Jimmy Berry d1b630b5da ReviewBot: break down sub-types of delete requests.
Their is very little overlap in the types of reviews one typically wants
to perform on delete requests. Already all of the existing code will crash
if a delete project request is reviewed.
2018-09-17 17:04:44 -05:00

868 lines
33 KiB

from pprint import pprint
import os, sys, re
import logging
from optparse import OptionParser
import cmdln
from collections import namedtuple
from collections import OrderedDict
from osclib.cache import Cache
from osclib.comments import CommentAPI
from osclib.conf import Config
from osclib.core import devel_project_fallback
from osclib.core import group_members
from osclib.core import maintainers_get
from osclib.memoize import memoize
from osclib.memoize import memoize_session_reset
from osclib.stagingapi import StagingAPI
import signal
import datetime
import time
import yaml
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
except ImportError:
import cElementTree as ET
from osc import conf
import osc.core
import urllib2
from itertools import count
class PackageLookup(object):
""" helper class to manage 00Meta/lookup.yml
def __init__(self, apiurl = None):
self.apiurl = apiurl
# dict[project][package]
self.lookup = {}
def get(self, project, package):
if not project in self.lookup:
return self.lookup[project].get(package, None)
def reset(self):
self.lookup = {}
def load(self, project):
fh = self._load_lookup_file(project)
self.lookup[project] = yaml.safe_load(fh) if fh else {}
def _load_lookup_file(self, prj):
return osc.core.http_GET(osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl,
['source', prj, '00Meta', 'lookup.yml']))
except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
# in case the project doesn't exist yet (like sle update)
if e.code != 404:
raise e
return None
class ReviewBot(object):
A generic obs request reviewer
Inherit from this class and implement check functions for each action type:
def check_action_<type>(self, req, action):
return (None|True|False)
DEFAULT_REVIEW_MESSAGES = { 'accepted' : 'ok', 'declined': 'review failed' }
REVIEW_CHOICES = ('normal', 'no', 'accept', 'accept-onpass', 'fallback-onfail', 'fallback-always')
COMMENT_MARKER_REGEX = re.compile(r'<!-- (?P<bot>[^ ]+) state=(?P<state>[^ ]+)(?: result=(?P<result>[^ ]+))? -->')
# map of default config entries
config_defaults = {
# list of tuples (prefix, apiurl, submitrequestprefix)
# set this if the obs instance maps another instance into it's
# namespace
'project_namespace_api_map' : [
('', '', 'obsrq'),
def __init__(self, apiurl = None, dryrun = False, logger = None, user = None, group = None):
self.apiurl = apiurl
self.ibs = apiurl.startswith('')
self.dryrun = dryrun
self.logger = logger
self.review_user = user
self.review_group = group
self.requests = []
self.review_messages = ReviewBot.DEFAULT_REVIEW_MESSAGES
self._review_mode = 'normal'
self.fallback_user = None
self.fallback_group = None
self.comment_api = CommentAPI(self.apiurl)
self.bot_name = self.__class__.__name__
self.only_one_action = False
self.request_default_return = None
self.comment_handler = False
self.override_allow = True
self.override_group_key = '{}-override-group'.format(self.bot_name.lower())
self.lookup = PackageLookup(self.apiurl)
def _load_config(self, handle = None):
d = self.__class__.config_defaults
y = yaml.safe_load(handle) if handle is not None else {}
return namedtuple('BotConfig', sorted(d.keys()))(*[ y.get(p, d[p]) for p in sorted(d.keys()) ])
def load_config(self, filename = None):
if filename:
with open(filename, 'r') as fh:
self.config = self._load_config(fh)
self.config = self._load_config()
def staging_api(self, project):
if project not in self.staging_apis:
Config.get(self.apiurl, project)
self.staging_apis[project] = StagingAPI(self.apiurl, project)
return self.staging_apis[project]
def review_mode(self):
return self._review_mode
def review_mode(self, value):
if value not in self.REVIEW_CHOICES:
raise Exception("invalid review option: %s"%value)
self._review_mode = value
def set_request_ids(self, ids):
for rqid in ids:
u = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, [ 'request', rqid ], { 'withfullhistory' : '1' })
r = osc.core.http_GET(u)
root = ET.parse(r).getroot()
req = osc.core.Request()
# function called before requests are reviewed
def prepare_review(self):
def check_requests(self):
self.staging_apis = {}
# give implementations a chance to do something before single requests
for req in self.requests:"checking %s"%req.reqid)
self.request = req
override = self.request_override_check(req)
if override is not None:
good = override
good = self.check_one_request(req)
if self.review_mode == 'no':
good = None
elif self.review_mode == 'accept':
good = True
if good is None:"%s ignored"%req.reqid)
elif good:
self._set_review(req, 'accepted')
elif self.review_mode != 'accept-onpass':
self._set_review(req, 'declined')
def request_override_check_users(self, project):
"""Determine users allowed to override review in a comment command."""
