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Test suite is using +nose+, +httpretty+ and +mock+ for testing. You need these
three python modules installed to run tests. In openSUSE, you can do it using
the following command as a root:
zypper in python-nose python-httpretty python-mock
Running tests
To run the tests, you need to be in the topmost directory of your checkout and
run the following command there:
Structure of the suite
Each object is containing functions for the individual tests so split them per
area of interest.
In directory fixtures there are resulting xml files obtained from the OBS with
osc api calls.
Writing tests
There are few nice building stones available to implement test.
OBS class
+OBS+ class provides simulation of OBS including keeping internal states. It
supports only limited number of command, but that can be extended.
Extending OBS class via +responses+ dictionary
It contains dictionaries for 'GET', 'PUT', 'POST' and 'ALL'. All of them
correspond to the method used by program. 'ALL' is just a shortcut that covers
all methods and it is called only if no specific handler is found.
Dictionaries associated with each method contains as a key relative URL to the
top of the server and as data one of the following:
* path to the file in fixtures directory with XML to return
* XML itself starting with +<+
* function taking three arguments - 'request', 'uri' and 'headers'
* list which is combination of any of the above
If handling of +responses+ dictionary is enabled, URL is find in dictionary and
appropriate action is taken. If there is XML or path to the XML, XML is
returned directly. In case of function, function gets called and is expected to
return string that will be passed back. If there is array, first item is used
as described above and removed from the array.
To add new possible actions, define private method of OBS class that will
regiter handlers in this dictionary and add this method to be called by
+_clear_responses+ method.
First we create a template for our response. We will be using pythons string
Template class therefore XML has some values replaced with +${variable}+ and we
will assign those later.
<request id="${id}">
<action type="submit">
<source project="home:Admin" package="${package}" rev="59f0f46262d7b57b9cdc720c06d5e317"/>
<target project="openSUSE:Factory" package="${package}"/>
<state name="${request}" who="Admin" when="2014-02-17T12:38:52">
<review state="${review}" when="2014-02-17T12:34:10" who="${who}" by_${by}="${by_who}">
We can also define helpful local data structure representing actual state of OBS
# Initial request data
requests_data = { '123': { 'request': 'new', 'review': 'accepted',
'who': 'Admin', 'by': 'group', 'id': '123',
'by_who': 'opensuse-review-team',
'package': 'gcc' },
'321': { 'request': 'review', 'review': 'new',
'who': 'Admin', 'by': 'group', 'id': '321',
'by_who': 'factory-staging',
'package': 'puppet' }
And the most important part is implementing OBS behaviour.
def _request_review(self):
Register requests methods
# Load template
tmpl = Template(self._get_fixture_content('request_review.xml'))
# What happens when we try to change the review
def review_change(responses, request, uri):
rq_id = re.match( r'.*/([0-9]+)',uri).group(1)
args = self.requests_data[rq_id]
# Adding review
if request.querystring.has_key(u'cmd') and request.querystring[u'cmd'] == [u'addreview']:
self.requests_data[rq_id]['request'] = 'review'
self.requests_data[rq_id]['review'] = 'new'
# Changing review
if request.querystring.has_key(u'cmd') and request.querystring[u'cmd'] == [u'changereviewstate']:
self.requests_data[rq_id]['request'] = 'new'
self.requests_data[rq_id]['review'] = request.querystring[u'newstate'][0]
# Project review
if request.querystring.has_key(u'by_project'):
self.requests_data[rq_id]['by'] = 'project'
self.requests_data[rq_id]['by_who'] = request.querystring[u'by_project'][0]
# Group review
if request.querystring.has_key(u'by_group'):
self.requests_data[rq_id]['by'] = 'group'
self.requests_data[rq_id]['by_who'] = request.querystring[u'by_group'][0]
responses['GET']['/request/' + rq_id] = tmpl.substitute(self.requests_data[rq_id])
return responses['GET']['/request/' + rq_id]
# Register methods for all requests
for rq in self.requests_data:
# Static response for gets (just filling template from local data)
self.responses['GET']['/request/' + rq] = tmpl.substitute(self.requests_data[rq])
# Interpret other requests
self.responses['POST']['/request/' + rq] = review_change
Method +_request_review+ will be called from +_clear_responses+ method and it
will fill responses for 'GET' requests from local data strusture we defined
before. It will also register +review_change+ function to handle 'POST'
Function +review_change+ will modify our local data structure to make sure we
remeber the state for next time, replaces the results of 'GET' requests and
returns whatever 'GET' should be returning now.
So whenever somebody sends 'addreview' command, XML that 'GET' on request
provides will be changed to reflect newly added review. And whenever somebody
sends 'changereviewstate', review will be closed with appropriate state.
So we have a simple testing framework with multiple states that reacts to the
API calls from functions we are testing following the behaviour we specified.
So tests itself can be pretty simple and depend on multiple function calls.
Registering +OBS+ class
To take advantage of simulated OBS, you have to register it inside your test
and use it's api. To do so, just call +register_obs+ method at the beginning
of the test. If you are using staging plugin API, you should use +OBS.api+
object that is providing it for you convenience.
If you run request that wasn't implemented yet, exception will be raised
providing URL that program tried to access together with method used.
Simple tests given all behaviour you are expecting is already implemented can
be done for example like this:
# Register OBS
# Get rid of open requests
# Check that we tried to close it
self.assertEqual(httpretty.last_request().method, 'POST')
self.assertEqual(httpretty.last_request().querystring[u'cmd'], [u'changereviewstate'])
# Try it again
# This time there should be nothing to close
self.assertEqual(httpretty.last_request().method, 'GET')