#!/usr/bin/python3 from pprint import pformat from stat import S_ISREG, S_ISLNK from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile import cmdln import logging import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import time import abichecker_dbmodel as DB import sqlalchemy.orm.exc from lxml import etree as ET import osc.conf import osc.core from osc.util.cpio import CpioRead from urllib.error import HTTPError import rpm from collections import namedtuple from osclib.comments import CommentAPI from abichecker_common import CACHEDIR import ReviewBot WEB_URL=None # build mapping between source repos and target repos MR = namedtuple('MatchRepo', ('srcrepo', 'dstrepo', 'arch')) # FIXME: use attribute instead PROJECT_BLACKLIST = { 'SUSE:SLE-11:Update' : "abi-checker doesn't support SLE 11", 'SUSE:SLE-11-SP1:Update' : "abi-checker doesn't support SLE 11", 'SUSE:SLE-11-SP2:Update' : "abi-checker doesn't support SLE 11", 'SUSE:SLE-11-SP3:Update' : "abi-checker doesn't support SLE 11", 'SUSE:SLE-11-SP4:Update' : "abi-checker doesn't support SLE 11", 'SUSE:SLE-11-SP5:Update' : "abi-checker doesn't support SLE 11", } # some project have more repos than what we are interested in REPO_WHITELIST = { 'openSUSE:Factory': ('standard', 'snapshot'), 'SUSE:SLE-12:Update' : 'standard', } # same for arch ARCH_BLACKLIST = { } ARCH_WHITELIST = { 'SUSE:SLE-12:Update' : ('i586', 'ppc64le', 's390', 's390x', 'x86_64'), } # Directory where download binary packages. DOWNLOADS = os.path.join(CACHEDIR, 'downloads') UNPACKDIR = os.path.join(CACHEDIR, 'unpacked') so_re = re.compile(r'^(?:/usr)?/lib(?:64)?/lib([^/]+)\.so(?:\.[^/]+)?') debugpkg_re = re.compile(r'-debug(?:source|info)(?:-(?:32|64)bit)?$') disturl_re = re.compile(r'^obs://[^/]+/(?P[^/]+)/(?P[^/]+)/(?P[0-9a-f]{32})-(?P.*)$') comment_marker_re = re.compile(r'') # report for source submissions. contains multiple libresult for each library Report = namedtuple('Report', ('src_project', 'src_package', 'src_rev', 'dst_project', 'dst_package', 'reports', 'result')) # report for a single library LibResult = namedtuple('LibResult', ('src_repo', 'src_lib', 'dst_repo', 'dst_lib', 'arch', 'htmlreport', 'result')) class DistUrlMismatch(Exception): def __init__(self, disturl, md5): Exception.__init__(self) self.msg = f'disturl mismatch has: {disturl} wanted ...{md5}' def __str__(self): return self.msg class SourceBroken(Exception): def __init__(self, project, package): Exception.__init__(self) self.msg = f'{project}/{package} has broken sources, needs rebase' def __str__(self): return self.msg class NoBuildSuccess(Exception): def __init__(self, project, package, md5): Exception.__init__(self) self.msg = f'{project}/{package}({md5}) had no successful build' def __str__(self): return self.msg class NotReadyYet(Exception): def __init__(self, project, package, reason): Exception.__init__(self) self.msg = f'{project}/{package} not ready yet: {reason}' def __str__(self): return self.msg class MissingDebugInfo(Exception): def __init__(self, missing_debuginfo): Exception.__init__(self) self.msg = '' for i in missing_debuginfo: if len(i) == 6: self.msg += "%s/%s %s/%s %s %s\n"%i elif len(i) == 5: self.msg += "%s/%s %s/%s %s\n"%i def __str__(self): return self.msg class FetchError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): Exception.__init__(self) self.msg = msg def __str__(self): return self.msg class MaintenanceError(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): Exception.__init__(self) self.msg = msg def __str__(self): return self.msg class LogToDB(logging.Filter): def __init__(self, session): self.session = session self.request_id = None def filter(self, record): if self.request_id is not None and record.levelno >= logging.INFO: logentry = DB.Log(request_id = self.request_id, line = record.getMessage()) self.session.add(logentry) self.session.commit() return True class ABIChecker(ReviewBot.ReviewBot): """ check ABI of library packages """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ReviewBot.ReviewBot.