import re from urllib.error import HTTPError from osc import oscerr from osc.core import change_review_state from osc.core import get_request from osclib.request_finder import RequestFinder class RepairCommand(object): def __init__(self, api): self.api = api def repair(self, request): reviews = [] reqid = str(request) req = get_request(self.api.apiurl, reqid) if not req: raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Request {} not found'.format(reqid)) if != 'review': print('Request "{}" is not in review state'.format(reqid)) return reviews = [r.by_project for r in if ':Staging:' in str(r.by_project) and r.state == 'new'] if reviews: if len(reviews) > 1: raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Request {} had multiple review opened by different staging project'.format(reqid)) else: raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Request {} is not for staging project'.format(reqid)) staging_project = reviews[0] try: data = self.api.project_status(staging_project) except HTTPError as e: if e.code == 404: data = None # Pre-check and pre-setup if data is not None: for request in data.findall('staged_requests/requests'): if request.get('id') == reqid: print('Request "{}" had the good setup in "{}"'.format(reqid, staging_project)) return else: # this situation should only happen on adi staging print('Project is not exist, re-creating "{}"'.format(staging_project)) self.api.create_adi_project(staging_project) # a bad request setup found print('Repairing "{}"'.format(reqid)) change_review_state(self.api.apiurl, reqid, newstate='accepted', message='Re-evaluation needed', by_project=staging_project) self.api.add_review(reqid, by_group=self.api.cstaging_group, msg='Requesting new staging review') def perform(self, packages, cleanup=False): """ Repair request in staging project or move it out :param packages: packages/requests to repair in staging projects """ if cleanup: untracked = self.api.project_status_requests('untracked') if len(untracked) > 0: print('Cleanup {} untracked requests'.format(len(untracked))) packages += tuple(untracked) for reqid in RequestFinder.find_sr(packages, self.api):