
525 lines
19 KiB

# (C) 2011, Novell Inc,
# Distribute under GPLv2 or GPLv3
# Copy this script to ~/.osc-plugins/ or /var/lib/osc-plugins .
# Then try to run 'osc check_repo --help' to see the usage.
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
from urllib import quote_plus
import urllib2
import sys
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
from osc import oscerr
from osc import cmdln
from osc.core import get_binary_file
from osc.core import get_buildinfo
from osc.core import http_GET
from osc.core import makeurl
from osc.core import Request
# Expand sys.path to search modules inside the pluging directory
_plugin_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.osc-plugins')
from osclib.checkrepo import CheckRepo
from osclib.cycle import CycleDetector
from osclib.memoize import CACHEDIR
# Directory where download binary packages.
DOWNLOADS = os.path.expanduser('~/co/downloads')
def _check_repo_find_submit_request(self, opts, project, package):
xpath = "(action/target/@project='%s' and "\
"action/target/@package='%s' and "\
"action/@type='submit' and "\
"(state/@name='new' or state/@name='review' or "\
"state/@name='accepted'))" % (project, package)
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['search', 'request'], 'match=%s' % quote_plus(xpath))
f = http_GET(url)
collection = ET.parse(f).getroot()
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
print('ERROR in URL %s [%s]' % (url, e))
return None
for root in collection.findall('request'):
r = Request()
return int(r.reqid)
return None
def _check_repo_avoid_wrong_friends(self, prj, repo, arch, pkg, opts):
xml =, repo, arch, pkg)
if xml:
root = ET.fromstring(xml)
for binary in root.findall('binary'):
# if there are binaries, we're out
return False
return True
def _check_repo_buildsuccess(self, request, opts):
root_xml = self.checkrepo.last_build_success(request.src_project, request.tgt_project, request.src_package, request.srcmd5)
root = ET.fromstring(root_xml)
if not root:
return False
if 'code' in root.attrib:
print ET.tostring(root)
return False
result = False
request.goodrepos = []
missings = {}
alldisabled = True
foundbuilding = None
foundfailed = None
tocheckrepos = []
for repo in root.findall('repository'):
archs = [a.attrib['arch'] for a in repo.findall('arch')]
foundarchs = len([a for a in archs if a in ('i586', 'x86_64')])
if foundarchs == 2:
if not tocheckrepos:
msg = 'Missing i586 and x86_64 in the repo list'
print msg
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(request.request_id, 'new', message=msg)
# Next line not needed, but for documentation
request.updated = True
return False
for repo in tocheckrepos:
isgood = True
founddisabled = False
r_foundbuilding = None
r_foundfailed = None
r_missings = {}
for arch in repo.findall('arch'):
if arch.attrib['arch'] not in ('i586', 'x86_64'):
if 'missing' in arch.attrib:
for pkg in arch.attrib['missing'].split(','):
if not self._check_repo_avoid_wrong_friends(request.src_project, repo.attrib['name'], arch.attrib['arch'], pkg, opts):
missings[pkg] = 1
if arch.attrib['result'] not in ('succeeded', 'excluded'):
isgood = False
if arch.attrib['result'] == 'excluded' and arch.attrib['arch'] == 'x86_64':
request.build_excluded = True
if arch.attrib['result'] == 'disabled':
founddisabled = True
if arch.attrib['result'] == 'failed' or arch.attrib['result'] == 'unknown':
# Sometimes an unknown status is equivalent to
# disabled, but we map it as failed to have a human
# check (no autoreject)
r_foundfailed = repo.attrib['name']
if arch.attrib['result'] == 'building':
r_foundbuilding = repo.attrib['name']
if arch.attrib['result'] == 'outdated':
msg = "%s's sources were changed after submissions and the old sources never built. Please resubmit" % request.src_package
print 'DECLINED', msg
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(request.request_id, 'declined', message=msg)
# Next line is not needed, but for documentation
request.updated = True
return False
r_missings = r_missings.keys()
for pkg in r_missings:
missings[pkg] = 1
if not founddisabled:
alldisabled = False
if isgood:
result = True
if r_foundbuilding:
foundbuilding = r_foundbuilding
if r_foundfailed:
foundfailed = r_foundfailed
request.missings = sorted(missings)
if result:
return True
if alldisabled:
msg = '%s is disabled or does not build against factory. Please fix and resubmit' % request.src_package
print 'DECLINED', msg
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(request.request_id, 'declined', message=msg)
# Next line not needed, but for documentation
request.updated = True
return False
if foundbuilding:
msg = '%s is still building for repository %s' % (request.src_package, foundbuilding)
print msg
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(request.request_id, 'new', message=msg)
