2023-12-01 14:52:01 +01:00

135 lines
5.3 KiB

import fcntl
import itertools
import logging
import os
import osc.conf
import re
import struct
import sys
import tempfile
from lxml import etree as ET
from osc.core import makeurl, http_GET
from osc.util.cpio import CpioHdr
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
logger = logging.getLogger('RepoMirror')
class RepoMirror:
cpio_struct = struct.Struct('6s8s8s8s8s8s8s8s8s8s8s8s8s8s')
cpio_name_re = re.compile('^([^/]+)-([0-9a-f]{32})$')
def __init__(self, apiurl: str, nameignore: str = '-debug(info|source|info-32bit).rpm$'):
Class to mirror RPM headers of all binaries in a repo on OBS (full tree).
Debug packages are ignored by default, see the nameignore parameter.
self.apiurl = apiurl
self.nameignorere = re.compile(nameignore)
def extract_cpio_stream(self, destdir: str, stream):
while True:
hdrtuples = self.cpio_struct.unpack(stream.read(self.cpio_struct.size))
# Read and parse the CPIO header
if hdrtuples[0] != b'070701':
raise NotImplementedError(f'CPIO format {hdrtuples[0]} not implemented')
# The new-ascii format has padding for 4 byte alignment
def align():
stream.read((4 - (stream.tell() % 4)) % 4)
hdr = CpioHdr(*hdrtuples)
hdr.filename = stream.read(hdr.namesize - 1).decode('ascii')
stream.read(1) # Skip terminator
binarymatch = self.cpio_name_re.match(hdr.filename)
if hdr.filename == '.errors':
content = stream.read(hdr.filesize)
raise RuntimeError('Download has errors: ' + content.decode('ascii'))
elif binarymatch:
name = binarymatch.group(1)
md5 = binarymatch.group(2)
destpath = os.path.join(destdir, f'{md5}-{name}.rpm')
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='wb', dir=destdir) as tmpfile:
# Probably not big enough to need chunking
os.link(tmpfile.name, destpath)
# Would be nice to use O_TMPFILE + link here, but python passes
# O_EXCL which breaks that.
# os.link(f'/proc/self/fd/{tmpfile.fileno()}', destpath)
elif hdr.filename == 'TRAILER!!!':
if stream.read(1):
raise RuntimeError('Expected end of CPIO')
raise NotImplementedError(f'Unhandled file {hdr.filename} in archive')
def _mirror(self, destdir: str, prj: str, repo: str, arch: str) -> None:
"Using the _repositories endpoint, download all RPM headers into destdir."
logger.info(f'Mirroring {prj}/{repo}/{arch}')
pkglistxml = http_GET(makeurl(self.apiurl, ['build', prj, repo, arch, '_repository'],
query={'view': 'binaryversions', 'nometa': 1}))
root = ET.parse(pkglistxml).getroot()
remotebins: dict[str, str] = {}
for binary in root.findall('binary'):
name = binary.get('name')
if name.endswith('.rpm') and not self.nameignorere.search(name):
hdrmd5 = binary.get('hdrmd5')
remotebins[f'{hdrmd5}-{name}'] = name[:-4]
to_delete: list[str] = []
for filename in os.listdir(destdir):
if not filename.endswith('.rpm'):
if filename in remotebins:
del remotebins[filename] # Already downloaded
to_delete.append(os.path.join(destdir, filename))
if to_delete:
logger.info(f'Deleting {len(to_delete)} old packages')
for path in to_delete:
if remotebins:
logger.info(f'Downloading {len(remotebins)} new packages')
binaries = remotebins.values()
# Download in batches of 50
for chunk in range(0, len(binaries), 50):
query = 'view=cpioheaders'
for binary in itertools.islice(binaries, chunk, chunk + 50):
query += '&binary=' + quote_plus(binary)
req = http_GET(makeurl(self.apiurl, ['build', prj, repo, arch, '_repository'],
self.extract_cpio_stream(destdir, req)
def mirror(self, destdir: str, prj: str, repo: str, arch: str) -> None:
"Creates destdir and locks destdir/.lock before mirroring."
os.makedirs(destdir, exist_ok=True)
with open(os.path.join(destdir, '.lock'), 'w') as lockfile:
fcntl.flock(lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
except IOError:
logger.info(destdir + 'is locked, waiting... ')
fcntl.flock(lockfile, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
logger.info('Lock acquired!')
return self._mirror(destdir, prj, repo, arch)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 6:
print("Usage: repomirror.py apiurl destdir prj repo arch")
rm = RepoMirror(sys.argv[1])
rm.mirror(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], sys.argv[5])