import os from lxml import etree as ET from osc import conf from osc.core import get_request from osc.core import http_GET from osc.core import makeurl import subprocess import unittest OSCRC = os.path.expanduser('~/.oscrc-test') OSCCOOKIEJAR = os.path.expanduser('~/.osc_cookiejar-test') APIURL = 'local-test' class OBSLocalTestCase(unittest.TestCase): script = None script_apiurl = True script_debug = True script_debug_osc = True @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): # TODO #1214: Workaround for tests/'s lack of cleanup. import httpretty httpretty.disable() def setUp(self): if os.path.exists(OSCCOOKIEJAR): # Avoid stale cookiejar since local OBS may be completely reset. os.remove(OSCCOOKIEJAR) self.osc_user('Admin') self.apiurl = conf.config['apiurl'] self.assertOBS() def assertOBS(self): url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['about']) root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot() self.assertEqual(root.tag, 'about') @staticmethod def oscrc(userid): with open(OSCRC, 'w+') as f: f.write('\n'.join([ '[general]', 'apiurl =', 'cookiejar = {}'.format(OSCCOOKIEJAR), '[]', 'user = {}'.format(userid), 'pass = opensuse', 'email = {}'.format(userid), 'aliases = {}'.format(APIURL), '', ])) def osc_user(self, userid): self.oscrc(userid) # Rather than modify userid and email, just re-parse entire config and # reset authentication by clearing opener to avoid edge-cases. self.oscParse() def oscParse(self): # Otherwise, will stick to first user for a given apiurl. conf._build_opener.last_opener = (None, None) # Otherwise, will not re-parse same config file. if 'cp' in conf.get_configParser.__dict__: del conf.get_configParser.cp conf.get_config(override_conffile=OSCRC, override_no_keyring=True, override_no_gnome_keyring=True) def execute_script(self, args): if self.script: args.insert(0, self.script) if self.script_debug: args.insert(1, '--debug') if self.script_debug_osc: args.insert(1, '--osc-debug') args.insert(0, '-p') args.insert(0, 'run') args.insert(0, 'coverage') self.execute(args) def execute_osc(self, args): # The wrapper allows this to work properly when osc installed via pip. args.insert(0, '') self.execute(args) def execute(self, args): print('$ ' + ' '.join(args)) # Print command for debugging. try: env = os.environ env['OSC_CONFIG'] = OSCRC self.output = subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(e.output) raise e print(self.output) # For debugging assertion failures. def assertOutput(self, string): self.assertTrue(string in self.output, '[MISSING] ' + string) def assertReview(self, rid, **kwargs): request = get_request(self.apiurl, rid) for review in for key, value in kwargs.items(): if hasattr(review, key) and getattr(review, key) == value[0]: self.assertEqual(review.state, value[1], '{}={} not {}'.format(key, value[0], value[1])) return'{} not found'.format(kwargs))