559 lines
15 KiB

var OBS_URL = obs_url();
method: 'GET',
mode: 'cors',
credentials: 'include',
var FETCH_JSON_CONFIG = Object.assign({}, FETCH_CONFIG, {
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
var POST_CONFIG = Object.assign({}, FETCH_CONFIG, {
method: 'POST',
function origin_project(origin) {
return origin.replace(/[+~]$/, '')
function param_lookup_package(cell) {
return {
urlPrefix: OBS_URL + '/package/show/' + project_get() + '/',
target: '_blank',
function param_lookup_origin(cell) {
var origin = cell.getValue();
if (origin == 'None') {
return { url: '#' };
var params = {
labelField: 'origin',
urlField: 'package',
urlPrefix: OBS_URL + '/package/show/' + origin_project(origin) + '/',
target: '_blank',
if (cell.getTable().package) {
params['url'] = params['urlPrefix'] + cell.getTable().package;
params['urlPrefix'] = null;
return params;
function param_lookup_request(cell) {
if (cell.getValue() == null) {
return { label: ' ', url: '#' }
return {
urlPrefix: OBS_URL + '/request/show/',
target: '_blank',
function formatter_tristate(cell, formatterParams, onRendered) {
onRendered(function() {
$(cell.getElement()).sparkline(cell.getValue(), {
type: 'tristate',
width: '100%',
barWidth: 14,
disableTooltips: true,
function sorter_tristate(a, b, aRow, bRow, column, dir, sorterParams) {
return sorter_tristate_distance(a) - sorter_tristate_distance(b);
function sorter_request(a, b, aRow, bRow, column, dir, sorterParams) {
if (a == b) return 0;
if (a == null) return (dir == 'asc' ? 1 : -1) * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
if (b == null) return (dir == 'asc' ? -1 : 1) * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
return a - b;
function sorter_tristate_distance(revisions) {
var distance = 0;
for (var i = revisions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (revisions[i] === -1) distance += 10;
else if (revisions[i] === 0) distance += 1;
else break
return distance
function table_selection_get(table) {
if (table.getSelectedRows().length > 0) {
return table.getSelectedRows()[0].getIndex();
return null;
function table_selection_set(table, value) {
if (typeof table === 'undefined') return;
if (table.getSelectedRows().length > 0) {
if (table.getSelectedRows()[0].getIndex() != value) {
setTimeout(function(){ table.scrollToRow(value, 'middle', false) }, 500);
} else {
setTimeout(function(){ table.scrollToRow(value, 'middle', false) }, 500);
var project_table;
function project_table_init(selector) {
project_table = new Tabulator(selector, {
columns: [
title: 'Package',
field: 'package',
headerFilter: 'input',
width: 200,
formatter: 'link',
formatterParams: param_lookup_package,
title: 'Origin',
field: 'origin',
headerFilter: 'input',
width: 200,
formatter: 'link',
formatterParams: param_lookup_origin,
title: 'Revisions',
field: 'revisions',
width: 170,
formatter: formatter_tristate,
sorter: sorter_tristate,
title: 'Request',
field: 'request',
headerFilter: 'input',
width: 100,
formatter: 'link',
formatterParams: param_lookup_request,
sorter: sorter_request,
dataLoaded: package_select_set,
index: 'package',
initialSort: [
{ column: 'package', dir: 'asc' },
rowClick: package_select_hash,
selectable: 1,
tooltips: true,
var potential_table;
function potential_table_init(selector) {
potential_table = new Tabulator(selector, {
columns: [
title: 'Origin',
field: 'origin',
headerFilter: 'input',
width: 200,
formatter: 'link',
formatterParams: param_lookup_origin,
title: 'Version',
field: 'version',
headerFilter: 'input',
width: 100,
title: '',
formatter: function(cell, formatterParams, onRendered) {
return "<i class='fa fa-stream'></i>";
width: 20,
headerSort: false,
tooltip: 'diff',
cellClick: potential_external,
title: '',
formatter: function(cell, formatterParams, onRendered) {
return "<i class='fa fa-share-square'></i>";
width: 20,
headerSort: false,
tooltip: 'submit',
cellClick: potential_submit_prompt,
dataLoaded: potential_select_set,
index: 'origin',
initialSort: [
{ column: 'origin', dir: 'asc' },
rowClick: potential_select_hash,
selectable: 1,
tooltips: true,
var history_table;
function history_table_init(selector) {
history_table = new Tabulator(selector, {
columns: [
title: 'Origin',
field: 'origin',
headerFilter: 'input',
width: 200,
formatter: 'link',
formatterParams: param_lookup_origin,
title: 'Request',
field: 'request',
headerFilter: 'input',
width: 100,
formatter: 'link',
formatterParams: param_lookup_request,
sorter: sorter_request,
title: 'State',
field: 'state',
headerFilter: 'input',
width: 100,
dataLoaded: history_select_set,
index: 'request',
initialSort: [
{ column: 'request', dir: 'desc' },
rowClick: history_select_hash,
selectable: 1,
tooltips: true,
function project_prompt() {
const request = new Request(operator_url() + '/origin/projects/all', FETCH_JSON_CONFIG);
.then(response => response.json())
.then(projects => {
var options = [];
for (var i = 0; i < projects.length; i++) {
options[i] = {text: projects[i], value: projects[i]};
title: 'Project',
inputType: 'select',
inputOptions: options,
closeButton: false,
callback: function(project) {
if (project) {
function project_get() {
if ('project' in project_table) {
return project_table.project;
return null;
function project_set(project) {
if (project == project_get()) {
project_table.project = project;
project_table.setData(operator_url() + '/origin/list/' + project, {}, FETCH_JSON_CONFIG);
function package_get() {
if (typeof potential_table !== 'undefined' && 'package' in potential_table) {
return potential_table.package;
return null;
function package_set(project, package) {
if (package == package_get()) {
$('aside').toggle(package != null);
potential_table.package = package;
history_table.package = package;
if (package == null) return;
operator_url() + '/origin/potentials/' + project + '/' + package, {}, FETCH_JSON_CONFIG);
operator_url() + '/origin/history/' + project + '/' + package, {}, FETCH_JSON_CONFIG);
function package_select_set() {
var package = package_get();
if (package) {
table_selection_set(project_table, package);
function package_select_hash() {
if (table_selection_get(project_table)) {
hash_set([project_get(), table_selection_get(project_table),
} else {
function potential_get() {
return hash_get(2);
function potential_set(project, package, origin, request) {
if (project == $('#details').data('project') &&
package == $('#details').data('package') &&
origin == $('#details').data('origin') &&
request == $('#details').data('request')) return;
var path;
if (request != null) {
// Unlike a diff between origin and target project a diff between
// a request and an origin requires the request source project and
// package which are provided along with the history data. As such the
// history table must be loaded before the diff can be requested.
