Add IPv4 and IPv6 handling in one file

Access logs for both protocls are now stored in a single file.
The change refactors the code to handle it properly.
Upgrade InfluxDB client.
This commit is contained in:
Witek Bedyk 2024-01-26 10:22:41 +01:00
parent 105eea5f93
commit f999eaa4d3
2 changed files with 150 additions and 65 deletions

View File

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
use InfluxDB\Point;
use InfluxDB\Database;
use InfluxDB2\Client;
use InfluxDB2\Point;
$CACHE_DIR = $_SERVER['HOME'] . '/.cache/openSUSE-release-tools/metrics-access';
const PROTOCOLS = ['ipv4', 'ipv6'];
const PONTIFEX = '';
const BACKUP = '';
const LANGLEY = '';
@ -19,22 +20,24 @@ $begin = new DateTime();
$begin->sub(date_interval_create_from_date_string('1 day'));
$source_map = [
'ipv4' => [
// the first item defines the starting date for aggregation
'2023-01-01' => false,
//'2014-04-14' => sprintf(LANGLEY, 2) . '/' . VHOST,
//'2017-12-04' => sprintf(LANGLEY, 3) . '/' . VHOST,
'2023-06-18' => BACKUP . '/' . VHOST,
$begin->format('Y-m-d') => PONTIFEX . '/' . VHOST,
'2023-11-13' => DOWNLOAD_OPENSUSE_ORG . '/' . VHOST,
'filename' => FILENAME,
'ipv6' => [
'2012-12-31' => false,
//'2017-12-04' => sprintf(LANGLEY, 3) . '/' . IPV6_PREFIX . VHOST,
'2023-06-18' => BACKUP . '/' . IPV6_PREFIX . VHOST,
$begin->format('Y-m-d') => PONTIFEX . '/' . IPV6_PREFIX . VHOST,
'2023-11-13' => DOWNLOAD_OPENSUSE_ORG . '/' . IPV6_PREFIX . VHOST,
'filename' => IPV6_PREFIX . FILENAME,
'ipv4+6' => [
'2023-11-13' => false,
$begin->format('Y-m-d') => DOWNLOAD_OPENSUSE_ORG . '/' . VHOST,
'filename' => FILENAME,
$end = new DateTime(key($source_map['ipv4'])); // decide about adding one day
$migration_date = new DateTime(key($source_map['ipv4+6']));
$period_reversed = date_period_reversed($end, '1 day', $begin);
error_log('begin: ' . $begin->format('Y-m-d'));
@ -53,9 +56,11 @@ function cache_init()
foreach (PROTOCOLS as $protocol) {
mkdir("$CACHE_DIR/$protocol", 0755, true);
mkdir("$CACHE_DIR/ipv4+6", 00755, true);
// Avoid packaging mess while still automating, but not ideal.
passthru('cd ' . escapeshellarg($CACHE_DIR) . ' && composer require influxdb/influxdb-php ~1');
passthru('cd ' . escapeshellarg($CACHE_DIR) .
' && composer require influxdata/influxdb-client-php:~3.4 guzzlehttp/guzzle');
require "$CACHE_DIR/vendor/autoload.php";
@ -68,9 +73,10 @@ function ingest_all($period_reversed, $source_map)
$found = [];
// Walk backwards until found in cache.
foreach ($period_reversed as $date) {
$date_string = $date->format('Y-m-d');
$date_string = print_date($date);
$protocols_on_day = get_protocols($date);
foreach (PROTOCOLS as $protocol) {
foreach ($protocols_on_day as $protocol) {
if (!empty($found[$protocol])) continue;
if (isset($source_map[$protocol][$date_string]))
$source[$protocol] = $source_map[$protocol][$date_string];
@ -78,7 +84,7 @@ function ingest_all($period_reversed, $source_map)
// Skip date+protocol if no source is available.
