#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2015-2017 SUSE LLC # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import os.path as opa import re import sys from datetime import date import md5 import cmdln import simplejson as json from simplejson import JSONDecodeError import logging import requests from collections import namedtuple from pprint import pformat try: from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET except ImportError: import cElementTree as ET import gzip from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile import osc.conf import osc.core from pprint import pprint from osclib.comments import CommentAPI import ReviewBot from openqa_client.client import OpenQA_Client from openqa_client import exceptions as openqa_exceptions Package = namedtuple('Package', ('name', 'version', 'release')) pkgname_re = re.compile(r'(?P.+)-(?P[^-]+)-(?P[^-]+)\.(?P[^.]+)\.rpm') # QA Results QA_UNKNOWN = 0 QA_INPROGRESS = 1 QA_FAILED = 2 QA_PASSED = 3 comment_marker_re = re.compile(r'') logger = None incident_name_cache = {} # old stuff, for reference # def filterchannel(self, apiurl, prj, packages): # """ filter list of package objects to only include those actually released into prj""" # # prefix = 'SUSE:Updates:' # logger.debug(prj) # if not prj.startswith(prefix): # return packages # # channel = prj[len(prefix):].replace(':', '_') # # url = osc.core.makeurl(apiurl, ('source', 'SUSE:Channels', channel, '_channel')) # root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot() # # package_names = set([p.name for p in packages]) # in_channel = set([p.attrib['name'] for p in root.iter('binary') if p.attrib['name'] in package_names]) # # return [p for p in packages if p.name in in_channel] data_path = opa.abspath(opa.dirname(sys.argv[0])) with open(opa.join(data_path, "data/kgraft.json"), 'r') as f: KGRAFT_SETTINGS = json.load(f) with open(opa.join(data_path, "data/repos.json"), 'r') as f: TARGET_REPO_SETTINGS = json.load(f) with open(opa.join(data_path, "data/apimap.json"), 'r') as f: API_MAP = json.load(f) class Update(object): def __init__(self, settings): self._settings = settings self._settings['_NOOBSOLETEBUILD'] = '1' def get_max_revision(self, job): repo = self.repo_prefix() + '/' repo += self.maintenance_project().replace(':', ':/') repo += ':/%s' % str(job['id']) max_revision = 0 for channel in job['channels']: crepo = repo + '/' + channel.replace(':', '_') xml = requests.get(crepo + '/repodata/repomd.xml') if not xml.ok: # if one fails, we skip it and wait print crepo, 'has no repodata - waiting' return None root = ET.fromstring(xml.text) rev = root.find('.//{http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/repo}revision') rev = int(rev.text) if rev > max_revision: max_revision = rev return max_revision def settings(self, src_prj, dst_prj, packages): s = self._settings.copy() # start with a colon so it looks cool behind 'Build' :/ s['BUILD'] = ':' + src_prj.split(':')[-1] name = self.incident_name(src_prj) repo = dst_prj.replace(':', '_') repo = '%s/%s/%s/' % (self.repo_prefix(), src_prj.replace(':', ':/'), repo) patch_id = self.patch_id(repo) if patch_id: s['INCIDENT_REPO'] = repo s['INCIDENT_PATCH'] = self.patch_id(repo) s['BUILD'] += ':' + name return s # grab the updateinfo from the given repo and return its patch's id def patch_id(self, repo): url = repo + 'repodata/repomd.xml' repomd = requests.get(url) if not repomd.ok: return None root = ET.fromstring(repomd.text) cs = root.find( './/{http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/repo}data[@type="updateinfo"]/{http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/repo}location') url = repo + cs.attrib['href'] # python 3 brings gzip.decompress, but with python 2 we need to store to # temporary file to uncompress repomd = requests.get(url).content tfile = NamedTemporaryFile() tfile.write(repomd) tfile.flush() with gzip.open(tfile.name, 'rb') as f: repomd = f.read() root = ET.fromstring(repomd) return root.find('.