770 lines
32 KiB

import ToolBase
import glob
import logging
import os
import re
import solv
import shutil
import subprocess
import yaml
import sys
import tempfile
from lxml import etree as ET
from osc.core import checkout_package
from osc.core import http_GET
from osc.core import HTTPError
from osc.core import show_results_meta
from osc.core import Package
from osc.core import undelete_package
from osclib.core import attribute_value_load
from osclib.core import target_archs
from osclib.conf import str2bool
from osclib.core import repository_path_expand
from osclib.core import repository_arch_state
from osclib.cache_manager import CacheManager
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from pkglistgen import file_utils
from pkglistgen.group import Group
SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
PRODUCT_SERVICE = '/usr/lib/obs/service/create_single_product'
# share header cache with repochecker
CACHEDIR = CacheManager.directory('repository-meta')
class PkgListGen(ToolBase.ToolBase):
def __init__(self):
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def reset(self):
# package -> supportatus
self.packages = dict()
self.groups = dict()
self._supportstatus = None
self.input_dir = '.'
self.output_dir = '.'
self.lockjobs = dict()
self.ignore_broken = False
self.unwanted = set()
self.output = None
self.locales = set()
self.filtered_architectures = None
self.dry_run = False
self.all_architectures = None
def filter_architectures(self, architectures):
self.filtered_architectures = sorted(list(set(architectures) & set(self.all_architectures)))
def _load_supportstatus(self):
fn = os.path.join(self.input_dir, 'supportstatus.txt')
self._supportstatus = dict()
if os.path.exists(fn):
with open(fn, 'r') as fh:
for line in fh:
# pkg, status
fields = line.rstrip().split(' ')
if len(fields) > 1:
self._supportstatus[fields[0]] = fields[1]
def supportstatus(self, package):
if self._supportstatus is None:
return self._supportstatus.get(package)
def _load_group_file(self, fn):
output = None
unwanted = None
with open(fn, 'r') as fh:
self.logger.debug('reading %s', fn)
for groupname, group in yaml.safe_load(fh).items():
if groupname == 'OUTPUT':
output = group
if groupname == 'UNWANTED':
unwanted = set(group)
g = Group(groupname, self)
return output, unwanted
def load_all_groups(self):
for fn in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.input_dir, 'group*.yml')):
o, u = self._load_group_file(fn)
if o:
if self.output is not None:
raise Exception('OUTPUT defined multiple times')
self.output = o
if u:
self.unwanted |= u
# required to generate release spec files (only)
def write_group_stubs(self):
archs = ['*'] + self.all_architectures
for name in self.groups:
group = self.groups[name]
group.solved_packages = dict()
fn = '{}.group'.format(group.name)
with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, fn), 'w') as fh:
for arch in archs:
x = group.toxml(arch, group.ignore_broken, None)
x = ET.tostring(x, pretty_print=True, encoding='unicode')
def write_all_groups(self):
summary = dict()
archs = ['*'] + self.all_architectures
for name in self.groups:
group = self.groups[name]
if not group.solved:
summary[name] = group.summary()
fn = '{}.group'.format(group.name)
with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, fn), 'w') as fh:
comment = group.comment
for arch in archs:
x = group.toxml(arch, group.ignore_broken, comment)
# only comment first time
comment = None
x = ET.tostring(x, pretty_print=True, encoding='unicode')
x = re.sub(r'\s*<!-- reason:', ' <!-- reason:', x)
return summary
def solve_module(self, groupname, includes, excludes, use_recommends):
g = self.groups[groupname]
importants = set()
for i in includes:
name = i
if isinstance(i, dict):
name = list(i)[0]
if i[name] != 'support':
for e in excludes:
for i in importants:
group = self.groups[i]
for arch in group.packages:
if arch not in g.solved_packages:
for package in group.packages[arch]:
if package[0] in g.solved_packages[arch]:
if package[0] not in g.solved_packages['*']:
self.logger.error(f'Missing {package[0]} in {groupname} for {arch}')
def expand_repos(self, project, repo='standard'):
return repository_path_expand(self.apiurl, project, repo)
def _check_supplements(self):
tocheck = set()
tocheck_locales = set()
for arch in self.filtered_architectures:
pool = self.prepare_pool(arch, True)
