Steve Kowalik 326a087168 Switch to python3 shebang
With the python shebang remaining as Python 2, switch the scripts to
using Python 3. This also allows us to clean up some imports.
2021-02-03 14:53:42 +11:00

139 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable File

import argparse
from datetime import datetime
from osc import conf
from osc.core import ET
from osc.core import search
from osc.core import xpath_join
from osclib.comments import CommentAPI
from osclib.core import request_age
from osclib.memoize import memoize
import sys
def print_debug(message):
if conf.config['debug']:
def request_debug(request, age, threshold):
print_debug('{}: {} {} [{}]'.format(request.get('id'), age, threshold, age <= threshold))
def check_comment(apiurl, bot, **kwargs):
if not len(kwargs):
return False
api = CommentAPI(apiurl)
comments = api.get_comments(**kwargs)
comment = api.comment_find(comments, bot)[0]
if comment:
return (datetime.utcnow() - comment['when']).total_seconds()
return False
def check(apiurl, entity, entity_type='group', comment=False, bot=None,
threshold=2 * 3600, threshold_require=True):
queries = {'request': {'limit': 1000, 'withfullhistory': 1}}
xpath = 'state[@name="new"] or state[@name="review"]'
if entity == 'staging-bot':
xpath = xpath_join(
xpath, 'review[starts-with(@by_project, "openSUSE:") and @state="new"]', op='and')
xpath = xpath_join(
xpath, 'history/@who="{}"'.format(entity), op='and')
requests = search(apiurl, queries, request=xpath)['request']
for request in requests:
age = request_age(request).total_seconds()
request_debug(request, age, threshold)
if age <= threshold:
return True
return False
xpath = xpath_join(
xpath, 'review[@by_{}="{}" and @state="new"]'.format(entity_type, entity), op='and')
requests = search(apiurl, queries, request=xpath)['request']
print_debug('{:,} requests'.format(len(requests)))
if not len(requests):
# Could check to see that a review has been performed in the last week.
return True
all_comment = True
for request in requests:
kwargs = {}
if comment == 'project':
# Would be a lot easier with lxml, but short of reparsing or monkey.
for review in request.findall('review[@by_project]'):
if review.get('by_project').startswith('openSUSE:'):
kwargs['project_name'] = review.get('by_project')
# TODO repo-checker will miss stagings where delete only problem so
# comment on request, but should be fixed by #1084.
elif comment:
kwargs['request_id'] = request.get('id')
age = request_age(request).total_seconds()
request_debug(request, age, threshold)
comment_age = check_comment(apiurl, bot, **kwargs)
if comment_age:
if comment_age <= threshold:
print_debug('comment found below threshold')
return True
elif age > threshold:
print_debug('no comment found and above threshold')
all_comment = False
if threshold_require:
return False
print_debug('no comment found, but below threshold')
print_debug('all comments: {}'.format(all_comment))
return all_comment
def status(apiurl):
# TODO If request ordering via api (openSUSE/open-build-service#4108) is
# provided this can be implemented much more cleanly by looking for positive
# activity (review changes) in threshold. Without sorting, some sampling of
# all requests accepted are returned which is not useful.
# TODO legal-auto, does not make comments so pending the above.
bots = [
# No open requests older than 2 hours.
# No open requests older than 2 hours or all old requests have comment.
['leaper', 'user', True, 'Leaper'],
# As long as some comment made in last 6 hours.
['repo-checker', 'user', 'project', 'RepoChecker', 6 * 3600, False],
# Different algorithm, any staging in last 24 hours.
['staging-bot', 'user', False, None, 24 * 3600],
all_alive = True
for bot in bots:
result = check(apiurl, *bot)
if not result:
all_alive = False
print('{} = {}'.format(bot[0], result))
return all_alive
def main(args):
conf.config['debug'] = args.debug
apiurl = conf.config['apiurl']
return not status(apiurl)
if __name__ == '__main__':
description = 'Check the status of the staging workflow bots.'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)
parser.add_argument('-A', '--apiurl', help='OBS instance API URL')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='print useful debugging info')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--project', default='openSUSE:Factory', help='OBS project')
args = parser.parse_args()