//id').text # take the first package name we find - often enough correct def incident_name(self, prj): if prj not in incident_name_cache: incident_name_cache[prj] = self._incident_name(prj) return incident_name_cache[prj] def _incident_name(self, prj): shortest_pkg = None for package in osc.core.meta_get_packagelist(self.apiurl, prj): if package.startswith('patchinfo'): continue if package.endswith('SUSE_Channels'): continue url = osc.core.makeurl( self.apiurl, ('source', prj, package, '_link')) root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot() if root.attrib.get('cicount'): continue if not shortest_pkg or len(package) < len(shortest_pkg): shortest_pkg = package if not shortest_pkg: shortest_pkg = 'unknown' match = re.match(r'^(.*)\.[^\.]*$', shortest_pkg) if match: return match.group(1) return shortest_pkg def calculate_lastest_good_updates(self, openqa, settings): j = openqa.openqa_request( 'GET', 'jobs', { 'distri': settings['DISTRI'], 'version': settings['VERSION'], 'arch': settings['ARCH'], 'flavor': 'Updates', 'scope': 'current', 'limit': 100 # this needs increasing if we ever get *monster* coverage for released updates })['jobs'] # check all publishing jobs per build and reject incomplete builds builds = {} for job in j: if 'PUBLISH_HDD_1' not in job['settings']: continue if job['result'] == 'passed' or job['result'] == 'softfailed': builds.setdefault(job['settings']['BUILD'], 'passed') else: builds[job['settings']['BUILD']] = 'failed' # take the last one passing completely lastgood_prefix = 0 lastgood_suffix = 0 for build, status in builds.items(): if status == 'passed': try: prefix = int(build.split('-')[0]) suffix = int(build.split('-')[1]) if prefix > lastgood_prefix: lastgood_prefix = prefix lastgood_suffix = suffix elif prefix == lastgood_prefix and suffix > lastgood_suffix: lastgood_suffix = suffix except ValueError: continue if lastgood_prefix: settings['LATEST_GOOD_UPDATES_BUILD'] = "%d-%d" % (lastgood_prefix, lastgood_suffix) class SUSEUpdate(Update): def repo_prefix(self): return 'http://download.suse.de/ibs' def maintenance_project(self): return 'SUSE:Maintenance' # we take requests that have a kgraft-patch package as kgraft patch (suprise!) def kgraft_target(self, prj): target = None action = None skip = False pattern = re.compile(r"kgraft-patch-([^.]+)\.") for package in osc.core.meta_get_packagelist(self.apiurl, prj): if package.startswith("kernel-"): skip = True break match = re.match(pattern, package) if match: target = match.group(1) if skip: return None, None return target @staticmethod def parse_kgraft_version(kgraft_target): return kgraft_target.lstrip('SLE').split('_')[0] @staticmethod def kernel_target(req): if req: for a in req.actions: # kernel incidents have kernel-source package (suprise!) if a.src_package.startswith('kernel-source'): return True, a return None, None def settings(self, src_prj, dst_prj, packages): settings = super(SUSEUpdate, self).settings(src_prj, dst_prj, packages) if not settings: return None # special handling for kgraft and kernel incidents if settings['FLAVOR'] in ('KGraft', 'Server-DVD-Incidents-Kernel'): kgraft_target = self.kgraft_target(src_prj) # Server-DVD-Incidents-Incidents handling if settings['FLAVOR'] == 'Server-DVD-Incidents-Kernel': kernel_target = self.kernel_target(src_prj) if kernel_target or kgraft_target: # incident_id as part of BUILD if kgraft_target: incident_id = re.match(r".*:(\d+)$", src_prj).group(1) name = '.kgraft.' settings['KGRAFT'] = '1' else: incident_id = re.match(r".*:(\d+)$", src_prj).group(1) name = '.kernel.' # discard jobs without 'start' settings['start'] = True settings['BUILD'] = ':' + req.reqid + name + incident_id if kgraft_target: settings['VERSION'] = self.parse_kgraft_version(kgraft_target) # ignore kgraft patches without defined target # they are actually only the base for kgraft if settings['FLAVOR'] == 'KGraft' and kgraft_target and kgraft_target in KGRAFT_SETTINGS: incident_id = re.match(r".