import fnmatch import glob import os import os.path import shutil import solv import tempfile import subprocess from lxml import etree as ET def copy_list(file_list, destination): for name in file_list: shutil.copy(name, os.path.join(destination, os.path.basename(name))) def move_list(file_list, destination): for name in file_list: os.rename(name, os.path.join(destination, os.path.basename(name))) def unlink_all_except(path, ignore_list=['_service'], ignore_hidden=True): """ignore_list is a list of globs""" for name in os.listdir(path): if ignore_hidden and name.startswith('.'): continue if any([fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern) for pattern in ignore_list]): continue name_path = os.path.join(path, name) if os.path.isfile(name_path): os.unlink(name_path) def copy_directory_contents(source, destination, ignore_list=[]): for name in os.listdir(source): name_path = os.path.join(source, name) if name in ignore_list or name_path in ignore_list or not os.path.isfile(name_path): continue shutil.copy(name_path, os.path.join(destination, name)) def change_extension(path, original, final): for name in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, f'*{original}')): # Assumes the extension is only found at the end. os.rename(name, name.replace(original, final)) def multibuild_from_glob(destination, pathname): root = ET.Element('multibuild') for name in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(destination, pathname))): package = ET.SubElement(root, 'package') package.text = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name))[0] with open(os.path.join(destination, '_multibuild'), 'w+b') as f: f.write(ET.tostring(root, pretty_print=True)) def unlink_list(path, names): for name in names: if path is None: name_path = name else: name_path = os.path.join(path, name) if os.path.isfile(name_path): os.unlink(name_path) def add_susetags(pool, file): oldsysrepo = pool.add_repo(file) defvendorid = oldsysrepo.meta.lookup_id(solv.SUSETAGS_DEFAULTVENDOR) f = tempfile.TemporaryFile() if file.endswith('.xz'):['xz', '-cd', file], stdout=f.fileno()) elif file.endswith('.zst'):['zstd', '-cd', file], stdout=f.fileno()) else: raise Exception("unsupported " + file) os.lseek(f.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_SET) oldsysrepo.add_susetags(solv.xfopen_fd(None, f.fileno()), defvendorid, None, solv.Repo.REPO_NO_INTERNALIZE | solv.Repo.SUSETAGS_RECORD_SHARES) return oldsysrepo