Dirk Müller ad0217e8e4
Only check for products to be built successfully
The "images" repository contains both containers and ftp products. we
only want to wait for the products, which are built in the "local" arch.
2023-10-26 15:37:00 +02:00

210 lines
8.3 KiB
Executable File

# (c) 2023
# GPL-2.0-or-later
# This is a "mini ttm" for the BCI repo. Differences:
# * No :ToTest staging area
# * Only the repo is built, so it needs BCI specific openQA queries
# * The publishing location is arch specific
# * Uses a token for releasing to the publishing project
import cmdln
import logging
import ToolBase
import requests
import sys
import time
import re
from lxml import etree as ET
from openqa_client.client import OpenQA_Client
from osc.core import http_GET, makeurl
class BCIRepoPublisher(ToolBase.ToolBase):
def __init__(self):
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.openqa = OpenQA_Client(server='')
def version_of_product(self, project, package, repo, arch):
"""Get the build version of the given product build, based on the binary name."""
url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['build', project, repo, arch, package])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
for binary in root.findall('binary'):
result = re.match(r'.*-Build(.*)', binary.get('filename'))
if result:
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to get version of {project}/{package}")
def mtime_of_product(self, project, package, repo, arch):
"""Get the build time stamp of the given product, based on _buildenv."""
url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['build', project, repo, arch, package])
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
mtime = root.xpath('/binarylist/binary[@filename = "_buildenv"]/@mtime')
return mtime[0]
def openqa_jobs_for_product(self, arch, version, build):
"""Query openQA for all relevant jobs"""
values = {
'group': 'BCI repo',
'flavor': 'BCI-Repo-Updates',
'arch': arch,
'version': version,
'build': build,
'scope': 'current',
'latest': '1',
return self.openqa.openqa_request('GET', 'jobs', values)['jobs']
def is_repo_published(self, project, repo, arch=None):
"""Validates that the given prj/repo is fully published and all builds
have succeeded."""
result_filter = {'view': 'summary', 'repository': repo}
if arch:
result_filter['arch'] = arch
url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['build', project, '_result'], result_filter)
root = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
for result in root.findall('result'):
if result.get('dirty', 'false') != 'false':
return False
if result.get('code') != 'published' or result.get('state') != 'published':
return False
for statuscount in root.findall('statuscount'):
if statuscount.get('code') not in ('succeeded', 'disabled', 'excluded'):
return False
return True
def run(self, version, token=None):
build_prj = f'SUSE:SLE-{version}:Update:BCI'
if not self.is_repo_published(build_prj, 'images', 'local'):'{build_prj}/images not successfully built')
# Build the list of packages with metainfo
packages = []
# As long as it's the same everywhere, hardcoding this list here
# is easier and safer than trying to derive it from the package list.
for arch in ('aarch64', 'ppc64le', 's390x', 'x86_64'):
'arch': arch,
'name': f'000product:SLE_BCI-ftp-POOL-{arch}',
'build_prj': build_prj,
'publish_prj': f'SUSE:Products:SLE-BCI:{version}:{arch}'
# Fetch the build numbers of built products.
# After release, the BuildXXX part vanishes, so the mtime has to be
# used instead for comparing built and published binaries.
for pkg in packages:
pkg['built_version'] = self.version_of_product(pkg['build_prj'], pkg['name'],
'images', 'local')
pkg['built_mtime'] = self.mtime_of_product(pkg['build_prj'], pkg['name'],
'images', 'local')
pkg['published_mtime'] = self.mtime_of_product(pkg['publish_prj'], pkg['name'],
'images', 'local')
# Verify that the builds for all archs are in sync
built_versions = {pkg['built_version'] for pkg in packages}
if len(built_versions) != 1:
# This should not be the case if everything is built and idle
self.logger.warning(f'Different builds found - not releasing: {packages}')
# Compare versions
newer_version_available = [int(pkg['built_mtime']) > int(pkg['published_mtime'])
for pkg in packages]
if not any(newer_version_available):'Current build already published, nothing to do.')
# If the last published build is less than a day old, don't publish
newest_published_mtime = max([int(pkg['published_mtime']) for pkg in packages])
published_build_age_hours = int(time.time() - newest_published_mtime) // (60 * 60)
if published_build_age_hours < 24:'Current published build less than a day old '
# Check openQA results
openqa_passed = True
for pkg in packages:
passed = 0
pending = 0
failed = 0
for job in self.openqa_jobs_for_product(arch=pkg['arch'], version=version,
if job['result'] in ('passed', 'softfailed'):
passed += 1
elif job['result'] == 'none':'{job["id"]} pending')
pending += 1
self.logger.warning(f'{job["id"]} failed')
failed += 1
if passed == 0 or pending > 0 or failed > 0:
openqa_passed = False
if not openqa_passed:'No positive result from openQA (yet)')
# Trigger publishing
if token is None:
self.logger.warning('Would publish now, but no token specified')
for pkg in packages:'Releasing {pkg["name"]}...')
params = {
'project': pkg['build_prj'], 'package': pkg['name'],
'filter_source_repository': 'images',
'targetproject': pkg['publish_prj'], 'targetrepository': 'images'
url = makeurl(self.apiurl, ['trigger', 'release'], params)
# No bindings for using tokens yet, so do the request manually
req =, headers={'Authorization': f'Token {token}'})
if req.status_code != 200:
raise RuntimeError(f'Releasing failed: {req.text}')'Waiting for publishing to finish')
for pkg in packages:
while not self.is_repo_published(pkg['publish_prj'], 'images'):
self.logger.debug(f'Waiting for {pkg["publish_prj"]}')
class CommandLineInterface(ToolBase.CommandLineInterface):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
ToolBase.CommandLineInterface.__init__(self, args, kwargs)
def setup_tool(self):
tool = BCIRepoPublisher()
if self.options.debug:
elif self.options.verbose:
return tool
@cmdln.option('--token', help='The token for publishing. Does a dry run if not given.')
def do_run(self, subcmd, opts, project):
"""${cmd_name}: run the BCI repo publisher for the specified project,
e.g. 15-SP3
""", token=opts.token)
if __name__ == "__main__":
cli = CommandLineInterface()