#!/usr/bin/python3 -u # Without the -u option for unbuffered output nothing shows up in journal or # kubernetes logs. import argparse from http.cookies import SimpleCookie from http.cookiejar import Cookie, LWPCookieJar from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer from socketserver import ThreadingMixIn import json import tempfile import os from osclib import common import subprocess import sys import time from urllib.parse import urlparse from urllib.parse import parse_qs # Available in python 3.7. class ThreadedHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer): pass class RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): COOKIE_NAME = 'openSUSE_session' # Both OBS and IBS. GET_PATHS = [ 'origin/config', 'origin/history', 'origin/list', 'origin/package', 'origin/potentials', 'origin/projects', 'origin/report', 'package/diff', ] POST_PATHS = [ 'request/submit', 'staging/select', ] def do_OPTIONS(self): try: with OSCRequestEnvironment(self, require_session=False) as oscrc_file: self.send_header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST') self.send_header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Content-Type, X-Requested-With') except OSCRequestEnvironmentException as e: self.send_header('Allow', 'OPTIONS, GET, POST') self.end_headers() def do_GET(self): url_parts = urlparse(self.path) path = url_parts.path.lstrip('/') path_parts = path.split('/') path_prefix = '/'.join(path_parts[:2]) query = parse_qs(url_parts.query) if path_prefix == '': self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/plain') self.end_headers() self.write_string('namespace: {}\n'.format(common.NAME)) self.write_string('name: {}\n'.format('OBS Operator')) self.write_string('version: {}\n'.format(common.VERSION)) return if len(path_parts) < 3 or path_prefix not in self.GET_PATHS: self.send_response(404) self.end_headers() return try: with OSCRequestEnvironment(self) as oscrc_file: func = getattr(self, 'handle_{}'.format(path_prefix.replace('/', '_'))) command = func(path_parts[2:], query) self.end_headers() if command and not self.execute(oscrc_file, command): self.write_string('failed') except OSCRequestEnvironmentException as e: self.write_string(str(e)) def do_POST(self): url_parts = urlparse(self.path) path = url_parts.path.lstrip('/') path_parts = path.split('/') path_prefix = '/'.join(path_parts[:2]) query = parse_qs(url_parts.query) if len(path_parts) < 2 or path_prefix not in self.POST_PATHS: self.send_response(404) self.end_headers() return data = self.data_parse() user = data.get('user') if self.debug: print('data: {}'.format(data)) try: with OSCRequestEnvironment(self, user) as oscrc_file: func = getattr(self, 'handle_{}'.format(path_prefix.replace('/', '_'))) commands = func(path_parts[2:], query, data) self.end_headers() for command in commands: self.write_string('$ {}\n'.format(' '.join(command))) if not self.execute(oscrc_file, command): self.write_string('failed') break except OSCRequestEnvironmentException as e: self.write_string(str(e)) def data_parse(self): if int(self.headers['Content-Length']) == 0: return {} data = self.rfile.read(int(self.headers['Content-Length'])) return json.loads(data.decode('utf-8')) def apiurl_get(self): if self.apiurl: return self.apiurl host = self.headers.get('Host') if not host: return None # Strip port if present. domain = host.split(':', 2)[0] if '.' not in domain: return None # Remove first subdomain and replace with api subdomain. domain_parent = '.'.join(domain.split('.')[-2:]) return 'https://api.{}'.format(domain_parent) def origin_domain_get(self): origin = self.headers.get('Origin') if origin is not None: # Strip port if present. domain = urlparse(origin).netloc.split(':', 2)[0] if '.' in domain: return '.'.join(domain.split('.')[-2:]) return None def session_get(self): if self.session: return self.session else: cookie = self.headers.get('Cookie') if cookie: cookie = SimpleCookie(cookie) if self.COOKIE_NAME in cookie: return cookie[self.COOKIE_NAME].value return None def oscrc_create(self, oscrc_file, apiurl, cookiejar_file, user): oscrc_file.write('\n'.join([ '[general]', 'apiurl = {}'.format(apiurl), 'cookiejar = {}'.format(cookiejar_file.name), 'staging.color = 0', '[{}]'.format(apiurl), 'user = {}'.format(user), 'pass = invalid', '', ]).encode('utf-8')) oscrc_file.flush() # In order to avoid osc clearing the cookie file the modified time of # the oscrc file must be set further into the past. # if int(round(config_mtime)) > int(os.stat(cookie_file).st_mtime): recent_past = time.time() - 3600 os.utime(oscrc_file.name, (recent_past, recent_past)) def cookiejar_create(self, cookiejar_file, session): cookie_jar = LWPCookieJar(cookiejar_file.name) cookie_jar.set_cookie(Cookie(0, self.COOKIE_NAME, session, None, False, '', False, True, '/', True, True, None, None, None, None, {})) cookie_jar.save() cookiejar_file.flush() def execute(self, oscrc_file, command): env = os.environ env['OSC_CONFIG'] = oscrc_file.name # Would be preferrable to stream incremental output, but python http # server does not seem to support this easily. result = subprocess.run(command, env=env, stdout=self.wfile, stderr=self.wfile) return result.returncode == 0 def