Add support for DoD repos to installcheck

This commit is contained in:
Fabian Vogt 2020-02-11 14:43:21 +01:00
parent fe919b2bfd
commit cb36beedcc
2 changed files with 39 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
import logging
import os
import re
import requests
import subprocess
import tempfile
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from lxml import etree as ETL
from osc.core import http_GET
import yaml
@ -87,7 +90,7 @@ def filter_release(line):
line = re.sub(r'(provided by [^ ]*\-[^-]*)\-[^-]*(\.\w+)$', r'\1\2', line)
return line
def parsed_installcheck(pfile, arch, target_packages, whitelist):
def parsed_installcheck(repos, arch, target_packages, whitelist):
reported_problems = dict()
if not len(target_packages):
@ -100,7 +103,10 @@ def parsed_installcheck(pfile, arch, target_packages, whitelist):
return _mapping[arch]
return arch
p =['/usr/bin/installcheck', maparch2installarch(arch), pfile],
if not isinstance(repos, list):
repos = [repos]
p =['/usr/bin/installcheck', maparch2installarch(arch)] + repos,
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, errors='backslashreplace', text=True)
if p.returncode:
in_problem = False
@ -162,15 +168,37 @@ def installcheck(directories, arch, whitelist, ignore_conflicts):
return parts
def mirror(apiurl, project, repository, arch):
"""Call bs_mirrorfull script to mirror packages."""
directory = os.path.join(CACHEDIR, project, repository, arch)
# return directory
if not os.path.exists(directory):
meta = ETL.parse(http_GET('{}/public/source/{}/_meta'.format(apiurl, project))).getroot()
repotag = meta.xpath("/project/repository[@name='{}']".format(repository))[0]
if arch not in repotag.xpath("./arch/text()"):
# Arch not in this project, skip mirroring
return directory
download = repotag.xpath("./download[@arch='{}']".format(arch))
if download is not None and len(download) > 0:
if len(download) > 1:
raise Exception('Multiple download urls unsupported')
repotype = download[0].get('repotype')
if repotype != 'rpmmd':
raise Exception('repotype {} not supported'.format(repotype))
url = download[0].get('url')
repoindex = ETL.fromstring(requests.get('{}/repodata/repomd.xml'.format(url)).content)
primarypath = repoindex.xpath("string(./repo:data[@type='primary']/repo:location/@href)", namespaces={'repo': ''})
primaryname = os.path.basename(primarypath)
primarydest = os.path.join(directory, os.path.basename(primarypath))
if not os.path.exists(primarydest):
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=directory) as primarytemp:
primarytemp.write(requests.get(url + '/' + primarypath).content), primarydest)
return primarydest
script = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, '..', 'bs_mirrorfull')
path = '/'.join((project, repository, arch))'mirroring {}'.format(path))

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@ -126,8 +126,13 @@ class RepoChecker():
repository_pairs = repository_path_expand(self.apiurl, project, repository)
directories = []
primaryxmls = []
for pair_project, pair_repository in repository_pairs:
directories.append(mirror(self.apiurl, pair_project, pair_repository, arch))
mirrored = mirror(self.apiurl, pair_project, pair_repository, arch)
if os.path.isdir(mirrored):
parsed = dict()
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='repochecker') as dir:
@ -148,7 +153,7 @@ class RepoChecker():
catalog = yaml.safe_load(file)
target_packages = catalog.get(directories[0], [])
parsed = parsed_installcheck(pfile, arch, target_packages, [])
parsed = parsed_installcheck([pfile] + primaryxmls, arch, target_packages, [])
for package in parsed:
parsed[package]['output'] = "\n".join(parsed[package]['output'])