config = Config.get(self.apiurl, project)
users = []
group = config.get('staging-group')
if group:
users += group_members(self.apiurl, group)
if self.override_group_key:
override_group = config.get(self.override_group_key)
if override_group:
users += group_members(self.apiurl, override_group)
return users
def request_override_check(self, request):
"""Check for a comment command requesting review override."""
if not self.override_allow:
return None
comments = self.comment_api.get_comments(request_id=request.reqid)
users = self.request_override_check_users(request.actions[0].tgt_project)
for args, who in self.comment_api.command_find(
comments, self.review_user, 'override', users):
message = 'overridden by {}'.format(who)
override = args[1] or None
if override == 'accept':
self.review_messages['accepted'] = message
return True
if override == 'decline':
self.review_messages['declined'] = message
return False
def _set_review(self, req, state):
doit = self.can_accept_review(req.reqid)
if doit is None:"can't change state, %s does not have the reviewer"%(req.reqid))
newstate = state
by_user = self.fallback_user
by_group = self.fallback_group
msg = self.review_messages[state] if state in self.review_messages else state"%s %s: %s"%(req.reqid, state, msg))
if state == 'declined':
if self.review_mode == 'fallback-onfail':"%s needs fallback reviewer"%req.reqid)
self.add_review(req, by_group=by_group, by_user=by_user, msg="Automated review failed. Needs fallback reviewer.")
newstate = 'accepted'
elif self.review_mode == 'fallback-always':
self.add_review(req, by_group=by_group, by_user=by_user, msg='Adding fallback reviewer')
if doit == True:
self.logger.debug("setting %s to %s"%(req.reqid, state))
if not self.dryrun:
osc.core.change_review_state(apiurl = self.apiurl,
reqid = req.reqid, newstate = newstate,
by_user=self.review_user, message=msg)
self.logger.debug("%s review not changed"%(req.reqid))
# allow_duplicate=True should only be used if it makes sense to force a
# re-review in a scenario where the bot adding the review will rerun.
# Normally a declined review will automatically be reopened along with the
# request and any other bot reviews already added will not be touched unless
# the issuing bot is rerun which does not fit normal workflow.
def add_review(self, req, by_group=None, by_user=None, by_project=None, by_package=None,
msg=None, allow_duplicate=False):
query = {
'cmd': 'addreview'
if by_group:
query['by_group'] = by_group
elif by_user:
query['by_user'] = by_user
elif by_project:
query['by_project'] = by_project
if by_package:
query['by_package'] = by_package
raise osc.oscerr.WrongArgs("missing by_*")