if (empty($source[$protocol])) continue;
$cache_file = "$CACHE_DIR/$protocol/$date_string.json";
$cache_file = get_cache_file($protocol, $date);
if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
error_log("[$date_string] [$protocol] found");
$found[$protocol] = true;
@ -88,7 +94,8 @@ function ingest_all($period_reversed, $source_map)
if (count($found) == count(PROTOCOLS)) {
// Stop when all cache files were found
if (count($found) == count($protocols_on_day)) {
error_log('ingest initialization complete');
@ -98,6 +105,47 @@ function ingest_all($period_reversed, $source_map)
subprocess_wait(1, 1);
function print_date($date)
return $date->format('Y-m-d');
// Logs before migration date have been kept in separate files for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
function has_separate_protocol_logs($date)
global $migration_date;
if ($date > $migration_date)
return false;
return true;
function get_cache_file($protocol, $date)
global $CACHE_DIR;
if (has_separate_protocol_logs($date))
return "$CACHE_DIR/$protocol/" . print_date($date) . ".json";
return "$CACHE_DIR/ipv4+6/" . print_date($date) . ".json";
function get_cache_files($date)
$files = [];
foreach (get_protocols($date) as $protocol)
array_push($files, get_cache_file($protocol, $date));
return $files;
function get_protocols($date)
if (has_separate_protocol_logs($date))
return array("ipv4+6");
function ingest($date, $source, $filename, $destination)
$url = implode('/', [
@ -107,7 +155,7 @@ function ingest($date, $source, $filename, $destination)
sprintf($filename, $date->format('Ymd')),
$command = implode(' ', [
'curl -s',
'curl -s --digest --netrc',
'| xzcat',
'| ' . __DIR__ . '/ingest.php',
@ -159,14 +207,14 @@ function aggregate_all($period)
$merged_protocol = [];
$date_previous = null;
foreach ($period as $date) {
$date_string = $date->format('Y-m-d');
$date_string = print_date($date);
$data = null;
foreach (PROTOCOLS as $protocol) {
$cache_file = "$CACHE_DIR/$protocol/$date_string.json";
$cache_file = get_cache_file($protocol, $date);
if (!file_exists($cache_file) or !filesize($cache_file)) continue;
error_log("[$date_string] [$protocol] load cache");
error_log("[$date_string]" . (has_separate_protocol_logs($date) ? " [$protocol]" : "") . " load cache");
$data_new = json_decode(file_get_contents($cache_file), true);
if (!$data_new) {
error_log('ERROR: failed to load ' . $cache_file);
@ -174,17 +222,31 @@ function aggregate_all($period)
if (isset($data_new[$protocol])) {
// new cache files have 'ipv4' and 'ipv6' array keys
$data_protocol = $data_new[$protocol];
// we don't want to count 'total_invalid' and 'bytes' twice
if ($data) {
$data_protocol['total_invalid'] = 0;
$data_protocol['bytes'] = 0;
} else {
$data_protocol['total_invalid'] = $data_new['total_invalid'];
$data_protocol['bytes'] = $data_new['bytes'];
$data_protocol = $data_new;
if (!isset($merged_protocol[$protocol])) $merged_protocol[$protocol] = [];
$data_new['days'] = 1;
aggregate($intervals, $merged_protocol[$protocol], $date, $date_previous, $data_new,
$data_protocol['days'] = 1;
aggregate($intervals, $merged_protocol[$protocol], $date, $date_previous, $data_protocol,
['protocol' => $protocol], 'protocol');
if ($data) {
merge($data, $data_new);
merge($data, $data_protocol);
$data['days'] = 1;
} else {
$data = $data_new;
$data = $data_protocol;
@ -213,12 +275,12 @@ function aggregate_all($period)
function aggregate($intervals, &$merged, $date, $date_previous, $data, $tags = [], $prefix = 'access')
foreach ($intervals as $interval => $format) {
if ($interval == 'FQ') {
if ($interval === 'FQ') {
$value = format_FQ($date);
if (isset($date_previous))
$value_previous = format_FQ($date_previous);
elseif ($interval == 'FY') {
elseif ($interval === 'FY') {
$value = format_FY($date);
if (isset($date_previous))
$value_previous = format_FY($date_previous);
@ -231,7 +293,7 @@ function aggregate($intervals, &$merged, $date, $date_previous, $data, $tags = [
if (!isset($merged[$interval]) || $value != $merged[$interval]['value']) {
if (!empty($merged[$interval]['data'])) {
$summary = summarize($merged[$interval]['data']);
if ($prefix == 'protocol') {