sel = pool.Selection()
for s in pool.solvables_iter():
sel.add_raw(solv.Job.SOLVER_SOLVABLE, s.id)
for s in sel.solvables():
for dep in s.lookup_deparray(solv.SOLVABLE_SUPPLEMENTS):
for d in dep.str().split(' '):
if d.startswith('namespace:modalias') or d.startswith('namespace:filesystem'):
for locale in self.locales:
id = pool.str2id('locale({})'.format(locale))
for s in pool.whatprovides(id):
all_grouped = set()
for g in self.groups.values():
if g.solved:
for arch in g.solved_packages.keys():
if g.solved_packages[arch]:
for p in tocheck - all_grouped:
self.logger.warning('package %s has supplements but is not grouped', p)
for p in tocheck_locales - all_grouped:
self.logger.warning('package %s provides supported locale but is not grouped', p)
def prepare_pool(self, arch, ignore_conflicts):
pool = solv.Pool()
# the i586 DVD is really a i686 one
if arch == 'i586':
self.lockjobs[arch] = []
solvables = set()
for project, reponame in self.repos:
repo = pool.add_repo(project)
# check back the repo state to avoid suprises
state = repository_arch_state(self.apiurl, project, reponame, arch)
if state is None:
self.logger.debug(f'Skipping {project}/{reponame}/{arch}')
s = f'repo-{project}-{reponame}-{arch}-{state}.solv'
if not repo.add_solv(s):
raise Exception('failed to add repo {}/{}/{}'.format(project, reponame, arch))
for solvable in repo.solvables_iter():
if ignore_conflicts:
# only take the first solvable in the repo chain
if not self.use_newest_version and solvable.name in solvables:
self.lockjobs[arch].append(pool.Job(solv.Job.SOLVER_SOLVABLE | solv.Job.SOLVER_LOCK, solvable.id))
for locale in self.locales:
pool.set_namespaceproviders(solv.NAMESPACE_LANGUAGE, pool.Dep(locale), True)
return pool
# parse file and merge all groups
def _parse_unneeded(self, filename):
filename = os.path.join(self.input_dir, filename)
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
return set()
fh = open(filename, 'r')
self.logger.debug('reading %s', filename)
result = set()
for group in yaml.safe_load(fh).values():
return result
# the unsorted group is special and will contain all the rest for
# the FTP tree. We filter it with unneeded though to create a
# unsorted.yml file for release manager review
def _collect_unsorted_packages(self, modules, unsorted):
uneeded_regexps = [re.compile(r)
for r in self._parse_unneeded('unneeded.yml')]
packages = dict()
if unsorted:
unsorted.solved_packages = dict()
unsorted.solved_packages['*'] = dict()
for arch in self.filtered_architectures:
pool = self.prepare_pool(arch, False)
archpacks = [s.name for s in pool.solvables_iter()]
# copy
filtered = list(archpacks)
for r in uneeded_regexps:
filtered = [p for p in filtered if not r.match(p)]
# convert to set
filtered = set(filtered) - self.unwanted
for g in modules:
if unsorted and g == unsorted:
for a in ('*', arch):
filtered -= set(g.solved_packages[a])
for package in filtered:
packages.setdefault(package, []).append(arch)
if unsorted:
archpacks = set(archpacks)
unsorted.solved_packages[arch] = dict()
for g in modules:
archpacks -= set(g.solved_packages[arch])
archpacks -= set(g.solved_packages['*'])
unsorted.solved_packages[arch] = dict()
for p in archpacks:
unsorted.solved_packages[arch][p] = None
if unsorted:
common = None
for arch in self.filtered_architectures:
if common is None:
common = set(unsorted.solved_packages[arch])
common &= set(unsorted.solved_packages[arch])
for p in common:
unsorted.solved_packages['*'][p] = None
for arch in self.filtered_architectures:
del unsorted.solved_packages[arch][p]
with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'unsorted.yml'), 'w') as fh:
for p in sorted(packages):
fh.write(' - ')
if len(packages[p]) != len(self.filtered_architectures):
fh.write(': [')
reason = self._find_reason(p, modules)
if reason:
fh.write(' # ' + reason)
fh.write(' \n')
# give a hint if the package is related to a group
def _find_reason(self, package, modules):
# go through the modules multiple times to find the "best"
for g in modules:
if package in g.recommends:
return 'recommended by ' + g.recommends[package]
for g in modules:
if package in g.suggested:
return 'suggested by ' + g.suggested[package]
for g in modules:
if package in g.develpkgs:
return 'devel package of ' + g.develpkgs[package]
return None
def update_one_repo(self, project, repo, arch, solv_file, solv_file_hash):
