Dominique Leuenberger b635702b67
findfileconflicts: Ignore kernel installed certificates in /etc/uefi/certs
The file names are generated out of the sha1sum of the file content. Thus we
know if the file has the same name, it has the same content as well. Multiple
packages are allowed to own the same file with the same content. This is already
proven functional by the kernel being flavor:multiversion - the kernel can
be installed in multiple versions already (which the checked never would have
caught file conflicts for: we only check against current packages in the distro)

Fixes issue #2350
2019-12-13 14:03:40 +01:00

371 lines
8.4 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$| = 1;
use strict;
my %dirs;
my @dirs;
my %modes;
my @modes;
my @modes_type;
my @modes_ghost;
my %files;
my %filesc;
$dirs{'/'} = 0;
push @dirs, '/';
$modes{'40755 0 root:root'} = 0;
push @modes, '40755 0 root:root';
push @modes_type, 040000;
push @modes_ghost, 0;
my $pkg = '';
my $fls = 0;
my $prv = 0;
my $con = 0;
my $obs = 0;
my %con;
my %obs;
my %whatprovides;
die("Usage: findfileconflicts2 packages[.gz]\n") unless @ARGV == 1;
my @ftypes;
$ftypes[001] = 'p';
$ftypes[002] = 'c';
$ftypes[004] = 'd';
$ftypes[006] = 'b';
$ftypes[010] = '-';
$ftypes[012] = 'l';
$ftypes[014] = 's';
sub beautify_mode {
my @m = split(' ', $modes[$_[0]], 3);
my $fm = oct($m[0]);
my $ft = $fm & 0770000;
$fm &= ~0770000;
$ft = $ftypes[$ft >> 12 & 077] || '?';
my $rts = '';
my $rt = oct($m[1]);
$rts .= 'd' if $rt & 02;
$rts .= 'c' if $rt & 01;
$rts .= 'm' if $rt & 010;
$rts .= 'n' if $rt & 020;
$rts .= 'g' if $rt & 0100;
$rts .= 'l' if $rt & 0200;
$rts .= 'r' if $rt & 0400;
$rt &= ~0733;
$rts .= sprintf("%o", $rt) if $rt;
$rts .= ' ' if $rts;
return "$rts$ft".sprintf("%03o", $fm)." $m[2]";
print STDERR "scanning file list\n";
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /\.gz$/) {
open(FL, "-|", 'gunzip', '-dc', $ARGV[0]) || die("open $ARGV[0]: $!\n");
} else {
open(FL, '<', $ARGV[0]) || die("open $ARGV[0]: $!\n");
while(<FL>) {
if ($fls) {
if ($_ eq '-Flx:') {
$fls = 0;
my $lnk = '';
if (/^(12.*)( -> .*?)$/) {
$_ = $1;
$lnk = $2;
next unless /^(\d+ (\d+) \S+) (.*\/)(.*?)$/;
my $perms = $1;
my $n = $dirs{$3};
if (!defined($n)) {
$n = @dirs;
$dirs{$3} = $n;
$dirs[$n] = $3;
# ignore link targets and permissions of ghosts
if ((oct($2) & 0100) != 0) {
$lnk = '' if $lnk;
$perms =~ s/^100000/100644/;
my $m = $modes{"$perms$lnk"};
if (!defined($m)) {
$m = @modes;
$modes{"$perms$lnk"} = $m;
$modes[$m] = "$perms$lnk";
$modes_type[$m] = oct($perms) & 07770000;
$modes_ghost[$m] = oct($2) & 0100;
my $f = "$n/$4";
if (exists $files{$f}) {
$filesc{$f} ||= [ $files{$f} ];
push @{$filesc{$f}}, "$pkg/$m";
} else {