if ($prefix === 'protocol') {
$summary = ['-' => $summary['-']];
$flavors = [];
@ -248,7 +310,7 @@ function aggregate($intervals, &$merged, $date, $date_previous, $data, $tags = [
$count += write_flavors($interval, $date_previous, $flavors);
if ($prefix == 'access') {
if ($prefix === 'access') {
$summary = summarize_product_plus_key($merged[$interval]['data']['total_image_product']);
$count += write_summary_product_plus_key($interval, $date_previous, $summary, 'image');
@ -313,7 +375,7 @@ function merge(&$data1, $data2)
if (empty($data1['total_product'][$product]))
$data1['total_product'][$product] = 0;
$data1['total_product'][$product] += $data2['total_product'][$product];
$data1['total_product'][$product] += $total;
merge_unique_products($data1['unique_product'], $data2['unique_product']);
@ -451,8 +513,7 @@ function write_summary($interval, DateTime $value, $summary, $tags = [], $prefix
$measurement = $prefix . '_' . $interval;
$points = [];
foreach ($summary as $product => $fields) {
$points[] = new Point($measurement, null,
['product' => $product] + $tags, $fields, $value->getTimestamp());
$points[] = new Point($measurement, ['product' => $product] + $tags, $fields, $value->getTimestamp());
return count($points);
@ -465,7 +526,8 @@ function write_flavors($interval, DateTime $value, $flavors)
foreach ($flavors as $product => $unique_flavors) {
foreach($unique_flavors as $flavor => $unique_count) {
$tags = ['product' => $product, 'flavor' => $flavor];
$points[] = new Point($measurement, $unique_count, $tags, [], $value->getTimestamp());
$fields = ['value' => $unique_count];
$points[] = new Point($measurement, $tags, $fields, $value->getTimestamp());
@ -478,7 +540,7 @@ function write_summary_product_plus_key($interval, DateTime $date, $summary, $pr
$points = [];
foreach ($summary as $product => $pairs) {
foreach ($pairs as $key => $value) {
$points[] = new Point($measurement, null,
$points[] = new Point($measurement,
['product' => $product, 'key' => $key], ['value' => $value], $date->getTimestamp());
@ -488,13 +550,20 @@ function write_summary_product_plus_key($interval, DateTime $date, $summary, $pr
function write($points)
static $database = null;
static $client;
static $writeApi;
if (!$database) {
$database = InfluxDB\Client::fromDSN('influxdb://');
// $database->drop();
// $database->create();
if (!$client) {
$client = new Client([
"url" => "http://localhost:8086",
"token" => "",
"bucket" => "osrt_access/autogen",
"org" => "-",
"precision" => InfluxDB2\Model\WritePrecision::S
$writeApi = $client->createWriteApi();
if (!$database->writePoints($points, Database::PRECISION_SECONDS)) die('failed to write points');
if (!is_null($writeApi->write($points)))
die('failed to write points');

View File

@ -4,16 +4,21 @@
const REGEX_LINE = '/(\S+) \S+ \S+ \[([^:]+:\d+:\d+:\d+ [^\]]+)\] "(\S+)(?: (\S+) \S+)?" (\S+) (\S+) "[^"]*" "[^"]*" .* (?:size:|want:- give:- \d+ )(\S+) \S+(?: +"?(\S+-\S+-\S+-\S+-[^\s"]+|-)"? "?(dvd|ftp|mini|usb-[^"]*|livecd-[^"]*|appliance-?[^"]*|-)"?)?/';
const REGEX_PRODUCT = '#/(?:(tumbleweed)|distribution/(?:leap/)?(\d+\.\d+)|openSUSE(?:_|:/)(?:leap(?:_|:/))?(factory|tumbleweed|\d+\.\d+))#i';
const REGEX_IMAGE = '#(?:/(?:iso|live)/[^/]+-(DVD|NET|GNOME-Live|KDE-Live|Rescue-CD|Kubic-DVD)-[^/]+\.iso(?:\.torrent)?|/jeos/[^/]+-(JeOS)\.[^/]+\.(?:qcow2|vhdx|vmdk|vmx)$)#';
const REGEX_IPV4 = '/^((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9]|)\d)\.?\b){4}$/';
const PROTOCOLS = ['ipv4', 'ipv6'];
$total = 0;
$total_invalid = 0;
$total_product = [];
$unique_product = [];
$total_image_product = [];
foreach (PROTOCOLS as $protocol) {
$total[$protocol] = 0;
$total_product[$protocol] = [];
$unique_product[$protocol] = [];
$total_image_product[$protocol] = [];
$file = $argc == 2 ? $argv[1] : 'php://stdin';
$handle = fopen($file, 'r');
while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
$protocol = '';
if (!preg_match(REGEX_LINE, $line, $match)) {
error_log('[failed to parse] ' . rtrim($line));
@ -24,7 +29,12 @@ while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
if ($match[3] != 'GET' && $match[3] != 'HEAD') continue;
// Not interested on errors.
