#!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import print_function import cmdln from collections import namedtuple import hashlib from lxml import etree as ET import os from osc.core import show_results_meta import pipes import re import subprocess import sys import tempfile from osclib.conf import Config from osclib.conf import str2bool from osclib.core import BINARY_REGEX from osclib.core import depends_on from osclib.core import devel_project_fallback from osclib.core import fileinfo_ext_all from osclib.core import package_binary_list from osclib.core import project_meta_revision from osclib.core import project_pseudometa_file_ensure from osclib.core import project_pseudometa_file_load from osclib.core import project_pseudometa_package from osclib.core import repository_path_search from osclib.core import repository_path_expand from osclib.core import repositories_states from osclib.core import repositories_published from osclib.core import target_archs from osclib.cycle import CycleDetector from osclib.memoize import CACHEDIR from osclib.memoize import memoize from osclib.util import sha1_short import ReviewBot SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) CheckResult = namedtuple('CheckResult', ('success', 'comment')) INSTALL_REGEX = r"^(?:can't install (.*?)|found conflict of (.*?) with (.*?)):$" InstallSection = namedtuple('InstallSection', ('binaries', 'text')) ERROR_REPO_SPECIFIED = 'a repository must be specified via OSRT:Config main-repo for {}' class RepoChecker(ReviewBot.ReviewBot): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ReviewBot.ReviewBot.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # ReviewBot options. self.request_default_return = True self.comment_handler = True # RepoChecker options. self.skip_cycle = False self.force = False def project_only(self, project, post_comments=False): repository = self.project_repository(project) if not repository: self.logger.error(ERROR_REPO_SPECIFIED.format(project)) return repository_pairs = repository_path_expand(self.apiurl, project, repository) state_hash = self.repository_state(repository_pairs) self.repository_check(repository_pairs, state_hash, False, bool(post_comments)) def package_comments(self, project, repository): self.logger.info('{} package comments'.format(len(self.package_results))) for package, sections in self.package_results.items(): if str2bool(Config.get(self.apiurl, project).get('repo_checker-package-comment-devel', 'False')): bot_name_suffix = project comment_project, comment_package = devel_project_fallback(self.apiurl, project, package) if comment_project is None or comment_package is None: self.logger.warning('unable to find devel project for {}'.format(package)) continue message = 'The version of this package in [`{project}`](/package/show/{project}/{package}) ' \ 'has installation issues and may not be installable:'.format( project=project, package=package) else: bot_name_suffix = repository comment_project = project comment_package = package message = 'This package has installation issues and may not be installable from the `{}` ' \ 'repository:'.format(repository) # Sort sections by text to group binaries together. sections = sorted(sections, key=lambda s: s.text) message += '\n\n
'.format( '\n'.join([section.text for section in sections]).strip()) # Generate a hash based on the binaries involved and the number of # sections. This eliminates version or release changes from causing # an update to the comment while still updating on relevant changes. binaries = set() for section in sections: binaries.update(section.binaries) info = ';'.join(['::'.join(sorted(binaries)), str(len(sections))]) reference = hashlib.sha1(info).hexdigest()[:7] # Post comment on package in order to notifiy maintainers. self.comment_write(state='seen', result=reference, bot_name_suffix=bot_name_suffix, project=comment_project, package=comment_package, message=message) def target_archs(self, project, repository): archs = target_archs(self.apiurl, project, repository) # Check for arch whitelist and use intersection. whitelist = Config.get(self.apiurl, project).get('repo_checker-arch-whitelist') if whitelist: archs = list(set(whitelist.split(' ')).intersection(set(archs))) # Trick to prioritize x86_64. return sorted(archs, reverse=True) @memoize(ttl=60, session=True, add_invalidate=True) def mirror(self, project, repository, arch): """Call bs_mirrorfull script to mirror packages.""" directory = os.path.join(CACHEDIR, project, repository, arch) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) script = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, 'bs_mirrorfull') path = '/'.join((project, repository, arch)) url = '{}/public/build/{}'.format(self.apiurl, path) parts = ['LC_ALL=C', 'perl', script, '--nodebug', url, directory] parts = [pipes.quote(part) for part in parts] self.logger.info('mirroring {}'.format(path)) if os.system(' '.join(parts)): raise Exception('failed to mirror {}'.format(path)) return directory def simulated_merge_ignore(self, override_pair, overridden_pair, arch): """Determine the list of binaries to similate overides in overridden layer.""" _, binary_map = package_binary_list(self.apiurl, override_pair[0], override_pair[1], arch) packages = set(binary_map.values()) binaries, _ = package_binary_list(self.apiurl, overridden_pair[0], overridden_pair[1], arch) for binary in binaries: if binary.package in packages: yield binary.name @memoize(session=True) def binary_list_existing_problem(self, project, repository): """Determine which binaries are mentioned in repo_checker output.""" binaries = set() filename = self.project_pseudometa_file_name(project, repository) content = project_pseudometa_file_load(self.apiurl, project, filename) if not content: self.logger.warn('no project_only run from which to extract existing problems') return binaries sections = self.install_check_parse(content) for section in sections: for binary in section.binaries: match = re.match(BINARY_REGEX, binary) if match: binaries.add(match.group('name')) return binaries def binary_whitelist(self, override_pair, overridden_pair, arch): whitelist = self.binary_list_existing_problem(overridden_pair[0], overridden_pair[1]) if Config.get(self.apiurl, overridden_pair[0]).get('staging'): additions = self.staging_api(overridden_pair[0]).get_prj_pseudometa( override_pair[0]).get('config', {}) prefix = 'repo_checker-binary-whitelist' for key in [prefix, '-'.join([prefix, arch])]: whitelist.update(additions.get(key, '').split(' ')) whitelist = filter(None, whitelist) return whitelist def install_check(self, target_project_pair, arch, directories, ignore=None, whitelist=[], parse=False, no_filter=False): self.logger.info('install check: start (ignore:{}, whitelist:{}, parse:{}, no_filter:{})'.format( bool(ignore), len(whitelist), parse, no_filter)) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as ignore_file: # Print ignored rpms on separate lines in ignore file. if ignore: for item in ignore: ignore_file.write(item + '\n') ignore_file.flush() # Invoke repo_checker.pl to perform an install check. script = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, 'repo_checker.pl') parts = ['LC_ALL=C', 'perl', script, arch, ','.join(directories), '-f', ignore_file.name, '-w', ','.join(whitelist)] if no_filter: parts.append('--no-filter') parts = [pipes.quote(part) for part in parts] p = subprocess.Popen(' '.join(parts), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if p.returncode: self.logger.info('install check: failed') if p.returncode == 126: self.logger.warn('mirror cache reset due to corruption') self._invalidate_all() elif parse: # Parse output for later consumption for posting comments. sections = self.install_check_parse(stdout) self.install_check_sections_group( target_project_pair[0], target_project_pair[1], arch, sections) # Format output as markdown comment. parts = [] stdout = stdout.strip() if stdout: parts.append('
\n' + stdout + '\n' + '
\n') stderr = stderr.strip() if stderr: parts.append('
\n' + stderr + '\n' + '
\n') pseudometa_project, pseudometa_package = project_pseudometa_package( self.apiurl, target_project_pair[0]) filename = self.project_pseudometa_file_name(target_project_pair[0], target_project_pair[1]) path = ['package', 'view_file', pseudometa_project, pseudometa_package, filename] header = '### [install check & file conflicts](/{})\n\n'.format('/'.join(path)) return CheckResult(False, header + ('\n' + ('-' * 80) + '\n\n').join(parts)) self.logger.info('install check: passed') return CheckResult(True, None) def install_check_sections_group(self, project, repository, arch, sections): _, binary_map = package_binary_list(self.apiurl, project, repository, arch) for section in sections: # If switch to creating bugs likely makes sense to join packages to # form grouping key and create shared bugs for conflicts. # Added check for b in binary_map after encountering: # https://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-buildservice/2017-08/msg00035.html # Under normal circumstances this should never occur. packages = set([binary_map[b] for b in section.binaries if b in binary_map]) for package in packages: self.package_results.setdefault(package, []) self.package_results[package].append(section) def install_check_parse(self, output): section = None text = None # Loop over lines and parse into chunks assigned to binaries. for line in output.splitlines(True): if line.startswith(' '): if section: text += line else: if section: yield InstallSection(section, text) match = re.match(INSTALL_REGEX, line) if match: # Remove empty groups since regex matches different patterns. binaries = [b for b in match.groups() if b is not None] section = binaries text = line else: section = None if section: yield InstallSection(section, text) @memoize(ttl=60, session=True) def cycle_check_skip(self, project): if self.skip_cycle: return True # Look for skip-cycle comment command. comments = self.comment_api.get_comments(project_name=project) users = self.request_override_check_users(project) for _, who in self.comment_api.command_find( comments, self.review_user, 'skip-cycle', users): self.logger.debug('comment command: skip-cycle by {}'.format(who)) return True return False def cycle_check(self, override_pair, overridden_pair, arch): if self.cycle_check_skip(override_pair[0]): self.logger.info('cycle check: skip due to --skip-cycle or comment command') return CheckResult(True, None) self.logger.info('cycle check: start') comment = [] first = True cycle_detector = CycleDetector(self.staging_api(overridden_pair[0])) for index, (cycle, new_edges, new_packages) in enumerate( cycle_detector.cycles(override_pair, overridden_pair, arch), start=1): if not new_packages: continue if first: comment.append('### new [cycle(s)](/project/repository_state/{}/{})\n'.format( override_pair[0], override_pair[1])) first = False # New package involved in cycle, build comment. comment.append('- #{}: {} package cycle, {} new edges'.format( index, len(cycle), len(new_edges))) comment.append(' - cycle') for package in sorted(cycle): comment.append(' - {}'.format(package)) comment.append(' - new edges') for edge in sorted(new_edges): comment.append(' - ({}, {})'.format(edge[0], edge[1])) if len(comment): # New cycles, post comment. self.logger.info('cycle check: failed') return CheckResult(False, '\n'.join(comment) + '\n') self.logger.info('cycle check: passed') return CheckResult(True, None) def result_comment(self, repository, arch, results, comment): """Generate comment from results""" comment.append('## {}/{}\n'.format(repository, arch)) for result in results.values(): if not result.success: comment.append(result.comment) def project_pseudometa_file_name(self, project, repository): filename = 'repo_checker' main_repo = Config.get(self.apiurl, project).get('main-repo') if not main_repo: filename += '.' + repository return filename @memoize(ttl=60, session=True) def repository_state(self, repository_pairs): states = repositories_states(self.apiurl, repository_pairs) states.append(str(project_meta_revision(self.apiurl, repository_pairs[0][0]))) return sha1_short(states) @memoize(ttl=60, session=True) def repository_state_last(self, project, repository, pseudometa): if pseudometa: filename = self.project_pseudometa_file_name(project, repository) content = project_pseudometa_file_load(self.apiurl, project, filename) if content: return content.splitlines()[0] else: comments = self.comment_api.get_comments(project_name=project) _, info = self.comment_api.comment_find(comments, '::'.join([self.bot_name, repository])) if info: return info.get('build') return None @memoize(session=True) def repository_check(self, repository_pairs, state_hash, simulate_merge, post_comments=False): comment = [] project, repository = repository_pairs[0] self.logger.info('checking {}/{}@{}[{}]'.format( project, repository, state_hash, len(repository_pairs))) published = repositories_published(self.apiurl, repository_pairs) if not self.force: if state_hash == self.repository_state_last(project, repository, not simulate_merge): self.logger.info('{} build unchanged'.format(project)) # TODO keep track of skipped count for cycle summary return None # For submit style requests, want to process if top layer is done, # but not mark review as final until all layers are published. if published is not True and (not simulate_merge or published[0] == project): # Require all layers to be published except when the top layer # is published in a simulate