#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # # (C) 2013 mhrusecky@suse.cz, openSUSE.org # (C) 2013 tchvatal@suse.cz, openSUSE.org # Distribute under GPLv2 or GPLv3 from osc import cmdln from osc import conf OSC_STAGING_VERSION='0.0.1' def _print_version(self): """ Print version information about this extension. """ print '%s'%(self.OSC_STAGING_VERSION) quit(0) # Get last build results (optionally only for specified repo/arch) # Works even when rebuild is triggered def _get_build_res(apiurl, prj, repo=None, arch=None): query = {} query['lastbuild'] = 1 if repo != None: query['repository'] = repo if arch != None: query['arch'] = arch u = makeurl(apiurl, ['build', prj, '_result'], query=query) f = http_GET(u) return f.readlines() # Checks the state of staging repo (local modifications, regressions, ...) def _staging_check(self, project, check_everything, opts): """ Checks whether project does not contain local changes and whether it contains only links :param project: staging project to check :param everything: do not stop on first verification failure :param opts: pointer to options """ apiurl = self.get_api_url() ret = 0 # Check whether there are no local changes for pkg in meta_get_packagelist(apiurl, project): if ret != 0 and not check_everything: break f = http_GET(makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, pkg])) linkinfo = ET.parse(f).getroot().find('linkinfo') if linkinfo is None: print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: Not a source link: %s/%s'%(project,pkg) ret = 1 continue if linkinfo.get('error'): print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: Broken source link: %s/%s'%(project, pkg) ret = 1 continue t = linkinfo.get('project') p = linkinfo.get('package') r = linkinfo.get('revision') if len(server_diff(apiurl, t, p, r, project, pkg, None, True)) > 0: print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: Has local modifications: %s/%s'%(project, pkg) ret = 1 continue if ret == 1: print >>sys.stderr, "Error: Check for local changes failed" else: print "Check for local changes passed" # Check for regressions root = None if ret == 0 or check_everything: print "Getting build status, this may take a while" # Get staging project results f = _get_build_res(apiurl, project) root = ET.fromstring(''.join(f)) # Get parent project m_url = make_meta_url("prj", project, apiurl) m_data = http_GET(m_url).readlines() m_root = ET.fromstring(''.join(m_data)) print "Comparing build statuses, this may take a while" # Iterate through all repos/archs if root != None and root.find('result') != None: for results in root.findall('result'): if ret != 0 and not check_everything: break if results.get("state") not in [ "published", "unpublished" ]: print >>sys.stderr, "Warning: Building not finished yet for %s/%s (%s)!"%(results.get("repository"),results.get("arch"),results.get("state")) ret |= 2 # Get parent project results for this repo/arch p_project = m_root.find("repository[@name='%s']/path"%(results.get("repository"))) if p_project == None: print >>sys.stderr, "Error: Can't get path for '%s'!"%results.get("repository") ret |= 4 continue f = _get_build_res(apiurl, p_project.get("project"), repo=results.get("repository"), arch=results.get("arch")) p_root = ET.fromstring(''.join(f)) # Find corresponding set of results in parent project p_results = p_root.find("result[@repository='%s'][@arch='%s']"%(results.get("repository"),results.get("arch"))) if p_results == None: print >>sys.stderr, "Error: Inconsistent setup!" ret |= 4 else: # Iterate through packages for node in results: if ret != 0 and not check_everything: break result = node.get("code") # Skip not rebuilt if result in [ "blocked", "building", "disabled" "excluded", "finished", "unknown", "unpublished", "published" ]: continue # Get status of package in parent project p_node = p_results.find("status[@package='%s']"%(node.get("package"))) if p_node == None: p_result = None else: p_result = p_node.get("code") # Skip packages not built in parent project if p_result in [ None, "disabled", "excluded", "unknown", "unresolvable" ]: continue # Find regressions if result in [ "broken", "failed", "unresolvable" ] and p_result not in [ "blocked", "broken", "failed" ]: print >>sys.stderr, "Error: Regression (%s -> %s) in package '%s' in %s/%s!"%(p_result, result, node.get("package"),results.get("repository"),results.get("arch")) ret |= 8 # Find fixed builds if result in [ "succeeded" ] and result != p_result: print "Package '%s' fixed (%s -> %s) in staging for %s/%s."