Check Staging Project {"approve": "preliminary, version number changed"} <!-- { "dest": { "ldb": { "prodonly": "", "review": "done", "rpm_license": "{\"python3.spec\":{\"curses\":[\"Python-2.0\"],\"python3\":[\"Python-2.0\"],\"dbm\":[\"Python-2.0\"],\"tk\":[\"Python-2.0\"]},\"python3-base.spec\":{\"-n python3-tools\":[\"Python-2.0\"],\"-n python3-idle\":[\"Python-2.0\"],\"python3-base\":[\"Python-2.0\"],\"-n python3-testsuite\":[\"Python-2.0\"],\"-n libpython%{so_version}\":[\"Python-2.0\"],\"-n python3-devel\":[\"Python-2.0\"]},\"python3-doc.spec\":{\"python3-doc\":[\"Python-2.0\"],\"pdf\":[\"Python-2.0\"]}}", "status": "production", "version": "3.3.3" }, "license": { "python3-base.spec": { "-n libpython%{so_version}": [ "Python-2.0" ], "-n python3-devel": [ "Python-2.0" ], "-n python3-idle": [ "Python-2.0" ], "-n python3-testsuite": [ "Python-2.0" ], "-n python3-tools": [ "Python-2.0" ], "python3-base": [ "Python-2.0" ] }, "python3-doc.spec": { "pdf": [ "Python-2.0" ], "python3-doc": [ "Python-2.0" ] }, "python3.spec": { "curses": [ "Python-2.0" ], "dbm": [ "Python-2.0" ], "python3": [ "Python-2.0" ], "tk": [ "Python-2.0" ] } }, "version": "3.3.3" }, "hint": [ "version changed: src('3.3.3') differs from dest('3.4.0~b3')" ], "plugin": "0.60", "src": { "auto-co": "/", "kiwi_only": false, "license": { "python3-base.spec": { "-n libpython%{so_version}": [ "Python-2.0" ], "-n python3-devel": [ "Python-2.0" ], "-n python3-idle": [ "Python-2.0" ], "-n python3-testsuite": [ "Python-2.0" ], "-n python3-tools": [ "Python-2.0" ], "python3-base": [ "Python-2.0" ] }, "python3-doc.spec": { "pdf": [ "Python-2.0" ], "python3-doc": [ "Python-2.0" ] }, "python3.spec": { "curses": [ "Python-2.0" ], "dbm": [ "Python-2.0" ], "python3": [ "Python-2.0" ], "tk": [ "Python-2.0" ] } }, "rev": "125", "version": "3.4.0~b3", "version_diff": "src('3.3.3') differs from dest('3.4.0~b3')" } } --> Check script succeeded ok Builds for repo openSUSE_Factory Check Staging Project Please review sources Please review build success - initial commit of 3.4.0 beta 3 * new stdlib modules: pathlib, enum, statistics, tracemalloc * asynchronous IO with new asyncio module * introspection data for builtins * subprocesses no longer inherit open file descriptors * standardized metadata for packages * internal hashing changed to SipHash * new pickle protocol * improved handling of codecs * TLS 1.2 support * major speed improvements for internal unicode handling * many bugfixes and optimizations - see porting guide at: - moved several modules to -testsuite subpackage - updated list of binary extensions, refreshed patches - tracemalloc_gcov.patch fixes profile-based optimization build - updated packages and to use ~-version notation for prereleases - fix-shebangs part of build process moved to common %prep - drop python-3.3.2-no-REUSEPORT.patch (upstreamed) - update baselibs for new soname - TODOs: * require python-pip, make ensurepip work with zypper - initial commit of 3.4.0 beta2 * for full changelog, see python3-base - initial commit of 3.4.0 beta 3 * for full changelog, see python3-base