*:(\d+)$", src_prj).group(1) settings.update(KGRAFT_SETTINGS[kgraft_target]) settings['BUILD'] = ':kgraft.' + incident_id #TODO settings['MAINT_UPDATE_RRID'] = src_prj + ':' + req.reqid return settings class openSUSEUpdate(Update): def repo_prefix(self): return 'http://download.opensuse.org/repositories' def maintenance_project(self): return 'openSUSE:Maintenance' def settings(self, src_prj, dst_prj, packages): settings = super(openSUSEUpdate, self).settings(src_prj, dst_prj, packages) # openSUSE:Maintenance key settings['IMPORT_GPG_KEYS'] = 'gpg-pubkey-b3fd7e48-5549fd0f' settings['ZYPPER_ADD_REPO_PREFIX'] = 'incident' if packages: # XXX: this may fail in various ways # - conflicts between subpackages # - added packages # - conflicts with installed packages (e.g sendmail vs postfix) settings['INSTALL_PACKAGES'] = ' '.join(set([p.name for p in packages])) settings['VERIFY_PACKAGE_VERSIONS'] = ' '.join( ['{} {}-{}'.format(p.name, p.version, p.release) for p in packages]) settings['ZYPPER_ADD_REPOS'] = settings['INCIDENT_REPO'] settings['ADDONURL'] = settings['INCIDENT_REPO'] settings['WITH_MAIN_REPO'] = 1 settings['WITH_UPDATE_REPO'] = 1 return settings PROJECT_OPENQA_SETTINGS = {} with open(opa.join(data_path, "data/incidents.json"), 'r') as f: for i, j in json.load(f).items(): if i.startswith('SUSE'): PROJECT_OPENQA_SETTINGS[i] = SUSEUpdate(j) elif i.startswith('openSUSE'): PROJECT_OPENQA_SETTINGS[i] = openSUSEUpdate(j) else: raise "Unknown openqa", i class OpenQABot(ReviewBot.ReviewBot): """ check ABI of library packages """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ReviewBot.ReviewBot.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.force = False self.openqa = None self.commentapi = CommentAPI(self.apiurl) self.update_test_builds = dict() def gather_test_builds(self): for prj, u in TARGET_REPO_SETTINGS[self.openqa.baseurl].items(): buildnr = 0 cjob = 0 for j in self.jobs_for_target(u): # avoid going backwards in job ID if cjob > int(j['id']): continue buildnr = j['settings']['BUILD'] cjob = int(j['id']) self.update_test_builds[prj] = buildnr # reimplemention from baseclass def check_requests(self): # first calculate the latest build number for current jobs self.gather_test_builds() self.pending_target_repos = set() started = [] # then check progress on running incidents for req in self.requests: # just patch apiurl in to avoid having to pass it around jobs = self.request_get_openqa_jobs(req, incident=True, test_repo=True) ret = self.calculate_qa_status(jobs) if ret != QA_UNKNOWN: started.append(req) all_requests = self.requests self.requests = started ReviewBot.ReviewBot.check_requests(self) self.requests = all_requests skipped_one = False # now make sure the jobs are for current repo for prj, u in TARGET_REPO_SETTINGS[self.openqa.baseurl].items(): if prj in self.pending_target_repos: skipped_one = True continue self.trigger_build_for_target(prj, u) # do not schedule new incidents unless we finished # last wave if skipped_one: return ReviewBot.ReviewBot.check_requests(self) def check_action_maintenance_release(self, req, a): # we only look at the binaries of the patchinfo if a.src_package != 'patchinfo': return None if a.tgt_project not in PROJECT_OPENQA_SETTINGS: self.logger.warn("not handling %s" % a.tgt_project) return None packages = [] # patchinfo collects the binaries and is build for an # unpredictable architecture so we need iterate over all url = osc.core.makeurl( self.apiurl, ('build', a.src_project, a.tgt_project.replace(':', '_'))) root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot() for arch in [n.attrib['name'] for n in root.findall('entry')]: query = {'nosource': 1} url = osc.core.makeurl( self.apiurl, ('build', a.src_project, a.tgt_project.replace(':', '_'), arch, a.src_package), query=query) root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot() for binary in root.findall('binary'): m = pkgname_re.match(binary.attrib['filename']) if m: # can't use arch here as the patchinfo mixes all # archs packages.append(Package(m.group('name'), m.group('version'), m.group('release'))) if not packages: raise Exception("no packages found") update=PROJECT_OPENQA_SETTINGS[a.tgt_project] update.apiurl = self.apiurl settings = update.settings(a.src_project, a.tgt_project, packages, req) if settings: # is old style kgraft check if all options correctly set if settings['FLAVOR'] == 'KGraft' and 'VIRSH_GUESTNAME' not in settings: self.logger.info("build: {!s} hasn't valid values for kgraft".format(settings['BUILD'])) return None # don't start KGRAFT job on Server-DVD-Incidents FLAVOR if settings['FLAVOR'] == 'Server-DVD-Incidents': if settings['BUILD'].split('.')