2018-04-03 14:56:34 +02:00

588 lines
23 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import date
import md5
from pprint import pformat
import re
import requests
import osc.core
import ReviewBot
from osclib.comments import CommentAPI
from suse import SUSEUpdate
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
except ImportError:
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
import json
Package = namedtuple('Package', ('name', 'version', 'release'))
pkgname_re = re.compile(r'(?P<name>.+)-(?P<version>[^-]+)-(?P<release>[^-]+)\.(?P<arch>[^.]+)\.rpm')
comment_marker_re = re.compile(
r'<!-- openqa state=(?P<state>done|seen)(?: result=(?P<result>accepted|declined|none))?(?: revision=(?P<revision>\d+))? -->')
class OpenQABot(ReviewBot.ReviewBot):
""" check ABI of library packages
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(OpenQABot, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.tgt_repo = {}
self.project_settings = {}
self.api_map = {}
self.force = False
self.openqa = None
self.commentapi = CommentAPI(self.apiurl)
self.update_test_builds = {}
self.pending_target_repos = set()
self.openqa_jobs = {}
def gather_test_builds(self):
for prj, u in self.tgt_repo[self.openqa.baseurl].items():
buildnr = 0
cjob = 0
for j in self.jobs_for_target(u):
# avoid going backwards in job ID
if cjob > int(j['id']):
buildnr = j['settings']['BUILD']
cjob = int(j['id'])
self.update_test_builds[prj] = buildnr
jobs = self.jobs_for_target(u, build=buildnr)
self.openqa_jobs[prj] = jobs
if self.calculate_qa_status(jobs) == QA_INPROGRESS:
# reimplemention from baseclass
def check_requests(self):
if self.ibs:
# first calculate the latest build number for current jobs
started = []
# then check progress on running incidents
for req in self.requests:
jobs = self.request_get_openqa_jobs(req, incident=True, test_repo=True)
ret = self.calculate_qa_status(jobs)
if ret != QA_UNKNOWN:
all_requests = self.requests
self.requests = started
self.logger.debug("check started requests")
super(OpenQABot, self).check_requests()
self.requests = all_requests
skipped_one = False
# now make sure the jobs are for current repo
for prj, u in self.tgt_repo[self.openqa.baseurl].items():
if prj in self.pending_target_repos:
skipped_one = True
self.trigger_build_for_target(prj, u)
# do not schedule new incidents unless we finished
# last wave
if skipped_one:
self.logger.debug("Check all requests")
super(OpenQABot, self).check_requests()
# check a set of repos for their primary checksums
def calculate_repo_hash(repos):
m = md5.new()
# if you want to force it, increase this number
for url in repos:
url += '/repodata/repomd.xml'
root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
cs = root.find(
return m.hexdigest()
def is_incident_in_testing(self, incident):
# hard coded for now as we only run this code for SUSE Maintenance workflow
project = 'SUSE:Maintenance:{}'.format(incident)
xpath = "(state/@name='review') and (action/source/@project='{}' and action/@type='maintenance_release')".format(project)
res = osc.core.search(self.apiurl, request=xpath)['request']
# return the one and only (or None)
return res.find('request')
def calculate_incidents(self, incidents):
get incident numbers from SUSE:Maintenance:Test project
returns dict with openQA var name : string with numbers
self.logger.debug("calculate_incidents: {}".format(pformat(incidents)))
l_incidents = []
for kind, prj in incidents.items():
packages = osc.core.meta_get_packagelist(self.apiurl, prj)
incidents = []
# filter out incidents in staging
for incident in packages:
# remove patchinfo. prefix
incident = incident.replace('_', '.').split('.')[1]
req = self.is_incident_in_testing(incident)
# without release request it's in staging
if not req:
# skip kgraft patches from aggregation
req_ = osc.core.Request()
src_prjs = {a.src_project for a in req_.actions}
if SUSEUpdate.kgraft_target(self.apiurl, src_prjs.pop()):
self.logger.debug("calculate_incidents: Incident is kgraft - {} ".format(incident))
l_incidents.append((kind + '_TEST_ISSUES', ','.join(incidents)))
self.logger.debug("Calculate incidents:{}".format(pformat(l_incidents)))
return l_incidents
