import requests import sys import time import subprocess import shutil import glob import os import psycopg2 token = open("gocd_api.token").read().strip() api_prefix = "http://localhost:8153/go/api" container_image = "" # api_prefix = '' def botmaster_headers(version): headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"} headers["X-GoCD-Confirm"] = "true" headers["Accept"] = f"application/{version}+json" headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" return headers def botmaster_get(url, version): url = api_prefix + url return requests.get(url, headers=botmaster_headers(version)) def botmaster_post(url, version): url = api_prefix + url return, headers=botmaster_headers(version)) def botmaster_delete(url, version): url = api_prefix + url return requests.delete(url, headers=botmaster_headers(version)) def botmaster_patch(url, data, version): url = api_prefix + url return requests.patch(url, data, headers=botmaster_headers(version)) def delete_agents(only_disable=False): x = botmaster_get("/agents", version=7) if x.status_code not in [200]: print("Can't retrieve agent list") sys.exit(1) agents = x.json()["_embedded"]["agents"] for agent in agents: url = f'/agents/{agent["uuid"]}' # first needs to be disabled if agent["agent_config_state"] != "Disabled": x = botmaster_patch(url, '{"agent_config_state": "Disabled"}', version=7) if x.status_code != 200: print("Can't disable agent", url, x, x.content) continue if not only_disable: botmaster_delete(url, version=7) def cleanup_cache(): for file in glob.glob("/srv/go-repository-cache/repo-*solv*"): os.unlink(file) for suffix in ["openSUSE:Maintenance:*", "*:Staging:adi:*", "repo-*"]: for dir in glob.glob(f"/srv/go-repository-cache/{suffix}"): shutil.rmtree(dir) for root, dir, files in os.walk("/srv/go-repository-cache/"): if root.endswith("/.cache"): for file in files: os.unlink(os.path.join(root, file)) def remove_old_runs(cur, pipeline): cur.execute( """SELECT distinct,p.label from pipelines p join stages s on s.pipelineid = and s.createdtime < current_date - interval '5' day and""", (pipeline,), ) ids = [] for row in cur.fetchall(): id, label = row print("Remove", pipeline, label) path = f"/var/lib/go-server/artifacts/pipelines/{pipeline}/{label}" try: shutil.rmtree(path) except FileNotFoundError: pass ids.append(id) cur.execute( "delete from BUILDSTATETRANSITIONS where STAGEID in (select id from stages where pipelineid = ANY(%s))", (ids,), ) cur.execute( "delete from PIPELINEMATERIALREVISIONS where pipelineid = ANY(%s)", (ids,) ) cur.execute( "delete from builds where stageid in (select id from stages where pipelineid = ANY(%s))", (ids,), ) cur.execute("delete from stages where pipelineid = ANY(%s)", (ids,)) cur.execute("delete from pipelines where id = ANY(%s)", (ids,)) cur.execute("update pipelines set NATURALORDER=0 where name = %s", (pipeline,)) def cleanup_old_pipelines(): # very safe password - only reachable from localhost conn = psycopg2.connect( "dbname=gocd user=gocd_database_user password=gocd_database_password host=localhost" ) with conn.cursor() as cur: cur.execute("SELECT distinct name from pipelines") pipelines = sorted([row[0] for row in cur.fetchall()]) for pipeline in pipelines: remove_old_runs(cur, pipeline) conn.commit() cur.execute( """delete from modifiedfiles where modificationid in (select id from modifications where modifiedtime < current_date - interval '10' day)""" ) # cur.execute("delete from modifications where modifiedtime < current_date - interval '10' day") conn.close() def main(): # Make a tag of the preivous image [ "docker", "tag", container_image + ":latest", container_image + ":previous", ], check=True, ) # pull new image - if registry is down, better stop here [ "docker", "pull", container_image + ":latest", ], check=True, ) # disable all agents delete_agents(only_disable=True) # putting the server into maintenance mode x = botmaster_post("/admin/maintenance_mode/enable", version=1) if x.status_code not in [204, 409]: print("Failed to enable maintenance mode", x, x.content) sys.exit(1) # wait for all jobs to finish - cancel the monitors manually while True: info = botmaster_get("/admin/maintenance_mode/info", version=1) if info.status_code not in [200]: print("Failed to retrieve maintenance mode info", info, info.content) sys.exit(1) info = info.json() if not info["is_maintenance_mode"]: print("Failed to enable maintenance mode", x, x.content) sys.exit(1) running_systems = info["attributes"]["running_systems"]["building_jobs"] if len(running_systems) == 0: break pipelines = [] for job in running_systems: if job["pipeline_name"] in [ "SUSE.Repo.Monitor", "SUSE.openQA", "openSUSE.Repo.Monitor", "openSUSE.openQA", ]: url = f"/stages/{job['pipeline_name']}/{job['pipeline_counter']}/{job['stage_name']}/{job['stage_counter']}/cancel" x = botmaster_post(url, version=3) if x.status_code not in [200]: print(f"Can't cancel {job['pipline_name']}") print(x, x.content) sys.exit(1) else: pipelines.append(job["pipeline_name"]) print("Waiting 2 min for the jobs to finish", sorted(pipelines)) time.sleep(120) # stop all agents["systemctl", "stop", "go-agent-*"], check=True) # cleanup proc = subprocess.Popen(["docker", "system", "prune"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) proc.communicate(input=b"y\n") # stop the server["systemctl", "stop", "go-server.service"]) cleanup_old_pipelines() # start the server again["systemctl", "start", "go-server.service"]) while True: try: info = botmaster_get("/admin/maintenance_mode/info", version=1) print(info, info.content) if info.status_code in [503]: # is starting time.sleep(5) continue break except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: time.sleep(5) continue delete_agents() cleanup_cache() # start the agents on new image["systemctl", "start", "--all", "go-agent-*"], check=True) main()