import datetime import enum import logging import os import re import sys import tempfile import textwrap from typing import Dict, List, Optional from lxml import etree as ET from osc.core import Package, checkout_package, http_GET, makeurl from osclib.comments import CommentAPI MARKER = 'PackageListDiff' class PkglistSectionCommend(enum.Enum): ADD = "add" REMOVE = "remove" MOVE = "move" class PkglistSection: def __init__( self, command: PkglistSectionCommend, pkgs: Optional[List[str]] = None, to_module: Optional[List[str]] = None, from_module: Optional[List[str]] = None ): self.command = command if pkgs is None: self.pkgs = [] else: self.pkgs = pkgs if pkgs is None: self.to_module = [] else: self.to_module = to_module if pkgs is None: self.from_module = [] else: self.from_module = from_module class PkglistComments: """Handling staging comments of diffs""" def __init__(self, apiurl: str): self.apiurl = apiurl self.comment = CommentAPI(apiurl) def read_summary_file(self, file: str) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: ret = dict() with open(file, 'r') as f: for line in f: pkg, group = line.strip().split(':') ret.setdefault(pkg, []) ret[pkg].append(group) return ret def write_summary_file(self, file: str, content: dict): output = [] for pkg in sorted(content): for group in sorted(content[pkg]): output.append(f"{pkg}:{group}") with open(file, 'w') as f: for line in sorted(output): f.write(line + '\n') def calculcate_package_diff(self, old_file: str, new_file: str): old_file = self.read_summary_file(old_file) new_file = self.read_summary_file(new_file) # remove common part keys = list(old_file.keys()) for key in keys: if new_file.get(key, []) == old_file[key]: del new_file[key] del old_file[key] if not old_file and not new_file: return None removed = dict() for pkg in old_file: old_groups = old_file[pkg] if new_file.get(pkg): continue removekey = ','.join(old_groups) removed.setdefault(removekey, []) removed[removekey].append(pkg) report = '' for rm in sorted(removed.keys()): report += f"**Remove from {rm}**\n\n```\n" paragraph = ', '.join(removed[rm]) report += "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(paragraph, width=90, break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False)) report += "\n```\n\n" moved = dict() for pkg in old_file: old_groups = old_file[pkg] new_groups = new_file.get(pkg) if not new_groups: continue movekey = ','.join(old_groups) + ' to ' + ','.join(new_groups) moved.setdefault(movekey, []) moved[movekey].append(pkg) for move in sorted(moved.keys()): report += f"**Move from {move}**\n\n```\n" paragraph = ', '.join(moved[move]) report += "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(paragraph, width=90, break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False)) report += "\n```\n\n" added = dict() for pkg in new_file: if pkg in old_file: continue addkey = ','.join(new_file[pkg]) added.setdefault(addkey, []) added[addkey].append(pkg) for group in sorted(added): report += f"**Add to {group}**\n\n```\n" paragraph = ', '.join(added[group]) report += "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(paragraph, width=90, break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False)) report += "\n```\n\n" return report.strip() def handle_package_diff(self, project: str, old_file: str, new_file: str): comments = self.comment.get_comments(project_name=project) comment, _ = self.comment.comment_find(comments, MARKER) report = self.calculcate_package_diff(old_file, new_file) if not report: if comment: self.comment.delete(comment['id']) return 0 report = self.comment.add_marker(report, MARKER) if comment: write_comment = report != comment['comment'] else: write_comment = True if write_comment: if comment: self.comment.delete(comment['id']) self.comment.add_comment(project_name=project, comment=report) else: for c in comments.values(): if c['parent'] == comment['id']: ct = c['comment'] if ct.startswith('ignore ') or ct == 'ignore': print(c) return 0 if ct.startswith('approve ') or ct == 'approve': print(c) return 0 return 1 def is_approved(self, comment, comments: dict) -> str | None: if not comment: return None for c in comments.values(): if c['parent'] == comment['id']: ct = c['comment'] if ct.startswith('approve ') or ct == 'approve': return c['who'] return None def parse_title(self, line: str) -> Optional[PkglistSection]: m = re.match(r'\*\*Add to (.*)\*\*', line) if m: return PkglistSection(PkglistSectionCommend.ADD, pkgs=[],',')) m = re.match(r'\*\*Move from (.*) to (.