if (!history_table.getSelectedRows().length) return;
var request_data = history_table.getSelectedRows()[0].getData();
path = [
} else {
path = [project, package, origin].join('/');
$('#details').toggle(origin != null);
$('#details').data('project', project);
$('#details').data('package', package);
$('#details').data('origin', origin);
$('#details').data('request', request);
// At minimum an origin is required, but be sure to toggle element and set
// data attributes to handle the next call properly.
if (origin == null) return;
fetch(operator_url() + '/package/diff/' + path, FETCH_CONFIG)
.then(response => response.text())
.then(text => {
if (text == '') {
$('#details').html('<p>No difference</p>');
} else if (text.startsWith('# diff failed')) {
$('#details').html('<p>Failed to generate diff</p><pre></pre>');
$('#details pre').text(text);
function potential_select_set() {
var origin = potential_get();
if (origin) {
table_selection_set(potential_table, origin);
function potential_select_hash() {
hash_set([project_get(), package_get(), table_selection_get(potential_table),
function potential_external(e, cell) {
window.open(OBS_URL + '/package/rdiff/' + cell.getData()['origin'] + '/' + package_get() +
'?oproject=' + project_get(), '_blank');
function potential_submit_prompt(e, cell) {
title: 'Submit ' + cell.getData()['origin'] + '/' + package_get() + ' to ' + project_get() + '?',
size: 'large',
inputType: 'textarea',
closeButton: false,
callback: function(message) {
if (message === null) return;
potential_submit(project_get(), package_get(), cell.getData()['origin'], message);
function potential_submit(project, package, origin, message) {
fetch(operator_url() + '/request/submit/' + origin + '/' + package + '/' + project +
'?message=' + encodeURIComponent(message), POST_CONFIG)
.then(response => response.text())
.then(log => {
log = log.trim()
var words = log.split(/\s+/);
var request = words[words.length - 1];
if (request == 'failed') {
title: 'Failed to submit ' + origin + '/' + package + ' to ' + project,
message: '<pre>' + log.substr(0, log.length - 7) + '</pre>',
size: 'large',
closeButton: false,
project_table.updateData([{'package': package, 'request': request}]);
function history_get() {
return hash_get(3);
function history_select_set() {
var request = history_get();
if (request) {
table_selection_set(history_table, request);
// Trigger appropriate potential_set() call since waiting for history
// data to be available for request diff.
function history_select_hash() {
var title_suffix;
function hash_init() {
title_suffix = document.title;
window.onhashchange = hash_changed;
function hash_parts() {
return window.location.hash.substr(1).replace(/\/+$/, '').split('/');
function hash_get(index) {
var parts = hash_parts();
if (parts.length > index) {
return parts[index];
return null;
function hash_set(parts) {
// Shorten the parts array to before the first null.
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
if (parts[i] == null) {
parts.length = i;
window.location.hash = parts.join('/');
function hash_changed() {
// Wait until all tables have been initialized before proceeding.
if (typeof history_table === 'undefined') return;
var parts = hash_parts();
var project = null;
var package = null;
var origin = null;
var request = null;
// route: /*
if (parts[0] == '') {
// route: /:project
project = parts[0];
// route: /:project/:package
if (parts.length >= 2) {
package = parts[1];
package_set(project, package);
// route: /:project/:package/:origin
if (parts.length >= 3) {
origin = parts[2];
// route: /:project/:package/:origin/:request
if (parts.length >= 4) {
request = parts[3];
potential_set(project, package, origin, request);
title_update(project, package, origin, request);
function title_update(project, package, origin, request) {
var parts = hash_parts();
var title = '';
if (project) {
title += project;
if (package) {
title += '/' + package;
if (request) {
title += ' request ' + request;
if (origin) {
title += ' diff against ' + origin;
if (title) {
document.title = title + ' - ' + title_suffix;
} else {
document.title = title_suffix;