- handle build disable in select command just like comment instead of
stagingapi move_between_project() for consistency and to reduce double
checking the same information via extra API calls
- build_switch_staging_project() provides target_flag parameter rather
than trying to figure out flag value since caller has the context to
know and again reduces API calls
- build_switch_staging_project() checking conditions are essentially
checking if True is True since non-adi projects will always have ring
packages or rings disabled entirely. The condition of interest is
non-empty. Additionally adi projects are removed if empty so not a
terribly useful distinction to make.
- provide helper update_status_or_deactivate() to handle common logic
and replace in calling locations
* For every 'select' or 'unselect' a single comment is written in
every affected project
* Previous automatic comments are deleted (as a first approach)
* For more info, see https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/2564