def jobs_for_target(self, data, build=None):
settings = data['settings'][0]
values = {
'distri': settings['DISTRI'],
'version': settings['VERSION'],
'arch': settings['ARCH'],
'flavor': settings['FLAVOR'],
'scope': 'relevant',
'latest': '1',
if build:
values['build'] = build
values['test'] = data['test']
self.logger.debug("Get jobs: {}".format(pformat(values)))
return self.openqa.openqa_request('GET', 'jobs', values)['jobs']
# we don't know the current BUILD and querying all jobs is too expensive
# so we need to check for one known TEST first
# if that job doesn't contain the proper hash, we trigger a new one
# and then we know the build
def trigger_build_for_target(self, prj, data):
today = date.today().strftime("%Y%m%d")
repohash = self.calculate_repo_hash(data['repos'])
buildnr = None
jobs = self.jobs_for_target(data)
for job in jobs:
if job['settings'].get('REPOHASH', '') == repohash:
# take the last in the row
buildnr = job['settings']['BUILD']
self.update_test_builds[prj] = buildnr
# ignore old build numbers, we want a fresh run every day
# to find regressions in the tests and to get data about
# randomly failing tests
if buildnr and buildnr.startswith(today):
buildnr = 0
# not found, then check for the next free build nr
for job in jobs:
build = job['settings']['BUILD']
if build and build.startswith(today):
nr = int(build.split('-')[1])
if nr > buildnr:
buildnr = nr
except ValueError:
buildnr = "{!s}-{:d}".format(today, buildnr + 1)
for s in data['settings']:
# now schedule it for real
if 'incidents' in data.keys():
for x, y in self.calculate_incidents(data['incidents']):
s[x] = y
s['BUILD'] = buildnr
s['REPOHASH'] = repohash
self.logger.debug("Prepared: {}".format(pformat(s)))
if not self.dryrun:
self.logger.info("Openqa isos POST {}".format(pformat(s)))
self.openqa.openqa_request('POST', 'isos', data=s, retries=1)
except Exception as e:
self.update_test_builds[prj] = buildnr
def request_get_openqa_jobs(self, req, incident=True, test_repo=False):
ret = None
types = {a.type for a in req.actions}
if 'maintenance_release' in types:
src_prjs = {a.src_project for a in req.actions}
if len(src_prjs) != 1:
raise Exception("can't handle maintenance_release from different incidents")
build = src_prjs.pop()
tgt_prjs = {a.tgt_project for a in req.actions}
ret = []
if incident:
ret += self.openqa_jobs[build]
for prj in sorted(tgt_prjs):
repo_settings = self.tgt_repo.get(self.openqa.baseurl, {})
if test_repo and prj in repo_settings:
repo_jobs = self.openqa_jobs[prj]
ret += repo_jobs
return ret
def calculate_qa_status(self, jobs=None):
if not jobs:
j = {}
has_failed = False
in_progress = False
for job in jobs:
if job['clone_id']:
name = job['name']
if name in j and int(job['id']) < int(j[name]['id']):
j[name] = job
if job['state'] not in ('cancelled', 'done'):
in_progress = True
if job['result'] != 'passed' and job['result'] != 'softfailed':
has_failed = True
if not j:
if in_progress:
if has_failed:
return QA_FAILED
return QA_PASSED
def add_comment(self, msg, state, request_id=None, result=None):
if not self.do_comments:
comment = "<!-- openqa state={!s}{!s} -->\n".format(state, ' result={!s}'.format(result) if result else '')
comment += "\n" + msg
info = self.find_obs_request_comment(request_id=request_id)
comment_id = info.get('id', None)
if state == info.get('state', 'missing'):
lines_before = len(info['comment'].split('\n'))
lines_after = len(comment.split('\n'))
if lines_before == lines_after:
self.logger.info("not worth the update, previous comment %s is state %s", comment_id, info['state'])
self.logger.info("adding comment to %s, state %s result %s", request_id, state, result)
self.logger.info("message: %s", msg)
if not self.dryrun:
if comment_id:
self.commentapi.add_comment(request_id=request_id, comment=str(comment))
# escape markdown
def emd(str):
return str.replace('_', '\_')
def get_step_url(testurl, modulename):
failurl = testurl + '/modules/{!s}/fails'.format(modulename)
fails = requests.get(failurl).json()
failed_step = fails.get('first_failed_step', 1)
return "[{!s}]({!s}#step/{!s}/{:d})".format(OpenQABot.emd(modulename), testurl, modulename, failed_step)