write_string(self, string): self.wfile.write(string.encode('utf-8')) def command_format_add(self, command, query): format = None if self.headers.get('Accept'): format = self.headers.get('Accept').split('/', 2)[1] if format != 'json' and format != 'yaml': format = None if not format and 'format' in query: format = query['format'][0] if format: command.append('--format') command.append(format) def handle_origin_config(self, args, query): command = ['osc', 'origin', '-p', args[0], 'config'] if 'origins-only' in query: command.append('--origins-only') return command def handle_origin_history(self, args, query): command = ['osc', 'origin', '-p', args[0], 'history'] self.command_format_add(command, query) if len(args) > 1: command.append(args[1]) return command def handle_origin_list(self, args, query): command = ['osc', 'origin', '-p', args[0], 'list'] if 'force-refresh' in query: command.append('--force-refresh') self.command_format_add(command, query) return command def handle_origin_package(self, args, query): command = ['osc', 'origin', '-p', args[0], 'package'] if 'debug' in query: command.append('--debug') if len(args) > 1: command.append(args[1]) return command def handle_origin_potentials(self, args, query): command = ['osc', 'origin', '-p', args[0], 'potentials'] self.command_format_add(command, query) if len(args) > 1: command.append(args[1]) return command def handle_origin_projects(self, args, query): command = ['osc', 'origin', 'projects'] self.command_format_add(command, query) return command def handle_origin_report(self, args, query): command = ['osc', 'origin', '-p', args[0], 'report'] if 'force-refresh' in query: command.append('--force-refresh') return command def handle_package_diff(self, args, query): return ['osc', 'rdiff', args[0], args[1], args[2]] def handle_request_submit(self, args, query, data): command = ['osc', 'sr', args[0], args[1], args[2]] command.append('-m') if 'message' in query and query['message'][0]: command.append(query['message'][0]) else: command.append('created via operator') command.append('--yes') return [command] def staging_command(self, project, subcommand): return ['osc', 'staging', '-p', project, subcommand] def handle_staging_select(self, args, query, data): for staging, requests in data['selection'].items(): command = self.staging_command(data['project'], 'select') if 'move' in data and data['move']: command.append('--move') command.append(staging) command.extend(requests) yield command class OSCRequestEnvironment(object): def __init__(self, handler, user=None, require_session=True): self.handler = handler self.user = user self.require_session = require_session def __enter__(self): apiurl = self.handler.apiurl_get() origin_domain = self.handler.origin_domain_get() if not apiurl or (not self.handler.apiurl and origin_domain and not apiurl.endswith(origin_domain)): self.handler.send_response(400) self.handler.end_headers() if not apiurl: raise OSCRequestEnvironmentException('unable to determine apiurl') else: raise OSCRequestEnvironmentException('origin does not match host domain') session = self.handler.session_get() if self.require_session and not session: self.handler.send_response(401) self.handler.end_headers() raise OSCRequestEnvironmentException('unable to determine session') if self.handler.debug: print('apiurl: {}'.format(apiurl)) print('session: {}'.format(session)) self.handler.send_response(200) self.handler.send_header('Content-type', 'text/plain') if origin_domain: self.handler.send_header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'true') self.handler.send_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', self.handler.headers.get('Origin')) self.cookiejar_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() self.oscrc_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() self.cookiejar_file.__enter__() self.oscrc_file.__enter__() self.handler.oscrc_create(self.oscrc_file, apiurl, self.cookiejar_file, self.user) self.handler.cookiejar_create(self.cookiejar_file, session) return self.oscrc_file def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.cookiejar_file.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) self.oscrc_file.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) class OSCRequestEnvironmentException(Exception): pass def main(args): RequestHandler.apiurl = args.apiurl RequestHandler.session = args.session RequestHandler.debug = args.debug with ThreadedHTTPServer((args.host, args.port), RequestHandler) as httpd: print('listening on {}:{}'.format(args.host, args.port)) httpd.serve_forever() if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='OBS Operator server used to perform staging operations.') parser.set_defaults(func=main) parser.add_argument('--host', default='', help='host name to which to bind') parser.add_argument('--port', type=int, default=8080, help='port number to which to bind') parser.add_argument('-A', '--apiurl', help='OBS instance API URL to use instead of basing from request origin') parser.add_argument('--session', help='session cookie value to use instead of any passed cookie') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='print debugging information') args = parser.parse_args() sys.exit(args.func(args))