import re try: from urllib.error import HTTPError except ImportError: #python 2.x from urllib2 import HTTPError import warnings from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET from osc.core import change_request_state, show_package_meta, wipebinaries from osc.core import http_GET, http_PUT, http_DELETE, http_POST from osc.core import delete_package, search, set_devel_project from osclib.config_command import ConfigCommand from osclib.core import attribute_value_save from osclib.core import attribute_value_load from osclib.core import source_file_load from osclib.core import source_file_save from datetime import date class AcceptCommand(object): def __init__(self, api): self.api = api def find_new_requests(self, project): query = "match=state/@name='new'+and+action/target/@project='{}'".format(project) url = self.api.makeurl(['search', 'request'], query) f = http_GET(url) root = ET.parse(f).getroot() rqs = [] for rq in root.findall('request'): pkgs = [] act_type = None actions = rq.findall('action') for action in actions: act_type = action.get('type') targets = action.findall('target') for t in targets: pkgs.append(str(t.get('package'))) rqs.append({'id': int(rq.get('id')), 'packages': pkgs, 'type': act_type}) return rqs def virtual_accept_request_has_no_binary(self, project, package): filelist = self.api.get_filelist_for_package(pkgname=package, project=self.api.project, expand='1', extension='spec') pkgs = self.api.extract_specfile_short(filelist) for pkg in pkgs: query = {'view': 'binarylist', 'package': pkg, 'multibuild': '1'} pkg_binarylist = ET.parse(http_GET(self.api.makeurl(['build', project, '_result'], query=query))).getroot() for binary in pkg_binarylist.findall('./result/binarylist/binary'): return False return True def find_virtually_accepted_requests(self, project): query = "match=state/@name='review'+and+(action/target/@project='{}'+and+action/@type='delete')+and+(review/@state='new'+and+review/@by_group='{}')".format(project, self.api.cdelreq_review) url = self.api.makeurl(['search', 'request'], query) f = http_GET(url) root = ET.parse(f).getroot() rqs = [] for rq in root.findall('request'): pkgs = [] actions = rq.findall('action') for action in actions: targets = action.findall('target') for t in targets: pkgs.append(str(t.get('package'))) rqs.append({'id': int(rq.get('id')), 'packages': pkgs}) return rqs def reset_rebuild_data(self, project): data = self.api.pseudometa_file_load('support_pkg_rebuild') if data is None: return root = ET.fromstring(data) for stg in root.findall('staging'): if stg.get('name') == project: stg.find('rebuild').text = 'unknown' stg.find('supportpkg').text = '' # reset accpted staging project rebuild state to unknown and clean up # supportpkg list content = ET.tostring(root) if content != data: self.api.pseudometa_file_save('support_pkg_rebuild', content, 'accept command update') def virtually_accept_delete(self, request_id, package): self.api.add_review(request_id, by_group=self.api.cdelreq_review, msg='Request accepted. Cleanup in progress - DO NOT REVOKE!') filelist = self.api.get_filelist_for_package(pkgname=package, project=self.api.project, expand='1', extension='spec') pkgs = self.api.extract_specfile_short(filelist) # Disable build and wipes the binary to the package and the sub-package for pkg in pkgs: meta = show_package_meta(self.api.apiurl, self.api.project, pkg) meta = ''.join(meta) # Update package meta to disable build self.api.create_package_container(self.api.project, pkg, meta=meta, disable_build=True) wipebinaries(self.api.apiurl, self.api.project, package=pkg, repo=self.api.cmain_repo) # Remove package from Rings if self.api.ring_packages.get(pkg): delete_package(self.api.apiurl, self.api.ring_packages.get(pkg), pkg, force=True, msg="Cleanup package in Rings") def perform(self, project, force=False): """Accept the staging project for review and submit to Factory / openSUSE 13.2 ... Then disable the build to disabled :param project: staging project we are working with """ status = self.api.check_project_status(project) if not status: print('The project "{}" is not yet acceptable.'.format(project)) if not force: return False meta = self.api.get_prj_pseudometa(project) packages = [] for req in meta['requests']: self.api.rm_from_prj(project, request_id=req['id'], msg='ready to accept') packages.append(req['package']) msg = 'Accepting staging review for {}'.format(req['package']) oldspecs = self.api.get_filelist_for_package(pkgname=req['package'], project=self.api.project, extension='spec') if 'type' in req and req['type'] == 'delete' and self.api.cdelreq_review: msg += ' and started handling of virtual accept process' print(msg) # Virtually accept the delete request self.virtually_accept_delete(req['id'], req['package']) else: print(msg) change_request_state(self.api.apiurl, str(req['id']), 'accepted', message='Accept to %s' % self.api.project, force=force) self.create_new_links(self.api.project, req['package'], oldspecs) self.api.accept_status_comment(project, packages) self.api.staging_deactivate(project) ConfigCommand(self.api).perform([project], 'todo') return True def cleanup(self, project): if not self.api.item_exists(project): return False pkglist = self.api.list_packages(project) clean_list = set(pkglist) - set(self.api.cnocleanup_packages) for package in clean_list: print("[cleanup] deleted %s/%s" % (project, package)) delete_package(self.api.apiurl, project, package, force=True, msg="autocleanup") # wipe Test-DVD binaries and breaks kiwi build if project.startswith('openSUSE:'): for package in pkglist: if package.startswith('Test-DVD-'): # intend to break the kiwi file arch = package.split('-')[-1] fakepkgname = 'I-am-breaks-kiwi-build' oldkiwifile = source_file_load(self.api.apiurl, project, package, 'PRODUCT-'+arch+'.kiwi') if oldkiwifile is not None: newkiwifile = re.sub(r'', '' % fakepkgname, oldkiwifile) source_file_save(self.api.apiurl, project, package, 'PRODUCT-' + arch + '.kiwi', newkiwifile) # do wipe binary now query = { 'cmd': 'wipe' } query['package'] = package query['repository'] = 'images' url = self.api.makeurl(['build', project], query) try: http_POST(url) except HTTPError as err: # failed to wipe isos but we can just continue pass return True def accept_other_new(self): changed = False if self.api.cdelreq_review: rqlist = self.find_virtually_accepted_requests(self.api.project) for req in rqlist: if self.virtual_accept_request_has_no_binary(self.api.project, req['packages'][0]): # Accepting delreq-review review self.api.do_change_review_state(req['id'], 'accepted', by_group=self.api.cdelreq_review, message='Virtually accepted delete {}'.format(req['packages'][0])) rqlist = self.find_new_requests(self.api.project) if self.api.cnonfree: rqlist += self.find_new_requests(self.api.cnonfree) for req in rqlist: oldspecs = self.api.get_filelist_for_package(pkgname=req['packages'][0], project=self.api.project, extension='spec') print('Accepting request %d: %s' % (req['id'], ','.join(req['packages']))) if req['type'] == 'delete': # Remove devel project/package tag before accepting the request self.remove_obsoleted_develtag(self.api.project, req['packages'][0]) change_request_state(self.api.apiurl, str(req['id']), 'accepted', message='Accept to %s' % self.api.project) # Check if all .spec files of the package we just accepted has a package container to build self.create_new_links(self.api.project, req['packages'][0], oldspecs) changed = True return changed def remove_obsoleted_develtag(self, project, package): xpath = { 'package': "@project='%s' and devel/@project=@project and devel/@package='%s'" % (project, package), } collection = search(self.api.apiurl, **xpath)['package'] for pkg in collection.findall('package'): set_devel_project(self.api.apiurl, project, pkg.attrib['name'], devprj=None) def create_new_links(self, project, pkgname, oldspeclist): filelist = self.api.get_filelist_for_package(pkgname=pkgname, project=project, extension='spec') removedspecs = set(oldspeclist) - set(filelist) for spec in removedspecs: # Deleting all the packages that no longer have a .spec file url = self.api.makeurl(['source', project, spec[:-5]]) print("Deleting package %s from project %s" % (spec[:-5], project)) try: http_DELETE(url) except HTTPError as err: if err.code == 404: # the package link was not yet created, which was likely a mistake from earlier pass else: # If the package was there bug could not be delete, raise the error raise # Remove package from Rings in case 2nd specfile was removed if self.api.ring_packages.get(spec[:-5]): delete_package(self.api.apiurl, self.api.ring_packages.get(spec[:-5]), spec[:-5], force=True, msg="Cleanup package in Rings") if len(filelist) > 1: # There is more than one .spec file in the package; link package containers as needed origmeta = source_file_load(self.api.apiurl, project, pkgname, '_meta') for specfile in filelist: package = specfile[:-5] # stripping .spec off the filename gives the packagename if package == pkgname: # This is the original package and does not need to be linked to itself continue # Check if the target package already exists, if it does not, we get a HTTP error 404 to catch if not self.api.item_exists(project, package): print("Creating new package %s linked to %s" % (package, pkgname)) # new package does not exist. Let's link it with new metadata newmeta = re.sub(r'(', r''.format(pkgname), newmeta) newmeta = re.sub(r'.*', r'', newmeta) newmeta = re.sub(r'', r'{}'.format(pkgname), newmeta) source_file_save(self.api.apiurl, project, package, '_meta', newmeta) link = "".format(pkgname) source_file_save(self.api.apiurl, project, package, '_link', link) return True def update_version_attribute(self, project, version): version_attr = attribute_value_load(self.api.apiurl, project, 'ProductVersion') if version_attr != version: attribute_value_save(self.api.apiurl, project, 'ProductVersion', version) def update_factory_version(self): """Update project (Factory, 13.2, ...) version if is necessary.""" # XXX TODO - This method have `factory` in the name. Can be # missleading. project = self.api.project curr_version ='%Y%m%d') update_version_attr = False url = self.api.makeurl(['source', project], {'view': 'productlist'}) products = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot() for product in products.findall('product'): product_name = product.get('name') + '.product' product_pkg = product.get('originpackage') url = self.api.makeurl(['source', project, product_pkg, product_name]) product_spec = http_GET(url).read() new_product = re.sub(r'\d{8}', '%s' % curr_version, product_spec) if product_spec != new_product: update_version_attr = True http_PUT(url + '?comment=Update+version', data=new_product) if update_version_attr: self.update_version_attribute(project, curr_version) service = {'cmd': 'runservice'} ports_prjs = ['PowerPC', 'ARM', 'zSystems' ] for ports in ports_prjs: project = self.api.project + ':' + ports if self.api.item_exists(project): if update_version_attr: self.update_version_attribute(project, curr_version) baseurl = ['source', project, '000product'] url = self.api.makeurl(baseurl, query=service) self.api.retried_POST(url) def sync_buildfailures(self): """ Trigger rebuild of packages that failed build in either openSUSE:Factory or openSUSE:Factory:Rebuild, but not the other Helps over the fact that openSUSE:Factory uses rebuild=local, thus sometimes 'hiding' build failures. """ for arch in ["x86_64", "i586"]: fact_result = self.api.get_prj_results(self.api.project, arch) fact_result = self.api.check_pkgs(fact_result) rebuild_result = self.api.get_prj_results(self.api.crebuild, arch) rebuild_result = self.api.check_pkgs(rebuild_result) result = set(rebuild_result) ^ set(fact_result) print(sorted(result)) for package in result: self.api.rebuild_pkg(package, self.api.project, arch, None) self.api.rebuild_pkg(package, self.api.crebuild, arch, None)