import datetime import textwrap import re import tempfile import logging import os import sys from lxml import etree as ET from osclib.comments import CommentAPI from osc.core import checkout_package, http_GET, makeurl from osc.core import Package MARKER = 'PackageListDiff' class PkglistComments(object): """Handling staging comments of diffs""" def __init__(self, apiurl): self.apiurl = apiurl self.comment = CommentAPI(apiurl) def read_summary_file(self, file): ret = dict() with open(file, 'r') as f: for line in f: pkg, group = line.strip().split(':') ret.setdefault(pkg, []) ret[pkg].append(group) return ret def write_summary_file(self, file, content): output = [] for pkg in sorted(content): for group in sorted(content[pkg]): output.append(f"{pkg}:{group}") with open(file, 'w') as f: for line in sorted(output): f.write(line + '\n') def calculcate_package_diff(self, old_file, new_file): old_file = self.read_summary_file(old_file) new_file = self.read_summary_file(new_file) # remove common part keys = list(old_file.keys()) for key in keys: if new_file.get(key, []) == old_file[key]: del new_file[key] del old_file[key] if not old_file and not new_file: return None removed = dict() for pkg in old_file: old_groups = old_file[pkg] if new_file.get(pkg): continue removekey = ','.join(old_groups) removed.setdefault(removekey, []) removed[removekey].append(pkg) report = '' for rm in sorted(removed.keys()): report += f"**Remove from {rm}**\n\n```\n" paragraph = ', '.join(removed[rm]) report += "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(paragraph, width=90, break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False)) report += "\n```\n\n" moved = dict() for pkg in old_file: old_groups = old_file[pkg] new_groups = new_file.get(pkg) if not new_groups: continue movekey = ','.join(old_groups) + ' to ' + ','.join(new_groups) moved.setdefault(movekey, []) moved[movekey].append(pkg) for move in sorted(moved.keys()): report += f"**Move from {move}**\n\n```\n" paragraph = ', '.join(moved[move]) report += "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(paragraph, width=90, break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False)) report += "\n```\n\n" added = dict() for pkg in new_file: if pkg in old_file: continue addkey = ','.join(new_file[pkg]) added.setdefault(addkey, []) added[addkey].append(pkg) for group in sorted(added): report += f"**Add to {group}**\n\n```\n" paragraph = ', '.join(added[group]) report += "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(paragraph, width=90, break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False)) report += "\n```\n\n" return report.strip() def handle_package_diff(self, project, old_file, new_file): comments = self.comment.get_comments(project_name=project) comment, _ = self.comment.comment_find(comments, MARKER) report = self.calculcate_package_diff(old_file, new_file) if not report: if comment: self.comment.delete(comment['id']) return 0 report = self.comment.add_marker(report, MARKER) if comment: write_comment = report != comment['comment'] else: write_comment = True if write_comment: if comment: self.comment.delete(comment['id']) self.comment.add_comment(project_name=project, comment=report) else: for c in comments.values(): if c['parent'] == comment['id']: ct = c['comment'] if ct.startswith('ignore ') or ct == 'ignore': print(c) return 0 if ct.startswith('approve ') or ct == 'approve': print(c) return 0 return 1 def is_approved(self, comment, comments): if not comment: return None for c in comments.values(): if c['parent'] == comment['id']: ct = c['comment'] if ct.startswith('approve ') or ct == 'approve': return c['who'] return None def parse_title(self, line): m = re.match(r'\*\*Add to (.*)\*\*', line) if m: return {'cmd': 'add', 'to':','), 'pkgs': []} m = re.match(r'\*\*Move from (.*) to (.*)\*\*', line) if m: return {'cmd': 'move', 'from':','), 'to':','), 'pkgs': []} m = re.match(r'\*\*Remove from (.*)\*\*', line) if m: return {'cmd': 'remove', 'from':','), 'pkgs': []} return None def parse_sections(self, comment): current_section = None sections = [] in_quote = False for line in comment.split('\n'): if line.startswith('**'): if current_section: sections.append(current_section) current_section = self.parse_title(line) continue if line.startswith("```"): in_quote = not in_quote continue if in_quote: for pkg in line.split(','): pkg = pkg.strip() if pkg: current_section['pkgs'].append(pkg) if current_section: sections.append(current_section) return sections def apply_move(self, content, section): for pkg in section['pkgs']: pkg_content = content[pkg] for group in section['from']: try: pkg_content.remove(group) except ValueError: logging.error(f"Can't remove {pkg} from {group}, not there. Mismatch.") sys.exit(1) for group in section['to']: pkg_content.append(group) content[pkg] = pkg_content def apply_add(self, content, section): for pkg in section['pkgs']: content.setdefault(pkg, []) content[pkg] += section['to'] def apply_remove(self, content, section): for pkg in section['pkgs']: pkg_content = content[pkg] for group in section['from']: try: pkg_content.remove(group) except ValueError: logging.error(f"Can't remove {pkg} from {group}, not there. Mismatch.") sys.exit(1) content[pkg] = pkg_content def apply_commands(self, filename, sections): content = self.read_summary_file(filename) for section in sections: if section['cmd'] == 'move': self.apply_move(content, section) elif section['cmd'] == 'add': self.apply_add(content, section) elif section['cmd'] == 'remove': self.apply_remove(content, section) self.write_summary_file(filename, content) def format_pkgs(self, pkgs): text = ', '.join(pkgs) return " " + "\n ".join(textwrap.wrap(text, width=68, break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False)) + "\n\n" def format_move(self, section): gfrom = ','.join(section['from']) gto = ','.join(section['to']) text = f" * Move from {gfrom} to {gto}:\n" return text + self.format_pkgs(section['pkgs']) def format_add(self, section): gto = ','.join(section['to']) text = f" * Add to {gto}:\n" return text + self.format_pkgs(section['pkgs']) def format_remove(self, section): gfrom = ','.join(section['from']) text = f" * Remove from {gfrom}:\n" return text + self.format_pkgs(section['pkgs']) def apply_changes(self, filename, sections, approver): text = "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n" now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() date = now.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S UTC %Y") url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['person', approver]) root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)) realname = root.find('realname').text email = root.find('email').text text += f"{date} - {realname} <{email}>\n\n- Approved changes to summary-staging.txt\n" for section in sections: if section['cmd'] == 'move': text += self.format_move(section) elif section['cmd'] == 'add': text += self.format_add(section) elif section['cmd'] == 'remove': text += self.format_remove(section) with open(filename + '.new', 'w') as writer: writer.write(text) with open(filename, 'r') as reader: for line in reader: writer.write(line) os.rename(filename + '.new', filename) def check_staging_accept(self, project, target): comments = self.comment.get_comments(project_name=project) comment, _ = self.comment.comment_find(comments, MARKER) approver = self.is_approved(comment, comments) if not approver: return sections = self.parse_sections(comment['comment']) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: checkout_package(self.apiurl, target, '000package-groups', expand_link=True, outdir=tmpdirname) self.apply_commands(tmpdirname + '/summary-staging.txt', sections) self.apply_changes(tmpdirname + '/package-groups.changes', sections, approver) package = Package(tmpdirname) package.commit(msg='Approved packagelist changes', skip_local_service_run=True)