There is no product that wants all suggests for all products on all groups, so the only product left that wants to have suggests is Tumbleweed for the DVD pattern To solve the suggests we run a global transaction on the result + its suggests to determine packageand supplements. To avoid problems (in general) we discard obsolete and conflicts in packages - so we can have product groups with conflicting packages and still get the additional supplements
268 lines
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268 lines
11 KiB
from __future__ import print_function
from osc import OscConfigParser
from collections import OrderedDict
import io
import os
import operator
import re
from osc import conf
from osclib.memoize import memoize
# Sane defaults for openSUSE and SUSE. The string interpolation rule
# is as this:
# * %(project)s to replace the name of the project.
# * %(project.lower)s to replace the lower case version of the name of
# the project.
r'openSUSE:(?P<project>Factory)(?::NonFree)?$': {
'staging': 'openSUSE:%(project)s:Staging',
'staging-group': 'factory-staging',
'staging-archs': 'i586 x86_64',
'staging-dvd-archs': '',
'nocleanup-packages': 'Test-DVD-x86_64 Test-DVD-ppc64le bootstrap-copy',
'rings': 'openSUSE:%(project)s:Rings',
'nonfree': 'openSUSE:%(project)s:NonFree',
'rebuild': 'openSUSE:%(project)s:Rebuild',
'product': 'openSUSE.product',
'openqa': '',
'lock': 'openSUSE:%(project)s:Staging',
'lock-ns': 'openSUSE',
'delreq-review': 'factory-maintainers',
'main-repo': 'standard',
'pseudometa_package': 'openSUSE:%(project)s:Staging/dashboard',
'download-baseurl': '',
'check-source-single-action-require': 'True',
'devel-project-enforce': 'True',
'review-team': 'opensuse-review-team',
'legal-review-group': 'legal-auto',
'repo-checker': 'repo-checker',
'repo_checker-no-filter': 'True',
'repo_checker-package-comment-devel': 'True',
'pkglistgen-product-family-include': 'openSUSE:Leap:N',
'pkglistgen-locales-from': '',
'mail-list': '',
'mail-maintainer': 'Dominique Leuenberger <>',
'mail-noreply': '',
'mail-release-list': '',
r'openSUSE:(?P<project>Factory):ARM$': {
'product': 'openSUSE.product',
'openqa': '',
'main-repo': 'standard',
'pseudometa_package': 'openSUSE:%(project)s:ARM:Staging/dashboard',
'download-baseurl': '',
'mail-list': '',
'mail-maintainer': 'Dirk Mueller <>',
'mail-noreply': '',
r'openSUSE:(?P<project>Leap:(?P<version>[\d.]+))(?::NonFree)?$': {
'staging': 'openSUSE:%(project)s:Staging',
'staging-group': 'factory-staging',
'staging-archs': 'i586 x86_64',
'staging-dvd-archs': '',
'nocleanup-packages': 'bootstrap-copy 000product 000release-packages',
'rings': 'openSUSE:%(project)s:Rings',
'nonfree': 'openSUSE:%(project)s:NonFree',
'rebuild': 'openSUSE:%(project)s:Rebuild',
'product': 'openSUSE.product',
'openqa': '',
'lock': 'openSUSE:%(project)s:Staging',
'lock-ns': 'openSUSE',
'leaper-override-group': 'leap-reviewers',
'delreq-review': None,
'main-repo': 'standard',
'pseudometa_package': 'openSUSE:%(project)s:Staging/dashboard',
'download-baseurl': '',
'download-baseurl-update': '',
'check-source-add-review-team': 'False',
'review-team': 'opensuse-review-team',
'legal-review-group': 'legal-auto',
'check-source-single-action-require': 'True',
# review-team optionally added by
'repo-checker': 'repo-checker',
'repo_checker-arch-whitelist': 'x86_64',
'repo_checker-no-filter': 'True',
'repo_checker-package-comment-devel': 'True',
# 16 hour staging window for follow-ups since lower throughput.
'splitter-staging-age-max': '57600',
# No special packages since they will pass through SLE first.
'splitter-special-packages': '',
# Allow `unselect --cleanup` to operate immediately on:
# - Update crawler requests (leaper)
# - F-C-C submitter requests (maxlin_factory)
'unselect-cleanup-whitelist': 'leaper maxlin_factory',
'pkglistgen-archs': 'x86_64',
'pkglistgen-scopes': 'target rings staging',
'pkglistgen-locales-from': 'openSUSE.product',
'pkglistgen-delete-kiwis-rings': '',
'pkglistgen-delete-kiwis-staging': '',
'mail-list': '',
'mail-maintainer': 'Ludwig Nussel <>',
'mail-noreply': '',
'mail-release-list': '',
r'openSUSE:(?P<project>Leap:(?P<version>[\d.]+)):ARM$': {
'product': 'openSUSE.product',
'openqa': '',
'main-repo': 'ports',
'pseudometa_package': 'openSUSE:%(project)s:ARM:Staging/dashboard',
'pkglistgen-product-family-include': 'openSUSE:Leap:15.0:ARM',