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.no_review = False self.force = False self.ts = rpm.TransactionSet() self.ts.setVSFlags(rpm._RPMVSF_NOSIGNATURES) # reports of source submission self.reports = [] # textual report summary for use in accept/decline message # or comments self.text_summary = '' self.session = DB.db_session() self.dblogger = LogToDB(self.session) self.logger.addFilter(self.dblogger) self.commentapi = CommentAPI(self.apiurl) self.current_request = None def check_source_submission(self, src_project, src_package, src_rev, dst_project, dst_package): # happens for maintenance incidents if dst_project == None and src_package == 'patchinfo': return None if dst_project in PROJECT_BLACKLIST: self.logger.info(PROJECT_BLACKLIST[dst_project]) # self.text_summary += PROJECT_BLACKLIST[dst_project] + "\n" return True # default is to accept the review, just leave a note if # there were problems. ret = True if self.has_staging(dst_project): # if staged we don't look at the request source but what # is in staging if self.current_request.staging_project: src_project = self.current_request.staging_project src_package = dst_package src_rev = None else: self.logger.debug("request not staged yet") return None ReviewBot.ReviewBot.check_source_submission(self, src_project, src_package, src_rev, dst_project, dst_package) report = Report(src_project, src_package, src_rev, dst_project, dst_package, [], None) dst_srcinfo = self.get_sourceinfo(dst_project, dst_package) self.logger.debug('dest sourceinfo %s', pformat(dst_srcinfo)) if dst_srcinfo is None: msg = f"{dst_project}/{dst_package} seems to be a new package, no need to review" self.logger.info(msg) self.reports.append(report) return True src_srcinfo = self.get_sourceinfo(src_project, src_package, src_rev) self.logger.debug('src sourceinfo %s', pformat(src_srcinfo)) if src_srcinfo is None: msg = f"{src_project}/{src_package}@{src_rev} does not exist!? can't check" self.logger.error(msg) self.text_summary += msg + "\n" self.reports.append(report) return False if os.path.exists(UNPACKDIR): shutil.rmtree(UNPACKDIR) try: # compute list of common repos to find out what to compare myrepos = self.findrepos(src_project, src_srcinfo, dst_project, dst_srcinfo) except NoBuildSuccess as e: self.logger.info(e) self.text_summary += f"**Error**: {e}\n" self.reports.append(report) return False except NotReadyYet as e: self.logger.info(e) self.reports.append(report) return None except SourceBroken as e: self.logger.error(e) self.text_summary += f"**Error**: {e}\n" self.reports.append(report) return False if not myrepos: self.text_summary += f"**Error**: {src_project} does not build against {dst_project}, can't check library ABIs\n\n" self.logger.info("no matching repos, can't compare") self.reports.append(report) return False # *** beware of nasty maintenance stuff *** # if the destination is a maintained project we need to # mangle our comparison target and the repo mapping try: originproject, originpackage, origin_srcinfo, new_repo_map = self._maintenance_hack(dst_project, dst_srcinfo, myrepos) if originproject is not None: dst_project = originproject if originpackage is not None: dst_package = originpackage if origin_srcinfo is not None: dst_srcinfo = origin_srcinfo if new_repo_map is not None: myrepos = new_repo_map except MaintenanceError as e: self.text_summary += f"**Error**: {e}\n\n" self.logger.error('%s', e) self.reports.append(report) return False except NoBuildSuccess as e: self.logger.info(e) self.text_summary += f"**Error**: {e}\n" self.reports.append(report) return False except NotReadyYet as e: self.logger.info(e) self.reports.append(report) return None except SourceBroken as e: self.logger.error(e) self.text_summary += f"**Error**: {e}\n" self.reports.append(report) return False notes = [] libresults = [] overall = None missing_debuginfo = [] for mr in myrepos: try: dst_libs, dst_libdebug = self.extract(dst_project, dst_package, dst_srcinfo, mr.dstrepo, mr.arch) # nothing to fetch, so no libs if dst_libs is None: continue except DistUrlMismatch as e: self.logger.error(f"{dst_project}/{dst_package} {mr.dstrepo}/{mr.arch}: {e}") if ret == True: # need to check again ret = None continue except MissingDebugInfo as e: missing_debuginfo.append(str(e)) ret = False continue except FetchError as e: self.logger.error(e) if ret == True: # need to check again ret = None continue try: src_libs, src_libdebug = self.extract(src_project, src_package, src_srcinfo, mr.srcrepo, mr.arch) if src_libs is None: if dst_libs: self.text_summary += "*Warning*: the submission does not contain any libs anymore\n\n" continue except DistUrlMismatch as e: self.logger.error(f"{src_project}/{src_package} {mr.srcrepo}/{mr.arch}: {e}") if ret == True: # need to check again ret = None continue except MissingDebugInfo as e: missing_debuginfo.append(str(e)) ret = False continue except FetchError as e: self.logger.error(e) if ret == True: # need to check again ret = None continue # create reverse index for aliases in the source project src_aliases = dict() for lib in src_libs.keys(): for a in src_libs[lib]: src_aliases.setdefault(a, set()).add(lib) # for each library in the destination project check if the same lib # exists in the source project. If not check the aliases (symlinks) # to catch soname changes. Generate pairs of matching libraries. pairs = set() for lib in dst_libs.keys(): if lib in src_libs: pairs.add((lib, lib)) else: self.logger.debug("%s not found in submission, checking aliases", lib) found = False for a in dst_libs[lib]: if a in src_aliases: for l in src_aliases[a]: pairs.add((lib, l)) found = True if found == False: self.text_summary += f"*Warning*: {lib} no longer packaged\n\n" self.logger.debug("to diff: %s", pformat(pairs)) # for each pair dump and compare the abi for old, new in pairs: # abi dump of old lib old_base = os.path.join(UNPACKDIR, dst_project, dst_package, mr.dstrepo, mr.arch) old_dump = os.path.join(CACHEDIR, 'old.dump') # abi dump of new lib new_base = os.path.join(UNPACKDIR, src_project, src_package, mr.srcrepo, mr.arch) new_dump = os.path.join(CACHEDIR, 'new.dump') def cleanup(): if os.path.exists(old_dump): os.unlink(old_dump) if os.path.exists(new_dump): os.unlink(new_dump) cleanup() # we just need that to pass a name to abi checker m = so_re.match(old) htmlreport = f'report-{mr.srcrepo}-{os.path.basename(old)}-{mr.dstrepo}-{os.path.basename(new)}-{mr.arch}-{int(time.time()):08x}.html' # run abichecker if m \ and self.run_abi_dumper(old_dump, old_base, old, dst_libdebug[old]) \ and self.run_abi_dumper(new_dump, new_base, new, src_libdebug[new]): reportfn = os.path.join(CACHEDIR, htmlreport) r = self.run_abi_checker(m.group(1), old_dump, new_dump, reportfn) if r is not None: self.logger.debug('report saved to %s, compatible: %d', reportfn, r) libresults.append(LibResult(mr.srcrepo, os.path.basename(old), mr.dstrepo, os.path.basename(new), mr.arch, htmlreport, r)) if overall is None: overall = r elif overall == True and r == False: overall = r else: self.logger.error(f'failed to compare {old} <> {new}') self.text_summary += f"**Error**: ABI check failed on {old} vs {new}\n\n" if ret == True: # need to check again ret = None cleanup() if missing_debuginfo: self.text_summary += 'debug information is missing for the following packages, can\'t check:\n
            self.text_summary += ''.join(missing_debuginfo)
            self.text_summary += '
\nplease enable debug info in your project config.\n' self.reports.append(report._replace(result = overall, reports = libresults)) # upload reports if os.path.exists(UNPACKDIR): shutil.rmtree(UNPACKDIR) return ret def _maintenance_hack(self, dst_project, dst_srcinfo, myrepos): pkg = dst_srcinfo.package originproject = None originpackage = None # find the maintenance project url = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ('search', 'project', 'id'), f"match=(maintenance/maintains/@project='{dst_project}'+and+attribute/@name='{osc.conf.config['maintenance_attribute']}')") root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot() if root is not None: node = root.find('project') if node is not None: # check if target project is a project link where the # sources don't actually build (like openSUSE:...:Update). That # is the case if no update was released yet. # XXX: TODO: do check for whether the package builds here first originproject = self.get_originproject(dst_project, pkg) if originproject is not None: self.logger.debug("origin project %s", originproject) url = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ('build', dst_project, '_result'), { 'package': pkg }) root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot() alldisabled = True for node in root.findall('status'): if node.get('code') != 'disabled': alldisabled = False if alldisabled: self.logger.debug(f"all repos disabled, using originproject {originproject}") else: originproject = None else: mproject = node.attrib['name'] # packages are only a link to packagename.incidentnr (linkprj, linkpkg) = self._get_linktarget(dst_project, pkg) if linkpkg is not None and linkprj == dst_project: self.logger.debug(f"{dst_project}/{pkg} links to {linkpkg}") regex = re.compile(r'.