$files{$f} = "$pkg/$m";
if ($prv) {
if ($_ eq '-Prv:') {
$prv = 0;
s/ .*//; # no version stuff;
push @{$whatprovides{$_}}, $pkg;
if ($con) {
if ($_ eq '-Con:') {
$con = 0;
s/ .*//; # no version stuff;
push @{$con{$pkg}}, $_;
if ($obs) {
if ($_ eq '-Obs:') {
$obs= 0;
s/ .*//; # no version stuff;
push @{$obs{$pkg}}, $_;
if (/^=Pkg: (.*)/) {
$pkg = $1;
my $n = $pkg;
$n =~ s/ .*//;
push @{$obs{$pkg}}, $n;
if ($_ eq '+Con:') {
$con = 1 if $pkg;
if ($_ eq '+Obs:') {
$obs = 1 if $pkg;
if ($_ eq '+Prv:') {
$prv = 1 if $pkg;
if ($_ eq '+Flx:') {
$fls = 1;
close(FL) || die("close failed\n");
print STDERR "currently have ".@dirs." dirs and ".@modes." modes\n";
# connect dirs and add all dirs as files
print STDERR "connecting ".@dirs." directories\n";
my @implicit_conflicts;
for (@dirs) {
next unless /^(.*\/)(.*?)\/$/;
my $n = $dirs{$1};
if (!defined $n) {
$n = @dirs;
$dirs{$1} = $n;
$dirs[$n] = $1;
my $f = "$n/$2";
next unless $files{$f};
my (undef, $m) = split('/', $files{$f}, 2);
next if $modes_type[$m] == 040000;
# whoa, have a conflict. search for other dirs
my $have_dir;
for my $pkg (@{$filesc{$f} || []}) {
(undef, $m) = split('/', $pkg, 2);
$have_dir = 1 if $modes_type[$m] == 040000;
next if $have_dir;
push @implicit_conflicts, $f;
print STDERR "now ".@dirs." directories\n";
# the old and fast way
#for my $f (@implicit_conflicts) {
# $filesc{$f} ||= [ $files{$f} ];
# push @{$filesc{$f}}, "implicit_directory 0 0 noarch pkg/0";
if (@implicit_conflicts) {
print STDERR "have implicit conflicts, calculating dir owners\n";
my @pdirs; # parent dirs
for (@dirs) {
next unless /^(.*\/)(.*?)\/$/;
$pdirs[$dirs{$_}] = $dirs{$1};
my %baddir;
for (@implicit_conflicts) {
my ($n, $x) = split('/', $_, 2);
$baddir{$dirs{"$dirs[$n]$x/"}} = $_;
my $done;
while (!$done) {
$done = 1;
my $i = -1;
for (@pdirs) {
next unless defined $_;
next unless $baddir{$_} && !$baddir{$i};
$baddir{$i} ||= $baddir{$_};
undef $done;
undef @pdirs;
# this is not cheap, sorry
my %baddir_pkgs;
for my $ff (keys %files) {
my ($n, undef) = split('/', $ff, 2);
next unless $baddir{$n};
for (@{$filesc{$ff} || [ $files{$ff} ]}) {
my ($pkg, undef) = split('/', $_, 2);
$baddir_pkgs{$baddir{$n}}->{"$pkg/0"} = 1;
for my $f (@implicit_conflicts) {
$filesc{$f} ||= [ $files{$f} ];
$baddir_pkgs{$f} ||= { "implicit_directory 0 0 noarch pkg/0" => 1 };
push @{$filesc{$f}}, sort keys %{$baddir_pkgs{$f}};
%files = (); # free mem
# reduce all-dir conflicts and trivial multiarch conflicts
print STDERR "reducing trivial conflicts\n";
for my $f (sort keys %filesc) {
my $allm;
my $allc = 1;
my $pkgn;
my $pl;
for my $pkg (@{$filesc{$f}}) {
my ($p, $m) = split('/', $pkg, 2);
die unless $p =~ /^([^ ]+) /;
$allm = $m unless defined $allm;