for r in
if (r.by_group == by_group and
r.by_project == by_project and
r.by_package == by_package and
r.by_user == by_user and
# Only duplicate when allow_duplicate and state != new.
(not allow_duplicate or r.state == 'new')):
del query['cmd']
self.logger.debug('skipped adding duplicate review for {}'.format(
u = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ['request', req.reqid], query)
if self.dryrun:'POST %s' % u)
r = osc.core.http_POST(u, data=msg)
code = ET.parse(r).getroot().attrib['code']
if code != 'ok':
raise Exception('non-ok return code: {}'.format(code))
def devel_project_review_add(self, request, project, package, message='adding devel project review'):
devel_project, devel_package = devel_project_fallback(self.apiurl, project, package)
if not devel_project:
self.logger.warning('no devel project found for {}/{}'.format(project, package))
return False
self.add_review(request, by_project=devel_project, by_package=devel_package, msg=message)
return True
def devel_project_review_ensure(self, request, project, package, message='submitter not devel maintainer'):
if not self.devel_project_review_needed(request, project, package):
self.logger.debug('devel project review not needed')
return True
return self.devel_project_review_add(request, project, package, message)
def devel_project_review_needed(self, request, project, package):
author = request.get_creator()
maintainers = set(maintainers_get(self.apiurl, project, package))
if author in maintainers:
return False
# Carried over from maintbot, but seems haphazard.
for review in
if review.by_user in maintainers:
return False
return True
def check_one_request(self, req):
check all actions in one request.
calls helper functions for each action type
return None if nothing to do, True to accept, False to reject
# Copy original values to revert changes made to them.
self.review_messages = self.DEFAULT_REVIEW_MESSAGES.copy()
if self.only_one_action and len(req.actions) != 1:
self.review_messages['declined'] = 'Only one action per request supported'
return False
if self.comment_handler is not False:
overall = True
for a in req.actions:
# Store in-case sub-classes need direct access to original values.
self.action = a
func = getattr(self, self.action_method(a))
ret = func(req, a)
# In the case of multiple actions take the "lowest" result where the
# order from lowest to highest is: False, None, True.
if overall is not False:
if ((overall is True and ret is not True) or
(overall is None and ret is False)):
overall = ret
return overall
def action_method(self, action):
method_prefix = 'check_action'
method_type = action.type
method_suffix = None
if method_type == 'delete':
method_suffix = 'project'
if action.tgt_package is not None:
method_suffix = 'package'
elif action.tgt_repository is not None:
method_suffix = 'repository'
if method_suffix:
method = '_'.join([method_prefix, method_type, method_suffix])
if hasattr(self, method):
return method
method = '_'.join([method_prefix, method_type])
if hasattr(self, method):
return method
method_type = '_default'
return '_'.join([method_prefix, method_type])
def _is_patchinfo(pkgname):
return pkgname == 'patchinfo' or pkgname.startswith('patchinfo.')
def check_action_maintenance_incident(self, req, a):
if self._is_patchinfo(a.src_package):
self.logger.debug('ignoring patchinfo action')
return None
# Duplicate src_package as tgt_package since prior to assignment to a
# specific incident project there is no target package (odd API). After
# assignment it is still assumed the target will match the source. Since
# the ultimate goal is the tgt_releaseproject the incident is treated
# similar to staging in that the intermediate result is not the final
# and thus the true target project (ex. openSUSE:Maintenance) is not
# used for check_source_submission().
tgt_package = a.src_package
if a.tgt_releaseproject is not None:
suffix = '.' + a.tgt_releaseproject.replace(':', '_')
if tgt_package.endswith(suffix):
tgt_package = tgt_package[:-len(suffix)]
# Note tgt_releaseproject (product) instead of tgt_project (maintenance).
return self.check_source_submission(a.src_project, a.src_package, a.src_rev,
a.tgt_releaseproject, tgt_package)
def check_action_maintenance_release(self, req, a):
pkgname = a.src_package
if self._is_patchinfo(pkgname):
self.logger.debug('ignoring patchinfo action')
return None
linkpkg = self._get_linktarget_self(a.src_project, pkgname)
if linkpkg is not None:
pkgname = linkpkg
# packages in maintenance have links to the target. Use that
# to find the real package name
(linkprj, linkpkg) = self._get_linktarget(a.src_project, pkgname)
if linkpkg is None or linkprj is None or linkprj != a.tgt_project:
self.logger.error("%s/%s is not a link to %s"%(a.src_project, pkgname, a.tgt_project))
return False
pkgname = linkpkg
return self.check_source_submission(a.src_project, a.src_package, None, a.tgt_project, pkgname)
def check_action_submit(self, req, a):
return self.check_source_submission(a.src_project, a.src_package, a.src_rev, a.tgt_project, a.tgt_package)
def check_action__default(self, req, a):