*\.(\d+)$') m = regex.match(linkpkg) if m is None: raise MaintenanceError(f"{dst_project}/{pkg} -> {linkprj}/{linkpkg} is not a proper maintenance link (must match /{regex.pattern}/)") incident = m.group(1) self.logger.debug(f"is maintenance incident {incident}") originproject = f"{mproject}:{incident}" originpackage = pkg+'.'+dst_project.replace(':', '_') origin_srcinfo = self.get_sourceinfo(originproject, originpackage) if origin_srcinfo is None: raise MaintenanceError(f"{originproject}/{originpackage} invalid") # find the map of maintenance incident repos to destination repos originrepos = self.findrepos(originproject, origin_srcinfo, dst_project, dst_srcinfo) mapped = dict() for mr in originrepos: mapped[(mr.dstrepo, mr.arch)] = mr self.logger.debug("mapping: %s", pformat(mapped)) # map the repos of the original request to the maintenance incident repos matchrepos = set() for mr in myrepos: if not (mr.dstrepo, mr.arch) in mapped: # sometimes a previously released maintenance # update didn't cover all architectures. We can # only ignore that then. self.logger.warning(f"couldn't find repo {mr.dstrepo}/{mr.arch} in {originproject}/{originpackage}") continue matchrepos.add(MR(mr.srcrepo, mapped[(mr.dstrepo, mr.arch)].srcrepo, mr.arch)) myrepos = matchrepos dst_srcinfo = origin_srcinfo self.logger.debug("new repo map: %s", pformat(myrepos)) return (originproject, originpackage, dst_srcinfo, myrepos) def find_abichecker_comment(self, req): """Return previous comments (should be one).""" comments = self.commentapi.get_comments(request_id=req.reqid) for c in comments.values(): m = comment_marker_re.match(c['comment']) if m: return c['id'], m.group('state'), m.group('result') return None, None, None def check_one_request(self, req): self.review_messages = ReviewBot.ReviewBot.DEFAULT_REVIEW_MESSAGES if self.no_review and not self.force and self.check_request_already_done(req.reqid): self.logger.info("skip request %s which is already done", req.reqid) # TODO: check if the request was seen before and we # didn't reach a final state for too long return None commentid, state, result = self.find_abichecker_comment(req) ## using comments instead of db would be an options for bots ## that use no db # if self.no_review: # if state == 'done': # self.logger.debug("request %s already done, result: %s"%(req.reqid, result)) # return self.dblogger.request_id = req.reqid self.current_request = req self.reports = [] self.text_summary = '' try: ret = ReviewBot.ReviewBot.check_one_request(self, req) except Exception as e: import traceback self.logger.error("unhandled exception in ABI checker") self.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) ret = None result = None if ret is not None: state = 'done' result = 'accepted' if ret else 'declined' else: # we probably don't want abichecker to spam here # FIXME don't delete comment in this case #if state is None and not self.text_summary: # self.text_summary = 'abichecker will take a look later' state = 'seen' self.save_reports_to_db(req, state, result) if ret is not None and self.text_summary == '': # if for some reason save_reports_to_db didn't produce a # summary we add one self.text_summary = f"ABI checker result: [{result}]({WEB_URL}/request/{req.reqid})" if commentid and not self.dryrun: self.commentapi.delete(commentid) self.post_comment(req, state, result) self.review_messages = { 'accepted': self.text_summary, 'declined': self.text_summary } if self.no_review: ret = None self.dblogger.request_id = None self.current_request = None return ret def check_request_already_done(self, reqid): try: request = self.session.query(DB.Request).filter(DB.Request.id == reqid).one() if request.state == 'done': return True