#!/bin/bash set -e until curl http://api:3000/about 2>/dev/null ; do echo "waiting for OBS to be responsive..." # Print osc output incase of failure and container logs for debugging. ((c++)) && ((c==60)) && ( curl http://api:3000/about exit 1 ) sleep 1 done cd /code ci_node=$1 for file in tests/*_tests.py; do if test -n "$ci_node"; then if test "$ci_node" == "Rest"; then if grep -q '# CI-Node' $file; then echo "Skipping $file in 'Rest'" continue fi else if ! grep -q "# CI-Node: $ci_node" $file; then continue fi fi fi if ! test -f /code/.without-coverage; then COVER_ARGS="--cov=. --cov-append --cov-report=xml" else COVER_ARGS="--no-cov" fi # TODO: Review bot test failed without log-level set to debug # TODO: due to memoize tests cannot be run together, otherwise it start failing run_as_tester pytest $COVER_ARGS --log-level=DEBUG $file done set -x