from copy import deepcopy from collections import namedtuple import logging from osc.core import get_request_list from osclib.conf import Config from osclib.core import attribute_value_load from osclib.core import devel_project_get from osclib.core import entity_exists from osclib.core import package_source_hash from osclib.core import package_source_hash_history from osclib.core import project_remote_apiurl from osclib.core import review_find_last from osclib.core import reviews_remaining from osclib.core import request_remote_identifier from osclib.memoize import memoize from osclib.util import project_list_family from osclib.util import project_list_family_prior_pattern import re import yaml NAME = 'origin-manager' DEFAULTS = { 'unknown_origin_wait': False, 'origins': [], 'review-user': '', 'fallback-group': '', 'fallback-workaround': {}, } POLICY_DEFAULTS = { 'additional_reviews': [], 'automatic_updates': True, 'maintainer_review_always': False, 'maintainer_review_initial': True, 'pending_submission_allow': False, 'pending_submission_consider': False, 'pending_submission_allowed_reviews': [ '*', '', ], } OriginInfo = namedtuple('OriginInfo', ['project', 'pending']) PendingRequestInfo = namedtuple('PendingRequestInfo', ['identifier', 'reviews_remaining']) PolicyResult = namedtuple('PolicyResult', ['wait', 'accept', 'reviews', 'comments']) def origin_info_str(self): return self.project + ('+' if self.pending else '') OriginInfo.__str__ = origin_info_str @memoize(session=True) def config_load(apiurl, project): config = attribute_value_load(apiurl, project, 'OriginConfig') if not config: return {} return config_resolve(apiurl, project, yaml.safe_load(config)) def config_origin_generator(origins, apiurl=None, project=None, package=None, skip_workarounds=False): for origin_item in origins: for origin, values in origin_item.items(): is_workaround = origin_workaround_check(origin) if skip_workarounds and is_workaround: break if (origin == '' or origin == '~') and apiurl and project and package: devel_project, devel_package = devel_project_get(apiurl, project, package) if not devel_project: break origin = devel_project if is_workaround: origin = origin_workaround_ensure(origin) yield origin, values break # Only support single value inside list item. def config_resolve(apiurl, project, config): defaults = POLICY_DEFAULTS.copy() defaults_workarounds = POLICY_DEFAULTS.copy() origins_original = config_origin_list(config) config_project = Config.get(apiurl, project) config_resolve_variables(config, config_project) origins = config['origins'] i = 0 while i < len(origins): origin = origins[i].keys()[0] values = origins[i][origin] if origin == '*': del origins[i] defaults.update(values) defaults_workarounds.update(values) config_resolve_apply(config, values, until='*') elif origin == '*~': del origins[i] defaults_workarounds.update(values) config_resolve_create_workarounds(config, values, origins_original) config_resolve_apply(config, values, workaround=True, until='*~') elif '*' in origin: # Does not allow for family + workaround expansion (ie. foo*~). del origins[i] config_resolve_create_family(apiurl, project, config, i, origin, values) elif origin.endswith('~'): values_new = deepcopy(defaults_workarounds) values_new.update(values) values.update(values_new) i += 1 else: values_new = deepcopy(defaults) values_new.update(values) values.update(values_new) i += 1 return config def config_resolve_variables(config, config_project): defaults_merged = DEFAULTS.copy() defaults_merged.update(config) config.update(defaults_merged) for key in ['review-user', 'fallback-group']: config[key] = config_resolve_variable(config[key], config_project) if not config['review-user']: config['review-user'] = NAME for origin, values in config_origin_generator(config['origins']): if 'additional_reviews' in values: values['additional_reviews'] = [ config_resolve_variable(v, config_project) for v in values['additional_reviews']] def config_resolve_variable(value, config_project, key='config'): prefix = '<{}:'.format(key) end = value.rfind('>') if not value.startswith(prefix) or end == -1: return value key = value[len(prefix):end] if key in config_project and config_project[key]: return config_project[key] + value[end + 1:] return '' def config_origin_list(config, apiurl=None, project=None, package=None, skip_workarounds=False): origin_list = [] for origin, values in config_origin_generator( config['origins'], apiurl, project, package, skip_workarounds): origin_list.append(origin) return origin_list def config_resolve_create_workarounds(config, values_workaround, origins_skip): origins = config['origins'] i = 0 for origin, values in config_origin_generator(origins): i += 1 if origin.startswith('*') or origin.endswith('~'): continue origin_new = origin + '~' if origin_new in origins_skip: continue values_new = deepcopy(values) values_new.update(values_workaround) origins.insert(i, { origin_new: values_new }) def config_resolve_create_family(apiurl, project, config, position, origin, values): projects = project_list_family_prior_pattern(apiurl, origin, project) for origin_expanded in reversed(projects): config['origins'].insert(position, { str(origin_expanded): values }) def config_resolve_apply(config, values_apply, key=None, workaround=False, until=None): for origin, values in config_origin_generator(config['origins']): if workaround and (not