# Disable any comment handler to avoid making a comment even if
# comment_write() is called by another bot wrapping __default().
message = 'unhandled request type {}'.format(a.type)
self.review_messages['accepted'] += ': ' + message
return self.request_default_return
def check_source_submission(self, src_project, src_package, src_rev, target_project, target_package):
""" default implemention does nothing """"%s/%s@%s -> %s/%s"%(src_project, src_package, src_rev, target_project, target_package))
return None
def _get_sourceinfo(apiurl, project, package, rev=None):
query = { 'view': 'info' }
if rev is not None:
query['rev'] = rev
url = osc.core.makeurl(apiurl, ('source', project, package), query=query)
return ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError):
return None
def get_originproject(self, project, package, rev=None):
root = ReviewBot._get_sourceinfo(self.apiurl, project, package, rev)
if root is None:
return None
originproject = root.find('originproject')
if originproject is not None:
return originproject.text
return None
def get_sourceinfo(self, project, package, rev=None):
root = ReviewBot._get_sourceinfo(self.apiurl, project, package, rev)
if root is None:
return None
props = ('package', 'rev', 'vrev', 'srcmd5', 'lsrcmd5', 'verifymd5')
return namedtuple('SourceInfo', props)(*[ root.get(p) for p in props ])
# TODO: what if there is more than _link?
def _get_linktarget_self(self, src_project, src_package):
""" if it's a link to a package in the same project return the name of the package"""
prj, pkg = self._get_linktarget(src_project, src_package)
if prj is None or prj == src_project:
return pkg
def _get_linktarget(self, src_project, src_package):
query = {}
url = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ('source', src_project, src_package), query=query)
root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
except urllib2.HTTPError:
return (None, None)
if root is not None:
linkinfo = root.find("linkinfo")
if linkinfo is not None:
return (linkinfo.get('project'), linkinfo.get('package'))
return (None, None)
def _has_open_review_by(self, root, by_what, reviewer):
states = set([review.get('state') for review in root.findall('review') if review.get(by_what) == reviewer])
if not states:
return None
elif 'new' in states:
return True
return False
def can_accept_review(self, request_id):
"""return True if there is a new review for the specified reviewer"""
states = set()
url = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ('request', str(request_id)))
root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
if self.review_user and self._has_open_review_by(root, 'by_user', self.review_user):
return True
if self.review_group and self._has_open_review_by(root, 'by_group', self.review_group):
return True
except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
print('ERROR in URL %s [%s]' % (url, e))
return False
def set_request_ids_search_review(self):
review = None
if self.review_user:
review = "@by_user='%s' and @state='new'" % self.review_user
if self.review_group:
review = osc.core.xpath_join(review, "@by_group='%s' and @state='new'" % self.review_group)
url = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ('search', 'request'), { 'match': "state/@name='review' and review[%s]" % review, 'withfullhistory': 1 } )
root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
self.requests = []
for request in root.findall('request'):
req = osc.core.Request()
# also used by openqabot
def ids_project(self, project, typename):
url = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ('search', 'request'),
{ 'match': "(state/@name='review' or state/@name='new') and (action/target/@project='%s' and action/@type='%s')" % (project, typename),
'withfullhistory': 1 })
root = ET.parse(osc.core.http_GET(url)).getroot()
ret = []
for request in root.findall('request'):
req = osc.core.Request()
return ret
def set_request_ids_project(self, project, typename):
self.requests = self.ids_project(project, typename)
def comment_handler_add(self, level=logging.INFO):
"""Add handler to start recording log messages for comment."""
self.comment_handler = CommentFromLogHandler(level)
def comment_handler_remove(self):
def comment_handler_lines_deduplicate(self):
self.comment_handler.lines = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(self.comment_handler.lines))
def comment_write(self, state='done', result=None, project=None, package=None,
request=None, message=None, identical=False, only_replace=False,
info_extra=None, info_extra_identical=True, bot_name_suffix=None):
"""Write comment if not similar to previous comment and replace old one.