def job_test_name(job):
return "{!s}@{!s}".format(OpenQABot.emd(job['settings']['TEST']), OpenQABot.emd(job['settings']['MACHINE']))
def summarize_one_openqa_job(self, job):
testurl = osc.core.makeurl(self.openqa.baseurl, ['tests', str(job['id'])])
if not job['result'] in ['passed', 'failed', 'softfailed']:
rstring = job['result']
if rstring == 'none':
return None
return '\n- [{!s}]({!s}) is {!s}'.format(self.job_test_name(job), testurl, rstring)
modstrings = []
for module in job['modules']:
if module['result'] != 'failed':
modstrings.append(self.get_step_url(testurl, module['name']))
if modstrings:
return '\n- [{!s}]({!s}) failed in {!s}'.format(self.job_test_name(job), testurl, ','.join(modstrings))
elif job['result'] == 'failed': # rare case: fail without module fails
return '\n- [{!s}]({!s}) failed'.format(self.job_test_name(job), testurl)
return ''
def summarize_openqa_jobs(self, jobs):
groups = {}
for job in jobs:
gl = "{!s}@{!s}".format(self.emd(job['group']), self.emd(job['settings']['FLAVOR']))
if gl not in groups:
groupurl = osc.core.makeurl(self.openqa.baseurl, ['tests', 'overview'],
{'version': job['settings']['VERSION'],
'groupid': job['group_id'],
'flavor': job['settings']['FLAVOR'],
'distri': job['settings']['DISTRI'],
'build': job['settings']['BUILD'],
groups[gl] = {'title': "__Group [{!s}]({!s})__\n".format(gl, groupurl),
'passed': 0, 'unfinished': 0, 'failed': []}
job_summary = self.summarize_one_openqa_job(job)
if job_summary is None:
groups[gl]['unfinished'] = groups[gl]['unfinished'] + 1
# None vs ''
if not len(job_summary):
groups[gl]['passed'] = groups[gl]['passed'] + 1
# if there is something to report, hold the request
# TODO: what is this ?
# qa_state = QA_FAILED
# gmsg = groups[gl]
msg = ''
for group in sorted(groups.keys()):
msg += "\n\n" + groups[group]['title']
infos = []
if groups[group]['passed']:
infos.append("{:d} tests passed".format(groups[group]['passed']))
if len(groups[group]['failed']):
infos.append("{:d} tests failed".format(len(groups[group]['failed'])))
if groups[group]['unfinished']:
infos.append("{:d} unfinished tests".format(groups[group]['unfinished']))
msg += "(" + ', '.join(infos) + ")\n"
for fail in groups[group]['failed']:
msg += fail
return msg.rstrip('\n')
def check_one_request(self, req):
ret = None
jobs = self.request_get_openqa_jobs(req)
qa_state = self.calculate_qa_status(jobs)
self.logger.debug("request %s state %s", req.reqid, qa_state)
msg = None
if self.force or qa_state == QA_UNKNOWN:
ret = super(OpenQABot, self).check_one_request(req)
jobs = self.request_get_openqa_jobs(req)
if self.force:
# make sure to delete previous comments if we're forcing
info = self.find_obs_request_comment(request_id=req.reqid)
if 'id' in info:
self.logger.debug("deleting old comment %s", info['id'])
if not self.dryrun:
if jobs:
# no notification until the result is done
osc.core.change_review_state(self.apiurl, req.reqid, newstate='new',
by_group=self.review_group, by_user=self.review_user,
message='now testing in openQA')
msg = "no openQA tests defined"
self.add_comment(msg, 'done', request_id=req.reqid, result='accepted')
ret = True
elif qa_state == QA_FAILED or qa_state == QA_PASSED:
# don't take test repo results into the calculation of total
# this is for humans to decide which incident broke the test repo
jobs += self.request_get_openqa_jobs(req, incident=False, test_repo=True)
if self.calculate_qa_status(jobs) == QA_INPROGRESS:
"incident tests for request %s are done, but need to wait for test repo", req.reqid)
if qa_state == QA_PASSED:
msg = "openQA tests passed\n"
result = 'accepted'
ret = True
msg = "openQA tests problematic\n"
result = 'declined'
ret = False
msg += self.summarize_openqa_jobs(jobs)
self.add_comment(msg, 'done', result=result, request_id=req.reqid)
elif qa_state == QA_INPROGRESS:
self.logger.info("request %s still in progress", req.reqid)
raise Exception("unknown QA state %d", qa_state)
except Exception:
import traceback
self.logger.error("unhandled exception in openQA Bot")
ret = None
return ret
def find_obs_request_comment(self, request_id=None, project_name=None):
"""Return previous comments (should be one)."""