except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound as e: pass return False def save_reports_to_db(self, req, state, result): try: request = self.session.query(DB.Request).filter(DB.Request.id == req.reqid).one() for i in self.session.query(DB.ABICheck).filter(DB.ABICheck.request_id == request.id).all(): # yeah, we could be smarter here and update existing reports instead self.session.delete(i) self.session.flush() request.state = state request.result = result except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound as e: request = DB.Request(id = req.reqid, state = state, result = result, ) self.session.add(request) self.session.commit() for r in self.reports: abicheck = DB.ABICheck( request = request, src_project = r.src_project, src_package = r.src_package, src_rev = r.src_rev, dst_project = r.dst_project, dst_package = r.dst_package, result = r.result ) self.session.add(abicheck) self.session.commit() if r.result is None: continue elif r.result: self.text_summary += "Good news from ABI check, " self.text_summary += f"{r.dst_package} seems to be ABI [compatible]({WEB_URL}/request/{req.reqid}):\n\n" else: self.text_summary += "Warning: bad news from ABI check, " self.text_summary += f"{r.dst_package} may be ABI [**INCOMPATIBLE**]({WEB_URL}/request/{req.reqid}):\n\n" for lr in r.reports: libreport = DB.LibReport( abicheck = abicheck, src_repo = lr.src_repo, src_lib = lr.src_lib, dst_repo = lr.dst_repo, dst_lib = lr.dst_lib, arch = lr.arch, htmlreport = lr.htmlreport, result = lr.result, ) self.session.add(libreport) self.session.commit() self.text_summary += "* %s (%s): [%s](%s/report/%d)\n"%(lr.dst_lib, lr.arch, "compatible" if lr.result else "***INCOMPATIBLE***", WEB_URL, libreport.id) self.reports = [] def post_comment(self, req, state, result): if not self.text_summary: return msg = "\n"%(state, ' result=%s'%result if result else '') msg += self.text_summary self.logger.info(f"add comment: {msg}") if not self.dryrun: #self.commentapi.delete_from_where_user(self.review_user, request_id = req.reqid) self.commentapi.add_comment(request_id = req.reqid, comment = msg) def run_abi_checker(self, libname, old, new, output): cmd = ['abi-compliance-checker', '-lib', libname, '-old', old, '-new', new, '-report-path', output ] self.logger.debug(cmd) r = subprocess.Popen(cmd, close_fds=True, cwd=CACHEDIR).wait() if r not in (0, 1): self.logger.error('abi-compliance-checker failed') # XXX: record error return None return r == 0 def run_abi_dumper(self, output, base, filename, debuglib): cmd = ['abi-dumper', '-o', output, '-lver', os.path.basename(filename), '/'.join([base, filename])] cmd.append('/'.join([base, debuglib])) self.logger.debug(cmd) r = subprocess.Popen(cmd, close_fds=True, cwd=CACHEDIR).wait() if r != 0: self.logger.error(f"failed to dump {filename}!") # XXX: record error return False return True def extract(self, project, package, srcinfo, repo, arch): # fetch cpio headers # check file lists for library packages fetchlist, liblist, debuglist = self.compute_fetchlist(project, package, srcinfo, repo, arch) if not fetchlist: msg = f"no libraries found in {project}/{package} {repo}/{arch}" self.logger.info(msg) return None, None # mtimes in cpio are not the original ones, so we need to fetch # that separately :-( mtimes= self._getmtimes(project, package, repo, arch) self.logger.debug("fetchlist %s", pformat(fetchlist)) self.logger.debug("liblist %s", pformat(liblist)) self.logger.debug("debuglist %s", pformat(debuglist)) debugfiles = debuglist.values() # fetch binary rpms downloaded = self.download_files(project, package, repo, arch, fetchlist, mtimes) # extract binary rpms tmpfile = os.path.join(CACHEDIR, "cpio") for fn in fetchlist: self.logger.debug(f"extract {fn}") with open(tmpfile, 'wb') as tmpfd: if fn not in downloaded: raise FetchError(f"{fn} was not downloaded!") self.logger.debug(downloaded[fn]) r = subprocess.call(['rpm2cpio', downloaded[fn]], stdout=tmpfd, close_fds=True) if r != 0: raise FetchError(f"failed to extract {fn}!") tmpfd.close() os.unlink(downloaded[fn]) cpio = CpioRead(tmpfile) cpio.read() for ch in cpio: fn = ch.filename.decode('utf-8') if fn.startswith('./'): # rpm payload is relative fn = fn[1:] self.logger.debug("cpio fn %s", fn) if