The state, result, and info_extra (dict) are combined to create the info
that is passed to CommentAPI methods for creating a marker and finding
previous comments. self.bot_name, which defaults to class, will be used
as the primary matching key. When info_extra_identical is set to False
info_extra will not be included when finding previous comments to
compare message against.
A comment from the same bot will be replaced when a new comment is
written. The only_replace flag will restrict to only writing a comment
if a prior one is being replaced. This can be useful for writing a final
comment that indicates a change from previous uncompleted state, but
only makes sense to post if a prior comment was posted.
The project, package, and request variables control where the comment is
placed. If no value is given the default is the request being reviewed.
If no message is provided the content will be extracted from
self.comment_handler.line which is provided by CommentFromLogHandler. To
use this call comment_handler_add() at the point which messages should
start being collected. Alternatively the self.comment_handler setting
may be set to True to automatically set one on each request.
The previous comment body line count is compared to see if too similar
to bother posting another comment which is useful for avoiding
re-posting comments that contain irrelevant minor changes. To force an
exact match use the identical flag to replace any non-identical
comment body.
if project:
kwargs = {'project_name': project}
if package:
kwargs['package_name'] = package
if request is None:
request = self.request
kwargs = {'request_id': request.reqid}
debug_key = '/'.join(kwargs.values())
if message is None:
if not len(self.comment_handler.lines):
self.logger.debug('skipping empty comment for {}'.format(debug_key))
message = '\n\n'.join(self.comment_handler.lines)
bot_name = self.bot_name
if bot_name_suffix:
bot_name = '::'.join([bot_name, bot_name_suffix])
info = {'state': state, 'result': result}
if info_extra and info_extra_identical:
comments = self.comment_api.get_comments(**kwargs)
comment, _ = self.comment_api.comment_find(comments, bot_name, info)
if info_extra and not info_extra_identical:
# Add info_extra once comment has already been matched.
message = self.comment_api.add_marker(message, bot_name, info)
message = self.comment_api.truncate(message.strip())
if (comment is not None and
((identical and
# Remove marker from comments since handled during comment_find().
self.comment_api.remove_marker(comment['comment']) ==
self.comment_api.remove_marker(message)) or
(not identical and comment['comment'].count('\n') == message.count('\n')))
# Assume same state/result and number of lines in message is duplicate.
self.logger.debug('previous comment too similar on {}'.format(debug_key))
if comment is None:
self.logger.debug('broadening search to include any state on {}'.format(debug_key))
comment, _ = self.comment_api.comment_find(comments, bot_name)
if comment is not None:
self.logger.debug('removing previous comment on {}'.format(debug_key))
if not self.dryrun:
elif only_replace:
self.logger.debug('no previous comment to replace on {}'.format(debug_key))
self.logger.debug('adding comment to {}: {}'.format(debug_key, message))
if not self.dryrun:
self.comment_api.add_comment(comment=message, **kwargs)
def _check_matching_srcmd5(self, project, package, rev, history_limit = 5):
"""check if factory sources contain the package and revision. check head and history"""
self.logger.debug("checking %s in %s"%(package, project))
si = osc.core.show_package_meta(self.apiurl, project, package)
except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError):
si = None
if si is None:
self.logger.debug("new package")
return None
si = self.get_sourceinfo(project, package)
if rev == si.verifymd5:
self.logger.debug("srcmd5 matches")
return True
if history_limit:
self.logger.debug("%s not the latest version, checking history", rev)
u = osc.core.makeurl(self.apiurl, [ 'source', project, package, '_history' ], { 'limit': history_limit })
r = osc.core.http_GET(u)
except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
self.logger.debug("package has no history!?")