[1].startswith('kgraft-patch'): return None # kernel incidents jobs -- discard all without 'start' = True if settings['FLAVOR'] == 'Server-DVD-Incidents-Kernel': if 'start' in settings: del settings['start'] else: return None update.calculate_lastest_good_updates(self.openqa, settings) self.logger.info("posting %s %s %s", settings['VERSION'], settings['ARCH'], settings['BUILD']) self.logger.debug('\n'.join([" %s=%s" % i for i in settings.items()])) if not self.dryrun: try: ret = self.openqa.openqa_request('POST', 'isos', data=settings, retries=1) self.logger.info(pformat(ret)) except JSONDecodeError as e: self.logger.error(e) # TODO: record error except openqa_exceptions.RequestError as e: self.logger.error(e) return None # check a set of repos for their primary checksums @staticmethod def calculate_repo_hash(repos): m = md5.new() # if you want to force it, increase this number m.update('b') for url in repos: url += '/repodata/repomd.xml' root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot() cs = root.find( './/{http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/repo}data[@type="primary"]/{http://linux.duke.edu/metadata/repo}checksum') m.update(cs.text) return m.hexdigest() def is_incident_in_testing(self, incident): # hard coded for now as we only run this code for SUSE Maintenance workflow project = 'SUSE:Maintenance:%s' % incident xpath = "(state/@name='review') and (action/source/@project='%s' and action/@type='maintenance_release')" % (project) res = osc.core.search(self.apiurl, request=xpath)['request'] # return the one and only (or None) return res.find('request') def calculate_incidents(self, incidents): """ get incident numbers from SUSE:Maintenance:Test project returns dict with openQA var name : string with numbers """ l_incidents = [] for kind, prj in incidents.items(): packages = osc.core.meta_get_packagelist(self.apiurl, prj) incidents = [] # filter out incidents in staging for incident in packages: # remove patchinfo. prefix incident = incident.replace('_', '.').split('.')[1] req = self.is_incident_in_testing(incident) # without release request it's in staging if req is None: continue req_ = osc.core.Request() req_.read(req) kgraft_target, action = SUSEUpdate.kgraft_target(req_) # skip kgraft patches from aggregation if kgraft_target: continue incidents.append(incident) l_incidents.append((kind + '_TEST_ISSUES', ','.join(incidents))) return l_incidents def jobs_for_target(self, data): s = data['settings'][0] return self.openqa.openqa_request( 'GET', 'jobs', { 'distri': s['DISTRI'], 'version': s['VERSION'], 'arch': s['ARCH'], 'flavor': s['FLAVOR'], 'test': data['test'], 'latest': '1', })['jobs'] # we don't know the current BUILD and querying all jobs is too expensive # so we need to check for one known TEST first # if that job doesn't contain the proper hash, we trigger a new one # and then we know the build def trigger_build_for_target(self, prj, data): today = date.today().strftime("%Y%m%d") repohash = self.calculate_repo_hash(data['repos']) buildnr = None j = self.jobs_for_target(data) for job in j: if job['settings'].get('REPOHASH', '') == repohash: # take the last in the row buildnr = job['settings']['BUILD'] self.update_test_builds[prj] = buildnr # ignore old build numbers, we want a fresh run every day # to find regressions in the tests and to get data about # randomly failing tests if buildnr and buildnr.startswith(today): return buildnr = 0 # not found, then check for the next free build nr for job in j: build = job['settings']['BUILD'] if build and build.startswith(today): try: nr = int(build.split('-')[1]) if nr > buildnr: buildnr = nr except BaseException: continue buildnr = "%s-%d" % (today, buildnr + 1) for s in data['settings']: # now schedule it for real if 'incidents' in data.keys(): for x, y in self.calculate_incidents(data['incidents']): s[x] = y s['BUILD'] = buildnr s['REPOHASH'] = repohash self.logger.debug(pformat(s)) if not self.dryrun: try: self.openqa.openqa_request('POST', 'isos', data=s, retries=1) except Exception as e: self.logger.debug(e) self.update_test_builds[prj] = buildnr def check_source_submission(self, src_project, src_package, src_rev, dst_project, dst_package): ReviewBot.ReviewBot.check_source_submission(self, src_project, src_package, src_rev, dst_project, dst_package) def request_get_openqa_jobs(self, req, incident=True, test_repo=False): ret = None types = set([a.type for a in req.actions]) if 'maintenance_release' in types: src_prjs = set([a.src_project for a in req.actions]) if len(src_prjs) != 1: raise Exception("can't handle maintenance_release from different incidents") build = src_prjs.pop() tgt_prjs = set([a.tgt_project for a in req.actions]) ret = [] for prj in tgt_prjs: if incident and prj in PROJECT_OPENQA_SETTINGS: u=PROJECT_OPENQA_SETTINGS[prj] u.apiurl = self.apiurl s = u.settings(build, prj, []) ret += self.openqa.openqa_request( 'GET', 'jobs', { 'distri': s['DISTRI'], 'version': s['VERSION'], 'arch': s['ARCH'], 'flavor': s['FLAVOR'], 'build': s['BUILD'], 'scope': 'relevant', })['jobs'] repo_settings = TARGET_REPO_SETTINGS.get(self.openqa.baseurl, {}) if test_repo and prj in repo_settings: u = repo_settings[prj] for s in u['settings']: repo_jobs = self.openqa.openqa_request( 'GET', 'jobs', { 'distri': s['DISTRI'], 'version': s['VERSION'], 'arch': s['ARCH'], 'flavor': s['FLAVOR'], 'build': self.update_test_builds.get(prj, 'UNKNOWN'), 'scope': 'relevant', })['jobs'] ret += repo_jobs if self.calculate_qa_status(repo_jobs) == QA_INPROGRESS: self.pending_target_repos.add(prj) return ret def calculate_qa_status(self, jobs=None): if not jobs: return QA_UNKNOWN j = dict() has_failed = False in_progress = False for job in jobs: if job['clone_id']: continue name = job['name'] if name in j and int(job['id']) < int(j[name]['id']): continue j[name] = job #self.logger.debug('job %s in openQA: %s %s %s %s', job['id'], job['settings']['VERSION'], job['settings']['TEST'], job['state'], job['result']) if job['state'] not in ('cancelled', 'done'): in_progress = True else: if job['result'] != 'passed' and job['result'] != 'softfailed': has_failed = True if not j: return QA_UNKNOWN if in_progress: return QA_INPROGRESS if has_failed: return QA_FAILED return QA_PASSED def add_comment(self, msg, state, request_id=None, result=None): if not self.do_comments: return comment = "\n" % (state, ' result=%s' % result if result else '') comment += "\n" + msg info = self.find_obs_request_comment(state=state, request_id=request_id) comment_id = info.get('id', None) if state == info.get('state', 'missing'): lines_before = len(info['comment'].split('\n')) lines_after = len(comment.split('\n')) if lines_before == lines_after: self.logger.debug("not worth the update, previous comment %s is state %s", comment_id, info['state']) return self.logger.debug("adding comment to %s, state %s result %s", request_id, state, result) self.logger.debug("message: %s", msg) if not self.dryrun: if comment_id is not None: self.commentapi.delete(comment_id) self.commentapi.add_comment(request_id=request_id, comment=str(comment)) # escape markdown @staticmethod def emd(str): return str.replace('_', '\_') def get_step_url(self, testurl, modulename): failurl = testurl + '/modules/%s/fails' % modulename fails = requests.get(failurl).json() failed_step = fails.get('first_failed_step', 1) return "[%s](%s#step/%s/%d)" % (self.emd(modulename), testurl, modulename, failed_step) def job_test_name(self, job): return "%s@%s" % (self.emd(job['settings']['TEST']), self.emd(job['settings']['MACHINE'])) def summarize_one_openqa_job(self, job): testurl = osc.core.makeurl(self.openqa.baseurl, ['tests', str(job['id'])]) if not job['result'] in ['passed', 'failed', 'softfailed']: rstring = job['result'] if rstring == 'none': return None return '\n- [%s](%s) is %s' % (self.job_test_name(job), testurl, rstring) modstrings = [] for module in job['modules']: if module['result'] != 'failed': continue modstrings.append(self.get_step_url(testurl, module['name'])) if len(modstrings): return '\n- [%s](%s) failed in %s' % (self.job_test_name(job), testurl, ','.join(modstrings)) elif