$allm = -1 if $allm != $m;
$pkgn = $1 unless defined $pkgn;
$allc = 0 if $pkgn ne $1;
$allc = 0 if $pl && $p eq $pl;
$pl = $p;
if ($allc) {
delete $filesc{$f};
if (defined($allm) && $allm >= 0 && $modes_type[$allm] == 040000) {
delete $filesc{$f};
print STDERR "checking conflicts\n";
my %pkgneeded;
my %tocheck;
my %tocheck_files;
for my $f (sort keys %filesc) {
my @p = sort(@{$filesc{$f}}); # normalize
$filesc{$f} = [ @p ];
s/\/.*// for @p;
$pkgneeded{$_} = 1 for @p;
my $pn = join("\n", @p);
$tocheck{$pn} ||= [ @p ];
push @{$tocheck_files{$pn}}, $f;
my %conflicts;
for my $pkg (sort keys %con) {
next unless $pkgneeded{$pkg};
for my $c (@{$con{$pkg}}) {
for my $p (@{$whatprovides{$c} || []}) {
next if $p eq $pkg;
$conflicts{"$pkg\n$p"} = 1;
$conflicts{"$p\n$pkg"} = 1;
for my $pkg (sort keys %obs) {
next unless $pkgneeded{$pkg};
for my $c (@{$obs{$pkg}}) {
for my $p (@{$whatprovides{$c} || []}) {
next if $p eq $pkg;
next unless $p =~ /^\Q$c\E /;
$conflicts{"$pkg\n$p"} = 1;
$conflicts{"$p\n$pkg"} = 1;
# let 32bit packages conflict with the i586 version
for my $pkg (sort keys %pkgneeded) {
next unless $pkg =~ /^([^ ]+)-32bit /;
my $n = $1;
for my $p (@{$whatprovides{$n} || []}) {
next unless $p =~ /^\Q$n\E .* i[56]86$/;
next if $p eq $pkg;
$conflicts{"$pkg\n$p"} = 1;
$conflicts{"$p\n$pkg"} = 1;
print STDERR "found ".(keys %tocheck)." conflict candidates\n";
print STDERR "checking...\n";
# now check each package combination for all candidates
for my $tc (sort keys %tocheck) {
my @p = @{$tocheck{$tc}};
while (@p) {
my $p1 = shift @p;
for my $p2 (@p) {
next if $conflicts{"$p1\n$p2"};
my @con;
for my $f (@{$tocheck_files{$tc}}) {
my @pp = grep {s/^(?:\Q$p1\E|\Q$p2\E)\///} map {$_} @{$filesc{$f}};
next unless @pp;
# ignore if (all directories or all ghosts or all links) and all same mode;
my %allm = map {$_ => 1} @pp;
my $info = '';
if (keys(%allm) == 1) {
my $m = (keys(%allm))[0];
# all modes/flags are the same
# no conflict if all dirs or all ghosts or all links
next if $modes_type[$m] == 040000 || $modes_type[$m] == 0120000 || $modes_ghost[$m] == 0100;
} else {
# don't report mode mismatches for files/symlinks that are not ghosts
for my $m (keys %allm) {
if (($modes_type[$m] != 0100000 && $modes_type[$m] != 0120000) || $modes_ghost[$m] == 0100) {
$info = ' [mode mismatch: '.join(', ', map {beautify_mode($_)} @pp).']';
# got one!
$f =~ /^(\d+)\/(.*)/;
push @con, "$dirs[$1]$2$info" unless "$dirs[$1]$2" =~ m{/etc/uefi/certs/.*crt};
next unless @con;
my @sp1 = split(' ', $p1);
my @sp2 = split(' ', $p2);
print "- between:\n";
print " - [$sp1[0], $sp1[1], $sp1[2], $sp1[3]]\n";
print " - [$sp2[0], $sp2[1], $sp2[2], $sp2[3]]\n";
print " conflicts: |-\n";
print " $_\n" for (@con);