# Either hash changed or new, so remove any old hash files.
file_utils.unlink_list(None, glob.glob(solv_file + '::*'))
d = os.path.join(CACHEDIR, project, repo, arch)
if not os.path.exists(d):
self.logger.debug('updating %s', d)
# only there to parse the repos
bs_mirrorfull = os.path.join(SCRIPT_PATH, '..', 'bs_mirrorfull')
args = [bs_mirrorfull]
args.append('{}/public/build/{}/{}/{}'.format(self.apiurl, project, repo, arch))
with subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as p:
for line in p.stdout:
if p.wait() != 0:
raise Exception("Mirroring repository failed")
files = [os.path.join(d, f)
for f in os.listdir(d) if f.endswith('.rpm')]
suffix = f'.{os.getpid()}.tmp'
fh = open(solv_file + suffix, 'w')
p = subprocess.Popen(
['rpms2solv', '-m', '-', '-0'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=fh)
p.communicate(bytes('\0'.join(files), 'utf-8'))
if p.wait() != 0:
raise Exception("rpm2solv failed")
os.rename(solv_file + suffix, solv_file)
# Create hash file now that solv creation is complete.
open(solv_file_hash, 'a').close()
def update_repos(self, architectures):
for project, repo in self.repos:
for arch in architectures:
# Fetch state before mirroring in-case it changes during download.
state = repository_arch_state(self.apiurl, project, repo, arch)
if state is None:
# Repo might not have this architecture
repo_solv_name = 'repo-{}-{}-{}.solv'.format(project, repo, arch)
# Would be preferable to include hash in name, but cumbersome to handle without
# reworking a fair bit since the state needs to be tracked.
solv_file = os.path.join(CACHEDIR, repo_solv_name)
solv_file_hash = '{}::{}'.format(solv_file, state)
if os.path.exists(solv_file) and os.path.exists(solv_file_hash):
