import re from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET from osc.core import change_request_state from osc.core import http_GET, http_PUT from datetime import date from osclib.comments import CommentAPI class AcceptCommand(object): def __init__(self, api): self.api = api self.comment = CommentAPI(self.api.apiurl) def find_new_requests(self, project): query = "match=state/@name='new'+and+(action/target/@project='{}'+and+action/@type='submit')".format(project) url = self.api.makeurl(['search', 'request'], query) f = http_GET(url) root = ET.parse(f).getroot() rqs = [] for rq in root.findall('request'): pkgs = [] actions = rq.findall('action') for action in actions: targets = action.findall('target') for t in targets: pkgs.append(str(t.get('package'))) rqs.append({'id': int(rq.get('id')), 'packages': pkgs}) return rqs def perform(self, project): """Accept the staging LETTER for review and submit to Factory / openSUSE 13.2 ... Then disable the build to disabled :param project: staging project we are working with """ status = self.api.check_project_status(project) if not status: print('The project "{}" is not yet acceptable.'.format(project)) return False meta = self.api.get_prj_pseudometa(project) requests = [] packages = [] for req in meta['requests']: self.api.rm_from_prj(project, request_id=req['id'], msg='ready to accept') requests.append(req['id']) packages.append(req['package']) msg = 'Accepting staging review for {}'.format(req['package']) print(msg) for req in requests: change_request_state(self.api.apiurl, str(req), 'accepted', message='Accept to %s' % self.api.opensuse) # A single comment should be enough to notify everybody, since # they are already mentioned in the comments created by # select/unselect pkg_list = ", ".join(packages) cmmt = 'Project "{}" accepted. The following packages have been submitted to {}: {}.'.format(project, self.api.opensuse, pkg_list) self.comment.add_comment(project_name=project, comment=cmmt) # XXX CAUTION - AFAIK the 'accept' command is expected to clean the messages here. self.comment.delete_from(project_name=project) self.api.build_switch_prj(project, 'disable') if self.api.item_exists(project + ':DVD'): self.api.build_switch_prj(project + ':DVD', 'disable') return True def accept_other_new(self): changed = False rqlist = self.find_new_requests('openSUSE:{}'.format(self.api.opensuse)) rqlist += self.find_new_requests('openSUSE:{}:NonFree'.format(self.api.opensuse)) for req in rqlist: print 'Accepting request %d: %s' % (req['id'], ','.join(req['packages'])) change_request_state(self.api.apiurl, str(req['id']), 'accepted', message='Accept to %s' % self.api.opensuse) changed = True return changed def update_factory_version(self): """Update openSUSE (Factory, 13.2, ...) version if is necessary.""" project = 'openSUSE:{}'.format(self.api.opensuse) url = self.api.makeurl(['source', project, '_product', 'openSUSE.product']) product = http_GET(url).read() curr_version ='%Y%m%d') new_product = re.sub(r'\d{8}', '%s' % curr_version, product) if product != new_product: http_PUT(url + '?comment=Update+version', data=new_product)