merge (allows quicker feedback with # potentially incorrect resutls for staging). self.logger.info('{}/{} not published'.format(published[0], published[1])) return None # Drop non-published repository information and thus reduce to boolean. published = published is True if simulate_merge: # Restrict top layer archs to the whitelisted archs from merge layer. archs = set(target_archs(self.apiurl, project, repository)).intersection( set(self.target_archs(repository_pairs[1][0], repository_pairs[1][1]))) else: # Top of pseudometa file. comment.append(state_hash) archs = self.target_archs(project, repository) if post_comments: # Stores parsed install_check() results grouped by package. self.package_results = {} if not len(archs): self.logger.debug('{} has no relevant architectures'.format(project)) return None result = True for arch in archs: directories = [] for pair_project, pair_repository in repository_pairs: directories.append(self.mirror(pair_project, pair_repository, arch)) if simulate_merge: ignore = self.simulated_merge_ignore(repository_pairs[0], repository_pairs[1], arch) whitelist = self.binary_whitelist(repository_pairs[0], repository_pairs[1], arch) results = { 'cycle': self.cycle_check(repository_pairs[0], repository_pairs[1], arch), 'install': self.install_check( repository_pairs[1], arch, directories, ignore, whitelist), } else: # Only products themselves will want no-filter or perhaps # projects working on cleaning up a product. no_filter = str2bool(Config.get(self.apiurl, project).get('repo_checker-no-filter')) results = { 'cycle': CheckResult(True, None), 'install': self.install_check(repository_pairs[0], arch, directories, parse=post_comments, no_filter=no_filter), } if not all(result.success for _, result in results.items()): # Not all checks passed, build comment. result = False self.result_comment(repository, arch, results, comment) if simulate_merge: info_extra = {'build': state_hash} if not result: # Some checks in group did not pass, post comment. # Avoid identical comments with different build hash during # target project build phase. Once published update regardless. self.comment_write(state='seen', result='failed', project=project, message='\n'.join(comment).strip(), identical=True, info_extra=info_extra, info_extra_identical=published, bot_name_suffix=repository) else: # Post passed comment only if previous failed comment. text = 'Previously reported problems have been resolved.' self.comment_write(state='done', result='passed', project=project, message=text, identical=True, only_replace=True, info_extra=info_extra, bot_name_suffix=repository) else: text = '\n'.join(comment).strip() if not self.dryrun: filename = self.project_pseudometa_file_name(project, repository) project_pseudometa_file_ensure( self.apiurl, project, filename, text + '\n', 'repo_checker project_only run') else: print(text) if post_comments: self.package_comments(project, repository) if result and not published: # Wait for the complete stack to build before positive result. self.logger.debug('demoting result from accept to ignore due to non-published layer') result = None return result @memoize(session=True) def project_repository(self, project): repository = Config.get(self.apiurl, project).get('main-repo') if not repository: self.logger.debug('no main-repo defined for {}'.format(project)) search_project = 'openSUSE:Factory' for search_repository in ('snapshot', 'standard'): repository = repository_path_search( self.apiurl, project, search_project, search_repository) if repository: self.logger.debug('found chain to {}/{} via {}'.format( search_project, search_repository, repository)) break return repository @memoize(ttl=60, session=True) def request_repository_pairs(self, request, action): if str2bool(Config.get(self.apiurl, action.tgt_project).get('repo_checker-project-skip', 'False')): # Do not change message as this should only occur in requests # targeting multiple projects such as in maintenance workflow in # which the message should be set by other actions. self.logger.debug('skipping review of action targeting {}'.format(action.tgt_project)) return True repository = self.project_repository(action.tgt_project) if not repository: self.review_messages['declined'] = ERROR_REPO_SPECIFIED.format(action.tgt_project) return False repository_pairs = [] # Assumes maintenance_release target project has staging disabled. if Config.get(self.apiurl, action.tgt_project).get('staging'): stage_info = self.staging_api(action.tgt_project).packages_staged.get(action.tgt_package) if not stage_info or str(stage_info['rq_id']) != str(request.reqid): self.logger.info('{} not staged'.format(request.reqid)) return None # Staging setup is convoluted and thus the repository setup does not # contain a path to the target project. Instead the ports repository # is used to import the target prjconf. As such the staging group # repository must be explicitly layered on top of target project. repository_pairs.append([stage_info['prj'], repository]) repository_pairs.extend(repository_path_expand(self.apiurl, action.tgt_project, repository)) else: # Find a repository which links to target project "main" repository. repository = repository_path_search( self.apiurl, action.src_project, action.tgt_project, repository) if not repository: self.review_messages['declined'] = ERROR_REPO_SPECIFIED.format(action.tgt_project) return False repository_pairs.extend(repository_path_expand(self.apiurl, action.src_project, repository)) return repository_pairs def check_action_submit(self, request, action): repository_pairs = self.request_repository_pairs(request, action) if not isinstance(repository_pairs, list): return repository_pairs state_hash = self.repository_state(repository_pairs) if not self.repository_check(repository_pairs, state_hash, True): return None self.review_messages['accepted'] = 'cycle and install check passed' return True def check_action_delete(self, request, action): # TODO Ignore tgt_project packages that depend on this that are part of # ignore list as and instead look at output from staging for those. built_binaries = set([]) revdeps = set([]) for fileinfo in fileinfo_ext_all(self.apiurl, action.tgt_project, 'standard', 'x86_64', action.tgt_package): built_binaries.add(fileinfo.find('name').text) for requiredby in fileinfo.findall('provides_ext/requiredby[@name]'): revdeps.add(requiredby.get('name')) runtime_deps = sorted(revdeps - built_binaries) what_depends_on = depends_on(self.apiurl, action.tgt_project, 'standard', [action.tgt_package], True) # filter out dependency on package itself (happens with eg # java bootstrapping itself with previous build) if action.tgt_package in what_depends_on: what_depends_on.remove(action.tgt_package) if len(what_depends_on): self.logger.warn('{} is still a build requirement of:\n\n- {}'.format( action.tgt_package, '\n- '.join(sorted(what_depends_on)))) if len(runtime_deps): self.logger.warn('{} provides runtime dependencies to:\n\n- {}'.format( action.tgt_package, '\n- '.join(runtime_deps))) if len(self.comment_handler.lines): self.comment_write(state='seen', result='failed') return None repository_pairs = self.request_repository_pairs(request, action) if not isinstance(repository_pairs, list): return repository_pairs state_hash = self.repository_state(repository_pairs) if not self.repository_check(repository_pairs, state_hash, True): return None self.review_messages['accepted'] = 'cycle and install check passed' return True def check_action_maintenance_release(self, request, action): # No reason to special case patchinfo since same source and target # projects which is all that repo_checker cares about. repository_pairs = self.request_repository_pairs(request, action) if not isinstance(repository_pairs, list): return repository_pairs state_hash = self.repository_state(repository_pairs) if not self.repository_check(repository_pairs, state_hash, True): return None self.review_messages['accepted'] = 'cycle and install check passed' return True class CommandLineInterface(ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface.__init__(self, args, kwargs) self.clazz = RepoChecker def get_optparser(self): parser = ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface.get_optparser(self) parser.add_option('--skip-cycle', action='store_true', help='skip cycle check') parser.add_option('--force', action='store_true', help='force review even if project is not ready') return parser def setup_checker(self): bot = ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface.setup_checker(self) if self.options.skip_cycle: bot.skip_cycle = self.options.skip_cycle bot.force = self.options.force return bot @cmdln.option('--post-comments', action='store_true', help='post comments to packages with issues') def do_project_only(self, subcmd, opts, project): self.checker.check_requests() # Needed to properly init ReviewBot. self.checker.project_only(project, opts.post_comments) if __name__ == "__main__": app = CommandLineInterface() sys.exit(app.main())