*)\*\*', line) if m: return PkglistSection( PkglistSectionCommend.MOVE, pkgs=[],','),','), ) m = re.match(r'\*\*Remove from (.*)\*\*', line) if m: return PkglistSection( PkglistSectionCommend.REMOVE, pkgs=[],','), ) return None def parse_sections(self, comment: str) -> List[PkglistSection]: current_section = None sections = [] in_quote = False for line in comment.split('\n'): if line.startswith('**'): if current_section: sections.append(current_section) current_section = self.parse_title(line) continue if line.startswith("```"): in_quote = not in_quote continue if in_quote: for pkg in line.split(','): pkg = pkg.strip() if pkg: current_section.pkgs.append(pkg) if current_section: sections.append(current_section) return sections def apply_move(self, content: Dict[str, List[str]], section: PkglistSection): for pkg in section.pkgs: pkg_content = content[pkg] for group in section.from_module: try: pkg_content.remove(group) except ValueError: logging.error(f"Can't remove {pkg} from {group}, not there. Mismatch.") sys.exit(1) for group in section.to_module: pkg_content.append(group) content[pkg] = pkg_content def apply_add(self, content: Dict[str, List[str]], section: PkglistSection): for pkg in section.pkgs: content.setdefault(pkg, []) content[pkg] += section.to_module def apply_remove(self, content: Dict[str, List[str]], section: PkglistSection): for pkg in section.pkgs: pkg_content = content[pkg] for group in section.from_module: try: pkg_content.remove(group) except ValueError: logging.error(f"Can't remove {pkg} from {group}, not there. Mismatch.") sys.exit(1) content[pkg] = pkg_content def apply_commands(self, filename: str, sections: List[PkglistSection]): content = self.read_summary_file(filename) for section in sections: if section.command == PkglistSectionCommend.MOVE: self.apply_move(content, section) elif section.command == PkglistSectionCommend.ADD: self.apply_add(content, section) elif section.command == PkglistSectionCommend.REMOVE: self.apply_remove(content, section) self.write_summary_file(filename, content) def format_pkgs(self, pkgs: List[str]): text = ', '.join(pkgs) return " " + "\n ".join(textwrap.wrap(text, width=68, break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False)) + "\n\n" def format_move(self, section: PkglistSection): gfrom = ','.join(section.from_module) gto = ','.join(section.to_module) text = f" * Move from {gfrom} to {gto}:\n" return text + self.format_pkgs(section.pkgs) def format_add(self, section: PkglistSection): gto = ','.join(section.to_module) text = f" * Add to {gto}:\n" return text + self.format_pkgs(section.pkgs) def format_remove(self, section: PkglistSection): gfrom = ','.join(section.from_module) text = f" * Remove from {gfrom}:\n" return text + self.format_pkgs(section.pkgs) def apply_changes(self, filename: str, sections: List[PkglistSection], approver: str): text = "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n" now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() date = now.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S UTC %Y") url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['person', approver]) root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)) realname = root.find('realname').text email = root.find('email').text text += f"{date} - {realname} <{email}>\n\n- Approved changes to summary-staging.txt\n" for section in sections: if section.command == PkglistSectionCommend.MOVE: text += self.format_move(section) elif section.command == PkglistSectionCommend.ADD: text += self.format_add(section) elif section.command == PkglistSectionCommend.REMOVE: text += self.format_remove(section) with open(filename + '.new', 'w') as writer: writer.write(text) with open(filename, 'r') as reader: for line in reader: writer.write(line) os.rename(filename + '.new', filename) def check_staging_accept(self, project: str, target: str): comments = self.comment.get_comments(project_name=project) comment, _ = self.comment.comment_find(comments, MARKER) approver = self.is_approved(comment, comments) if not approver: return sections = self.parse_sections(comment['comment']) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: checkout_package(self.apiurl, target, '000package-groups', expand_link=True, outdir=tmpdirname) self.apply_commands(tmpdirname + '/summary-staging.txt', sections) self.apply_changes(tmpdirname + '/package-groups.changes', sections, approver) package = Package(tmpdirname) package.commit(msg='Approved packagelist changes', skip_local_service_run=True)