return None
root = ET.parse(r).getroot()
# we need this complicated construct as obs doesn't honor
# the 'limit' parameter use above for obs interconnect:
for revision, i in zip(reversed(root.findall('revision')), count()):
node = revision.find('srcmd5')
if node is None:
self.logger.debug("checking %s"%node.text)
if node.text == rev:
self.logger.debug("got it, rev %s"%revision.get('rev'))
return True
if i == history_limit:
self.logger.debug("srcmd5 not found in history either")
return False
class CommentFromLogHandler(logging.Handler):
def __init__(self, level=logging.INFO):
super(CommentFromLogHandler, self).__init__(level)
self.lines = []
def emit(self, record):
class CommandLineInterface(cmdln.Cmdln):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
cmdln.Cmdln.__init__(self, args, kwargs)
self.clazz = ReviewBot
def get_optparser(self):
parser = cmdln.Cmdln.get_optparser(self)
parser.add_option("--apiurl", '-A', metavar="URL", help="api url")
parser.add_option("--user", metavar="USER", help="reviewer user name")
parser.add_option("--group", metavar="GROUP", help="reviewer group name")
parser.add_option("--dry", action="store_true", help="dry run")
parser.add_option("--debug", action="store_true", help="debug output")
parser.add_option("--osc-debug", action="store_true", help="osc debug output")
parser.add_option("--verbose", action="store_true", help="verbose")
parser.add_option("--review-mode", dest='review_mode', choices=ReviewBot.REVIEW_CHOICES, help="review behavior")
parser.add_option("--fallback-user", dest='fallback_user', metavar='USER', help="fallback review user")
parser.add_option("--fallback-group", dest='fallback_group', metavar='GROUP', help="fallback review group")
parser.add_option('-c', '--config', dest='config', metavar='FILE', help='read config file FILE')
return parser
def postoptparse(self):
level = None
if (self.options.debug):
level = logging.DEBUG
elif (self.options.verbose):
level = logging.INFO
logging.basicConfig(level=level, format='[%(levelname).1s] %(message)s')
self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.optparser.prog)
conf.get_config(override_apiurl = self.options.apiurl)
if (self.options.osc_debug):
conf.config['debug'] = 1
self.checker = self.setup_checker()
if self.options.config:
if self.options.review_mode:
self.checker.review_mode = self.options.review_mode
if self.options.fallback_user:
self.checker.fallback_user = self.options.fallback_user
if self.options.fallback_group:
self.checker.fallback_group = self.options.fallback_group
def setup_checker(self):
""" reimplement this """
apiurl = conf.config['apiurl']
if apiurl is None:
raise osc.oscerr.ConfigError("missing apiurl")
user = self.options.user
group =
# if no args are given, use the current oscrc "owner"
if user is None and group is None:
user = conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl)
return self.clazz(apiurl = apiurl, \
dryrun = self.options.dry, \
user = user, \
group = group, \
logger = self.logger)
def do_id(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
"""${cmd_name}: check the specified request ids
@cmdln.option('-n', '--interval', metavar="minutes", type="int", help="periodic interval in minutes")
def do_review(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
"""${cmd_name}: check requests that have the specified user or group as reviewer
if self.checker.review_user is None and self.checker.review_group is None:
raise osc.oscerr.WrongArgs("missing reviewer (user or group)")
def work():
self.runner(work, opts.interval)
@cmdln.option('-n', '--interval', metavar="minutes", type="int", help="periodic interval in minutes")
def do_project(self, subcmd, opts, project, typename):
"""${cmd_name}: check all requests of specified type to specified
def work():
self.checker.set_request_ids_project(project, typename)
self.runner(work, opts.interval)
def runner(self, workfunc, interval):
""" runs the specified callback every <interval> minutes or
once if interval is None or 0
class ExTimeout(Exception):
"""raised on timeout"""
if interval:
def alarm_called(nr, frame):
raise ExTimeout()
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarm_called)
while True:
except Exception as e:
if interval:
if os.isatty(0):"sleeping %d minutes. Press enter to check now ..."%interval)
except ExTimeout:
signal.alarm(0)"recheck at %s"
else:"sleeping %d minutes." % interval)
time.sleep(interval * 60)
# Reset all memoize session caches which are designed for single
# tool run and not extended usage.
# Reload checker to flush instance variables and thus any config
# or caches they may contain.
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = CommandLineInterface()
sys.exit( app.main() )