# Solve file exists and hash unchanged, skip updating solv.
self.logger.debug('skipping solv generation for {} due to matching state {}'.format(
'/'.join([project, repo, arch]), state))
self.update_one_repo(project, repo, arch, solv_file, solv_file_hash)
shutil.copy(solv_file, f'./repo-{project}-{repo}-{arch}-{state}.solv')
def create_weakremovers(self, target, target_config, directory, output):
drops = dict()
dropped_repos = dict()
root = yaml.safe_load(open(os.path.join(directory, 'config.yml')))
for item in root:
key = list(item)[0]
opts = item[key]
# cast 15.1 to string :)
key = str(key)
oldrepos = set(glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, '{}_*.packages.xz'.format(key))))
oldrepos |= set(glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, '{}.packages.xz'.format(key))))
for oldrepo in sorted(oldrepos):
pool = solv.Pool()
# we need some progress in the debug output - or gocd gets nervous
self.logger.debug('checking {}'.format(oldrepo))
oldsysrepo = pool.add_repo(oldrepo)
defvendorid = oldsysrepo.meta.lookup_id(solv.SUSETAGS_DEFAULTVENDOR)
f = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
# FIXME: port to lzma module with python3
st = subprocess.call(['xz', '-cd', oldrepo], stdout=f.fileno())
os.lseek(f.fileno(), 0, os.SEEK_SET)
oldsysrepo.add_susetags(solv.xfopen_fd(None, f.fileno()), defvendorid, None, solv.Repo.REPO_NO_INTERNALIZE | solv.Repo.SUSETAGS_RECORD_SHARES)
for arch in self.all_architectures:
for project, repo in self.repos:
# check back the repo state to avoid suprises
state = repository_arch_state(self.apiurl, project, repo, arch)
if state is None:
self.logger.debug(f'Skipping {project}/{repo}/{arch}')
fn = f'repo-{project}-{repo}-{arch}-{state}.solv'
r = pool.add_repo('/'.join([project, repo]))
if not r.add_solv(fn):
raise Exception('failed to add repo {}/{}/{}.'.format(project, repo, arch))
accepted_archs = set(self.all_architectures)
for s in oldsysrepo.solvables_iter():
oldarch = s.arch
if oldarch == 'i686':
oldarch = 'i586'
if oldarch not in accepted_archs:
haveit = False
for s2 in pool.whatprovides(s.nameid):
if s2.repo == oldsysrepo or s.nameid != s2.nameid:
newarch = s2.arch
if newarch == 'i686':
newarch = 'i586'
if oldarch != newarch and newarch != 'noarch' and oldarch != 'noarch':
haveit = True
if haveit:
# check for already obsoleted packages
nevr = pool.rel2id(s.nameid, s.evrid, solv.REL_EQ)
for s2 in pool.whatmatchesdep(solv.SOLVABLE_OBSOLETES, nevr):
if s2.repo == oldsysrepo:
haveit = True
if haveit:
if s.name not in drops:
drops[s.name] = {'repo': key, 'archs': set()}
if oldarch == 'noarch':
drops[s.name]['archs'] |= set(self.all_architectures)
dropped_repos[key] = 1
del pool
for repo in sorted(dropped_repos):
repo_output = False
exclusives = dict()
for name in sorted(drops):
if drops[name]['repo'] != repo:
if drops[name]['archs'] == set(self.all_architectures):
if not repo_output:
print('#', repo, file=output)
repo_output = True
print('Provides: weakremover({})'.format(name), file=output)
jarch = ' '.join(sorted(drops[name]['archs']))
exclusives.setdefault(jarch, []).append(name)
for arch in sorted(exclusives):
if not repo_output:
print('#', repo, file=output)
repo_output = True
print('%ifarch {}'.format(arch), file=output)
for name in sorted(exclusives[arch]):
print('Provides: weakremover({})'.format(name), file=output)
print('%endif', file=output)
def solve_project(self, ignore_unresolvable=False, ignore_recommended=False, locale=None, locales_from=None):
if not self.output:
self.logger.error('OUTPUT not defined')
if ignore_unresolvable:
self.ignore_broken = True
global_use_recommends = not ignore_recommended
if locale:
self.locales |= set(locale.split(' '))
if locales_from:
with open(os.path.join(self.input_dir, locales_from), 'r') as fh:
root = ET.parse(fh).getroot()
self.locales |= set([lang.text for lang in root.findall('.//linguas/language')])
modules = []
# the yml parser makes an array out of everything, so
# we loop a bit more than what we support
for group in self.output:
groupname = list(group)[0]
settings = group[groupname]
if not settings: # e.g. unsorted
settings = {}
includes = settings.get('includes', [])
excludes = settings.get('excludes', [])
