Target E125 - Continuation line with same indent
This commit is contained in:
Stephan Kulow 2022-02-18 15:50:32 +01:00
parent 2023ccbe6e
commit d6628beadf
6 changed files with 34 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
exclude = abichecker
max-line-length = 100
ignore = W503,W504,E501,F401,E128,E251,E201,E202,E302,E305,F841,E261,E712,E126,E711,E125
ignore = W503,W504,E501,F401,E128,E251,E201,E202,E302,E305,F841,E261,E712,E126,E711

View File

@ -310,6 +310,18 @@ class ReviewBot(object):
self.logger.debug("%s review not changed" % (req.reqid))
def _is_duplicate_review(self, review, query, allow_duplicate):
if review.by_group != query.get('by_group'):
return False
if review.by_project != query.get('by_project'):
return False
if review.by_package != query.get('by_package'):
return False
if review.by_user != query.get('by_user'):
return False
# Only duplicate when allow_duplicate and state != new.
return (not allow_duplicate or review.state == 'new')
# allow_duplicate=True should only be used if it makes sense to force a
# re-review in a scenario where the bot adding the review will rerun.
# Normally a declined review will automatically be reopened along with the
@ -331,13 +343,8 @@ class ReviewBot(object):
raise osc.oscerr.WrongArgs("missing by_*")
for r in
if (r.by_group == by_group and
r.by_project == by_project and
r.by_package == by_package and
r.by_user == by_user and
# Only duplicate when allow_duplicate and state != new.
(not allow_duplicate or r.state == 'new')):
for review in
if self._is_duplicate_review(review, query, allow_duplicate):
del query['cmd']
self.logger.debug('skipped adding duplicate review for {}'.format(
@ -736,13 +743,7 @@ class ReviewBot(object):
message = self.comment_api.add_marker(message, bot_name, info)
message = self.comment_api.truncate(message.strip())
if (comment is not None and
((identical and
# Remove marker from comments since handled during comment_find().
self.comment_api.remove_marker(comment['comment']) ==
self.comment_api.remove_marker(message)) or
(not identical and comment['comment'].count('\n') == message.count('\n')))
if self._is_comment_identical(comment, message, identical):
# Assume same state/result and number of lines in message is duplicate.
self.logger.debug('previous comment too similar on {}'.format(debug_key))
@ -764,6 +765,15 @@ class ReviewBot(object):
def _is_comment_identical(self, comment, message, identical):
if comment is None:
return False
if identical:
# Remove marker from comments since handled during comment_find().
return self.comment_api.remove_marker(comment['comment']) == self.comment_api.remove_marker(message)
return comment['comment'].count('\n') == message.count('\n')
def _check_matching_srcmd5(self, project, package, rev, history_limit = 5):
"""check if factory sources contain the package and revision. check head and history"""
self.logger.debug("checking %s in %s" % (package, project))