Staging Plugin Documentation ============================ :author: openSUSE Team at SUSE :toc: Introduction ------------ [id="intro"] The staging plugin is used to enable the new[factory workflow] to work with staging projects. This plugin implement some functionality that some day will be directly implemented in OBS itself. Meanwhile this plugin is used as a playground field to explore these new concepts and operations. This plugin is used by the release manager to move requests into staging projects to evaluate the behavior and inter-compatibility of different changes working together. An staging project is a mere project linked to Factory, but with some packages that are different as a result of one or several requests. When the release manager assign a request into a staging project, this request is review inside this project. TODO: Describe the permissions that are needed in OBS to operate with the plugin. Installation ------------ [id="install"] Clone this repository: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- git clone -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Link and the library either to +~/.osc-plugins+ or +/var/lib/osc-plugins+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cd osc-plugin-factory ln -sr ./ ./osclib ~/.osc-plugins -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command line ------------ [id="cli"] This plugin is expected to be used interactively. The basic commands are: * *accept* Accept all requests assigned to a staging project. * *check* Check the status of the different request inside the staging project, including the status in openQA. * *cleanup_rings* Check the status of the different rings in Factory. * *freeze* Freeze the packages that are not affected in a staging project. * *list* Accept all the requests from packages that are not in any ring, detect request that supersede the current ones that are actually tracked in staging projects, and list the remaining requests. * *select* Move a request (or a list of requests) to a staging project, or move requests between staging projects. * *unselect* Remove a request from a staging project, and publish it again into the backlog. List ~~~~ This action will list all the requests that are candidates to be assigned to a different staging project. To decide this list, this command will perform to actions with side effects into the requests status. The first action is to accept requests that do not affect packages that are not inside one of the rings that are defined in Factory. This acceptance will move the request to the next status of revision (maybe waiting to the manual review or the legal review) The second action is to detect if a request supersede a different one that is currently in a staging project. If this is the case, this command will replace the old request by the new one, declining the superseded after this. Because of the different side effects, this command needs to be executed with the proper permissions in OBS. Select ~~~~~~ The release manager or the staging project manager can take a request and assign it into a staging project using the +select+ command. Actually we have[ten staging projects], that are managed according to some internal rules. Every time that the manager decides to move a request to one of those projects, a metadata attached to these projects are updated, and a new commend is generated. The metadata associated to a staging project contain the list of request that are assigned to this project, and is used by the plugin to track and manage the different requests. For example, the command: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- osc staging select A 12345 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- will add the request #12345 into the staging project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:A. This command will take care that this request was not previously in the staging project A or in a different one. If this is the case, will show an error message and exit without selecting the request. Is we want to move a request from one staging project to another one, we need to use the parameter +--move+: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- osc staging select --move B 12345 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This command will move #12345 from openSUSE:Factory:Staging:A to openSUSE:Factory:Staging:B Unselect ~~~~~~~~ The +unselect+ command will untrack a request from a staging project, returning it back to the original backlog (without approving or declining the request) So for example, if #12345 is being tracked in A, the command: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- osc staging unselect 12345 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- will find the correct staging project and remove the request from it. Check ~~~~~ Before accepting the requests inside a staging project, the user can check the state of those requests. The +check+ command will check the project status, taking care of superseded requests or already accepted requests. This command will also check the status in openQA of the project. Accept ~~~~~~ If the current status of the staging project is good, this command will change the review status of the different requests assigned to the project, accepting them. Internally, the +accept+ command contains a call to the +check+ command to make sure that the request can be accepted. After this command, the staging project status will be disabled, to avoid the overload of OBS. Cleanup Rings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~[Rings] are collection of packages that are deeply interconnected, and that are building basis for a different ring or for the rest of the distribution. A ring is a way to organize Factory into inter-dependent packages that are again used to build a different layer of Factory itself. Actually we have identified three rings: *[openSUSE:Factory:Rings:0-Bootstrap] *[openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX] *[openSUSE:Factory:Rings:2-TestDVD] And you can find a better description in the[talk conference] celebrated in 2014 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. This command is used to check the current status of the rings and to find undesirable dependencies of the packages that conform the rings. Freeze ~~~~~~ Factory is always a moving target, even with the staging projects. If we want to check the status of the request assigned to a staging project, sometimes is desirable to have a frozen status of the source packages that are part of Factory but not of the staging project. This command is used to build frozenlink-kind-of links for a staging project. Use cases --------- [id="usecases"] XXX TODO