 18:39:01 +08:00
parent 9980d015de
commit c86d23e05e

View File

@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ class SkippkgFinder(object):
self.skiplist_supplement_regex = set(config.get('skippkg-finder-skiplist-supplement-regex', '').split(' '))
# drops off RPM from a list of the supplement RPMs due to regex
self.skiplist_supplement_ignores = set(config.get('skippkg-finder-skiplist-supplement-ignores', '').split(' '))
# conditional support scenario
self.skiplist_conditionals = set(config.get('skippkg-finder-conditional-scenarios', '').split(' '))
def is_sle_specific(self, package):
@ -244,6 +246,20 @@ class SkippkgFinder(object):
return True
return False
def create_group(self, group, conditional, packages=[]):
if not (group and conditional):
return ''
group_tree = ET.Element('group', {'name': group})
ET.SubElement(group_tree, 'conditional', {'name': conditional})
packagelist = ET.SubElement(group_tree, 'packagelist', {'relationship': 'requires'})
for pkg in sorted(packages):
if not self.print_only and self.verbose:
attr = {'name': pkg}
ET.SubElement(packagelist, 'package', attr)
return ET.tostring(group_tree, pretty_print=True, encoding='unicode')
def crawl(self):
"""Main method"""
@ -325,21 +341,26 @@ class SkippkgFinder(object):
binary not in self.skiplist_supplement_ignores:
skip_list = ET.Element('group', {'name': 'NON_FTP_PACKAGES'})
ET.SubElement(skip_list, 'conditional', {'name': 'drop_from_ftp'})
packagelist = ET.SubElement(skip_list, 'packagelist', {'relationship': 'requires'})
for pkg in sorted(obsoleted):
if not self.print_only and self.verbose:
attr = {'name': pkg}
ET.SubElement(packagelist, 'package', attr)
skip_list = self.create_group('NON_FTP_PACKAGES', 'drop_from_ftp', obsoleted)
# Handle the conditionals
cond_list = {}
for item in self.skiplist_conditionals:
# node[0] is the condition, node[1] is the package
# an example of the format: only_x86_64:glibc-32bit
node = item.split(':')
if node[0] not in cond_list:
cond_list[node[0]] = []
for cond in cond_list.keys():
group = self.create_group('NON_FTP_PACKAGES_' + cond, cond, cond_list[cond])
skip_list += group
if not self.print_only:
source_file_ensure(self.apiurl, self.upload_project, META_PACKAGE, '',
ET.tostring(skip_list, pretty_print=True, encoding='unicode'),
'Update the skip list')
skip_list, 'Update the skip list')
print(ET.tostring(skip_list, pretty_print=True,
def main(args):