# # (C) 2011 coolo@suse.de, Novell Inc, openSUSE.org # Distribute under GPLv2 or GPLv3 # # Copy this script to ~/.osc-plugins/ or /var/lib/osc-plugins . # Then try to run 'osc checker --help' to see the usage. import socket import os import traceback import subprocess try: fqdn = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[0] except: fqdn = os.uname()[1] def _checker_change_review_state(self, opts, id, newstate, by_group='', by_user='', message='', supersed=None): """ taken from osc/osc/core.py, improved: - verbose option added, - empty by_user=& removed. - numeric id can be int(). """ query = {'cmd': 'changereviewstate', 'newstate': newstate } if by_group: query['by_group'] = by_group if by_user: query['by_user'] = by_user if supersed: query['superseded_by'] = supersed if message: query['comment'] = message u = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['request', str(id)], query=query) f = http_POST(u) root = ET.parse(f).getroot() return root.attrib['code'] def _checker_checkout_add(self, prj, pkg, rev, opts): dir = opts.directory + '/' + re.sub('.*//', '', opts.apiurl) + '/' + prj + '/' + pkg if rev: dir = dir + '%r' + rev if opts.no_op: print "package NOT checked out to " + dir else: oldcwd = os.getcwd() do_co = True try: os.rmdir(dir) # remove if empty. except: pass if os.path.exists(dir): print "Oops, %s already checked out.\n Please remove to pull a fresh copy." % dir return o_umask = os.umask(002) # allow group writable try: os.makedirs(dir, mode=0777) # ask for (at least) group writable except Exception,e: do_co = False print "os.makedirs(%s) failed: %s" % (dir, str(e)) os.umask(o_umask) if do_co: os.chdir(dir) nc = conf.config['checker_checkout_no_colon'] conf.config['checker_checkout_no_colon'] = False conf.config['checker_checkout_rooted'] = False conf.config['package_tracking'] = False # FIXME: this creates .../PACKAGE-rREV_NR/PACKAGE/.. - can we skip the extra /PACKAGE/ there? checkout_package(opts.apiurl, prj, pkg, revision=rev, pathname=dir, server_service_files=True, expand_link=True) if opts.origin: f = open('.origin', 'wb') f.write(opts.origin) f.close() conf.config['checker_checkout_no_colon'] = nc os.chdir(oldcwd) def _check_repo(self, repo): allfine = True for arch in repo.findall('arch'): if not (arch.attrib['result'] in ['succeeded', 'excluded']) or arch.attrib.has_key('missing'): allfine = False return allfine def _checker_one_request(self, rq, cmd, opts): if (opts.verbose): ET.dump(rq) print(opts) id = int(rq.get('id')) act_id = 0 approved_actions = 0 actions = rq.findall('action') for act in actions: act_id += 1 _type = act.get('type'); if (_type == "submit"): pkg = act.find('source').get('package') prj = act.find('source').get('project') rev = act.find('source').get('rev') tprj = act.find('target').get('project') tpkg = act.find('target').get('package') src = HASH({ 'package': pkg, 'project': prj, 'rev':rev, 'error': None }) e = [] if not pkg: e.append('no source/package in request %d, action %d' % (id, act_id)) if not prj: e.append('no source/project in request %d, action %d' % (id, act_id)) if len(e): src.error = '; '.join(e) e = [] if not tpkg: e.append('no target/package in request %d, action %d; ' % (id, act_id)) if not prj: e.append('no target/project in request %d, action %d; ' % (id, act_id)) # it is no error, if the target package dies not exist subm_id = "SUBMIT(%d):" % id plen = max(len(prj),len(tprj)) print "\n%s %-*s/%s -> %-*s/%s" % (subm_id, plen, prj, pkg, plen, tprj, tpkg) url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['status', "bsrequest?id=%d" % id]) root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot() if root.attrib.has_key('code'): print ET.tostring(root) continue result = False for repo in root.findall('repository'): result = result or self._check_repo(repo) if result == False: print ET.tostring(root) continue dir = "/work/users/coolo/checker/%s" % str(id) if os.path.exists(dir): print "%s already exists" % dir continue os.mkdir(dir) os.chdir(dir) checkout_package(opts.apiurl, prj, pkg, revision=rev, pathname=dir, server_service_files=True, expand_link=True) os.chdir(pkg) shutil.rmtree(".osc") p = subprocess.Popen("/work/src/bin/check_if_valid_source_dir --batchmode < /dev/null 2>&1", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) ret = os.waitpid(p.pid, 0)[1] checked = p.stdout.readlines() if ret != 0: print ''.join(checked) continue msg="Builds for all Factory repos found" if len(checked): msg = msg + "\n\nOutput of check script (non-fatal):\n " output = ' '.join(checked) msg = msg + output.translate(None, '\033') #print msg #sys.exit(0) self._checker_change_review_state(opts, id, 'accepted', by_group='factory-auto', message=msg) print "accepted" if cmd == "list": pass elif cmd == "checker_checkout" or cmd == "co": opts.origin = opts.apiurl + '/request/' + str(id) + "\n"; self._checker_checkout_add(prj, pkg, rev, opts) else: print "unknown command: %s" % cmd else: self._checker_change_review_state(opts, id, 'accepted', by_group='factory-auto', message="Unchecked request type %s" % _type) def do_checker(self, subcmd, opts, *args): """${cmd_name}: checker review of submit requests. Usage: osc checker [OPT] [list] [FILTER|PACKAGE_SRC] Shows pending review requests and their current state. ${cmd_option_list} """ if len(args) == 0: raise oscerr.WrongArgs("Please give a subcommand to 'osc checker' or try 'osc help checker'") opts.mode = '' opts.verbose = False if args[0] == 'auto': opts.mode = 'auto' if args[0] == 'review': opts.mode = 'both' if args[0] == 'co': opts.mode = 'checker_checkout' if args[0] == 'checker_checkout': opts.mode = 'checkout' if len(args) > 1 and args[0] in ('auto','manual') and args[1] in ('approve', 'reject'): args = args[1:] from pprint import pprint opts.apiurl = self.get_api_url() tmphome = None ids = {} for a in args: if (re.match('\d+', a)): ids[a] = 1 if (not len(ids)): # xpath query, using the -m, -r, -s options where = "@by_group='factory-auto'+and+@state='new'" url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['search','request'], "match=state/@name='review'+and+review["+where+"]") f = http_GET(url) root = ET.parse(f).getroot() for rq in root.findall('request'): tprj = rq.find('action/target').get('project') self._checker_one_request(rq, args[0], opts) else: # we have a list, use them. for id in ids.keys(): url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['request', id]) f = http_GET(url) xml = ET.parse(f) root = xml.getroot() self._checker_one_request(root, args[0], opts)