# Next line not needed, but for documentation
request.updated = True
return False
if foundfailed:
msg = '%s failed to build in repository %s - not accepting' % (request.src_package, foundfailed)
# failures might be temporary, so don't autoreject but wait for a human to check
print msg
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(request.request_id, 'new', message=msg)
# Next line not needed, but for documentation
request.updated = True
return False
return True
def _check_repo_repo_list(self, prj, repo, arch, pkg, opts, ignore=False):
url = makeurl(opts.apiurl, ['build', prj, repo, arch, pkg])
files = []
binaries = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
for bin_ in binaries.findall('binary'):
fn = bin_.attrib['filename']
mt = int(bin_.attrib['mtime'])
result = re.match(r'(.*)-([^-]*)-([^-]*)\.([^-\.]+)\.rpm', fn)
if not result:
if fn == 'rpmlint.log':
files.append((fn, '', '', mt))
pname =
if pname.endswith('-debuginfo') or pname.endswith('-debuginfo-32bit'):
if pname.endswith('-debugsource'):
if == 'src':
files.append((fn, pname,, mt))
except urllib2.HTTPError:
# if not ignore:
# print 'ERROR in URL %s [%s]' % (url, e)
return files
def _check_repo_get_binary(self, apiurl, prj, repo, arch, package, file, target, mtime):
if os.path.exists(target):
# we need to check the mtime too as the file might get updated
cur = os.path.getmtime(target)
if cur > mtime:
get_binary_file(apiurl, prj, repo, arch, file, package=package, target_filename=target)
def _get_verifymd5(self, request, rev):
url = makeurl(self.get_api_url(), ['source', request.src_project, request.src_package, '?view=info&rev=%s' % rev])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
print 'ERROR in URL %s [%s]' % (url, e)
return []
return root.attrib['verifymd5']
def _checker_compare_disturl(self, disturl, request):
distmd5 = os.path.basename(disturl).split('-')[0]
if distmd5 == request.srcmd5:
return True
vrev1 = self._get_verifymd5(request, request.srcmd5)
vrev2 = self._get_verifymd5(request, distmd5)
if vrev1 == vrev2:
return True
print 'ERROR Revision missmatch: %s, %s' % (vrev1, vrev2)
return False
def _check_repo_download(self, request, opts):
request.downloads = dict()
if request.build_excluded:
return set()
for repo in request.goodrepos:
# we can assume x86_64 is there
todownload = []
for fn in self._check_repo_repo_list(request.src_project, repo, 'x86_64', request.src_package, opts):
todownload.append(('x86_64', fn[0], fn[3]))
# now fetch -32bit packs
# for fn in self._check_repo_repo_list(p.sproject, repo, 'i586', p.spackage, opts):
# if fn[2] == 'x86_64':
# todownload.append(('i586', fn[0], fn[3]))
request.downloads[repo] = []
for arch, fn, mt in todownload:
repodir = os.path.join(DOWNLOADS, request.src_package, repo)
if not os.path.exists(repodir):
t = os.path.join(repodir, fn)
self._check_repo_get_binary(opts.apiurl, request.src_project, repo,
arch, request.src_package, fn, t, mt)
if fn.endswith('.rpm'):
pid = subprocess.Popen(['rpm', '--nosignature', '--queryformat', '%{DISTURL}', '-qp', t],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
os.waitpid(, 0)[1]
disturl = pid.stdout.readlines()[0]
if not self._checker_compare_disturl(disturl, request):
request.error = '[%s] %s does not match revision %s' % (request, disturl, request.srcmd5)
return set()
toignore = set()
for fn in self._check_repo_repo_list(request.tgt_project, 'standard', 'x86_64', request.tgt_package, opts, ignore=True):
# now fetch -32bit pack list
for fn in self._check_repo_repo_list(request.tgt_project, 'standard', 'i586', request.tgt_package, opts, ignore=True):
if fn[2] == 'x86_64':
return toignore
def _get_buildinfo(self, opts, prj, repo, arch, pkg):
"""Get the build info for a package"""
xml = get_buildinfo(opts.apiurl, prj, pkg, repo, arch)
root = ET.fromstring(xml)
return [e.attrib['name'] for e in root.findall('bdep')]
def _check_repo_group(self, id_, requests, opts):
print '\nCheck group', requests
if not all(self._check_repo_buildsuccess(r, opts) for r in requests):
# all succeeded
toignore = set()
destdir = os.path.expanduser('~/co/%s' % str(requests[0].group))
fetched = dict((r, False) for r in opts.groups.get(id_, []))
packs = []
for request in requests:
i = self._check_repo_download(request, opts)
if request.error:
if not request.updated:
print request.error
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(request.request_id, 'new', message=request.error)
request.updated = True
print request.error
fetched[request.request_id] = True
for request_id, f in fetched.items():
if not f:
for rq in packs:
if fetched[rq.request_id]:
# we need to call it to fetch the good repos to download
# but the return value is of no interest right now
self._check_repo_buildsuccess(rq, opts)
i = self._check_repo_download(rq, opts)
if rq.error:
print 'ERROR (ALREADY ACEPTED?):', rq.error
rq.updated = True
# Detect cycles into the current Factory graph after we update the
# links with the current list of request.
cycle_detector = CycleDetector(opts.apiurl)
for (cycle, new_edges) in cycle_detector.cycles(requests=packs):
print 'New cycle detected:', sorted(cycle)
print 'New edges:', new_edges
# Mark all packages as updated, to avoid to be accepted
for request in requests:
request.updated = True
for rq in requests:
smissing = []
for package in rq.missings:
alreadyin = False
# print package, packs
for t in packs:
if package == t.tgt_package:
alreadyin = True
if alreadyin:
# print package, packs, downloads, toignore
request = self._check_repo_find_submit_request(opts, rq.tgt_project, package)
if request:
greqs = opts.groups.get(, [])
if request in greqs:
package = '%s(rq%s)' % (package, request)
if len(smissing):
msg = 'Please make sure to wait before these depencencies are in %s: %s' % (rq.tgt_project, ', '.join(smissing))
if not rq.updated:
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(rq.request_id, 'new', message=msg)
print msg
rq.updated = True
print msg
# Create a temporal file for the params
params_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
params_file.write('\n'.join(f for f in toignore if f.strip()))
reposets = []
if len(packs) == 1:
p = packs[0]
for r in p.downloads.keys():
reposets.append([(p, r, p.downloads[r])])
# TODO: for groups we just pick the first repo - we'd need to create a smart
# matrix
dirstolink = []
for rq in packs:
keys = rq.downloads.keys()
if not keys:
r = keys[0]
dirstolink.append((rq, r, rq.downloads[r]))
if len(reposets) == 0:
print 'NO REPOS'
for dirstolink in reposets:
if os.path.exists(destdir):
for rq, repo, downloads in dirstolink:
dir = destdir + '/%s' % rq.tgt_package
for d in downloads:
if not os.path.exists(dir):
os.symlink(d, os.path.join(dir, os.path.basename(d)))
repochecker = os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, '')
civs = "LC_ALL=C perl %s '%s' -r %s -f %s" % (repochecker, destdir, self.repo_dir,
# print civs
# continue
# exit(1)
p = subprocess.Popen(civs, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True)
# ret = os.waitpid(, 0)[1]
stdoutdata, stderrdata = p.communicate()
ret = p.returncode
# print ret, stdoutdata, stderrdata
if not ret: # skip the others
for p, repo, downloads in dirstolink:
p.goodrepo = repo
updated = {}
if ret:
# print stdoutdata, set(map(lambda x: x.request_id, reqs))
for rq in requests:
if updated.get(rq.request_id, False) or rq.updated:
print stdoutdata
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(rq.request_id, 'new', message=stdoutdata)
p.updated = True
updated[rq.request_id] = 1
for rq in requests:
if updated.get(rq.request_id, False) or rq.updated:
msg = 'Builds for repo %s' % rq.goodrepo
print 'ACCEPTED', msg
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(rq.request_id, 'accepted', message=msg)
rq.updated = True
updated[rq.request_id] = 1
def mirror_full(plugin_dir, repo_dir):
"""Call bs_mirrorfull script to mirror packages."""
url = '' % ('openSUSE:Factory', 'standard')
if not os.path.exists(repo_dir):
script = 'LC_ALL=C perl %s/bs_mirrorfull --nodebug %s %s' % (plugin_dir, url, repo_dir)
@cmdln.alias('check', 'cr')
@cmdln.option('-s', '--skip', action='store_true', help='skip review')
def do_check_repo(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
"""${cmd_name}: Checker review of submit requests.
${cmd_name} [SRID]...
Shows pending review requests and their current state.
opts.mode = ''
opts.verbose = False
opts.apiurl = self.get_api_url()
self.checkrepo = CheckRepo(opts.apiurl)
# XXX TODO - Remove this the all access to[s|ed] comes
# from checkrepo.
opts.grouped = self.checkrepo.grouped
opts.groups = self.checkrepo.groups
if opts.skip:
if not len(args):
raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Provide #IDs to skip.')
for id_ in args:
msg = 'skip review'
print 'ACCEPTED', msg
self.checkrepo.change_review_state(id_, 'accepted', message=msg)
ids = [arg for arg in args if arg.isdigit()]
# Store requests' package information and .spec files: store all
# source containers involved.
requests = []
if not ids:
# Return a list, we flat here with .extend()
for request in self.checkrepo.pending_requests():
# We have a list, use them.
for request_id in ids:
# Order the packs before grouping
requests = sorted(requests, key=lambda p: p.request_id, reverse=True)
groups = {}
for request in requests:
a = groups.get(, [])
groups[] = a
# Mirror the packages locally in the CACHEDIR
plugin = '~/.osc-plugins/'
self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(plugin)))
self.repo_dir = '%s/repo-%s-%s-x86_64' % (CACHEDIR, 'openSUSE:Factory', 'standard')
mirror_full(self.plugin_dir, self.repo_dir)
# Sort the groups, from high to low. This put first the stating
# projects also
for id_, reqs in sorted(groups.items(), reverse=True):
self._check_repo_group(id_, reqs, opts)