job['result'] == 'failed': # rare case: fail without module fails return '\n- [%s](%s) failed' % (self.job_test_name(job), testurl) return '' def summarize_openqa_jobs(self, jobs): groups = dict() for job in jobs: gl = "%s@%s" % (self.emd(job['group']), self.emd(job['settings']['FLAVOR'])) if gl not in groups: groupurl = osc.core.makeurl(self.openqa.baseurl, ['tests', 'overview'], {'version': job['settings']['VERSION'], 'groupid': job['group_id'], 'flavor': job['settings']['FLAVOR'], 'distri': job['settings']['DISTRI'], 'build': job['settings']['BUILD'], }) groups[gl] = {'title': "__Group [%s](%s)__\n" % (gl, groupurl), 'passed': 0, 'unfinished': 0, 'failed': []} job_summary = self.summarize_one_openqa_job(job) if job_summary is None: groups[gl]['unfinished'] = groups[gl]['unfinished'] + 1 continue # None vs '' if not len(job_summary): groups[gl]['passed'] = groups[gl]['passed'] + 1 continue # if there is something to report, hold the request qa_state = QA_FAILED gmsg = groups[gl] groups[gl]['failed'].append(job_summary) msg = '' for group in sorted(groups.keys()): msg += "\n\n" + groups[group]['title'] infos = [] if groups[group]['passed']: infos.append("%d tests passed" % groups[group]['passed']) if len(groups[group]['failed']): infos.append("%d tests failed" % len(groups[group]['failed'])) if groups[group]['unfinished']: infos.append("%d unfinished tests" % groups[group]['unfinished']) msg += "(" + ', '.join(infos) + ")\n" for fail in groups[group]['failed']: msg += fail return msg def check_one_request(self, req): ret = None try: jobs = self.request_get_openqa_jobs(req) qa_state = self.calculate_qa_status(jobs) self.logger.debug("request %s state %s", req.reqid, qa_state) msg = None if self.force or qa_state == QA_UNKNOWN: ret = ReviewBot.ReviewBot.check_one_request(self, req) jobs = self.request_get_openqa_jobs(req) if self.force: # make sure to delete previous comments if we're forcing info = self.find_obs_request_comment(request_id=req.reqid) if 'id' in info: self.logger.debug("deleting old comment %s", info['id']) if not self.dryrun: self.commentapi.delete(info['id']) if not jobs: msg = "no openQA tests defined" self.add_comment(msg, 'done', request_id=req.reqid, result='accepted') ret = True else: # no notification until the result is done osc.core.change_review_state(self.apiurl, req.reqid, newstate='new', by_group=self.review_group, by_user=self.review_user, message='now testing in openQA') elif qa_state == QA_FAILED or qa_state == QA_PASSED: # don't take test repo results into the calculation of total # this is for humans to decide which incident broke the test repo jobs += self.request_get_openqa_jobs(req, incident=False, test_repo=True) if self.calculate_qa_status(jobs) == QA_INPROGRESS: self.logger.debug( "incident tests for request %s are done, but need to wait for test repo", req.reqid) return if qa_state == QA_PASSED: msg = "openQA tests passed\n" result = 'accepted' ret = True else: msg = "openQA tests problematic\n" result = 'declined' ret = False msg += self.summarize_openqa_jobs(jobs) self.add_comment(msg, 'done', result=result, request_id=req.reqid) elif qa_state == QA_INPROGRESS: self.logger.debug("request %s still in progress", req.reqid) else: raise Exception("unknown QA state %d", qa_state) except Exception: import traceback self.logger.error("unhandled exception in openQA Bot") self.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) ret = None return ret def find_obs_request_comment(self, request_id=None, project_name=None, state=None): """Return previous comments (should be one).""" if self.do_comments: comments = self.commentapi.get_comments(request_id=request_id, project_name=project_name) for c in comments.values(): m = comment_marker_re.match(c['comment']) if m and (state is None or state == m.group('state')): return { 'id' : c['id'], 'state': m.group('state'), 'result': m.group('result'), 'comment': c['comment'], 'revision': m.group('revision') } return {} def check_product(self, job, product_prefix): pmap = API_MAP[product_prefix] posts = [] for arch in pmap['archs']: need = False settings = {'FLAVOR': pmap['flavor'], 