origin.endswith('~') or origin == '*~'): continue if key: if origin == key: values.update(values) continue if until and origin == until: break values.update(values_apply) def origin_workaround_check(origin): return origin.endswith('~') def origin_workaround_ensure(origin): if not origin_workaround_check(origin): return origin + '~' return origin @memoize(session=True) def origin_find(apiurl, target_project, package, source_hash=None, current=False, pending_allow=True, fallback=True): config = config_load(apiurl, target_project) if not source_hash: current = True source_hash = package_source_hash(apiurl, target_project, package) if not source_hash: return None logging.debug('origin_find: {}/{} with source {} ({}, {}, {})'.format( target_project, package, source_hash, current, pending_allow, fallback)) for origin, values in config_origin_generator(config['origins'], apiurl, target_project, package, True): if project_source_contain(apiurl, origin, package, source_hash): return OriginInfo(origin, False) if pending_allow and (values['pending_submission_allow'] or values['pending_submission_consider']): pending = project_source_pending(apiurl, origin, package, source_hash) if pending is not False: return OriginInfo(origin, pending) if not fallback: return None # Unable to find matching origin, if current fallback to last known origin # and mark as workaround, otherwise return current origin as workaround. if current: origin_info = origin_find_fallback(apiurl, target_project, package, source_hash, config['review-user']) else: origin_info = origin_find(apiurl, target_project, package) if origin_info: # Force origin to be workaround since required fallback. origin = origin_workaround_ensure(origin_info.project) if origin in config_origin_list(config, apiurl, target_project, package): return OriginInfo(origin, origin_info.pending) return None def project_source_contain(apiurl, project, package, source_hash): for source_hash_consider in package_source_hash_history(apiurl, project, package): project_source_log('contain', project, source_hash_consider, source_hash) if source_hash_consider == source_hash: return True return False def project_source_pending(apiurl, project, package, source_hash): apiurl_remote, project_remote = project_remote_apiurl(apiurl, project) requests = get_request_list(apiurl_remote, project_remote, package, None, ['new', 'review'], 'submit') for request in requests: for action in request.actions: source_hash_consider = package_source_hash( apiurl_remote, action.src_project, action.src_package, action.src_rev) project_source_log('pending', project, source_hash_consider, source_hash) if source_hash_consider == source_hash: return PendingRequestInfo( request_remote_identifier(apiurl, apiurl_remote, request.reqid), reviews_remaining(request)) return False def project_source_log(key, project, source_hash_consider, source_hash): logging.debug('source_{}: {:<40} {} == {}{}'.format( key, project, source_hash_consider, source_hash, ' (match)' if source_hash_consider == source_hash else '')) def origin_find_fallback(apiurl, target_project, package, source_hash, user): # Search accepted requests (newest to oldest), find the last review made by # the specified user, load comment as annotation, and extract origin. requests = get_request_list(apiurl, target_project, package, None, ['accepted'], 'submit') for request in sorted(requests, key=lambda r: r.reqid, reverse=True): review = review_find_last(request, user) if not review: continue annotation = origin_annotation_load(review.comment) return OriginInfo(annotation.get('origin'), False) # Fallback to searching workaround project. fallback_workaround = config_load(apiurl, target_project).get('fallback-workaround') if fallback_workaround: if project_source_contain(apiurl, fallback_workaround['project'], package, source_hash): return OriginInfo(fallback_workaround['origin'], False) # Attempt to find a revision of target package that matches an origin. first = True for source_hash_consider in package_source_hash_history(apiurl, target_project, package): if first: first = False continue origin_info = origin_find( apiurl, target_project, package, source_hash_consider, pending_allow=False, fallback=False) if origin_info: return origin_info return None def origin_annotation_dump(origin_info_new, origin_info_old, override=False): data = {'origin': str(origin_info_new.project)} if origin_info_old and origin_info_new.project != origin_info_old.project: data['origin_old'] = str(origin_info_old.project) if override: data['origin'] = origin_workaround_ensure(data['origin']) data['comment'] = override return yaml.dump(data, default_flow_style=False) def origin_annotation_load(annotation): # For some reason OBS insists on indenting every subsequent line which # screws up yaml parsing since indentation has meaning. return yaml.safe_load(re.sub(r'^\s+', '', annotation, flags=re.MULTILINE)) def origin_find_highest(apiurl, project, package): config = config_load(apiurl, project) for origin, values in config_origin_generator(config['origins'], apiurl, project, package, True): if entity_exists(apiurl, origin, package): return origin return None def policy_evaluate(apiurl, project, package, origin_info_new, origin_info_old, source_hash_new, source_hash_old): if origin_info_new is None: config = config_load(apiurl, project) origins = config_origin_list(config, apiurl, project, package, True) comment = 'Source not found in allowed origins:\n\n- {}'.format('\n- '.join(origins)) return PolicyResult(config['unknown_origin_wait'], False, {}, [comment]) policy = policy_get(apiurl, project, package, origin_info_new.project) inputs = policy_input_calculate(apiurl, project, package, origin_info_new, origin_info_old, source_hash_new, source_hash_old) result = policy_input_evaluate(policy, inputs) inputs['pending_submission'] = str(inputs['pending_submission']) logging.debug('policy_evaluate:\n\n{}'.format('\n'.join([ '# policy\n{}'.format(yaml.dump(policy, default_flow_style=False)), '# inputs\n{}'.format(yaml.dump(inputs, default_flow_style=False)), str(result)]))) return result @memoize(session=True) def policy_get(apiurl, project, package, origin): config = config_load(apiurl, project) for key, values in config_origin_generator(config['origins'], apiurl, project, package): if key == origin: return policy_get_preprocess(apiurl, origin, values) return None def policy_get_preprocess(apiurl, origin, policy): project = origin.rstrip('~') config_project = Config.get(apiurl, project) policy['pending_submission_allowed_reviews'] = filter(None, [ config_resolve_variable(v, config_project, 'config_source') for v in policy['pending_submission_allowed_reviews']]) return policy def policy_input_calculate(apiurl, project, package, origin_info_new, origin_info_old, source_hash_new, source_hash_old): inputs = { # Treat no older origin info as new package. 'new_package': not entity_exists(apiurl, project, package) or origin_info_old is None, 'pending_submission': origin_info_new.pending, } if inputs['new_package']: origin_highest = origin_find_highest(apiurl, project, package) inputs['from_highest_priority'] = \ origin_highest is None or origin_info_new.project == origin_highest else: workaround_new = origin_workaround_check(origin_info_new.project) inputs['origin_change'] = origin_info_new.project != origin_info_old.project if inputs['origin_change']: config = config_load(apiurl, project) origins = config_origin_list(config, apiurl, project, package) inputs['higher_priority'] = \ origins.index(origin_info_new.project) < origins.index(origin_info_old.project) if workaround_new: inputs['same_family'] = True else: inputs['same_family'] = \ origin_info_new.project in project_list_family( apiurl, origin_info_old.project.rstrip('~'), True) else: inputs['higher_priority'] = None inputs['same_family'] = True if inputs['pending_submission']: inputs['direction'] = 'forward' else: if workaround_new: source_hashes = [] else: source_hashes = list(package_source_hash_history( apiurl, origin_info_new.project, package, 10, True)) try: index_new = source_hashes.index(source_hash_new) index_old = source_hashes.index(source_hash_old) if index_new == index_old: inputs['direction'] = 'none' else: inputs['direction'] = 'forward' if index_new < index_old else 'backward' except ValueError: inputs['direction'] = 'unkown' return inputs def policy_input_evaluate(policy, inputs): result = PolicyResult(False, True, {}, []) if inputs['new_package']: if policy['maintainer_review_initial']:['maintainer'] = 'Need package maintainer approval for inital submission.' if not inputs['from_highest_priority']:['fallback'] = 'Not from the highest priority origin which provides the package.' else: if inputs['direction'] == 'none': return PolicyResult(False, False, {}, ['Identical source.']) if inputs['origin_change']: if inputs['higher_priority']: if not inputs['same_family'] and inputs['direction'] != 'forward':['fallback'] = 'Changing to a higher priority origin, ' \ 'but from another family and {} direction.'.format(inputs['direction']) elif not inputs['same_family']:['fallback'] = 'Changing to a higher priority origin, but from another family.' elif inputs['direction'] != 'forward':['fallback'] = \ 'Changing to a higher priority origin, but {} direction.'.format(inputs['direction']) else:['fallback'] = 'Changing to a lower priority origin.' else: if inputs['direction'] == 'forward': if not policy['automatic_updates']:['fallback'] = 'Forward direction, but automatic updates not allowed.' else:['fallback'] = '{} direction.'.format(inputs['direction']) if inputs['pending_submission'] is not False: reviews_not_allowed = policy_input_evaluate_reviews_not_allowed(policy, inputs) wait = not policy['pending_submission_allow'] or len(reviews_not_allowed) result = PolicyResult(wait, True,, result.comments) if wait: result.comments.append('Waiting on {} of {}.'.format( 'reviews' if policy['pending_submission_allow'] else 'acceptance', inputs['pending_submission'].identifier)) if policy['maintainer_review_always']: # Placed last to override initial maintainer approval message.['maintainer'] = 'Need package maintainer approval.' for additional_review in policy['additional_reviews']: if additional_review not in[additional_review] = 'Additional review required based on origin.' return result def policy_input_evaluate_reviews_not_allowed(policy, inputs): reviews_not_allowed = [] for review_remaining in inputs['pending_submission'].reviews_remaining: allowed = False for review_allowed in policy['pending_submission_allowed_reviews']: if review_allowed.endswith('*') and review_remaining.startswith(review_allowed[:-1]): allowed = True break if review_remaining == review_allowed: allowed = True break if not allowed: reviews_not_allowed.append(review_remaining) return reviews_not_allowed