fn not in liblist and fn not in debugfiles: continue dst = os.path.join(UNPACKDIR, project, package, repo, arch) dst += fn if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dst)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst)) self.logger.debug("dst %s", dst) # the filehandle in the cpio archive is private so # open it again with open(tmpfile, 'rb') as cpiofh: cpiofh.seek(ch.dataoff, os.SEEK_SET) with open(dst, 'wb') as fh: while True: buf = cpiofh.read(4096) if buf is None or buf == b'': break fh.write(buf) os.unlink(tmpfile) return liblist, debuglist def download_files(self, project, package, repo, arch, filenames, mtimes): downloaded = dict() for fn in filenames: if fn not in mtimes: raise FetchError(f"missing mtime information for {fn}, can't check") repodir = os.path.join(DOWNLOADS, package, project, repo) if not os.path.exists(repodir): os.makedirs(repodir) t = os.path.join(repodir, fn) self._get_binary_file(project, repo, arch, package, fn, t, mtimes[fn]) downloaded[fn] = t return downloaded def _get_binary_file(self, project, repository, arch, package, filename, target, mtime): """Get a binary file from OBS.""" # Used to cache, but dropped as part of python3 migration. osc.core.get_binary_file(self.apiurl, project, repository, arch, filename, package=package, target_filename=target) def readRpmHeaderFD(self, fd): h = None try: h = self.ts.hdrFromFdno(fd) except rpm.error as e: if str(e) == "public key not available": print(str(e)) if str(e) == "public key not trusted": print(str(e)) if str(e) == "error reading package header": print(str(e)) h = None return h def _fetchcpioheaders(self, project, package, repo, arch): u = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, [ 'build', project, repo, arch, package ], [ 'view=cpioheaders' ]) try: r = osc.core.http_GET(u) except HTTPError as e: raise FetchError(f'failed to fetch header information: {e}') tmpfile = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="cpio-", delete=False) for chunk in r: tmpfile.write(chunk) tmpfile.close() cpio = CpioRead(tmpfile.name) cpio.read() rpm_re = re.compile('(.+\.rpm)-[0-9A-Fa-f]{32}$') for ch in cpio: # ignore errors if ch.filename == '.errors': continue # the filehandle in the cpio archive is private so # open it again with open(tmpfile.name, 'rb') as fh: fh.seek(ch.dataoff, os.SEEK_SET) h = self.readRpmHeaderFD(fh) if h is None: raise FetchError(f"failed to read rpm header for {ch.filename}") m = rpm_re.match(ch.filename.decode('utf-8')) if m: yield m.group(1), h os.unlink(tmpfile.name) def _getmtimes(self, prj, pkg, repo, arch): """ returns a dict of filename: mtime """ url = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ('build', prj, repo, arch, pkg)) try: root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot() except HTTPError: return None return dict([(node.attrib['filename'], node.attrib['mtime']) for node in root.findall('binary')]) # modified from repochecker def _last_build_success(self, src_project, tgt_project, src_package, rev): """Return the last build success XML document from OBS.""" try: query = { 'lastsuccess' : 1, 'package' : src_package, 'pathproject' : tgt_project, 'srcmd5' : rev } url = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ('build', src_project, '_result'), query) return ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot() except HTTPError as e: if e.code != 404: self.logger.error(f'ERROR in URL {url} [{e}]') raise pass return None def get_buildsuccess_repos(self, src_project, tgt_project, src_package, rev): root = self._last_build_success(src_project, tgt_project, src_package, rev) if root is None: return None # build list of repos as set of (name, arch) tuples repos = set() for repo in root.findall('repository'): name = repo.attrib['name'] for node in repo.findall('arch'): repos.add((name, node.attrib['arch'])) self.logger.debug("success repos: %s", pformat(repos)) return repos def get_dstrepos(self, project): url = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ('source', project, '_meta')) try: root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot() except HTTPError: return None repos = set() for repo in root.findall('repository'): name = repo.attrib['name'] if project in REPO_WHITELIST