if self.do_comments:
comments = self.commentapi.get_comments(request_id=request_id, project_name=project_name)
for c in comments.values():
m = comment_marker_re.match(c['comment'])
if m:
return {
'id': c['id'],
'state': m.group('state'),
'result': m.group('result'),
'comment': c['comment'],
'revision': m.group('revision')}
return {}
def check_product(self, job, product_prefix):
pmap = self.api_map[product_prefix]
posts = []
for arch in pmap['archs']:
need = False
settings = {'VERSION': pmap['version'], 'ARCH': arch}
settings['DISTRI'] = 'sle' if 'distri' not in pmap else pmap['distri']
issues = pmap.get('issues', {})
issues['OS_TEST_ISSUES'] = product_prefix
for key, prefix in issues.items():
self.logger.debug("{} {}".format(key, prefix))
if prefix + arch in job['channels']:
settings[key] = str(job['id'])
need = True
if need:
update = self.project_settings[product_prefix + arch]
update.apiurl = self.apiurl
update.logger = self.logger
for j in update.settings(
update.maintenance_project + ':' + str(job['id']),
product_prefix + arch, []):
if not job.get('openqa_build'):
job['openqa_build'] = update.get_max_revision(job)
if not job.get('openqa_build'):
return []
j['BUILD'] += '.' + str(job['openqa_build'])
# kGraft jobs can have different version
if 'real_version' in j:
j['VERSION'] = j['real_version']
del j['real_version']
self.logger.debug("Pmap: {} Posts: {}".format(pmap, posts))
return posts
def incident_openqa_jobs(self, s):
return self.openqa.openqa_request(
'GET', 'jobs',
'distri': s['DISTRI'],
'version': s['VERSION'],
'arch': s['ARCH'],
'flavor': s['FLAVOR'],
'build': s['BUILD'],
'scope': 'relevant',
'latest': '1'
def check_suse_incidents(self):
for inc in requests.get('https://maintenance.suse.de/api/incident/active/').json():
self.logger.info("Incident number: {}".format(inc))
job = requests.get('https://maintenance.suse.de/api/incident/' + inc).json()
if job['meta']['state'] in ['final', 'gone']:
# required in job: project, id, channels
def test_job(self, job):
self.logger.debug("Called test_job with: {}".format(job))
incident_project = str(job['project'])
comment_info = self.find_obs_request_comment(project_name=incident_project)
comment_id = comment_info.get('id', None)
comment_build = str(comment_info.get('revision', ''))
openqa_posts = []
for prod in self.api_map.keys():
self.logger.debug("{} -- product in apimap".format(prod))
openqa_posts += self.check_product(job, prod)
openqa_jobs = []
for s in openqa_posts:
jobs = self.incident_openqa_jobs(s)
# take the project comment as marker for not posting jobs
if not len(jobs) and comment_build != str(job['openqa_build']):
if self.dryrun:
self.logger.info('WOULD POST:{}'.format(pformat(json.dumps(s, sort_keys=True))))
self.logger.info("Posted: {}".format(pformat(json.dumps(s, sort_keys=True))))
self.openqa.openqa_request('POST', 'isos', data=s, retries=1)
openqa_jobs += self.incident_openqa_jobs(s)
self.logger.info("{} got {}".format(pformat(s), len(jobs)))
openqa_jobs += jobs
self.openqa_jobs[incident_project] = openqa_jobs
if len(openqa_jobs) == 0:
self.logger.debug("No openqa jobs defined")
# print openqa_jobs
msg = self.summarize_openqa_jobs(openqa_jobs)
state = 'seen'
result = 'none'
qa_status = self.calculate_qa_status(openqa_jobs)
if qa_status == QA_PASSED:
result = 'accepted'
state = 'done'
if qa_status == QA_FAILED:
result = 'declined'
state = 'done'
comment = "<!-- openqa state={!s} result={!s} revision={!s} -->\n".format(
state, result, job.get('openqa_build'))
comment += msg
if comment_id and state != 'done':
self.logger.info("%s is already commented, wait until done", incident_project)
if comment_info.get('comment', '').rstrip('\n') == comment.rstrip('\n'):
self.logger.info("%s comment did not change", incident_project)
self.logger.info("adding comment to %s, state %s", incident_project, state)
if not self.dryrun:
if comment_id:
self.logger.debug("delete comment: {}".format(comment_id))
self.commentapi.add_comment(project_name=str(incident_project), comment=str(comment))