%(node.get("package"), p_result, result, results.get("repository"),results.get("arch")) if ret != 0: print "Staging check failed!" else: print "Staging check succeeded!" return ret def _staging_create(self, sr, opts): """ Creates new staging project based on the submit request. :param sr: submit request containing package to test directed for openSUSE:Factory :param opts: pointer to options """ apiurl = self.get_api_url() # read info from sr req = get_request(apiurl, sr) act = req.get_actions("submit")[0] trg_prj = act.tgt_project trg_pkg = act.tgt_package src_prj = act.src_project src_pkg = act.src_package stg_prj = trg_prj + ":Staging:" + trg_pkg if opts.parent: trg_prj = opts.parent # test if staging project exists found = 1 url = make_meta_url('prj', stg_prj, apiurl) try: data = http_GET(url).readlines() except HTTPError as e: if e.code == 404: found = 0 else: raise e if found == 1: print('Staging project "%s" already exists, overwrite? (Y/n)'%(stg_prj)) answer = sys.stdin.readline() if re.search("^\s*[Nn]", answer): print('Aborting...') exit(1) # parse metadata from parent project trg_meta_url = make_meta_url("prj", trg_prj, apiurl) data = http_GET(trg_meta_url).readlines() dis_repo = [] en_repo = [] repos = [] perm ='' in_build = 0 for line in data: # what repositories are disabled if in_build == 1: if re.search("^\s+", line): in_build = 0 elif re.search("^\s+", line): in_build=1 # what are the rights elif re.search("^\s+( %s/%s...'%(src_pkg,src_prj,stg_prj,trg_pkg)) link_pac(src_prj, src_pkg, stg_prj, trg_pkg, True) print return def _staging_remove(self, project, opts): """ Remove staging project. :param project: staging project to delete :param opts: pointer to options """ apiurl = self.get_api_url() delete_project(apiurl, project, force=True, msg=None) print("Deleted.") return def _staging_push(self, project, opts): """ Generate new submit requests group based on staging project. :param project: staging project to submit :param opts: pointer to options """ apiurl = self.get_api_url() if not self._staging_check(apiurl, project): raise oscerr.ServiceRuntimeError('Verification of staging repo failed.') # loop over packages for pkg in meta_get_packagelist(apiurl, project): # decompose symlinks u = makeurl(apiurl, ['source', project, pkg]) f = http_GET(u) root = ET.parse(f).getroot() linkinfo = root.find('linkinfo') if linkinfo == None: print >>sys.stderr, "Not a source link: %s"%(pkg) quit(1) if linkinfo.get('error'): print >>sys.stderr, "Broken source link: %s"%(pkg) quit(1) t = linkinfo.get('project') p = linkinfo.get('package') r = linkinfo.get('revision') # Get rid of old requests for rq in get_exact_request_list(apiurl, t, project, pkg, pkg, ('new', 'review')): # obsolete submit requests that contain the package (notify!) print('.') # sent new submitrequest for the package def _staging_submit_devel(self, project, opts): """ Generate new review requests for devel-projects based on our staging changes. :param apiurl: pointer to obs api url link :param project: staging project to submit into devel projects """ print("Not implemented.") return @cmdln.option('-e', '--everything', action='store_true', dest='everything', help='during check do not stop on first first issue and show them all') @cmdln.option('-p', '--parent', metavar='TARGETPROJECT', help='manually specify different parent project during creation of staging') @cmdln.option('-v', '--version', action='store_true', dest='version', help='show version of the plugin') def do_staging(self, subcmd, opts, *args): """${cmd_name}: Commands to work with staging projects "check" will check if all packages are links without changes "create" (or "c") will create staging repo from specified submit request "remove" (or "r") will delete the staging project into submit requests for openSUSE:Factory "submit-devel" (or "s") will create review requests for changed packages in staging project into their respective devel projects to obtain approval from maitnainers for pushing the changes to openSUSE:Factory Usage: osc staging check [--everything] REPO osc staging create [--parent project] SR# osc staging remove REPO osc stating submit-devel REPO """ if opts.version: self._print_version() # available commands cmds = ['check', 'push', 'p', 'create', 'c', 'remove', 'r'] if not args or args[0] not in cmds: raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Unknown stagings action. Choose one of the %s.'%(', '.join(cmds))) # verify the argument counts match the commands cmd = args[0] if cmd in ['submit-devel', 's', 'remove', 'r']: min_args, max_args = 1, 1 elif cmd in ['check']: min_args, max_args = 1, 2 elif cmd in ['create', 'c']: min_args, max_args = 1, 2 else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown command: %s'%(cmd)) if len(args) - 1 < min_args: raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments.') if not max_args is None and len(args) - 1 > max_args: raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.') # init the obs access apiurl = self.get_api_url() # check for the opts staging_check_everything = False if opts.everything: staging_check_everything = True # call the respective command and parse args by need if cmd in ['push', 'p']: project = args[1] self._staging_push(project, opts) elif cmd in ['create', 'c']: sr = args[1] self._staging_create(sr, opts) elif cmd in ['check']: project = args[1] return self._staging_check(project, staging_check_everything, opts) elif cmd in ['remove', 'r']: project = args[1] self._staging_remove(project, opts) elif cmd in ['submit-devel', 's']: project = args[1] self._staging_submit_devel(project, opts)