The LiveCD products (JeOS) for ARM will never follow
the same iso build numbers (and don't produce iso's to begin with)
than the main project. In lack of a "ignore mismatch for livecd
products only" option we just skip the syncing globally. that should
be fine as hopefully the main products always produce the same build.
As the remote config is no longer optional for SLE and is utilized by
openSUSE to the point were it is dangerous not to load the remote config
it should be required. Currently only certain users call apply_remote()
while this will make it built-in during construction and thus makes the
usage consistent and no longer require StagingAPI.
In order to release the live images for Factory:ARM we need
to check if they finished building. Currently JeOS is multibuild
for armv7l and aarch64 but the main package is just building for armv7l,
so thats what we check for now. Without this change it was checking
for the default architectures (i586, x86_64) which did never pass.
Right now we require a Staging subproject to use staging plugin, which
is suboptimal especially for maintenance requests. The OBS attributes allow
to store the things right attached to the project - and the permissions
can be controlled in parallel to the maintainers right, which gives us
enough freedom
for openqa_group def in ToTest150Ports class
Required to avoid bad makeurl generated string.
TODO: Next action will be to determine how to handle
ppc64le in same project but different repo (images_ppc)
main_products = [
+ '000product:openSUSE-cd-mini-ppc64le',
+ '000product:openSUSE-dvd5-dvd-ppc64le',
ftp_products = ['000product:openSUSE-ftp-ftp-aarch64',
+ '000product:openSUSE-ftp-ftp-ppc64le',
Signed-off-by: Michel Normand <>
This is supposed to be used for temporary failures that do not deserve
a carry over as they are sporadic but should not stop a snapshot release
nor are they worth it to wait a job duplicate
We want to handle armv7 and armv6 trees alongside aarch64 (even
though they don't get tested separately right now its better
to have them released when aarch64 releases as not aligned
at all).
For Leap 15.0 Ports we need to be able to support two image
repos, one for arm and one for ppc because they get published
to two different locations. for now as we have only images_arm
add support for that while ppc is still making its way through
an initial build.