'VERSION': pmap['version'], 'ARCH': arch, 'DISTRI': 'sle'} issues = pmap.get('issues', {}) issues['OS_TEST_ISSUES'] = product_prefix for key, prefix in issues.items(): if prefix + arch in job['channels']: settings[key] = str(job['id']) need = True if need: u = PROJECT_OPENQA_SETTINGS[product_prefix + arch] u.apiurl = self.apiurl s = u.settings(u.maintenance_project() + ':' + str(job['id']), product_prefix + arch, []) if s: if job.get('openqa_build') is None: job['openqa_build'] = u.get_max_revision(job) if job.get('openqa_build') is None: return [] s['BUILD'] += '.' + str(job['openqa_build']) s.update(settings) posts.append(s) return posts def test(self): for inc in requests.get('https://maintenance.suse.de/api/incident/active/').json(): if not inc in ['a4871', 'a5146', 'a2129', '5219', '5217', '5230']: continue #if not inc.startswith('52'): continue print inc #continue job = requests.get('https://maintenance.suse.de/api/incident/' + inc).json() if job['meta']['state'] in ['final', 'gone']: continue openqa_posts = [] for prod in API_MAP.keys(): s = self.check_product(job['base'], prod) openqa_posts += s openqa_jobs = [] openqa_done = True for s in openqa_posts: jobs = self.openqa.openqa_request( 'GET', 'jobs', { 'distri': s['DISTRI'], 'version': s['VERSION'], 'arch': s['ARCH'], 'flavor': s['FLAVOR'], 'build': s['BUILD'], 'scope': 'relevant', 'latest': '1' })['jobs'] if not len(jobs): if self.dryrun: print 'WOULD POST', s else: ret = self.openqa.openqa_request('POST', 'isos', data=s, retries=1) openqa_done = False else: print s, 'got', len(jobs) openqa_jobs += jobs if not openqa_done or len(openqa_jobs) == 0: continue #print openqa_jobs msg = self.summarize_openqa_jobs(openqa_jobs) state = 'seen' result = 'none' qa_status = self.calculate_qa_status(openqa_jobs) if qa_status == QA_PASSED: result = 'accepted' state = 'done' if qa_status == QA_FAILED: result = 'declined' state = 'done' comment = "\n" % (state, result, job['base'].get('openqa_build')) comment += "\n" + msg #print comment comment_info = self.find_obs_request_comment(state=state, project_name=str(job['base']['project'])) comment_id = comment_info.get('id', None) print "Found comment", comment_id if comment_id and state != 'done': self.logger.debug("%s is already comented, wait until done", job['base']['project']) continue if comment_info.get('comment', '') == comment: self.logger.debug("%s comment did not change", job['base']['project']) continue self.logger.debug("adding comment to %s, state %s", job['base']['project'], state) #self.logger.debug("message: %s", msg) if not self.dryrun: if comment_id is not None: self.commentapi.delete(comment_id) self.commentapi.add_comment(project_name=str(job['base']['project']), comment=str(comment)) class CommandLineInterface(ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface.__init__(self, args, kwargs) self.clazz = OpenQABot @cmdln.option('-n', '--interval', metavar="minutes", type="int", help="periodic interval in minutes") def do_test(self, subcmd, opts, *args): def work(): self.checker.test() self.runner(work, opts.interval) def get_optparser(self): parser = ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface.get_optparser(self) parser.add_option("--force", action="store_true", help="recheck requests that are already considered done") parser.add_option("--no-comment", dest='comment', action="store_false", default=True, help="don't actually post comments to obs") parser.add_option("--openqa", metavar='HOST', help="openqa api host") return parser def setup_checker(self): bot = ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface.setup_checker(self) if self.options.force: bot.force = True bot.do_comments = self.options.comment if not self.options.openqa: raise osc.oscerr.WrongArgs("missing openqa url") bot.openqa = OpenQA_Client(server=self.options.openqa) global logger logger = self.logger return bot if __name__ == "__main__": requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests.packages.urllib3") requests_log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) requests_log.propagate = False app = CommandLineInterface() sys.exit(app.main()) # vim: sw=4 et