if ($match[5] >= '400') continue;
if (preg_match(REGEX_IPV4, $match[1]))
$protocol = 'ipv4';
$protocol = 'ipv6';
// Attempt to determine for which product was the request.
if (!preg_match(REGEX_PRODUCT, $match[4], $match_product)) {
@ -35,47 +45,53 @@ while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
$values = array_filter($match_product);
$product = str_replace('factory', 'tumbleweed', strtolower(next($values)));
if (!isset($total_product[$product])) $total_product[$product] = 0;
$total_product[$product] += 1;
if (!isset($total_product[$protocol][$product])) $total_product[$protocol][$product] = 0;
$total_product[$protocol][$product] += 1;
if (count($match) == 10 && $match[8] != '-') {
$uuid = $match[8];
if (!isset($unique_product[$product])) $unique_product[$product] = [];
if (!isset($unique_product[$product][$uuid])) {
$unique_product[$product][$uuid] = [
if (!isset($unique_product[$protocol][$product])) $unique_product[$protocol][$product] = [];
if (!isset($unique_product[$protocol][$product][$uuid])) {
$unique_product[$protocol][$product][$uuid] = [
'count' => 0,
'flavor' => $match[9],
'ip' => $match[1],
$unique_product[$product][$uuid]['count'] += 1;
$unique_product[$protocol][$product][$uuid]['count'] += 1;
if (preg_match(REGEX_IMAGE, $match[4], $match_image)) {
// Remove empty match groups and select non-all match.
$values = array_filter($match_image);
$image = next($values);
if (!isset($total_image_product[$product])) $total_image_product[$product] = [];
if (!isset($total_image_product[$product][$image])) $total_image_product[$product][$image] = 0;
$total_image_product[$product][$image] += 1;
if (!isset($total_image_product[$protocol][$product])) $total_image_product[$protocol][$product] = [];
if (!isset($total_image_product[$protocol][$product][$image])) $total_image_product[$protocol][$product][$image] = 0;
$total_image_product[$protocol][$product][$image] += 1;
$position = ftell($handle);
error_log('processed ' . number_format($position) . ' bytes');
error_log('found ' . number_format($total) . ' requests across ' .
number_format(count($total_product)) . ' products');
error_log('found ' . number_format(array_sum($total)) . ' requests across ' .
number_format(array_sum(array_map('count', $total_product))) . ' products');
if ($position) {
echo json_encode([
'total' => $total,
'total_product' => $total_product,
'unique_product' => $unique_product,
'total_image_product' => $total_image_product,
'total_invalid' => $total_invalid,
'bytes' => $position,
]) . "\n"; // JSON_PRETTY_PRINT for debugging.
$output = [
'total_invalid' => $total_invalid,
'bytes' => $position
foreach (PROTOCOLS as $protocol) {
$output[$protocol] = [
'total' => $total[$protocol],
'total_product' => $total_product[$protocol],
'unique_product' => $unique_product[$protocol],
'total_image_product' => $total_image_product[$protocol]
if ($position) {
echo json_encode($output) . "\n"; // JSON_PRETTY_PRINT for debugging.