#! /bin/bash set -e if ! test -d co; then echo "you need to call this in a directory with a co directory containting osc checkouts with the staging prjs" exit 1 fi CODIR=$PWD SCRIPTDIR=`dirname "$0"` function regenerate_pl() { prj=$1 shift; : > tc for i in "$@"; do echo "repo $i 0 solv $i.solv" >> tc done cat $SCRIPTDIR/create_test_dvds.testcase >> tc out=$(mktemp) testsolv -r tc | sed -e 's,^install \(.*\)-[^-]*-[^-]*\.[^-\.]*@.*,\1,' > $out p=$(mktemp) tdir=$CODIR/co/$prj/Test-DVD-x86_64 pushd $tdir > /dev/null osc up popd > /dev/null sed -n -e '1,/BEGIN-PACKAGELIST/p' $tdir/PRODUCT-x86_64.kiwi > $p for i in $(cat $out); do echo "" >> $p done sed -n -e '/END-PACKAGELIST/,$p' $tdir/PRODUCT-x86_64.kiwi >> $p xmllint --format $p -o $tdir/PRODUCT-x86_64.kiwi rm $p $out pushd $tdir > /dev/null if ! cmp -s .osc/PRODUCT-x86_64.kiwi PRODUCT-x86_64.kiwi; then osc ci -m "auto update" fi popd > /dev/null } function sync_prj() { prj=$1 dir=$2 mkdir -p $dir perl $SCRIPTDIR/bs_mirrorfull --nodebug https://build.opensuse.org/build/$prj/x86_64 $dir rpms2solv $dir/*.rpm > $dir.solv } sync_prj openSUSE:Factory:Rings:0-Bootstrap/standard/ bootstrap sync_prj openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX/standard minimalx regenerate_pl openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX bootstrap minimalx sync_prj openSUSE:Factory:Staging:A/standard staging_A regenerate_pl "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:A" staging_A for l in B C D E F G H I J; do sync_prj openSUSE:Factory:Staging:$l/bootstrap_copy "staging_$l-bc" sync_prj openSUSE:Factory:Staging:$l/standard staging_$l regenerate_pl "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:$l" "staging_$l-bc" staging_$l done