use_recommends = settings.get('recommends', global_use_recommends)
self.solve_module(groupname, includes, excludes, use_recommends)
g = self.groups[groupname]
# the default is a little double negated but Factory has ignore_broken
# as default and we only disable it for single groups (for now)
g.ignore_broken = not settings.get('require_all', not self.ignore_broken)
g.conflicts = settings.get('conflicts', [])
g.default_support_status = settings.get('default-support', 'unsupported')
# not defined for openSUSE
overlap = self.groups.get('overlap')
for module in modules:
module.check_dups(modules, overlap)
if overlap:
ignores = [x.name for x in overlap.ignored]
self.solve_module(overlap.name, [], ignores, use_recommends=False)
overlapped = set(overlap.solved_packages['*'])
for arch in self.filtered_architectures:
overlapped |= set(overlap.solved_packages[arch])
for module in modules:
if module.name == 'overlap' or module in overlap.ignored:
for arch in ['*'] + self.filtered_architectures:
for p in overlapped:
module.solved_packages[arch].pop(p, None)
self._collect_unsorted_packages(modules, self.groups.get('unsorted'))
return self.write_all_groups()
def strip_medium_from_staging(self, path):
# staging projects don't need source and debug medium - and the glibc source
# rpm conflicts between standard and bootstrap_copy repository causing the
# product builder to fail
medium = re.compile('name="(DEBUG|SOURCE)MEDIUM"')
for name in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.kiwi')):
lines = open(name).readlines()
lines = [x for x in lines if not medium.search(x)]
open(name, 'w').writelines(lines)
def build_stub(self, destination, extension):
with open(os.path.join(destination, '.'.join(['stub', extension])), 'w+') as f:
f.write('# prevent building single {} files twice\n'.format(extension))
f.write('Name: stub\n')
f.write('Version: 0.0\n')
def commit_package(self, path):
if self.dry_run:
package = Package(path)
for i in package.get_diff():
# No proper API function to perform the same operation.
' '.join(['cd', path, '&&', 'osc', 'addremove']), shell=True, encoding='utf-8'))
package = Package(path)
package.commit(msg='Automatic update', skip_local_service_run=True)
def replace_product_version(self, product_file, product_version):
product_version = '<version>{}</version>'.format(product_version)
lines = open(product_file).readlines()
new_lines = []
for line in lines:
new_lines.append(line.replace('<version></version>', product_version))
open(product_file, 'w').write(''.join(new_lines))
def update_and_solve_target(self, api, target_project, target_config, main_repo,
project, scope, force, no_checkout,
only_release_packages, stop_after_solve):
self.all_architectures = target_config.get('pkglistgen-archs').split(' ')
self.use_newest_version = str2bool(target_config.get('pkglistgen-use-newest-version', 'False'))
self.repos = self.expand_repos(project, main_repo)
print('[{}] {}/{}: update and solve'.format(scope, project, main_repo))
group = target_config.get('pkglistgen-group', '000package-groups')
product = target_config.get('pkglistgen-product', '000product')
release = target_config.get('pkglistgen-release', '000release-packages')
oldrepos = target_config.get('pkglistgen-repos', '000update-repos')
url = api.makeurl(['source', project])
packages = ET.parse(http_GET(url)).getroot()
if packages.find('entry[@name="{}"]'.format(product)) is None:
if not self.dry_run:
undelete_package(api.apiurl, project, product, 'revive')
# TODO disable build.
print('{} undeleted, skip dvd until next cycle'.format(product))
elif not force:
root = ET.fromstringlist(show_results_meta(api.apiurl, project, product,
repository=[main_repo], multibuild=True))
if len(root.xpath('result[@state="building"]')) or len(root.xpath('result[@state="dirty"]')):
print('{}/{} build in progress'.format(project, product))
drop_list = api.item_exists(project, oldrepos)
checkout_list = [group, product, release]
if drop_list and not only_release_packages:
if packages.find('entry[@name="{}"]'.format(release)) is None:
if not self.dry_run:
undelete_package(api.apiurl, project, release, 'revive')
print('{} undeleted, skip dvd until next cycle'.format(release))