and name not in REPO_WHITELIST[project]: continue for node in repo.findall('arch'): arch = node.text if project in ARCH_WHITELIST and arch not in ARCH_WHITELIST[project]: continue if project in ARCH_BLACKLIST and arch in ARCH_BLACKLIST[project]: continue repos.add((name, arch)) return repos def ensure_settled(self, src_project, src_srcinfo, matchrepos): """ make sure current build state is final so we're not tricked with half finished results""" rmap = dict() results = osc.core.get_package_results(self.apiurl, src_project, src_srcinfo.package, repository = [ mr.srcrepo for mr in matchrepos], arch = [ mr.arch for mr in matchrepos]) for result in results: for res, _ in osc.core.result_xml_to_dicts(result): if 'package' not in res or res['package'] != src_srcinfo.package: continue rmap[(res['repository'], res['arch'])] = res for mr in matchrepos: if not (mr.srcrepo, mr.arch) in rmap: self.logger.warning(f"{mr.srcrepo}/{mr.arch} had no build success") raise NotReadyYet(src_project, src_srcinfo.package, "no result") if rmap[(mr.srcrepo, mr.arch)]['dirty']: self.logger.warning(f"{mr.srcrepo}/{mr.arch} dirty") raise NotReadyYet(src_project, src_srcinfo.package, "dirty") code = rmap[(mr.srcrepo, mr.arch)]['code'] if code == 'broken': raise SourceBroken(src_project, src_srcinfo.package) if code != 'succeeded' and code != 'locked' and code != 'excluded': self.logger.warning(f"{mr.srcrepo}/{mr.arch} not succeeded ({code})") raise NotReadyYet(src_project, src_srcinfo.package, code) def findrepos(self, src_project, src_srcinfo, dst_project, dst_srcinfo): # get target repos that had a successful build dstrepos = self.get_dstrepos(dst_project) if dstrepos is None: return None url = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ('source', src_project, '_meta')) try: root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot() except HTTPError: return None # set of source repo name, target repo name, arch matchrepos = set() # XXX: another staging hack if self.current_request.staging_project: for node in root.findall("repository[@name='standard']/arch"): arch = node.text self.logger.debug('arch %s', arch) matchrepos.add(MR('standard', 'standard', arch)) else: for repo in root.findall('repository'): name = repo.attrib['name'] path = repo.findall('path') if path is None or len(path) != 1: self.logger.error(f"repo {name} has more than one path") continue prj = path[0].attrib['project'] if prj == 'openSUSE:Tumbleweed': prj = 'openSUSE:Factory' # XXX: hack if prj != dst_project: continue for node in repo.findall('arch'): arch = node.text dstname = path[0].attrib['repository'] if prj == 'openSUSE:Factory' and dstname == 'snapshot': dstname = 'standard' # XXX: hack if (dstname, arch) in dstrepos: matchrepos.add(MR(name, dstname, arch)) if not matchrepos: return None else: self.logger.debug('matched repos %s', pformat(matchrepos)) # make sure it's not dirty self.ensure_settled(src_project, src_srcinfo, matchrepos) # now check if all matched repos built successfully srcrepos = self.get_buildsuccess_repos(src_project, dst_project, src_srcinfo.package, src_srcinfo.verifymd5) if srcrepos is None: raise NotReadyYet(src_project, src_srcinfo.package, "no build success") if not srcrepos: raise NoBuildSuccess(src_project, src_srcinfo.package, src_srcinfo.verifymd5) for mr in matchrepos: if not (mr.srcrepo, arch) in srcrepos: self.logger.error(f"{mr.srcrepo}/{arch} had no build success") raise NoBuildSuccess(src_project, src_srcinfo.package, src_srcinfo.verifymd5) return matchrepos # common with repochecker def _md5_disturl(self, disturl): """Get the md5 from the DISTURL from a RPM file.""" return os.path.basename(disturl).split('-')[0] def disturl_matches_md5(self, disturl, md5): if self._md5_disturl(disturl) != md5: return False return True # this is a bit magic. OBS allows to take the disturl md5 from the package # and query the source info for that. We will then get the verify md5 that # belongs to that md5. def disturl_matches(self, disturl, prj, srcinfo): md5 = self._md5_disturl(disturl) info = self.get_sourceinfo(prj, srcinfo.package, rev = md5) self.logger.debug(pformat(srcinfo)) self.logger.debug(pformat(info)) if info.verifymd5 == srcinfo.verifymd5: return True return False def