Remove update comments - are now obs history

This commit is contained in:
Stephan Kulow 2019-10-08 16:32:32 +02:00
parent b43e9930ac
commit dd9b7ec84f
2 changed files with 6 additions and 76 deletions

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@ -135,10 +135,6 @@ class AdiCommand:
print(line + Fore.GREEN + ' (staged in {})'.format(name) + Fore.RESET)
if name:
# Notify everybody about the changes.
self.api.update_status_comments(name, 'select')
def perform(self, packages, move=False, by_dp=False, split=False):
Perform the list command

View File

@ -731,10 +731,15 @@ class StagingAPI(object):
if self._supersede:
self.is_package_disabled(project, package, store=True)
for sub_pkg in self.get_sub_packages(package, project):
if self._supersede:
self.is_package_disabled(project, sub_pkg, store=True)
delete_package(self.apiurl, project, sub_pkg, force=True, msg=msg)
except HTTPError as e:
# don't make this an hard error
# Delete the main package in the last
self.delete_requests(self.project, project, [request_id])
@ -1339,77 +1344,6 @@ class StagingAPI(object):
self.build_switch_staging_project(project, 'enable')
self.update_status_comments(project, command)
def update_status_comments(self, project, command):
Refresh the status comments, used for notification purposes, based on
the current list of requests. To ensure that all involved users
(and nobody else) get notified, old status comments are deleted and
a new one is created.
:param project: project name
:param command: name of the command to include in the message
bot = 'osc-staging'
info = {'type': 'package-list'}
comment_api = CommentAPI(self.apiurl)
comments = comment_api.get_comments(project_name=project)
comment, _ = comment_api.comment_find(comments, bot, info)
parent_id = None
meta = self.get_prj_pseudometa(project)
revision = meta.get('requests_comment', None)
lines = []
if comment and revision:
parent_id = comment['id'] if comment else None
info['type'] = 'package-diff'
requests_new = [r['id'] for r in meta['requests']]
meta_old = self.get_prj_pseudometa(project, revision)
requests_old = [r['id'] for r in meta_old['requests']]
requests_common = set(requests_new).intersection(set(requests_old))
lines.append('Requests: {} added, {} removed; using {} command'.format(
len(requests_new) - len(requests_common),
len(requests_old) - len(requests_common),
lines.append('') # Blank line.
requests = []
for req in meta['requests']:
if req['id'] not in requests_common:
req = req.copy()
req['prefix'] = 'added '
for req in meta_old['requests']:
if req['id'] not in requests_common:
req['prefix'] = 'removed '
if not len(requests):
# Nothing changed so no sense posting comment.
dashboard_url = '{}/project/staging_projects/{}/{}'.format(
self.apiurl, self.project, self.extract_staging_short(project))
lines.append('Requests ([dashboard]({})):'.format(dashboard_url))
lines.append('') # Blank line.
requests = meta['requests']
for req in requests:
lines.append(' * {}request#{} for package {} submitted by {}'.format(
req.get('prefix', ''), req['id'], req['package'], req.get('author')))
msg = '\n'.join(lines)
msg = comment_api.add_marker(msg, bot, info)
comment_api.add_comment(project_name=project, comment=msg, parent_id=parent_id)
# Store current meta revision for diffing against next time.
meta['requests_comment'] = self.get_prj_meta_revision(project)
self.set_prj_pseudometa(project, meta)
def accept_status_comment(self, project, packages):
if not len(packages):