# Cache dir specific to hostname and project.
host = urlparse(api.apiurl).hostname
cache_dir = CacheManager.directory('pkglistgen', host, project)
if not no_checkout:
if os.path.exists(cache_dir):
group_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, group)
product_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, product)
release_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, release)
oldrepos_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, oldrepos)
for package in checkout_list:
if no_checkout:
print('Skipping checkout of {}/{}'.format(project, package))
checkout_package(api.apiurl, project, package, expand_link=True,
prj_dir=cache_dir, outdir=os.path.join(cache_dir, package))
file_utils.unlink_all_except(release_dir, ['weakremovers.inc'])
if not only_release_packages:
file_utils.copy_directory_contents(group_dir, product_dir,
['supportstatus.txt', 'groups.yml',
'reference-unsorted.yml', 'reference-summary.yml',
file_utils.change_extension(product_dir, '.spec.in', '.spec')
file_utils.change_extension(product_dir, '.product.in', '.product')
self.input_dir = group_dir
self.output_dir = product_dir
print('-> do_update')
# make sure we only calculcate existant architectures
self.filter_architectures(target_archs(api.apiurl, project, main_repo))
if only_release_packages:
summary = self.solve_project(ignore_unresolvable=str2bool(target_config.get('pkglistgen-ignore-unresolvable')),
locale = target_config.get('pkglistgen-locale'),
locales_from = target_config.get('pkglistgen-locales-from'))
if stop_after_solve:
if drop_list and not only_release_packages:
weakremovers_file = os.path.join(release_dir, 'weakremovers.inc')
self.create_weakremovers(project, target_config, oldrepos_dir, output=open(weakremovers_file, 'w'))
delete_products = target_config.get('pkglistgen-delete-products', '').split(' ')
file_utils.unlink_list(product_dir, delete_products)
print('-> product service')
product_version = attribute_value_load(api.apiurl, project, 'ProductVersion')
if not product_version:
# for stagings the product version doesn't matter (I hope)
product_version = '1'
for product_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(product_dir, '*.product')):
self.replace_product_version(product_file, product_version)
[PRODUCT_SERVICE, product_file, product_dir, project], encoding='utf-8'))
for delete_kiwi in target_config.get('pkglistgen-delete-kiwis-{}'.format(scope), '').split(' '):
delete_kiwis = glob.glob(os.path.join(product_dir, delete_kiwi))
file_utils.unlink_list(product_dir, delete_kiwis)
if scope == 'staging':
spec_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(product_dir, '*.spec'))
file_utils.move_list(spec_files, release_dir)
inc_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(group_dir, '*.inc'))
# filter special inc file
inc_files = filter(lambda file: file.endswith('weakremovers.inc'), inc_files)
file_utils.move_list(inc_files, release_dir)
# do not overwrite weakremovers.inc if it exists
# we will commit there afterwards if needed
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(group_dir, 'weakremovers.inc')) and \
not os.path.exists(os.path.join(release_dir, 'weakremovers.inc')):
file_utils.move_list([os.path.join(group_dir, 'weakremovers.inc')], release_dir)
file_utils.multibuild_from_glob(release_dir, '*.spec')
self.build_stub(release_dir, 'spec')
if only_release_packages:
file_utils.multibuild_from_glob(product_dir, '*.kiwi')
self.build_stub(product_dir, 'kiwi')
error_output = b''
reference_summary = os.path.join(group_dir, 'reference-summary.yml')
if os.path.isfile(reference_summary):
summary_file = os.path.join(product_dir, 'summary.yml')
with open(summary_file, 'w') as f:
f.write('# Summary of packages in groups')
for group in sorted(summary):
# the unsorted group should appear filtered by
# unneeded.yml - so we need the content of unsorted.yml
# not unsorted.group (this grew a little unnaturally)
if group == 'unsorted':
f.write('\n' + group + ':\n')
for package in sorted(summary[group]):
f.write(' - ' + package + '\n')
error_output += subprocess.check_output(['diff', '-u', reference_summary, summary_file])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
error_output += e.output
reference_unsorted = os.path.join(group_dir, 'reference-unsorted.yml')
unsorted_file = os.path.join(product_dir, 'unsorted.yml')
error_output += subprocess.check_output(['diff', '-u', reference_unsorted, unsorted_file])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
error_output += e.output
if len(error_output) > 0:
self.logger.error('Difference in yml:\n' + error_output.decode('utf-8'))
return True