'download-baseurl-openSUSE-Leap-15.0-ARM': '',
'mail-list': '',
'mail-maintainer': 'Dirk Mueller <>',
'mail-noreply': '',
r'openSUSE:(?P<project>Leap:(?P<version>[\d.]+)(?::NonFree)?:Update)$': {
'main-repo': 'standard',
'leaper-override-group': 'leap-reviewers',
'repo_checker-arch-whitelist': 'x86_64',
'repo_checker-no-filter': 'True',
'repo_checker-package-comment-devel': 'True',
r'openSUSE:(?P<project>Backports:(?P<version>[^:]+))$': {
'staging': 'openSUSE:%(project)s:Staging',
'staging-group': 'factory-staging',
'staging-archs': 'x86_64',
'lock': 'openSUSE:%(project)s:Staging',
'lock-ns': 'openSUSE',
'onlyadi': True,
'leaper-override-group': 'leap-reviewers',
'review-team': 'opensuse-review-team',
'legal-review-group': 'legal-auto',
# review-team optionally added by
'repo-checker': 'repo-checker',
'repo_checker-project-skip': 'True',
# 16 hour staging window for follow-ups since lower throughput.
'splitter-staging-age-max': '57600',
# No special packages since they will pass through Leap first.
'splitter-special-packages': '',
# Allow `unselect --cleanup` to operate immediately on:
# - Update crawler requests (leaper)
'unselect-cleanup-whitelist': 'leaper',
r'openSUSE:(?P<project>Backports:SLE-[^:]+(?::Update)?)$': {
# Skip SLE related projects maintenance projects to avoid processing
# them during multi-target requests including an openSUSE project. The
# SLE projects cannot be processed since the repo cannot be mirrored.
'repo_checker-project-skip': 'True',
'_priority': '101',
# Allows devel projects to utilize tools that require config, but not
# complete StagingAPI support.
r'(?P<project>.*$)': {
'staging': None,
'staging-group': None,
'staging-archs': '',
'staging-dvd-archs': '',
'onlyadi': False,
'rings': None,
'nonfree': None,
'rebuild': None,
'product': None,
'openqa': None,
'lock': None,
'lock-ns': None,
'delreq-review': None,
'_priority': '0', # Apply defaults first
# You can overwrite the DEFAULT in the configuration file (~/.oscrc).
# For example, to change the Factory layout you need to add a new
# section like this:
# [openSUSE:Factory]
# staging = openSUSE:Factory:Staging
# rings = openSUSE:Factory:Rings
# lock = openSUSE:Factory:Staging
def str2bool(v):
return (v is not None and v.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1"))
class Config(object):
"""Helper class to configuration file."""
def __init__(self, apiurl, project):
self.project = project
self.remote_values = self.fetch_remote(apiurl)
conf_file = conf.config.get('conffile', os.environ.get('OSC_CONFIG', '~/.oscrc'))
self.conf_file = os.path.expanduser(conf_file)
# Populate the configuration dictionary
@memoize(session=True) # Allow reset by memoize_session_reset() for ReviewBot.
def get(apiurl, project):
"""Cached version for directly accessing project config."""
Config(apiurl, project)
return conf.config.get(project, [])
def conf(self):
return conf
def populate_conf(self):
"""Add sane default into the configuration and layer (defaults, remote, ~/.oscrc)."""
defaults = {}
default_ordered = OrderedDict(sorted(DEFAULT.items(), key=lambda i: int(i[1].get('_priority', 99))))
for prj_pattern in default_ordered:
match = re.match(prj_pattern, self.project)
if match:
project ='project')
for k, v in DEFAULT[prj_pattern].items():
if k.startswith('_'):
if isinstance(v, str) and '%(project)s' in v:
defaults[k] = v % {'project': project}
elif isinstance(v, str) and '%(project.lower)s' in v:
defaults[k] = v % {'project.lower': project.lower()}
elif isinstance(v, str) and '%(version)s' in v:
defaults[k] = v % {'version':'version')}
defaults[k] = v
if int(DEFAULT[prj_pattern].get('_priority', 99)) != 0:
if self.remote_values:
# Update the configuration, only when it is necessary
conf.config[self.project] = self.read_section(self.project, defaults)
def read_section(self, section, defaults):
"""OSC parser is a bit buggy. Re-read the configuration file to find
extra sections.
cp = OscConfigParser.OscConfigParser(defaults=defaults)
if cp.has_section(section):
return dict(cp.items(section))
return defaults
def fetch_remote(self, apiurl):
from osclib.core import attribute_value_load
config = attribute_value_load(apiurl, self.project, 'Config')
if config:
cp = OscConfigParser.OscConfigParser()
config = u'[remote]\n' + config
return dict(cp.items('remote'))
return None