compute_fetchlist(self, prj, pkg, srcinfo, repo, arch): """ scan binary rpms of the specified repo for libraries. Returns a set of packages to fetch and the libraries found """ self.logger.debug(f'scanning {prj}/{pkg} {repo}/{arch}') headers = self._fetchcpioheaders(prj, pkg, repo, arch) missing_debuginfo = set() lib_packages = dict() # pkgname -> set(lib file names) pkgs = dict() # pkgname -> cpiohdr, rpmhdr lib_aliases = dict() for rpmfn, h in headers: # skip src rpm if h['sourcepackage']: continue pkgname = h['name'].decode('utf-8') if pkgname.endswith('-32bit') or pkgname.endswith('-64bit'): # -32bit and -64bit packages are just repackaged, so # we skip them and only check the original one. continue self.logger.debug("inspecting %s", pkgname) if not self.disturl_matches(h['disturl'].decode('utf-8'), prj, srcinfo): raise DistUrlMismatch(h['disturl'].decode('utf-8'), srcinfo) pkgs[pkgname] = (rpmfn, h) if debugpkg_re.match(pkgname): continue for fn, mode, lnk in zip(h['filenames'], h['filemodes'], h['filelinktos']): fn = fn.decode('utf-8') lnk = lnk.decode('utf-8') if so_re.match(fn): if S_ISREG(mode): self.logger.debug(f'found lib: {fn}') lib_packages.setdefault(pkgname, set()).add(fn) elif S_ISLNK(mode) and lnk is not None: alias = os.path.basename(fn) libname = os.path.basename(lnk) self.logger.debug(f'found alias: {alias} -> {libname}') lib_aliases.setdefault(libname, set()).add(alias) fetchlist = set() liblist = dict() debuglist = dict() # check whether debug info exists for each lib for pkgname in sorted(lib_packages.keys()): dpkgname = pkgname+'-debuginfo' if dpkgname not in pkgs: missing_debuginfo.add((prj, pkg, repo, arch, pkgname)) continue # check file list of debuginfo package rpmfn, h = pkgs[dpkgname] files = set ([f.decode('utf-8') for f in h['filenames']]) ok = True for lib in lib_packages[pkgname]: libdebug = f'/usr/lib/debug{lib}.debug' if libdebug not in files: # some new format that includes version, release and arch in debuginfo? # FIXME: version and release are actually the # one from the main package, sub packages may # differ. BROKEN RIGHT NOW # XXX: would have to actually read debuglink # info to get that right so just guessing arch = h['arch'].decode('utf-8') if arch == 'i586': arch = 'i386' libdebug = '/usr/lib/debug%s-%s-%s.%s.debug'%(lib, h['version'].decode('utf-8'), h['release'].decode('utf-8'), arch) if libdebug not in files: missing_debuginfo.add((prj, pkg, repo, arch, pkgname, lib)) ok = False if ok: fetchlist.add(pkgs[pkgname][0]) fetchlist.add(rpmfn) liblist.setdefault(lib, set()) debuglist.setdefault(lib, libdebug) libname = os.path.basename(lib) if libname in lib_aliases: liblist[lib] |= lib_aliases[libname] if missing_debuginfo: self.logger.error(f'missing debuginfo: {pformat(missing_debuginfo)}') raise MissingDebugInfo(missing_debuginfo) return fetchlist, liblist, debuglist class CommandLineInterface(ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface.__init__(self, args, kwargs) self.clazz = ABIChecker def get_optparser(self): parser = ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface.get_optparser(self) parser.add_option("--force", action="store_true", help="recheck requests that are already considered done") parser.add_option("--no-review", action="store_true", help="don't actually accept or decline, just comment") parser.add_option("--web-url", metavar="URL", help="URL of web service") return parser def postoptparse(self): ret = ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface.postoptparse(self) if self.options.web_url is not None: global WEB_URL WEB_URL = self.options.web_url else: self.optparser.error("must specify --web-url") ret = False return ret def setup_checker(self): bot = ReviewBot.CommandLineInterface.setup_checker(self) if self.options.no_review: bot.no_review = True if self.options.force: bot.force = True return bot @cmdln.option('-r', '--revision', metavar="number", type="int", help="revision number") def do_diff(self, subcmd, opts, src_project, src_package, dst_project, dst_package): src_rev = opts.revision print(self.checker.check_source_submission(src_project, src_package, src_rev, dst_project, dst_package)) if __name__ == "__main__": app = CommandLineInterface() sys.exit( app.main() )